
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · アニメ·コミックス
67 Chs

Complete Sage Mode

Kurowashi landed and Hiroki jumped down.

"Shirawashi-sama, it's good seeing you once more." Hiroki said as he walked closer to her.

"Hiroki-kun. It's good that you are here.

Kuro-kun has missed you a lot since you last summoned him." Shirawashi said as she giggled.

Hiroki looked at kurowashi and smirked, but didn't say anything to embarrass him.

"So, Hiroki-kun, how long are you going to stay this time? You need to finish your senjutsu training." Shirawashi said.

"I'm planning to stay for some weeks. At most, two months, but I believe it'll be enough for me to finish my senjutsu training." Hiroki said.

"Alright. It might be just enough. Anyways, you should start right away. The sooner the better." Shirawashi said.

Hiroki then placed his backpack inside the lodge he had created with his wood style the last time he was in Hidden Fog Mountain.

He then walked out from the lodge and went towards Kurowashi, placed his hand on him and teleported to the place he used to practice.

"Shiiiiiiiiit. Damn it. What was that, Hiroki?" Kurowashi asked

"That was instant teleportation. I use a seal together with space and time to anchor me to a location and teleport to that seal no matter the distance I'm from it. It's a jutsu created by the Nidaime Hokage and perfected by

Minato-ni." Hiroki explained.

"Don't do that again without warning me. I almost threw up." Kurowashi said.

"Haha. You'll get used to it Kuro-san. So, what's next for the senjutsu training?" Hiroki asked.

"Well, since you are a human you are not able to fly and you have a contract with us eagles. It would be an embarrassment if we weren't able to teach you how to fly." Kurowashi said.

"What? I'll be able to fly? How?" Hiroki asked. He wasn't believing what Kurowashi was saying.

"Hehe. This great one will teach you. And to answer you, you'll be able to fly. Let's begin now. Sit down with your legs crossed and start meditating to enter sage mode." Kurowashi said. Hiroki then closed his eyes, sat down with his legs crossed and entered sage mode. Black marks surged around his eyes and wing marks on each of his arms.

"Good. Now then, open your eyes and look at the wing marks on your arms."

Hiroki opened his eyes that were the same as an eagle. He looked at the wing marks on his arms just like Kurowashi had told him to.

"Now I want you to move you senjutsu chakra flow from your arms and bring it to your back. You might have some hard time to do this because it is not something easy to accomplish." Kurowashi explained to Hiroki.


In Konoha

Hiruzen had finished the funeral ceremony of the fallen heroes that fought in the war against Kiri. He used the opportunity to show the village the peace treaty and praise Might Dai for his noble sacrifice, which made it possible for the war against Kiri to have an early finish, meaning less lives being thrown away. The whole village started to see Dai in a completely different light. Along with it, Gai was embraced by many of the villagers and shinobi alike.


In the borders of Kumo

Two weeks already went by since Minato left Kiri and he was now investigating the movements of the troops from Kumo. It was a secret mission tha Hiruzen had given him because of how easy it was from him to get in and out of places. Other than Hiruzen and Minato, the only one that knew of this secret mission was Hiroki, but he didn't know the details of it. He had finished a written report so he could hand it to Hiruzen.

'I guess this is all for the moment. I already have more than enough to report to Hokage-sama.' Minato thought as he strapped his backpack and teleported to Konoha.


Hiroki was now sitting crossed leg once more in front of Kurowashi. He was still trying to move the wing marks on his arms to his back with senjutsu chakra. He had been trying to perform this for two weeks already, but couldn't perform it to completion. Each day tha marks would get closer and closer to his back, but once he failed to complete it, they would return to his arms once again. He had been doing this every day for the day and he was extremely close to it now.

"Concentrate harder, there's just a small gap left for the wing marks to reach your back." Kurowashi said.

Hiroki listening to this, breathed calmly and continued to circulate senjutsu chakra, bringing the wing marks closer and closer to his back. And as he was doing this, out of nowhere he felt a surge of powerful winds gather around him.

"I did it! I did it. Finally." Hiroki said excited as he felt the wing marks on his back. He first had trouble due to the wing marks gaining more length as they approached closer to his back. It was the reason why he had a hard time achieving this. For him, it felt as a new part of his body was growing.

"Hehe. Good. Very good kid. We can finally start working on your real wings." Kurowashi said.

"Kuro-san. I have a small question. Would I need to move my wing marks like this every time I wanted to fly? I'm not complaining, but if I were to do so, then it would take too long." Hiroki said with a sheepish smile.

"Hahahaha." Kurowashi laughed hard.

"Why are you laughing, you huge bird?"

"Oy. I'm an eagle, not a bird, kid. Humph." Kurowashi said in anger.

"Can't you tell it already? You stopped concentrating on the wing marks and they haven't returned to your arms. Once you accomplish moving the wing marks to your back, then it will permanently stay there. You won't need to meditate and concentrate every time to do it. Otherwise it would be inconvenient." Kurowashi finished.

Hiroki nodded his head in understanding.

"Alright then. Moving on to the next step. You felt the surge of wind when you accomplished moving the wing marks, right?" Kurowashi asked and Hiroki nodded.

"So now, infuse your senjutsu chakra to your wing marks and try to spread it out to creat chakra wings. The more you concentrate the chakra and spread it out, the more consistent And tougher your wings will become. You can make them into any shape you want, but their power will only depend of you." Kurowashi said as he finished explaining.

Hiroki held a stupid smile on his face.

'I'll be able to fly. Aaaaa, so awesome. I've dreamed of this many times in my past life and I never thought I would be able to do it in this one either. I have good fortune to finding Hidden Fog Mountain and being blesse with their summoning contract and senjutsu techniques.' Hiroki thought in bliss.

He then calmed down with a deep breath and he started concentrating his senjutsu chakra on his wing marks. He made them as dense as he could and spread it out as farther as he could and then compressed it again to fit the shape in his imagination. Hiroki kept repeating this process until he felt it was enough.

As Hiroki repeated the process, strong gusts of wind started blowing every where until it concentrated and made several small spirals. As time moved on, the spiral became stronger and stronger and merged together. The clouds started to darken and concentrated above the mountain. All the eagles noticed this and felt the surge of wind coming from the area where Hiroki was in.

Shirawashi felt this and flew to the area where Hiroki was. She saw him meditating and the wing marks on his back shining each second stronger.

As Hiroki continued to concentrate his senjutsu chakra, the spirals started to merge. The clouds abound the mountain started to swirl and go down until it touched the ground, surrounding Hiroki in a protective barrier. Shirawashi and Kurowashi moved farther and so did the eagles that went to watch what was happening.

Once the clouds touched the ground, the spiral finally merged and gave life to a small hurricane. Hiroki, still concentrated, did not see any of this and he continued to repeat the process of infusing, expanding and compressing more chakra in his wing marks. The hurricane started to spin faster and faster and becoming stronger as well. This continued for over ten minutes until every eagle in Hidden Fog Mountain stayed farther than a kilometer while watching Hiroki. It was then that the hurricane died down as a strong wind mass burst out from it, destroying it completely.

Shirawashi and Kurowashi flew quickly back to Hiroki. When they arrived in front of him, they saw a majestic pair of flawless white wings on his back. Hiroki was standing up and his wings were long enough for the tips to almost touch the ground. There was only one milimetre separating the two. Hiroki opened his eyes and felt a surge of power inside him. It felt strange, but at the same time familiar to him. He saw Shirawashi and Kurowashi staring at him and the other eagles in a farther distance away.

"Did something happen?" Hiroki asked, intrigued to see so many of the eagles around him.

"Hehehe. You happened kid. You have no idea of the fenomenal thing you did. Take a look at your wings." Kurowashi said.

Hiroki looked at his back and saw part of the white wings he created. He could see it completely, but he knew how it looked since he had imagined it in the first place.

"Congratulations Hiroki-kun. You have completed your sage mode." Shirawashi said, getting a questioning look from Hiroki.

"Huh? I thought I had already completed it." Hiroki said.

"If we were to compare sage mode like the others, then you could say it was complete. But our sage mode is a little bit special. You can say it is a two staged sage mode. You can only say it is complete once you obtain the second stage, which is creating your wings using senjutsu chakra." Shirawashi explained.

"Ah. I see." Hiroki said.

"Alright kid. Now that you have wings, why don't you try and take a spin around with it. Just be careful not to exhaust all of your chakra while in the air." Kurowashi said.

"Alright. I'll make a clone just in case I run out of chakra." Hiroki said as he made a clone. The clone sat down and started meditating right away.

"Since you now have your wings, I'm sure they feel a little strange, but they are now a part of your body. Try moving them just with a thought." Kurowashi said as he lifted his right wing.

Hiroki then closed his eyes and concentrated on moving his wings. He raised both wings and opened them wide to his sides. The scene was splendid.

"Good, now flap them and take off." Kurowashi said. As soon as he finished, Hiroki jumped high and flapped his wings, soaring into the sky.

Hiroki felt adrenaline rush through his body like never before, along with excitement and happiness. He flew higher and higher and his speed also started to increase. He could feel no resistance from the air at all and every time he flapped his wings, great amounts of winds were pushed out from them.

After flying for around thirty minutes, Hiroki landed back in front of Kurowashi and Shirawashi. He had a huge smile hung on his face.

"How was it? Now you know what it is to fly free and without restraints." Kurowashi said.

"It feels great. I've never felt so free in my life. And the speed is just too great. It's not as fast as yours, but I could fly to Konoha in just a few minutes. It's just too awesome." Hiroki said.

"That's good Hiroki-kun. You have been training for so long and have exerted a lot of energy these past two weeks. Take some rest for today." Shirawashi said as she left together with Kurowashi.

Hiroki then stopped using sage mode and his wings disappeared.

'I can use both stages of sage mode now. I guess I'll use my wings only when I want to travel using it or fighting someone that can fly. But for now, there shouldn't be anyone able to fly other than Onoki.' Hiroki thought as he went to his lodge to rest and sleep. He felt fatigued and rested well.