
Teasing Intentions (Izuku Midoriya x OC)

Raven Tanuki used to be the ultimate prankster back in her high school days where she attended UA High. She would always pull the most notorious pranks with her partner in crime, Denki Kaminari, and living up to her surname, Tanuki, which meant the Trickster. One day, after going too far with one of her pranks and ultimately ruining someone's birthday, Raven told herself that she would never pull a prank on anyone again and abandoned all that were in progress. 5 years later, her class had graduated and become part of the system. Raven had bettered herself for a good, boring life as a hero. Until, one day, one of her former classmates, Izuku Midoriya--now Pro Hero Deku--runs into her during her patrol. What happens if Deku picks up where Raven left off? What exactly were Ravens intentions back in high school?

SM_Hawkins · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

Protest - Chapter 9

--6 Years Ago--

Rumors were going around in the two hero classes about what Raven was planning next, since yesterday she didn't prank anybody.

They were right, that she had something big planned, it's just, no one would really know about it since they needed to keep it a secret from Midoriya.

Raven almost felt bad about this whole teasing Izuku until he breaks, but if no one catches feelings, then everything is good. Raven didn't even think about Izuku catching feelings, but to Izuku, this was an entirely different story.

No one's ever treated Izuku this way, it was only a matter of time before something big happens, and the feelings turn into something bigger than the both of them.

That's for another day, though. Today, Denki had come up with a plan to tease Izuku. Raven is supposed to have a fake ex--someone from class 1-B--and ask Izuku to pretend to be her boyfriend until he leaves her alone.

"Alright, who's the guy you bribed?" Raven asked Denki when they got into a secluded area before class.

Denki turned around, revealing a handsome boy from behind him. "So, I know you two have never actually met before, but Raven, this is Sen Kaibara. And Kaibara, this is Raven Tanuki. You both understand the plan, right?" They both nodded, "Just a heads up, Raven, he's gonna be targeting you when you're with Midoriya, so try to stay near him throughout the day and the plan will work."

Raven nodded before saying, "Jeez, Denki, I didn't think you could sound so mature," Before bursting out laughing.

He stomped his foot, "Hey! I can sound 'put together' when I need to!"

"So not during a villian attack?" Raven answered before laughing once more, referring to the USJ attack.

"Unfair! I was caught off guard!" He defended.

Raven giggled to herself before heading to class. Today was gonna be fun.


Raven was currently walking with Izuku to lunch, when Kaibara jumped out from a corner they were passing. Alright, the plan is in action.

Kaibara immediately put on a show, "Raven, please take me back! I already said 'I'm sorry'!" He fake pleaded.

Raven sighed, going with the flow, "Sen, you fucking cheated on me. I'm not going to take you back after that. What's done is done," she finalized before grabbing Izuku's wrist and walking past Kaibara.

Kaibara grabbed Ravens other wrist, making her stall, "I know sorry doesn't fix it, but I'll try to be better!"


Sen let go of her wrist, eyes tearing up with dramatics and Raven pulled Izuku with her.

"D-don't you think that was a bit harsh?" Izuku asked after a couple second.

Raven huffed, pretending to be sour, "He's been bugging me for weeks! This is just getting out of control now. I'm tired of having to play nice guy, he just doesn't get the fact that I'm done with him. I need another way to make him stop, because apparently being forward isn't doing the trick--hey!" She stopped her rant and looked Izuku in the eye as they sat down at their lunch table, "I know just the trick," She grinned evilly.

Izuku became nervous, "Uhh, do I really want to know?" He asked fearfully.

Raven laughed heartily, "Oh, it's not that bad. But only if you're up to it! You don't have too."

"Okay then.. What is it?"

"Can you be my fake boyfriend?" Raven asked immediately, eyes sparkling with excitement awaiting his answer before adding on, "You don't have to act like it all the time, just when he's around!" She explained.

Izuku looked like he had just been hit by a bus, "Y-y-you're fake b-boyfriend?!" He stuttered out, not able to comprehend what was being asked of him.

"Yeah!" Raven clarified, "But if you're not up to it, then that's okay. I'll just ask someone else, like Todoroki! Yeah! Todoroki could work!" She began rambling off before Izuku interrupted.

"I'll do it!" He shouted, not liking the sound of her with another guy, "I'll do it," He said, this time more calmly.

Raven's eyes lit up, "Really?! That's great! Thank you so much, Izuku! You're really a lifesaver! Man, I can't wait to get this guy off my back. He's been bugging me since forever!" She ranted, grabbing ahold of his bicep and swinging around on his arm.

Izuku blushed at the contact, but was otherwise used to it. He quickly figured out that Raven was a more forward person, and liked physical contact. So he let her do what she wanted.


The next time it happened was when they were walking back to class from lunch.

Kaibara ran up from behind Raven a threw himself on her, only for Izuku to pull her back and into his chest , keeping Kaibara away from her. Izuku's arm snaked its way around her waist, and Raven immediately felt his muscles tense underneath his shirt on her back. Something made her stomach feel all tingly.

It was a weird feeling.

Raven looked up at Izuku to find him glaring at the boy, "Stay away from Raven," Izuku demanded, a deadly look in his eyes. Kaibara's eyes widened at his hostility and scampered away as fast as he could.

Izuku released the purple haired girl, and she turned around to look at him completely. He was back to his normal, happy self.

Raven stared at him for a moment, drinking in what had just happened. She didn't expect to see him get possessive like that, and for some odd reason, she liked it.

"S-sorry Raven! I didn't mean to scare you, I just thought that if I kind of scared him, then it would make him stay away for good, you know? I didn't think I would scare you, too," He blabbered, rubbing the back of his neck in awkward shame.

That snapped her out of her stupor, "No! No! It's okay!" She waved her arms around frantically, "If anything, I think it worked!" She smiled at him.

"And for that, I'm forever grateful"


--Present Time--

Raven woke up to being held hostage.

She didn't remember falling asleep, just that she was watching movies with Midoriya. (And her dream).

With blurry eyes, she looked around the room to understand the situation. 'Okay..' She thought. Raven was in her living room, being held to someone's chest on the couch. Remnants of last night's dinner was scattered across her coffee table, and the TV was still playing.

She looked to the side to find out who was currently holding on to her like the world was about to end, and found--lo and behold-- the great Izuku Midoriya.

Raven rolled her eyes, and with a slight nudge, she tried to push him off the couch. But, what she didn't realize, is that with his deadly grip, she would go down with him. So, as she pushed him off the side, he landed on his back with her on top.

A huge blush made its way onto her face as she realized her position. She was currently straddling the man, legs on either side of his hips and her hands on his chest. Luck was not on her side this morning, seeing as Midoriya began to stir right in that moment.

Raven freaked out, waving her hands around wildly, "It's not what it looks like!" She frantically shouted, making Midoriya shoot up into a sitting position once he got his bearings.

Raven was still on top of him, so when he sat up, they were closer than ever. He grabbed her hands in his big, scarred ones, "Hey, woah! Just tell me what happened," He said calmly, trying to ease her embarrassment.

The blush was still boldly prominent, when she relaxed, but still began to explain, "Well, I tried to push you off the couch because-"

"Wait, what? You tried to push me off the couch?" He let out a hearty laugh, "Why?"

Raven frowned, "Well if you'd let me continue, I would have explained it!"

Midoriya stifled his laugh, "Right, sorry. Please continue."

"I tried to push you off the couch because you were holding me hostage," When he gave a confused look, Raven explained further, "You were holding onto me like a koala," She deadpanned.


"Yeah, and I couldn't get out without waking you up, so I decided to push you off. But then you took me down with you and here we are," Raven pursed her lips, still straddling the Pro-Hero.

Midoriya nodded his head, "Ah, so that's why my back hurts," He grunted. Midoriya let go of Raven's hands, which allowed her to get off of him and walk into the kitchen.

She opened the fridge and looked inside. She didn't have any milk, but what she did have was an entire carton of eggs. Guess that's what they're having for breakfast.

Raven pulled out the carton and began preparing breakfast. She was planning on using the whole carton, since she didn't have anything else to eat. She figured she could go shopping later.

Cracking one egg at a time into the large bowl, she noticed Midoriya come up from behind her and look over her shoulder. "Whatcha doing?" He asked, placing his hands on her hips and his chin on her shoulder. He was fairly taller than the purple haired girl, so he had to lean down just a bit.

She smirked at the hand placement, at least he knows how to do that right. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm making breakfast."

He hummed, encircling his arms around her small waist so he was hugging her from behind. Something made her stomach tingle at the action, but little does she know it was the same feeling from five years ago. "I don't need breakfast, I've already got a snack right here," He flirted, making her snort.

"Guess you'll be getting some cavities, then," She chided, going along with it. Raven grabbed a small whisk and began to mix the eggs.

Midoriya smiled, "I don't mind, I've been known for having a sweet tooth," He purred in her ear, giving her goosebumps.

Raven chuckled, "And I've been known for biting back," She dropped the whisk and turned around in his arms, accepting this as another game of chicken. She brought her hands up and lightly ran her fingers over his chest, circling her arms around his neck. Leaning in close to his ear, she whispered, "Are you into biting, Izuku?"

Midoriya shuddered out a breath into the crook of her neck, "I don't get why you ever stopped calling me that," He whispered back, the mood shifting.

He rested his forehead on her shoulder, leaving Raven to wonder what she had done wrong. "W-what do you mean?" She asked warily, his wild green locks tickling the side of her face.

He lifted up his head, "Nothing, it's fine. Just.." He trailed off, contemplating what he should say next.

"Just what?" Raven pushed, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

He bit his lip, "Call me Izuku again? Like old times?" He looked at her with pleading puppy dog eyes; how could she say no to that?

She sighed and pursed her lips before answering, "I'll think about it," She finally said.

His eyes lit up at the statement. Even though it wasn't a for sure answer, he was still ecstatic. He threw his arms up in the air, making Raven take her arms back down to her sides as she watched him jump around her shabby apartment in glee.

She laughed to herself, and turned back around to finish making breakfast for the both of them. It was going to be a hard decision to make, since she only dropped the name so that she wouldn't have to face her guilt of what she had done.

But.. If he wanted her to call him his first name again, that shouldn't be too hard. The only thing that's stopping her is herself.

Smiling, she finished whipping the eggs and put them in the pan, enjoying the sound of it sizzling, "Alright.."
