
TBATE:Journey to The Horizon

The journey of a young man It all began when he died, and his journey started into a world of magic and wounders from a novel he read "The Beginning After the End" Will this soul prevail or will the darkness of the world swallow him. Its my first book so l hope you like it

X_Y_Z · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs

| Field Trip (2) |

POV: Ráel

Just as Professor Glory thought it was to strange for so many monsters to appear, and decided to say we should retreated back at the stairs slowly Lucas send a fireball killing six of them and this gave the other students a bit of confidence as they decided to fight here.

The snarlers that have all come out seemed a bit frightened now, as they warily keep their distance, studying us with their unintelligent eyes.

"Okay, but if I feel that something isn't right, we're immediately out of here, understood?" With a stern voice, she waited for the class to agree to her condition.

When she received a round of nods, she said, "Good. Split into your teams and take different parts of the floor. We don't want any friendly fire happening in here. And Lucas, if you do something like that again, there will be consequences." Professor Glory shot a menacing look towards the cocky blond, making him reluctantly comply.

"Prince Curtis, take your team and make your way towards the left side of the cave. Princess Tessia, take your team to the right of the cave and hold your ground. The last team, with me. I'll be keeping an eye on you guys at all times but stay vigilant and don't underestimate the snarlers, especially in these numbers." With that, Professor Glory motioned for the two teams to rush forward.

As we moved to the right of the cave, I augmented my body with mana as I decided to fight a bit .

"Arthur and Ráel, I want you both to be the vanguard since you're the best at close range. Clive and Roland, you guys take positions to their left and right behind them and make sure they're covered. Lucas, stay in the center between Arthur, Ráel, Clive and Roland; I'll cover your back. We're going in the diamond position we learned in class!" As soon as we headed towards the miniature army of snarlers, Tessias' shy self all but disappeared as her student president side took over.

Just as we got closer i dashed forward as from the side of my eye, I saw Arthur doing his crazy experiments he is pressuring his blade with wind mana trying such a things in a battle he was guts.

Just as a snarler arrived in front of me I send a punch right at his rib cage as I used sound magic to create shock waves when my punches come in contact with something .

Because of my immense strength and magic the beast completely exploded leaving a bloody mess behind, I might have gone overboard I lightly thought as I decided to only use my strength .

The snarlers weren't very strong, but after about thirty minutes the seemingly endless numbers that never dwindled were taking its toll on them. Clive and Roland were sweating profusely while Tess turned a bit pale. Even Lucas' spells were becoming a lot less flamboyant, the least affected were Arthur and the professor the rest were slowly getting exhausted.

I take a few step backs as I decided to take sword out as I augmented the sword with wind mana at the tip concentrating a big amount of atmosphere mana with my demonic eyes, I send out multiple small wind concentrated flying slashes as the attack started killing more than thirty snarlers.

if I had the dragon Slayer out I would kill a lot more the swords aren't made for flying slashes and highly concentrated amount of mana I thought as I took a look at what remains of the sword in my hand, most of it was completely destroyed only the hilt remains intact.

"I think we should head back over to Professor Glory. We're not going to be able to keep fighting like this for much longer," Tessia announced. As we made our way slowly back to where the entrance to the dungeon was, it seemed like the other team had the same idea.

Professor Glory noticed all the teams coming towards her so she made her way to us, cleaving snarlers left and right with her sword.

"Professor, I don't think we can keep going like this. The snarlers keep coming!" Tess shouted over the waves of snarlers.

"Teams! Follow your leaders! We're going back up!" Without hesitation, Professor Glory motioned for us to head back up the stairs when we hear a loud crash.

The icicles and stalactites, along with other rubble from the roof of the cave came crashing to the ground as two figures came floating down, flapping their large wings to hold themselves steady.

"Are you kidding me? What are the queen snarlers doing on this floor?" Professor Glory didn't bother holding in her rage as she took out another giant sword from her dimension ring.

"Class, make sure to not let any of the minion snarlers get in my way. I'll handle the two queens. I don't know what's going on but I'm getting you guys out of here if it's the last thing I do." With a click of her tongue, she pulled something from around her neck and threw it on the ground. As the necklace shimmered and then turned grey, the mana fluctuating around Professor Glory changed, she was using a seal

"Prepare to back up Professor Glory! Don't let any of the snarlers get past us!" Tessia commanded as she held her bladed staff out in front of her.

"Aye! Vanguards, protect the conjurers!" Curtis stepped up, brandishing his sword and shield

Nice way of using the elements I thought as I looked at professor glory using what seemed like glass she was obviously Earth and fire dual elemental mage, she could already produce that much heat interesting.

If I was alone those damn monsters would be dead I thought as I started to slowly get annoyed a the little monsters coming nonstop this situation reminds me when it happens to me in that insect like dungeon.

I continued to hack and slash the little beast as the professor was pushing the two queens back.

"KRRAAAAAAAHHHH!" The ear-deafening cry made us turn our heads back. Professor Glory just managed to land the finishing blow on the smaller queen. Our Professor wasn't in the best of shape, her armor scratched and dented in various places while blood trickled down her cheeks.

Just as she came towards us the queen beast started to eat the smaller queen, Just as I saw this I knew what would happen next so I said loudly so everyone can hear"Retreat as fast as possible all of you go out fast."

"But the entrance is blocked,we can't go out" yelled out some student, ohh fine I will have to do everything before my plans get ruined I thought as I decided to use a strong wind attack to open up the entrance.

I gatherer a lot of wind mana at the tip of my sword and condense it in a ball of wind mana as i murmur the spells name under my breath

"Wave Motion blast"

As a massive amount of wind mana was released destroying everything in its path and clearing the rubble that was blocking our way up opening a path for the students to go out.

"Now all of you go out fast don't stop even for a second until you are completely outside" I yell at them coldly as the students started to go out quickly.

"Go now!" Professor Glory shouted as well as she struggled to hold her own against the queen snarler.

The exhausted class made one final push towards the entrance as Professor Glory held the queen at bay, the wall of snarler corpses obstructing the ones alive for a brief moment.

"Claire, I'm trusting Tess to you." Arthur handed Tessia to Claire, who seemed to be in the best shape right now

"Sorry, Arthur but I cant let you go back,I will help her now go and wait outside" I said as I push Arthur up the stairs

"But.. I can " he started saying but I interrupted him.

"No buts,Arthur go now I have a deal with that old hag so I can't let you get hurt"


"Why the hell did you come back, Ráel?!" I could almost feel the amount of frustration in professor's voice as she snapped at me through gritted teeth.

"We're going to need both of us to kill this thing." Taking Dragon Slayer back out from my dimension ring.

"You better hope this thing kills me because you're going to regret not following my orders," she responded, blocking a blow from the queen's sharp claws.

"Hey, I'm not your student, remember?" I said before making a sharp swing with my blade.

As the fight continued, I managed to sever one of the queen's wings so it wasn't capable of flight any longer, it's time to end this I said as I willed lightning in my sword

"Be carful professor you should go back after this move" I said as I dashed towards the Queen monster and managed to stab it in a already wounded place.

The crackle of electricity prying its way in through the seam caused the queen to erupt into a high-pitched shriek as she began to spasm.

"Lets go" she said as she started moving fast towards the entrance

As the hordes of minions got in our way, Professor Glory slashed through until we reached the front entrance.

Suddenly, a dark shadow passed over us. "H-How?" Professor Glory could only gasp as both of us looked up. The queen was above our head.

Time to act like the hero I thought as I saw the queen just a few meters behind us as we reached the stairs.

As it reached closer and closer to the top of the staircase, where we were, its face and body began pulsating. Tumors began growing sporadically in random parts of its body and face.

Just before the beast exploded I pushed the professor forward as the explosion opened a large hole beneath it.

"Ráel" Professor Glory screamed as she tried to reach me with her hands and grab me, I just gave her a smile indicating that everything will be ok.


Just as I started falling I summoned my pair of black-red feathers like wings as I dash towards the hole just as I arrived at the bottom I say the destroyed limbs of the queen and..

"Wh-Who's there?" a female voice echoed.

"Please... I need help," she murmured.

As I landed and took away my wings I started walking through the passageway

"I'm... here." The voice seemed even weaker than it had been half an hour ago.

Making my way towards the growing light at the end of the hall, I called out to her again.

As I reached the end of the tunnel, my vision took a few seconds to adjust from the change in brightness after being accustomed to utter darkness for so long.

"This... cough... way."

And the only thing I could see was Corpses. Corpses of humans, elves, and dwarves lay dead and some in pieces around the cavern that would've been considered beautiful otherwise.

The once green grass-like moss spread over the ground was dyed red while the stream crossing through the cavern had floating bodies with blood spreading around them.

There were around forty-fifty corpses spread out in the cavern with their weapons next to them. The damage done to their bodies revealed torture as some had their limbs torn apart and others had cuts all over their beheaded bodies.

The amount of life force coming at me from those corpses was a lot I had never absorbed so much life force in on go, my body started as absorbing it like crazy my mana core slowly but surely started to advance bit by bit removing impurities.

I heard her cough again. "Are you... still there?" The weak voice came from my left.

The woman that was lying against the wall of the cavern was probably in a worse state than the carcasses spread around, split apart.

So this is Lance Alea.

Where her right arm and both legs should've been were holes, cruelly sealed by burning the wounds. Her eyes were gone as dried blood that streamed down from where her eyes were stained her cheeks. In the woman's abdomen, right where her mana core was, a sleek black spike was impaled through her and once again, sealed.

"You're one of the six lances!" I said acting surprised.

"Indeed I am..." She let out a ragged sigh.

"As for how... If you're asking me how I'm still alive in this state, it's because he left me alive." Her eyebrows furrowed and the dried blood crusted in between her eyelids crumbled, letting out a faint stream of fresh blood from where her eyes once were.

"He? who was strong enough to make a Lance in this state" I asked her still acting like I don't know.

"Yes, he. He called himself Vritra." With her left hand, the only limb she had left, she slowly reached for something behind her and pulled it out.

It was a shard of black horn and handed it to me.

"I don't even know your name, kid, but I'm going to die soon. There's no need to try and be sensitive about that fact." The elven warrior let out a ragged breath but her expression remained firm.

"My name is Ráel, and... yeah. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any way for me to save you." I put the black shard inside my dimension ring.

"I guess it just wasn't meant to be then. Since I don't have a lot of time, I'll tell you as much as I know."