
Technically An Overlord

What else is better than being able to create something that came out of your imagination? Something that can only be left hidden behind our minds, yet here you can freely explore it. Michael, a 20 years old boy, homeschooled, not technically spoiled, but still privileged enough to care about the outside world, was suddenly transported in another world, MID-AIR! However, despite his unluckiness, he seem to be favored by God. As the world he got himself into was the same world of the game he was addicted to. Now, the only problem lies to his self... A selfish bastard who knows nothing of outside world will now have to take responsibility of more than 11500 people... He had to keep these people from both starvation, and of course, foreign threats. // Credits to the rightful owner of the image provided in the cover. // I am an amateur writer of a novel, so if you find something wrong with my explanations, do please give me a comment and I'll try my best to elaborate and change it!

Helfenite · ファンタジー
30 Chs

The Empress's Remark

[Empress's POV]

Elysia La Sierre Maginot, current empress of the Maginot Empire. I was enthroned months after my father's passing. After that, I was given a heavy burden to carry which is the empire that's falling from its former glory.

But thanks to the wisdom I was given by the Goddess, I was able to sustain this bleeding nation.

I was able to centralized the economy upon my enthronement and seized the sizable possession of the convicted corrupted noblemen. Thanks to that, I was also able to reinforce the borders with the troops provided by the seized product they all have hidden from the back of my father.

I had also passed a law that forbids a noble from waging war unnecessarily without my permission. I decided to do so after the humiliating defeat of the Willemson against the neighbouring kingdom despite the full monopolization of Pearson's resources.

Of course, the nobles bear their fang to me, their empress. However, the moment they did, I had already polished it and cut it to make them a beautiful display for their faces.

Those who made a grave offence such as an attempted assassination, their entire generation were executed as an example. Those who try to flee to other nations were killed without trial by either the privateers that traverse the ocean or the mercenaries that are hired by my government.

Those who try to rebel and declare their independence... Well, their entire territory was burned to ashes. Even innocent people are not spared.

It was not something that I wanted but needed. If I was told to bear such burden, I will do so with the help of my people. I will not do it alone, I will never make myself alone anymore... Just like what happened at that time.

"What did you say?"

My eyes are open wide, and my trembling lips reveal themselves to my subject who's currently kneeling while giving me the report of my foolish sister's action.

"Her Highness, the princess, was given a task by the knight order to annihilate the entire populace of the Pearson territory."


It seems my foolish sister has begun to take the path of reality. Where she will be struck cruelly by the world that befalls onto her little naive mind.

Good thing for her, now she will know that her simple-mindedness will bear fruit with a sour taste. Something she always hated even when we were still a children who knows nothing of the outside world.

I just wish she comes back.

"Continue the observation, if you find her in trouble, do the usual."

"As you wish, your majesty."



With me left alone to this dreadful hall once filled with people, I took a sip from my chalice while the sun gazes from the open window just at the side of the roof of the palace.

It was a bit sweet, but the taste surely is amazing.

While savouring the taste of such fine red wine, I thought about the rumours of the return of the so-called "Eternal Lord". A lord who was exiled by his family for his misconduct but right after being given a barren land, he made a miracle by transforming it to become one of the most prosperous and continuously growing economic power of---not just the empire but the entire continent.

He was called "Eternal" for a reason as well. As soon as he step foot in that barren land, it was said that he never aged since then. Even after 50 years of managing his land, no one ever received a news of his death.

His legend has always been the topic of debate among the scholars.

It is said that he was a God disguised as a mortal to bring forth blessings. However, due to the growing malice spread by us, he disappeared, leaving only the gift which fades gradually in his territory because of the Willemson.

While some said he was a genius of a man whose talent was not noticed until given a real-life experience. And that talent of his was triggered when he was exiled. Proving the true blood of a Willemson who had a rich history even before the rise of the empire.

There's also a rumour that he was a man who made deal with a demon, in exchange for the power that he possessed, he had to sacrificed a portion of his family's glory.

His disappearance was one of the deals they made in order for his sins to be hidden forever.

This rumour only came when the defeat of the Willemson happened. In order to lighten their family's humiliation, the head, which is also my uncle, decided to spread the rumour that his exiled brother-in-law was the cause of this.

I, of course, didn't believe such an obvious lie. I had read books of this legendary man who truly cares about his people, and unlike my sister, he is a man of his word.

His reason of disappearance has yet to be proven, so the scholars are now trying their best to find sponsors and connections to bring themselves in front of the man.

But all of those no longer matter. Now that he's back, he has to be a plan or reason.

Even I felt a sense of intrigue when I first heard his return. At first, I was doubtful of course, a man in legend disappeared, then suddenly appears in his land. But then, sometimes reality is often more fascinating than merely made-up words.

But there's something that troubles me.

The knight order formed by my grandfather was tasked to annihilate the Pearson citizen. I am sure who ordered this, but their punishment will be on hold until I was given an elaborate report of the current situation inside the said territory.

What troubles me is about the consequences of this foolish action.

That territory, a land that came out of legend that is still revered as a "gift" by the common people, is literally a den of a sleeping God. If for some reason he was angered then surely it will be dire for us.

That's right... Before things get worse, I probably should send a messenger to this man.


I called my subject who's awaiting orders.

"Your Imperial Majesty!"

A man then came, wearing a travelling suit ready to traverse any terrain just to deliver the message I wish to be sent.

"Send a formal letter to the lord of Pearson, invite him for a dinner."

I just hope that none has yet to happen in that territory, if those knights had already wreaked havoc, then surely a grave situation will fall upon us, if not, then surely something similar will happen.

"I apologize if this might be rude, forgive this foolish subject of yours, but may I ask who-"

"Karl Pearson, the 'eternal lord' of the Pearson territory."

The man nodded as I confirmed his thought, immediately after, the man excuses himself as if in a hurry.

It seems it was not only me, but those below me are also interested in the return of this man.