
Technically An Overlord

What else is better than being able to create something that came out of your imagination? Something that can only be left hidden behind our minds, yet here you can freely explore it. Michael, a 20 years old boy, homeschooled, not technically spoiled, but still privileged enough to care about the outside world, was suddenly transported in another world, MID-AIR! However, despite his unluckiness, he seem to be favored by God. As the world he got himself into was the same world of the game he was addicted to. Now, the only problem lies to his self... A selfish bastard who knows nothing of outside world will now have to take responsibility of more than 11500 people... He had to keep these people from both starvation, and of course, foreign threats. // Credits to the rightful owner of the image provided in the cover. // I am an amateur writer of a novel, so if you find something wrong with my explanations, do please give me a comment and I'll try my best to elaborate and change it!

Helfenite · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Lotus II

[Karl's POV]

Just after I reclaim the [Ore Mine] facilities by reconstructing it, I decided to add a [Salt Mine] as well. Three of which will be added a few hundred meters away from the mineral mines so the risk of disease can be avoided.

In this world, since we are quite primitive, salt is practically a luxury. I was told that even in the capital, only those who have the money and power can afford to buy high quality salt.

And the only source of those high quality salt is the Pearson Territory. After hearing that, I decided to give my towns a new light.

If things can flow smoothly after this, I will issue an order of open trade with other territory within the Maginot Empire, and if possible, in the other countries as well.

Oh, and also, I have this [Infrastructure] button where upon pressing, multiple choices can be seen that can help me distribute the goods inside the Pearson territory efficiently.

So after I finish rebuilding the source of income in this town, and of course, the other buildings that require attention, I will add transportation such as freight trains so that the materials that will be produced in this town can be delivered to Rose for trade instead of relying on caravans that are vulnerable against bandit attacks.

But before I do all that, I have to fix the problem regarding the manpower first. It seems that here, right after I added the [Salt Mine], I only have a surplus of around 130 workers of which I needed to other things, such as hospital, educational institutes, market for trade, leisure buildings, and other things that will balance the happiness of my people.

I will also have to create an army garrison or police so I can secure this from bandits, monster attacks which I have yet to witness, and highly likely a foreign attack. I may also issue a guild here similar to the Rose, but I doubt it will be useful before the mining facilities do it's job.

While I was contemplating, I ascended to get a full view of the entire Lotus Town. In front of me, which is the middle of the town is the statue of me built by the people. It'd known as the central plaza and it's a spacious circular open park surrounded by trees and roads in all direction.

East of the plaza is the [Territory Service] streets where people manage the town and store the common goods, which I occasionally provided back when I was still playing this game. This is also where the [Town Hall] is located in which people who are nowhere to go can issue a citizenship here.

Nomads, in which they call them. However, a few rare moments can happen where refugee also come seeking for help.

At the West of plaza, just by the riverbank, is the buildings that also produce refined resources. Since most of them requires mechanical structure, they heavily rely on the water flow of the river to work. Such example is the woods that woodcutter cuts. In this case, however, the one that cuts are a huge saw that automatically cuts the large woods in vertical motion.

So yeah, Lotus Town doesn't really much rely on its mine since it also has other source of income.

In the south of the plaza, which I currently looking at as it's north, is the residency. Similar to Edelweiss, they have each space provided for the houses of every family. They are fancy country houses that has three floor with balconies.

There is also a number of wells in each houses in case a fire broke out.

To the north of the plaza is the commercial street where the hospitals, taverns, schools, and any other commercial buildings are stationed. This is typically the place where business associated with the mining and other stuff are located.

The mines are in it's north, where I am currently above at. And there is 4 [Ore Mine], 3 ongoing construction of [Salt Mine], 5 [Quarry], a [Special Ore Mine] that produces gold, silver, and other precious minerals, a [Special Ore Mine(large] that is still under construction, and lastly [Clay and Sand Shaft].

Each of these have maximum number of miners each with a surplus of 130 workers. These surplus will then be handed to the newly built educational institutes, health facilities, and other buildings in need of immediate worker.

After that, what's left to do is to renovate the town.


I am yet to feel exhausted, and the sun has yet to retire. Thus I decided to head back to Rose to finish my business there. But before I head back, I gave my words to the new mayor I just declared.

Her name is Helen, a 29 years old, capable young lady who have the full knowledge regarding town and management. Since most of them have all the same capacity when it comes to knowledge, I had a hard time choosing, so the fastest way is to do it is to ask them simple questions but require quite a high level of understanding to answer.

It can be said as an IQ test, and clearly she made it as the first to answer, scoring 8/10.

After giving a few instructions to Helen, I then ascended and flew, travelling with the speed of sound towards Rose which within minutes I immediately saw it. The river that was blocked are also yet to be removed so before I head towards the town, I decided to remove it and give myself a few laugh.

Who would not laugh when you see a group of heavy looking armored knights stare at you with pure astonishment, forgetting the fact that they just met me.

Shortly thereafter, I head back to Rose's municipal hall to see Greg.