
Chapter 13

She looked around her new room,then noticed none of his things were in the room,so she knew he wasn't staying in the room with her.She felt sad because she thought,he still hated her at all that's why he didn't stay in her room with her and that's why he has been ignoring her.She felt like crying because the only reason she's here is because of the agreement he don't even talks to her but she didn't think of giving up.She wanted him to see the light in love but didn't know what to do if he keeps ignoring her,she also thought of the bright side and became energized.

She quickly took her bath and put on her dress then decided to come down.When she was descending the stairs,she became tired because it was too far away from the sitting room that's when she saw the advantage of the elevator.On getting there,she saw Liam sitting on a couch close to fire place like one who is deep in thought,it looks like he was lost in his own world.She felt his boredom and came to him to lighten his mood.When he saw her,he quickly wore his serious face as if the boredom was never there and looked at her through his thick long eyelashes and his fascinating eyes emitted no expression.She wasn't able to read him because his eyes were emitting nothing to read and it was unfathomable.

"what are you thinking about?"she asked lovingly but he didn't say anything as usual but this time it was so annoying.

"is that how much you hate me that you always ignore me and pretend like I'm not here or as if I'm not talking to you.I know we didn't meet properly but how was it all my fault,was it a crime for caring about you"She said simply frustrated by his ignorance and all.After that,she was trying to catch her breath because she didn't stop at all because if she did she won't be able to say what his in her mind.Liam finally looked at her with surprise written in his eyes.She was shocked because she hasn't seen any expression in his eyes before,she also didn't want to blink because she was afraid that she won't see this expression anymore but as she was fighting with her thought just like air his eyes went back to being emotion-less.

But she was glad she was bake to at least see some emotions in those eyes of his.Then finally he finally broke the silence

"little girlfriend,so that is what you always thought".she puffed her cheeks showing her anger and said"what else should I think when you always ignore me".This time a devilish smirk formed on his face which made her more angry.Not being pleased with his attitude she stumped her feet on the ground while going to her room so she could show him how angry she is right now.He looked at her and smiled before he was lost in thought again.On getting to her room,she felt hungry but didn't want to go back downstairs,she was still anry with him but her stomach roared.Feeling frustrated,she ehaded towards her bathroom with the thought that the cold shower was going to ease her hunger but unfortunately it didn't.She was so pissed off at her stupidity at least she would have eaten before showing him how angry she was.she went to her bed to sleep so that the hunger would go but to no avail.She rolled on her bed and after a while of tormention,her door opened.When she looked at who the person was her anger overshadowed her and for that slight second she didn't feel hungry as if the anger suppressed the hunger

"what are you doing here?"she asked the person who just came in.he didn't bother to answer her question and asked instead

"little girlfriend,are you not hungry"his question git her surprised because she didn't expect him to ask even to notice was too much for her to ask but the anger was too stubborn to go and she said"why will you care,what difference will it make to you if I live or die because I'm nothing to you"

He tilted his head his head to another side of the room though what she said was true but the way she said it made him feel guilty.

"you are currently staying with me and if you get hurt or sick,the bills will be on me so I would spend alot of my money"he said.His respond made her speechless and he was right but does he think about anyone,why I'm I trying to make him fall in love when he's already heartless"she thought to herself but she couldn't make him spend his precious money because of her stubbornness then followed him like an obedient child.

They went to the dinner room where she saw those handsome men who came to the club at the night of her graduation,she felt shy and walked slowly.When Liam noticed her movement has because slow and somehow sense her shyness,he walked up to her and held her hand, immediately her face blushed red like a cooked lobster Then they both walk up to the dinner table hand to hand,when they were close,the two men looked at them.Elvis suddenly blurted to Liam

"so you have found a real beauty this time?"Liam gave him a deadly long stare and if look can kill,Rip Elvis Rip.

Mia felt sad after hearing what the man with Amber hair said and thought about the number of women this man has brought here before her