
Chapter 34

"Hello, Mother." Noah kissed each of her cheeks and she smiled at him.

"That color really does suit you, darling." Victoria messed with the lapels on his burgundy suitcoat.

"Thanks." Noah rolled his eyes as she smoothed down the front of it.

"Bonsoir, Victoria." Olivia smiled and kissed both of her cheeks to greet her.

"Bonsoir, Olivia." Victoria smiled and gave her a giant hug. "I am so sorry to hear about Adam. I hope he is on his best behavior now."

Noah mumbled under his breath and Olivia gently kicked his leg with her foot with a smile. "Of course, he is. I don't think he'll be an issue any longer."

"That's good. Come. Talk to me about your latest designs." Victoria hooked her arm around Olivia's and steered her off to the side.

"You did well. Absolute perfection." Andre grabbed a champagne flute as it went around on a tray. Noah grabbed one and downed it within moments, setting it back on the tray as it wandered away. "Why did you stop modeling?"