
TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha

Protagonist is born into the Teen Wolf series as younger brother to Derek Hale, on a journey of revenge, love, drama and violence, as the Protagonist is a natural born True alpha, trying to not change the plot to much so he's knowledge of the future does not change as much with his appearance into this world. This is just for fun by the way, English is not my first language so apologies if there are grammatical errors and mispelled words, this fan fiction is just for fun, and it's also my first so please be gentle with your criticism

Mr_Fruitless · テレビ
21 Chs

Character abilities

Jacob Hale(Natural Born True Alpha - Dusk Pack Alpha)

-Super strength [Perfect Control]

-Super speed [Perfect Control]

-Heightened Senses [Perfect Control]

-Super Agility [Perfect Control]

-Accelerated Healing [Perfect Control]

-Enhanced Durability [Uncontrollable]

{even if hit buy a truck at 60mph will have minor injuries}

-Wolfsbane Detection [Semi controllabe]

-Alpha Bite [Perfect Control]

{can turn who he wants into a werewolf}

-Alpha Roar [Perfect Control]

-Resilience to Dominance [Uncontrollable]

{He does not submit to any alpha of any species}

-Mental Fortitude [Perfect Control]

{Semi immune to mental attacks, mind manipulation, psycological issues}

-Fog Manipulation [Perfect Control]

-Alpha Aura [Perfect Control]

{When his pack members are in his presence they fear nothing and boosts they're ferociousness, he can control it willingly}

-Empathic Connection [Perfect Control]

{Can sense the raw emotions and intentions of other creatures, can telephatically communicate with pack members}

-Nature Affinity [Perfect Control]

{Can communicate with canine species, abilities enhanced greatly when in full werewolf form and under moonlight}

-Mind Walking [Absolute Control]

{Can influence or guide members of his pack if their struggling in controlling their impulses, provide guidance and see memories}

-Minor Wolfsbane immunity [Proficient Control]

-Minor Mountain Ash immunity [Beginner Control]

- Alpha transformation humanoid wolf form ( Van helsing black werewolf)

-Half transformation (Teen wolf hybrid form)

-Full blood transformation _ Primeval dire wolf form [Currently locked] Will know more about after MC searches for his biological parents

Erica Reyes(Beta Werewolf - Dusk Pack 1st Beta, First Luna)

-Enhanced Strength [Beginner Control}

-Enhanced Speed [Beginner Control]

-Enhanced Agility [Beginner Control]

-Heightened Senses [Perfect Control]

-Advanced Healing [No control]

-Above Average Durability [Uncontrollable]

-Empathic Connection [Minor Control]

-Minor Wolfsbane Immunity [No Control]

- Half werewolf form (Teen Wolf form)

Will be updated when new members are intoduced