
Author meets Cale

How the meeting between the author Yoo Reo Han and our beloved wannabe Slacker Cale Heintuse would probably be like


Yoo Reo Han:- Yoo hoo Cale! I am your creator.

Cale:- Are a you a god?

Yoo Reo Han:- No?

Cale:- Okay, you and I have no buisness with each other. Bye bye!

Yoo Reo Han:- But! I am your creator. Don't you want to hear what I have to say?

Cale:- It's Precisely because of that I don't want to hear what you have to say. Every minute I spend near you is putting my slacker life in danger. Goodbye! May we never meet again!

( Cale runs as fast as a twink)

Yoo Reo Han:- W-Wait Cale don't run away from me! ( starts running after Cale)

Cale:- Fuck! Stop chasing after me!

( Uses wind AP to fly off into the sky)

Yoo Reo Han:- ......( Normal human being who has no ancient powers can only stare at Cale in resignation)