
Tales From The Alphaverse: Rising Of The Aberrant

( This book contains dark themes, as well as that, the book has no romance for the MC, I own the alphaverse and the ocs there, however I do not own any other being, this book contains ocs like a lot of ocs ) The destruction of the All-Verse, and then the reformation of it creating the new Alphaverse, a mixture of all the verses within the once amazing All-Verse. Many evil beings who were once dead are now back, bigger than ever, a being will rise... He will come out of the very depths of the abyss and claim himself at the peak of the alphaverse... This is the tale of Aberrant Akar. _______

Indie_Excursion · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs


( I changed my writing style)


Everything was so cold...

So cold...

Laying on the rough dirt floor was a tall insectoid being lacking a mouth, two holes for eyes, one cracked, and the other one in perfect condition. A dark purple and black cloak covering his lower half of his body.

The being groaned, as it was then revealed to be Aberrant. Most of the wounds that he had from the fight with the spiders has vanished completely, like they were never there to begin with.

Aberrant would place his hand on the ground and lift himself up slowly, small pebbles moving to the side as he placed his foot on the ground, rising up slowly Aberrant's vision would return to him as he spoke. " I hate this fucking place... " Aberrant said as he put his hand on his hard skull and moaned in pain.

" My head hurts so much... Damn it...."

Aberrant would speak to himself as he started to move forward, slowly. Raising his head a little bit he would see a big amount of light coming from the end of the tunnel that he is currently in, some hope went into Aberrant's mind as he got faster. Soon enough he reached the end of the tunnel as he would then step on something different from the rough dirt he was used to, instead it was now grass that he was stepping on.

" ? "

Aberrant looked around and heard many sounds, birds chirping, soft growling, loud scratching, croaks, and more sounds. The smell of sweet flowers was also in the air making Aberrant feel calmer.

Tall trees were placed everywhere within this area, as well as thick vines hanging from the rocky ceiling, from some cracks light was leaking down into this area.

Aberrant watched as a strange black floating blob of an entity flew past him silently, feeling curious Aberrant would begin to explore this place. After a couple of hours Aberrant managed to fully explore this area, however he still didn't find an exit.

Slamming himself down onto the ground crushing a flower, Aberrant would sigh in frustration. " Why did it have to be me...? " Aberrant asked as no one answered.

Then suddenly multiple loud cracking sounds rang out from around him, standing up quickly Aberrant would look around sharply. Everything was staying still, and there were barely any animals around either... Everything was silent for a moment, as Aberrant picked up a sharp rock and held it up, he groaned in pain as the cracks on his right shoulder still existed, then suddenly he heard a loud ear-piercing roar that split through the very air.

Something launched up into the air as Aberrant would look upwards, a massive lizard like being was up in the air, its long scaled tail swaying behind it as it opened up its purely metal jaws, it had a lion's mane of black and white quills that were charged with electricity. The being would instantly land on Aberrant its metal jaw closing in on Aberrants chest, its sharp teeth breaking his exoskeleton and piercing through his flesh. Aberrant would scream out in pure agony as he felt sharp pain course through his entire body, it was like someone was piercing a million needles into his bare flesh while pouring salt on his veins.


Snapjaws are powerful hybrid creatures, that use their metal jaws to clamp down on prey and tear them in half, they are also capable of dashing forward using stored electricity, they are known to live in areas filled with wildlife and trees, their flesh is incredibly durable and most knifes and swords will not be able to pierce through their skin.


" YOU MOTHER FUCKKKKERRRRRRRRR!!!!!! " Aberrant screamed out in pure rage, surprising the beast, Aberrant would then stab the beasts eye using the sharp rock. The Snapjaw roared in pain as it let go of Aberrant, Aberrant landed onto the ground and quickly got up. Within Aberrant something was growing, and it was burning brightly like a flame, until all of a sudden Aberrant roared out in rage, red strings flew out of Aberrants body as his arms lit up on fire.

Aberrant was not reacting to the flames that engulfed his hands as suddenly he growled darkly and dashed at the monster faster than he was moving before. " I HAVE HAD IT WITH THIS PLACE! "

The Snapjaw roared as it was suddenly punched in the face by Aberrant and sent flying through multiple trees, one of the trees slammed into the ground, Aberrant growled as he turned around and grabbed the tree. The Snapjaw dashed at Aberrant with clear rage in its one eye, Aberrant would spin around and then slam the tree into the Snapjaw sending the Snapjaw flying back once more.

Aberrant would channel his rage and strengthen it as he felt the pain on his side get worse, all he wanted to do at this very moment was rip that damn beast to shreds. He bend over and lowered his hands and he would then raise up his body and roar loudly, the beast slowly stood up and also let out a loud roar, the flames burned brighter fueled by the rage of Aberrant.

Aberrant began to run towards the monster, his steps causing the ground to shake and quake, the monster would growl and then began to charge at Aberrant. The monsters tail split trees in half as it widened its metal jaw.

Aberrant and the Snapjaw met at the middle, as the Snapjaw jumped into the air and then began to fall down. Aberrant pounded his chest like an ape and when the Snapjaw was about to consume him, he raised his hands and then put them on both sides of the beasts massive salivating jaw, he held both sides of the jaw apart as the beast began to growl and add more power to its mouth.




The exoskeleton bits on Aberrants hands began to break, as he roared even louder, he slammed on of his feet into the hard ground causing the floor to crack, he would then do the same for his other foot as he slowly began to raise up the wild beast. The beast growled in confusion as it was slowly lifted, then it was thrown by Aberrant hitting multiple other trees, causing great pain to the beast.

Trees began to fall down as Aberrant charged forward, leaping over a fallen tree, punching a falling tree obliterating some parts of it, grabbing a vine and swinging past a hole. All of that to end up in front of a whimpering Snapjaw, its legs were torn off as blood leaked out everywhere.

Aberrant walked forward towards the dying beast as he raised up his fists and slammed them down onto the neck of the poor monster, snapping its neck in the process, however that was not the end, he continued to slam his fists into the beast over and over again as he began to menacingly cackle. However, soon enough he got tired, the fire that burned so brightly was now nothing, Aberrant fell down weakly feeling his rage boost fade away.


Primal Rage Of The Voidkin is an ability that is limited to kjnnijnebfijedufuhijqnjdhbfhurwkoedhbfuhrijedkqjdehbufrkoweqden1294r281910e94r8u1r1ef9jb1rh93jfrn21br3fringb2h1r9j32j94ht58438h4291rij93in4tub54g9jrf1minuf2h9jeqdinub24gh359jf4j9r8t5h942r01e2j'hr4gt5brwijekd91h3r824bg5unirowkeqfd9eh18rb34funrjedw91h8f2bg43uvrejd29r84t54gybrvwuqcjwd93h28g4b5vrwnejcqd92h83gf4bvrwncejqdwj92h83r4g5reuwi1wj9'e2h183r24gbf2edj'29h18bfru


Aberrant would weakly stand up, as he limped forward, a massive chunk of his right side was missing, as he was bleeding profusely. Aberrant groaned in pain as he found a vine laying on the ground, he gained an idea, he grabbed the thick vine and then wrapped it around his side, he neatly tied the vine as the bleeding stopped.

He still felt light-headed though

Aberrant would sit down and take a deep breath as he looked around, the once peaceful forest was now an area filled with animal corpses and broken trees... 'What the hell was that...?' Aberrant would think as he looked at his hands for a slight millisecond he saw the burning fires raging on his hands.

Aberrant blinked in his mind as some steam came out of his blowholes, deciding to not stay in the same spot for too long out of fear of another Snapjaw, Abberant would stand up and begin to limp away. His soft footsteps crushed the grass underneath him.

" Damn it..." Aberrant would see another one of the Snapjaws, however this one was peacefully resting. Aberrant began to silently walk past the Snapjaw, being careful to not break a twig or make any sort of noise.

Cracks ran throughout the stone wall as a hole was right in front of him, this hole led upwards, a possible way out of this hellhole....