

'Didn't I have something to ask him about the temple?' The moment she recalled that, she pushed his chest. 'It's not time for pleasure. I have things to talk about.'

"Mnn…" Arthur moaned as he wasn't ready to let go of her lips. He was too addicted to her small, sweet, juicy lips. He hadn't had enough.

"Wait…" Veronica barely freed her lips and breathlessly said, "I have something to ask."

Arthur gave her one last peck on her swollen lips before remarking, "It better be good." It was a warning. If it wasn't something more important than their sweet time, then she had to prepare herself for his punishment.

Veronica hugged his shoulders and uttered, "You were saying something about gathering information on the temple. Why does the Magic Organization need any information regarding the Holy Temple?"

Arthur answered in a roundabout way, "There is something that caught my eyes. So, I decided to investigate it."