
Tamra island

Late 1990s Tamra Island for generation long as been identified as the most beautiful island to have ever existed. One filled with magical creatures of all kinds; sorcerers, dragons, elves, faries and mermaids. This creatures alongside humans coexisted peacefully. At least that's what it looked like until all forms of pretense was wiped out... ( whirlwind, thunderstorms..running footsteps) why...... What is happening?..(panting) ........scared...... (maniacal laughter) "please, anybody, somebody....help me" ... tears..... Nooooooooooo Early 21st Late at night (raining....) pants... Baby baby wake up, wake up, it's just a dream.. (muffled cries.....no please stop) (jerks up) Grandma. (stifled tears) why is this happening to me?...make it stop (hugs...pats on the back) "It's going to be fine, go back to sleep, it was just a nightmare".. The Next Morning (at the dining table) Nana; you've learnt a bad habit of picking your food (drops cutleries) What's a 'Nehebkau' (spoon falls off the table.... Absolute silence....... A few minutes later...... Nana; why do you know that name Ahora; (shivering, stutters...) " I.........it told me (whimpering) and it said it's co.........coming.......... (Nana faints......) (Screams.....) Author's note Hi guys, am new here hope am welcomed. This is my first time writing, am going to try to make this worth your time.

Rita_Matthew · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 8

Light Army General

No matter how I look at it all of this seems suspicious, what would an elf be doing in the forest at this time, I could assume he came for a swim but the path to the river is the other way, I could also assume that he's lost but can a grown man get lost beside he said there were two of them. Hmph, if I should discover any shady business, then even if he's the son of a lord, he will not be able to escape from my clutches. Going deeper I can sense that a fight had occurred somewhere around here but where? (Looks at the man leading them to his companions, deep in thought) it could not be that this one has something to do with the stench of blood in the air right?

Lost in thought he suddenly heard the young man's voice calling out 'Hyung'

Hyung? Is that his companion, are they related? (Sighs) either way, we're finally here I can now find out exactly what seems to be happening, at least our trip here won't be a wasted one. I just need to ask....huh...(scratches his head in confusion) Is that not the daughter of the fourth prince, Why would she be here?

Going towards her, he cups his hands together and salutes along with his soldiers) "Your Highness".

Discovering the awkward silence in the air, he wondered if he had made a mistake by acknowledging her identity because, from the way the others looked, it seemed they were not aware of her identity, (thinking) Hmm what should I do to salvage this situation?

While trying to come up with a solution, his eyes suddenly notice the huge bull lying down on the ground, remembering his mission, he rushes over. Seeing their leader, the soldiers followed suit.

Meanwhile, Chung-Jo was still trying to come up with an excuse for withholding her identity from them, seeing no way out, she decided to let it go hoping nobody would question her but most times things don't always go the way we want.

Mermaid POV

I must have heard it wrong, 'Your Highness'? They most definitely did not say that (laughs nervously and points towards her) yo..you, they must have mistaken your identity, right?

Looking at her coldly, Chung-Jo asked "What has it got to do with you?"

'Stunned'. Then what about her (points towards the lady in Joon-ha's arms)

(rolls her eyes) "I remember saying earlier that we're are related, the ones who did not believe me were you"

Laughs nervously (Inner thought) Then doesn't this mean that I made an attempt at the life of a royal...no, am safe, nobody was there when the attempt was made (clasping her hands tightly, suddenly recalls) Wait! If she's royal and they're sisters, does this mean I've encountered the legendary fight amongst royalty (turns to Chung-Jo)

'what does she want now'(holding her sword a little bit too tight)

(Smiles sheepishly) "I can't seem to understand, if you two are sisters and royalty, how come you did not suggest going to the palace? I mean your sister is still unconscious, isn't her life more important at the moment, if one had no idea they would think, you're doing this deliberately"

"As I said earlier, am drained from the earlier fight which messed with my sense of direction (quickly changes the topic) how about you, are you sure you're fine, your hair has gone through a drastic change"

Turning pale, shivering, and stammering at the same time "wh..... what do you mean? (using her hand to bring out a few strands of hair to her line of sight) no..no..no(suddenly looks up at Chung-Jo who was smirking at her, she rushes towards her in anger, only to be held back by Son-Wook) This is all your fault if you had taken us to the palace I wouldn't be in this state right now (due to being weak as a result of staying out of water for long and not having her mermaid pearl and also being agitated, she fainted).

Son-Wook was completely stunned speechless, holding her up, he turned to his hyung in confusion "I didn't do anything, she suddenly became like this".

Joon-ha POV

I still can't understand why the king's specially trained guards are here, but seeing how the general ran towards the already dead bull, I can somewhat understand, it seems the situation here has alarmed the king, which is not surprising, after all, this is the first time something like this is happening and it happened when he became the king so he must be anxious.

While contemplating on the issue at hand, he heard the not-so-golden-haired lady (who by the way he had finally found out to be a mermaid due to her hair suddenly losing its once vibrant luster) conversation with the princess, although he could not say he was surprised when the general referred to her as 'your highness', he agreed with the mermaid when she asked why they had not been led to the palace, no longer interested in their conversation, he looked away from them, only to hear a shout, it seems what the princess said really got to her seeing how she lost control. Luckily his 'brother' had gotten to her first, if not since the King's guard are here she could be charged with harming a member of the royal family even if it was only an attempt,(raises his brows in surprise) 'she fainted', well that was expected(seems his 'brother' looking at him(sighs tiredly) "she's ok, she just need some water".

Chung-Jo POV

Do I really mean nothing to him, how can he not make any expression or ask any questions after discovering my identity (scoffs), he must think am worthless, right? But it's ok, once we get back to the palace I'll request the king to betroth me to him, (smiles wickedly) Let's see if he dates to refuse the king.

Turning to the royal guards


(Speaks with authority)"You won't be able to find out anything from a corpse, this gentlemen here were the ones who dealt with the beast, so how about escorting us to the palace and they, in turn, will inform the king of the situation surrounding the arrival of this beast?, (noticing him frowning, she takes a gentle approach) this is the only choice we have right now, besides you might have not noticed it yet but my twin sister is currently unconscious and needs to see a physician"

"Hmm(strokes his nonexistent beard) a good idea indeed (turns to his soldiers) put aside everything else, we're heading back to the palace ". Turns to take a look at the second princess, only to be stunned by what he saw(inner thought) 'Why would an elf give off a demon's aura, what exactly is going on (looking at the princess and back at the young man) it seems the princess is unaware of the identity of the young man, if not she would not have left her younger twin with him, I must not startle the snake when we get to the king I'll make sure to apprehend him then(looks away).

Joon-ha POV

Looks like my quiet days are over ( looks at the beauty in his arms, with an amusing glint in his eyes, he says quietly) "Fair lady, how long do you intend to sleep, you had better wake up and repay my life-saving grace".( Inner thought)sighs) seems like I really won't be able to escape my miserable fate(smiles sadly).