
Talk With Me

Alright, hello ladies/gents and peeps. Call me Sue, or Sum, whatever makes you feel comfortable. This isn't the typical- storybook about some random characters. I wanted to use this book to inform my audience of many different topics, such as suicide, depression, abuse (of all kinds), racism, lgbtq issues, and more. I want this book to be used as a co-opping method- recommending topics you want to hear will be grateful and if you ever want to talk. Try dming my insta- (Seriously_Sumthin) or try looking for a trusted adult and or professional help. *Warning: This book will contain many discussions that may seem a bit too much for the average human mind. If anything such as r*p*, suicide, anxiety, depression- trigger you. Please stray away from this book. Thank you.*

Somethin_Sue · Teen
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6 Chs

The Worst Ending: First Glace and PBTR

WE WILL TALK ABOUT MY WORST ENDING FOR FIRST GLANCE! This book was so fun to write- I had THREE SEASON'S planned! (The last season would have been about everyone's kids) I had a lot more planned for Season two- I had a whole date between Justin and Sue, Had a racism scene with cops and everyone getting arrested because of a fight, a kiss between Alyra and Ad, A confession from Nicole to Justin- which makes her have a mental break down, and she gets put in a mental institute for her own well being. Yes- a lot of these ideas are way over the top. But I had these planned, but I didn't do any of these... LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.

|Why did the story get rushed, and why were all the other story plots get thrown away?|

Ok, so everyone knows how I stopped updating twice a week- yes? Well, I was in a bit of a hard state... MOST of my characters are based on real people (A lot of the information is false) - mostly my friends who permitted me to write them.

I was going through some stuff, and BOOM- something happened with one of my friends, and this demotivated me from writing these storylines anymore since this person was vital in the story- and it just seemed... Really hard to write them because of this incident.

I pushed through for the readers, but it was getting harder and harder until tonight- I wrote the last few chapters and just felt horrible.

I HAD BIG PLANS- but feelings got involved, so I shut them down.

I greatly apologize, but I want to make it up. I am writing a new- HOPEFULLY BETTER STORY. I AM DETERMINED TO FINISH THIS NEXT STORY!

I will update my insta with this new book- (And preview of the first chapter soon) My insta is sumthang_sue if you want to follow and check my updates- I would appreciate it<3

/Play By The Rules- Explained/

OK! The reason I have not updated Play By The Rules was because this was a book that I was determined to write AND FINISH all before October (2020) ended. THAT DID NOT HAPPEN. I WAS WAY TOO FAR BEHIND BECAUSE OF FIRST GLANCE. I will say that this book will continue next October- (Or earlier if you guys want-) It honestly depends on when I'm free, but I will try writing these few days and update when chapters are done.

I do not want to jinx myself with when this book updates- it will happen when it happens. (Sorry) But do not worry! IT WILL CONTINUE.

Ok- that is it for now. This book will mostly be used for comments, concerns, discussions, etc. I love you all- HAVE A HAPPY/OK DAY!<3