
Talk With Me

Alright, hello ladies/gents and peeps. Call me Sue, or Sum, whatever makes you feel comfortable. This isn't the typical- storybook about some random characters. I wanted to use this book to inform my audience of many different topics, such as suicide, depression, abuse (of all kinds), racism, lgbtq issues, and more. I want this book to be used as a co-opping method- recommending topics you want to hear will be grateful and if you ever want to talk. Try dming my insta- (Seriously_Sumthin) or try looking for a trusted adult and or professional help. *Warning: This book will contain many discussions that may seem a bit too much for the average human mind. If anything such as r*p*, suicide, anxiety, depression- trigger you. Please stray away from this book. Thank you.*

Somethin_Sue · 若者
6 Chs

Opening: Depression

||Warning: Alright, hello ladies/gents and peeps. I'm sure everyone is adequately known that my books usually consist of tough topics such as the ones represents in the synopsis of this book. I'd like to take the time today and talk about depression- there will be some triggers such as self-harm, drugs, and etc. If you cannot handle this- please- for your own health- leave this chapter. Thank you.||

I know it's been a while since I've updated my last two books- and I will get to them. But how about a change of pace and talk about real life? I'm sure your curious... So let's begin.

You and many alike never asked to suffer from continues sadness. Depression. You don't want to lay down and cry- I know you want to get your work done, get into a good school/college/job, and yet are having a hard time trying to. You feel like there is no reason to live and are trying- but you feel blank. You know there is a life out there- one that will make you smile- but how do I get there?

You didn't ask to be hurt; no one came up to you and said, "Can I push you down?" They just did it. You don't want to be this person that EVERYONE feels is a lost cause- I've been there. I get it- you feel horrible when people say, "Your life isn't as bad as other people's lives." It's true- but the people who say that are selfish. Your sadness is valid no matter what; everyone's problems are different, but your feelings aren't.

You feel so angry that you give up, you cry a lot, your so tired of life that you make the worst decision's of your life. Some of us turn to drugs, alcohol, self-harm, eating disorders, and more. For those of you who did- I am so so sorry because you deserve so much more.

I know you want to die- and being completely honest- I do too. But- you have to see what's overwhelmingly keeping you alive. Your friends, family, future hopes, and dreams, all of it matters- you matter, and I know that sounds like complete bullsh*t- but I mean it. And if there is nothing to live for- how about you just sit down and just think of little things that make you smile.

Animals licking your face, the sun setting- going to the beach and screaming at your friends/family/lover/etc that they suck playing volleyball/soccer/football/etc and that you are a master at it! Yes, it sounds stupid, but I'm sure I gave you a slight grin. And if I didn't, at least I know, I'm not funny. But really, I know depression is hard.

Dealing with it and not talking about it is overwhelming; sometimes, you just want to scream- and that's perfectly ok. I know you want to give up- let it go- but trust me- the little things are what matter. Please keep going- and if you need someone to talk to, then reach a professional. Or- Reach out to me on discord or Insta- I'm no professional, but I sure can make you smile. (*Discord* Somethin_Sue#8962 or *Insta* somethin_sue)

I love you all, and I will try to post a chapter or two on First Glance. Hope to see you there- have a lovely morning/day/night and see you soon<3