
Telekinesis In Multiverse

this is a story about a guy with telekinesis travel to another world ................................. Current World: Nier Automata .................................. The next world plan is either rwby or halo author note > I am just doing this because it is fun writing if you have any suggestions don't forget to put them in the comment section > busy entering college update will be slower

Souleye123 · ゲーム
26 Chs

Talking with Pod

as i was heading to the maintenance i look around the place of many android gather here from trading, talking and laughing themself, 'man i still remember when the first time i meet these guys, gloomy just all around the camp now they are happy, guess i change them' arriving at the maintenance i found both Devola and Popola here

"oh Evan" Popola look at me

"H-hi" i am still emmbaresment of meeting them face on

"your pod is done here" Devola said

"We have already done full in-depth repair and it is fully fixed" Popola Let go of the pod

My Pod floated to me "Report: All system is Green"

"That's great but i have to leave now, come on Pod, Bye Devola and Popola"

"oh oke bye" i don't want even meet them for now

after a bit far away my pod talk in a monotone girl voice

"Analysis: Evan experienced a rise in blood circulation on the cheeks. Hypothesis: Evan is Embarrassed"

"ouch, wait how do you even manage to scan me? i am pretty sure i am still wearing my armor"

"Response: Android known as Devola and Popola has added A170: Scanner to the Pod system that allowed for in-depth Scan even if Jammer Radiate the body"

"oh" is that not a pod program that was used to find 9S when he got captured? "well tell me all of the Pod programs that you have now"

"Affirmative. R010: laser, R020: Mirage,

R030: Hammer, R040: Blade, R050: Spear,

A060: P Shield, R070: M Shield are now available to be used"

"holy crap they did really upgrade you insane amount, well From now on i am counting on you if there is battle alright"

"Caution: Machine is Still Dangerous, Human are to avoid combat any mean necessary"

"hahaha, are you worried about me Pod? Thanks but i still have to do it"

"Query: Why have you not contact YoRHa for help?"

".....why huh"

"It is simple Seven"

"You must have understood that these androids need me, you remember when Devola and Popola cried yesterday right?"


"Look around Pod" Pod Look around the place

"Before android always have gloomy faces all day imagining that this war has no meaning, if this war was never going to end"

"But after i arrive, this place has became more cherful do you know why?" i look at my pod



"With out Hope war is meaningless what's the point of fighting if there is nothing to fight for?"

"with hope starts to rise even Someone who defects from the resistance starts to come back" Margaret tell me yesterday when we have an idle chat

"If YoRHa knows that i am here they will be put in the safe place and not let me leave until the war is over, but the question is when will the war end?" i look at my Pod again

"I want to help them Seven, how can i change anything if i am always in the safe area?"

"So can i ask you not to tell this to command?"

"....." Seven stays quiet not answering me

"If you feel conflicted about what to choose then, then i have a way"

i clear my throat and order my Pod "I order you pod to not allow YoRHa to know my existence and disconnect yourself from the Pod Network until further notice Understood?"

".....Understood. Order Receive"

"Thank you Seven" i smile at Pod beside me and pet it

"...Report: Pleasant"

"awww you are soo adorable" i pet it even more

i Pet my Pod until i feel satisfied

"Now that i am satisfied, can you add my contact on my Pad and transfer it to you"


i wait for moment when the Pod done his job

"Transfer Complete"

"Nice can you Connect me to Garry?"


*Ring Ring*

"Garry here" Garry Face appears on the screen

"Hey, Anemone said you need help fixing the road"

"ahh Evan Just in time"

"So what kind of help do you need"

"You must have already hear what's the problem from Anemone, like she said blockade has stop transport from getting resources from the desert, even the damage Road making a bit harder to move around so i need your help with Telekinesis to fix the road"

"Understood can i receive your location?"

"Sure, ill meet you here bye" the call end

"Location receive, marking on map"

"Come on Pod we are heading there"

after 10 Minutes of running, i found Garry standing there looking around the area


"Oh, Evan"

"So where is it that needs to be repaired"

"Let me show you from the map" he show me the map of the area

"There are paths leading to the desert but stone and broken road making a bit difficult to get resources for the resistance camp it needs, so can you do it?" he point me the path it lead

"No problem then ill get to it, Bye Garry" I leave Garry alone to do his job

"soo blockade huh"

"Using telekinesis will be a bit hard if there is blockade is there another way?" i start to think on how to deal with it when something clicks on me

"hehehehehe" i smile mischievously on having a evil plan

"Seven Can you connect me to Jackass"

*Ring Ring*

"Hello, Evan ready to learn explosive?"

"No jackass but i do need your help with something" i start to tell my plan to her to clear the path

(to be continued)


Sorry for not upload a chapter for quite a while i was having a huge problem with the timeline, 1 year was too much for the wait of 9S and 2B meeting lol, i was having tough time how to fix this, Soo it is going to take quiet a while for me to fix this