
Sui Khan and Cale reunion reimagined

Sui appear

Sui:- Long Time no see Rok Soo Yah

Cale:- ( Shedding tears)

Choi Han:- 'Cale- nim is crying? He is crying? Huh?'

Raon:- What happened human? Why are you crying? Did a paper cut your pinkie finger?

Cale:- (promptly goes and hugs Sui khan)

Sui Khan:- ( Back is getting wet with Cale's tears, he signs) Well your still a kid huh, Rok Soo yah ( He then hugs Cale back tightly)

Choi Han and Raon watched them in silence, Raon is confused, Choi Han is on verge crying too ( he is feeling too sentimental)