
Teasing Intentions (Izuku Midoriya x OC)

Raven Tanuki used to be the ultimate prankster back in her high school days where she attended UA High. She would always pull the most notorious pranks with her partner in crime, Denki Kaminari, and living up to her surname, Tanuki, which meant the Trickster. One day, after going too far with one of her pranks and ultimately ruining someone's birthday, Raven told herself that she would never pull a prank on anyone again and abandoned all that were in progress. 5 years later, her class had graduated and become part of the system. Raven had bettered herself for a good, boring life as a hero. Until, one day, one of her former classmates, Izuku Midoriya--now Pro Hero Deku--runs into her during her patrol. What happens if Deku picks up where Raven left off? What exactly were Ravens intentions back in high school?

SM_Hawkins · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

Probation - Chapter 11

--5 Years Ago--

Ahh, second year.

It feels good.

Yes, Raven and former class 1-A has graduated into the next grade, class 2-A.

And let's just say, Raven isn't as innocent as she used to be with her pranks.

For celebration over summer break, Mina and Raven both decided to throw a little party in the dorms.

With no alcohol, of course.

They're in the hero course, they can't be caught doing illegal shit.

Anyway, right now, the entire class is sitting around in a circle in the lobby. What are they playing?

Seven Minutes In Heaven with a coke bottle.

It was Mineta's idea.

With music blaring and lights flashing, Kirishima grabbed the bottle since he was next, and spun it, soon landing on Mina. They both flushed but reluctantly got up and made their way to the closet, with everyone else cheering either one on.

Raven was having fun, even though it still hasn't been her turn yet, but she enjoyed the reactions that people got when they finally exited the closet. Some people didn't have any reactions at all, but some people--her OTP's--came out of the closet and were seriously flustered.

She doubted anything serious actually happened, maybe just a small confession or a make out session.

But one thing was on her mind, and she was going to make it happen one way or another. If it doesn't land on who she wants, what's to stop her from tricking everyone to believe it landed on them? Nothing.

Although she doesn't like using her powers for her own selfish reasons, sometimes, things just need to be done.

She hopes she doesn't have too, though.

Raven realized she zoned out for the whole seven minutes that Kirishima and Ashido were in the closet, when the timer went off.

Oh, it's her turn now.

She took a deep breath, praying to the gods she would end up with who she wanted, closed her eyes, and spun the bottle.

two turns, three turns, and it's slowing down.

finally, the bottle came to a stop, and someone's breath hitched.

slowly looking up, her eyes came to a stop when they landed on viridian green.


The entire dorm was silent, sensing the tension between them.

Let's clear some things up.

So, the entire class--save for Denki and Raven--think that Izuku and Raven have something going on. They don't know the real reason behind all of Raven's teasing and flirting all of the time, so when the bottle landed on Izuku, everyone was ecstatic, but surprised.

Raven kept her eyes on the broccoli haired boy, watching as red slowly rose it's way up starting from his neck as the reality set in.

She smirked at him, making the boy jump to conclusions of what was going to happen.

Raven stood up, thick silence still coating the room besides the music, and dusted off her pants, making her way to Izuku. Those green eyes trailing her every move.

She shoved her hand in front of the still seated boy, "Let's have some fun, huh Izuku?"

Wide, green eyes stared up at her, before gesturing to his room, "O-oh!! You know what? I actually think it's past my bedtime so-!"

"Oh come on, Izuku! We're second years now! Don't pull that crap," Raven grabbed his arm, forcing him to stand up, "It'll be fun! I promise," She said in that sultry voice that made his legs go weak in the knees, the entire class just watching the interaction.

She dragged him into the closet with her, not forgetting to yell out to mina to start the timer for seven minutes.

When she closed the door, she stood there. Just stood there, with the light turned on, the two just standing there in complete silence.

After a couple seconds, "So, uhh.. A-aren't you gonna do anything?" A soft voice broke the tension.

Raven raised a brow, "Like what?" She asked.

Hesitation, then, "Like.. T-touch me.." Izuku spoke.

"Oh? Do you want me to touch you?" Raven said in a husky voice, getting a little excited at the thought that Izuku expected something to happen.

Raven didn't prepare for this. She didn't think that he was actually going to want to do something, after all, he is a timid boy when it comes to stuff like this. But, he is still a boy with hormones.

"T-that's n-not what I meant!!" He exclaimed, waving his arms around.

Raven stepped forward, "Then what did you mean, Izuku? Come on, use your words," She stepped forward again, making Izuku back up into the wall since it was a tight space.

Izuku let out a ragged breath, "I.." He inhaled, "Yes," He whispered.

Raven hummed in delight, knowing what he meant but still wanted him to say it, "Yes, what?" She said, her voice barely above a whisper as her lips grazed his neck, a hot breath sending a shiver down both of their spines at the contact.


"Come on.."

"I want you to touch me."

Just like that, the door opened.


--Present Time--

"You're going on a solo mission for two days starting tomorrow," Said the President of the Commission.

Raven stood in the President's office, shocked to the core at the revelation of what had just been said.

Sure, she had done incognito missions before, but never solo. Usually she had someone go with her, someone like a bodyguard to help her if she needed it, but this was different.

It was a drug bust; a huge gang needed to be taken out from the inside, and Raven was the one who was chosen. Out of everyone, the forty-seventh hero? What made her so special that she was the one thought to be the best fit?

It stunned her, really, but accepted it anyway.

She would go in undercover, no one to back her up except a small device that would let her communicate with the police when she had updates.

And, of course, the thought of Izuku waiting for her when she gets back.


It's been an entire day, and Izuku has not heard one word from Raven. He went to her apartment this morning, and she wasn't there, so he suspected she went for a morning run or something of the sort.

But, as he waited and waited, she never came back.

This worried him.

He was still currently at Ravens apartment, sitting on her couch and thinking to himself.

The thing he doesn't know, though, is that she was not allowed to tell anyone about the undercover mission. That included Izuku, so he was left in the dark, frantic and worried about the purple haired girl.

The thought that she was kidnapped terrified him, but there was nothing he could do to contact her without going to extreme lengths.

He thought for a second beginning to pace around the small space, 'If I were Raven, where would I be?'

Well, she likes to work on her down times, going on patrol even when she's not assigned just to kill some time. She likes to... well. That's really all she does except for hiding out in her apartment, and she's not out on patrol because he would have gotten a text back from her..

A light bulb shone above his head as he realized what might be happening; Raven must be on a mission!

That still didn't ease his worry though, and as he paced more frantically, his thoughts began to spiral.

What if she got hurt during her mission? Don't they usually last about a couple hours? What kind of mission did they put her on?? Why isn't he there to help her? He's the number one hero, after all!

The more questions he had, the faster he paced her apartment.

It's crazy how much impact Raven had on Izuku. Two months ago, Raven and Izuku were basically strangers.

Now, Izuku is inviting himself over to her apartment and hanging out with her almost everyday. It's like he can't get enough of her, always thinking about the next time he'll see her, what she'll be wearing..

What she'll do.

It's almost as if..

He's back where he started six years ago. Pining over the same girl who lead him on, thinking she actually liked him back.

Izuku stopped his pacing when he came to that conclusion.

No, he can't be.

He told himself that he wouldn't fall for her again when he promised to get revenge! But, then again.. He did dismiss the revenge thing.

Izuku wasn't doing that anymore, just hanging out with her any chance he got.




He likes being around her.

But, what does that mean?

It could mean he just enjoys her company, but it could also mean a million different things. And he's supposed to be worrying about where she is! Not what he feels about her!

Yeah, that doesn't matter. What does matter is if she's safe, but he has no way of knowing that, because he can't freaking get ahold of her!

He plopped himself on her couch. He just going to wait here until she's back.