
Tales from Tabletop

In search of answers for a tragedy, a young woman leaves the only place she ever knew to explore a land known only death and strange beasts. Follow the travels of Selene Bryseis and her companions as they explore a dangerous land known to be rife with monsters, myths, and ancient magics, Syndramire. Hello everyone, my name Drake, and this is my original web series, Tales from Tabletop! Expect fearsome beasts, a fun cast of characters, and adventures that could only be inspired by the famous tabletop rpg, Dungeons and Dragons.

DT_Brennan · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Session 2: Voyage to Syndramire

Three days. Three days was all it took for Selene to understand why boats were rarely the subject of great adventure stories. They were very, very boring.

The part where they left port was exciting. Back then, everything felt new. People were running about while the captain shouted orders from the top deck. She felt the wood beneath her feet creak as sails unfurled and the ship headed out to sea.

She held tight to the railing as the ship picked up speed. She resisted the urge to turn back, look one last time at the city. She already gave her goodbyes. Now was the time to look forward, toward the horizon. Toward the future. Toward adventure.

"Git out of the way, horngirl!" The captain yelled when he caught her wandering about as everyone ran along. "Like I said before if yeh don't know a thing about ships, go below deck. Yeh can come up after we're out proper."

The sheen of adventure wore off quickly after that.

Selene was not used to being treated in such a manner. She wanted to make some kind of witty retort, but thought better of it and scurried below deck. It was dark and damp. Reminded her of an alleyway after a heavy downpour. Her eyes were uniquely suited to the dark, so she adjusted quickly. The ship moved beneath her, throwing off her balance. Nearly falling once, twice, several times, she finally regained her bearings and found her way back to the sleeping area.

Her bags waited where she left them. Thrown in a corner in the rush to see the ship's departure. She grabbed one in each arm, then spun so her back faced the wall. She sat, huddled in the dark.


"He's completely ridiculous, I know things about ships," Selene mumbled to herself, thoughts drifting. "They got a poop deck, a big wheel you spin, and sails. Easy."

Silence followed.

"Not that I know...how that makes the ship go. Bet they're involved somehow," she muttered under her breath.

Time passed, and she came no closer to an answer for this great mystery.

Selene spent much of her time in similar fashion on the voyage. The crew left her to her own devices. Above deck, she often spent time climbing about the masts and sails or performing acrobatics as practice for future adventures. The crew found it "dangerous" and that she was "bound to break something." When practice inevitably went too far, the captain would give her a sharp scolding then banish her below deck once more. Time was also spent observing the crew. She learned a song or two in the process that would make her mother blush.

But that was by accident. Honest.

Over time, Selene managed to learn more about the nature of this voyage. This route was considered relatively safe. No real threat of pirates or fearsome beasts of the sea since they stayed so close to shore. The same crew made this route every time, so rarely were they unprepared. Everything else was handled by the captain and his decades of experience traveling the route. The only real worry she ever heard was a dwindling booze supply.

In short, the route was safe, predictable, and oh so very boring.

The only interesting part of any given day was supper. The crew ate together each night, and stories were always told in the waning light. This was the one time Selene felt part of the crew. She even managed to earn a reputation for telling the best stories. She also gained a reputation for swiping your bowl if you got distracted, much to the amusement of the crew and the chagrin of the poor sap.

They would stop frequently at ports along the way, either to resupply or buy and sell goods as needed. These were welcome reprieves from the drudgery of the ship. Occasionally, the town would have things worth her coin, such as a pair of razor-sharp daggers. She hid them on the small of her back, always in reach and easily drawn as needed.

Months passed. The weather grew colder as summer fades to fall. Nothing of note occurred.

Until a new passenger joined the crew.


"Greetings, friends! I am Brother Hamish, and I am sharing in your journey this day!" Selene was taken aback as the massive, giant of a half-orc bellowed as he came aboard.

His size reminded Selene of stories she heard of giants who stood so tall, clouds would hide their heads from sight. He towered above everyone on the ship, even the captain seemed small by comparison. He wore simple brown robes. The robes did nothing to hide the layers upon layers of rippling muscle all over his body. He was built like granite. His skin held the greenish hue common to half orc kind, with a slight underbite revealing pointed teeth past his lips. His hair was black, but gray at the temples. It was kept short and neat, with a beard, well trimmed, and speckled in white. His smile never seemed to leave his face.

Then his eyes met hers.

"You must be other passenger the captain speaks! Is good meeting you, little one. I am Brother Hamish, but no need for formality." His stride seemed to stretch halfway across the deck as he came closer with hand outstretched.

"Hi...Hamish? I'm Selene. Selene Bryseis." Awkwardly, she reached for his hand and took it. His hand gripped hers with a surprising gentility.

His eyes, a deep auburn, seemed alight with excitement as he greeted her warmly, "Selene? You have beautiful name. I hope we can become the good friends during time aboard vessel."

Her cheeks suddenly felt hot as she looked away. His sincerity was a little overwhelming. Beautiful? I mean, yeah. I know, that's why I chose it, but...but...I never expected anyone else to say it like that...

Hamish, oblivious, released her hand and turned to head below deck, "But for now, I must find place to put my things. Goodbye, Selene. I will see you at dinner?"

She stared blankly for a moment, then nodded. He gave a toothy grin in response.

The ship left dock that afternoon without any further excitement.

That evening meal was particularly boisterous. Hamish seemed to light up the deck and his infectious laugh could be heard late into the night. After supper, Selene decided to move to the upper deck. The waters were calm, the sky was clear, and stars shone brightly in the night sky. Selene was delighted the first night she discovered that nights on the sea were so vibrant. There were more stars than she ever saw back home. The night sky practically glistened as the crescent moon rose to meet it.

She found herself a comfortable spot leaning against the railing closest to the lower deck. Using her arms as a cushion, she gazed at the expanse above. Selene was quickly lost in thought. She thought about the future, the destination, and how far she still had to go. Two months was already long, but the captain said it could take around six months to reach Syndramire.

Why does it have to be so long? She wondered, readjusting herself to get a better view of the night. I know I've waited longer, but another four months of this feels like torture.

She mulled over the problem for a time, but finally decided there was no point dwelling on it. This was the fastest way to Syndramire. That was that.

Her position grew uncomfortable, so she moved to lay atop the railing. Her foot brushed the deck closest to the wheel and her tail casually swayed on the other side. Comfortable once more, her mind continued to drift. As she thought up a new flashy entrance to try out later, a voice came from the main deck.

"Selene, my friend! Mind if I join you?"

She jumped, tail quickly wrapped around the railing to stop her fall until she found her balance again. It was the new guy. Once certain she would not fall off, she responded nonchalant. "Sure, find a spot. Not sure you'll find a good one unless you like the floor."

He laughed, "Not to worry, I have spent many sleeps on floor. Quite comfortable, once you get used to it."

Hamish made himself comfortable beside her. He gave a whistle as he gazed upwards, "Wow. So beautiful."

Since the start of this journey, this was the first time anyone went out of their way to spend time with her. It took her a moment to decide whether this was a good thing or not.

Finally, she decided to respond, "Yeah, it is. Don't think I've ever seen so many stars before. Like...like there's shining jewelry adorning the night sky, you know?"

Hamish chuckled, "Such flowery language. I like it! Like poetry from back home!"

"Thanks...." Selene hesitated before adding, "...and...where's home?"

"Far, far away. On small island to the west, called Adovask."

Selene recognized the name, vaguely. She had heard stories that giants lived there. I knew it. She thought aloud.

"Oh? What do you know?"

Selene's cheeks burned crimson. "Uhhhhhh..." instead of answering she shifted the conversation, "....Adovask, that's pretty far away, huh? How long've you been travelling?"

"How long? Hmmmm...." Hamish was silent for a time, until he answered, "Several years, probably. Cannot remember exact number."

"Wow, that's a long time to get somewhere."

Hamish gave another hearty laugh, "No. No. You misunderstand. I have no destination. I wander, going where I may like leaf on breeze."

Selene's eyes widened. She rolled over to her side, careful not to fall this time, and stared down at him, "You left your home with no plan at all?"

He laughed again, "Of course not! Plan is to find the places and the people that need my help. My journey is a spiritual one, Selene. My order believes all have good to give world. As final test, I must go and do good as only I can. Make it...brighter, you know?"

She gave it some thought, then rolled over to continue star gazing, "Not really."

He laughed heartily, "That is okay. I was not so understanding either when I was your age."

"Oh really? So you weren't always...a...?" Selene struggled to find the right word.

"Monk?" He answered, chuckling again, "No, I was not. Long time ago. Perhaps I tell you some time."

"...why not now?"

Hamish sat in silence in a moment, trying to find the right words, "Talking about the past has its place. And it should be shared, but I think you are not ready to share yours, no?"

Her whole body tensed at the thought, "No. No, I'm not."

Hamish nodded, "Then let us not worry. Once we both feel it is good time, we can exchange, yes?"

For some reason, his words comforted her. She relaxed enough to respond jokingly, "Sure, but since I asked first, you'll start. Got it?"

Hamish gave another hearty laugh. "Haha! Yes, I got it."

Silence fell for a time after the laughter subsided.

"So enough of past." Hamish concluded as he changed the subject, "Where do you go? What path do you walk?"

"I'm going to Syndramire." Selene responded casually.

Now it was Hamish's turn to be surprised. He sat up, his eyes meeting hers, "Syndramire? You go to that place? Is very dangerous, you know?"

"Yeah. I do." Her fist clenched, as she stared above, "But I have to. There's something...someone I need to find."

"...you go alone?"

Selene shrugged, "...I guess?"

"...you are very brave."

Conversation ended there, as both parties fell to silence. They continued to stare into the night sky, lost in thought for several hours before finally turning in.

Hamish's presence changed little, as far as day to day was concerned. His company was rarely intrusive and he seemed to genuinely appreciate her company. She concluded he was an odd one, but she liked him all the same.

Most days, Hamish spent the majority of his time in meditation, moving only as needed to stay out of the crew's way. Whenever there was a lull or she got tired from practicing the stunts she came to dub as "heroic moves," Selene always seemed to find her way back to him.

Out of curiosity, she tried to join him in his meditations a number of times. Oftentimes she would end up falling asleep beside him, much to her chagrin upon awakening. Several times, she awoke below deck, safely tucked inside a vacant cot. She felt embarrassed each time, but he never seemed to mind.

"Meditation is complicated," He would say, "It helps clear mind and show what you need. In your case, meditation show you need sleep, my friend."

Evening would come, and he would join the crew in laughter and drink. He especially seemed to enjoy the stories Selene and others shared. If the night was clear, he would join Selene in stargazing, like they did the first night. Hamish never seemed willing to broach the subject of Syndramire again.

Time continued to pass slowly.


It was a few days before arrival at the next port. Selene decided to stay out of trouble a while and join Hamish for his meditations after she was scolded for the umpteenth time. Today, he was seated atop the railing, with his legs crossed and eyes closed. She came up to him quietly, hoping not to distract him. She jumped atop the rail beside him. Her feet dangled off the side, kicking the air, as her tail rolled off the edge, bouncing with the breeze as the ship surged forward.

After a while, Hamish spoke, as if to no one in particular, "I understand why crewmates do not like it, but that was quite impressive." He chuckled. "I do not believe I have ever seen rope used like that."

Selene looked away as if she had no idea what he was talking about.

The plan had been to leap from the highest point on the ship and land on the unfurled sails. She would use them as a makeshift slide as she descended. Using a rope attached to the mast, she would swing down to safety once she neared the bottom. It did not work out that way. So she had to improvise, much to everyone's dismay.

At least the sails didn't rip, the captain would have killed me. She twirled her hair around her finger and bit her lip, "Thanks. I think."

"Haha! But be more careful next time you practice those 'heroic moves.' If you got hurt, might make it difficult to learn new ones, yes?"

She shrugged, "Sure." She already knew what she needed to do. Bring more rope next time and I bet it'll work.

Silence fell for a time as they enjoyed the breeze. The sun was setting on the horizon, bathing the ship and crew in hues of reds and yellows.

After a few minutes, Hamish opened his eyes and turned to face her. His expression was a mixture of hesitation and doubt. His voice grew serious as his eyes met hers, "...Selene."

Selene was slightly taken aback. In the weeks she had known him, he never sounded so serious. She responded slowly, "...yes?"

"I am...deciding," He shifted in his seat. "Where I might be going. I paid enough for travel to next port but no further."

"Oh." Selene felt her heart sink as she turned away. Her feet and tail slowed to a stop.

They had only known each other a few weeks, but she had grown accustomed to Hamish's company. She was uncertain she was ready to part ways.

"But you see," Hamish continued, leaning over to catch her gaze, "That is why I want to speak with you. I have...question."


Hamish was silent for a moment, struggling to find the right words, "...I have been meditating long time on this. Since you and I spoke on first day." He paused. "You are very brave young woman, but hearing you going to such dark place on your own. I feel....that is wrong."

Hamish's eyes asked permission to continue. "Go on." Selene said.

He smiled in thanks. He spoke softly, carefully considering each word, "Well. I am quite strong, and I have been looking for next place to go. So I am here wondering..." He took in a deep breath, finally getting to the point, "If you would allow me to join you."

Her eyes widened, shocked. "What?"

"I could accompany you in Syndramire." He shifted, sharing in her discomfort, "I have spent much time meditating. Every time, I feel same. I think I am to go with you to this place. Syndramire. To...watch your back, as they say?"

Selene pursed her lips. She had never thought about making this trip alone, but she also never thought about traveling with company.

Adventurers usually travel in parties, right? Stories usually have the hero surrounded by a hearty crew or a merry band. Maybe I should...

No. How could I trust he wouldn't betray me? The journey is hard enough, how can I handle betrayal as well? There's no way...

Selene struggled with how to respond.

Hamish spoke softly, worry creasing his brow, "You have been alone long time, yes? My apologies if I made uncomfortable. I do not mean disrespect. But...you go to such bad place on your own. I can not let one so young...I only meant-"

A wave of shame suddenly came over her, as Hamish stumbled over his words. He's only trying to help me...and I'm supposed to be better. I need to be better, but here I am thinking like I'm still Rieta.

I'm not. I'm Selene. Selene Bryseis.

She answered weakly, "...yes."

"...and I would-Pardon?" he stopped mid-sentence.

She responded, more determined this time. Her eyes were slightly watering, "Yes....I would like that, Hamish."

Hamish was silent for a time. "Then...good."

He laughed, "Like I said, I go like leaf on breeze. I believe breeze take me here, to you, but would never follow without permission."

Selene chuckled, the mood slowly lifting, "Yeah, might be fun to have you around. Just don't steal my spotlight, okay?"

"Haha!" His voice returning to its usual tone as he smiled warmly, "I could not even if I tried, Selene."

The next few days passed quicker than normal, as the two spoke and began planning for the future.


Drastè Wharf was the largest port between Izan'Larai and Lendrig's Hollow. All that really meant was the town was slightly bigger than other towns. Still, the crew spoke about this port for weeks. They always planned stops here so they docked right before some major festival. They called it Drastè's Cradle, and people from all across the region came together and celebrated the harvests from both land and sea.

This time around, the festivities would begin the day they docked after all work for the day was done. The town was stuffed to the gills with all the novelties, food, and fine drink you could ever want. Excitement was palpable.

The crew followed the usual routine for docking, so Selene and Hamish were left to themselves below deck. Hamish leaned casually against the wall, while Selene rummaged through her packs. She took stock of everything she owned frequently, but especially before they docked.

I don't think anyone would steal from me, Selene reasoned, but...can't be too careful.

"My friend, do you have plans for the night?" Hamish asked.

"Yeah." Selene responded absentmindedly, "Shopping, mostly. Gotta find some stuff I'll need for Syndramire."

"Oh? What you need?"

Selene shrugged, "You know, just a couple things here and there. Rope, short sword, maybe some knives?"

Hamish crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, "Knives?"

"Yeah, I figured it would be good to have a couple ranged weapons. Plus it sounds perfect for an adventurer like myself."

Hamish chuckled, "I wish you luck in the shopping, but be careful."

Satisfied everything was still there, she gathered up what remained and put it back in her pack, "What about you?"

He smiled, "I will be joining crew in the 'night on town!' I am looking forward to it."

Selene did not respond. He often drank and sang with them on the ship, why not on land as well?

"Well, I hope you have a good time." Hamish continued, his tone growing slightly concerned, "And watch out for thieves and pickpockets. We are not in big city, but I am sure they will be looking for easy targets tonight."

Selene snorted. "Yeah. I'll do my best. And you watch out, too. A town this small might confuse you for a giant attacking the village."

That got a hearty laugh from Hamish, "Haha, yes! I should walk on knees. Do not want to cause trouble for good captain."

They both had a good laugh as they went above deck once the crew finished their duties. Selene was the first to leave the ship. There were still a few hours until dark, but most shops carrying adventurer supplies would close after the festival began. Selene waved a final goodbye to Hamish, then she leapt off the ship platform onto the docks. Without stopping, she scurried past the dock workers and obstacles in her path.

The town was sizable, but not massive. She managed to find the shops with ease, and by sunset, she had everything she needed. Starting with climbing rope, Selene had trouble determining how much was needed. Eventually she decided to only get as much as she could carry comfortably in her pack.

The short sword and knives were harder, as the weaponsmith wanted to haggle. Probably paid twice the normal amount. She thought dourly as she put her coin purse away, now much lighter. By her estimates, she still had enough to pay the captain, but not much after that.

Might need to make more coin before Syndramire.

Selene cringed at the thought. She hoped to rely on adventuring for funds in the future, but the thought of entering Syndramire broke was enough for her to reconsider.

As conventional shops were closing, the festivities for the night were just starting. All kinds of distractions would be around town soon. Stalls that sold local delicacies or novelty treats, performers that retold the events that spawned the founding of the festival through song and dance, and a massive crowd to use for cover.

Festivals always have a bunch of easy marks. I could make up what I'm missing easy. Selene tried to fight the temptation, but old habits were hard to break.

I'll get just enough to make up what I spent today. Not gonna let us starve when I can make ends meet. Selene rationalized as she headed toward the festivities.


This is almost too easy. Selene thought as she slipped through the crowd. Everyone here was so distracted, it might be more difficult to swipe the sweets from children.

She knew she grabbed more than she needed, but the rush of such easy marks was intoxicating. There was no fear of reprisal here, only the thrill of the take.

While taking a breath, she searched for the next mark, when she noticed a hooded figure speaking with a vendor. She could not hear the conversation, but she could tell they were both distracted. And the figure placed his coin purse on the counter. Neither seemed to be watching it.

Arveene's words played quietly at the back of her mind, unheeded. Selene could not help herself.

Blending into the crowd, she approached. Neither vendor nor customer paid the counter any mind. She glided over to the stall, assured. The purse was practically begging to be taken, and Selene was happy to oblige. Casually, she grabbed it off the counter.

A gloved hand slammed over her cupped fist, trapping it against the counter. The hooded figure spoke softly, "That is not yours, young one."

His voice was stern, like a parent lecturing their child.

Selene looked up to see glowing eyes looking down on her. They glowed with a similar incandescence to the full moon hanging above them.

"O-oh." Selene stammered, "You're right. My mistake. I'll-uh. I'll be going, if you don't mind." Letting go of the bag with exaggerated flair, she then tried to pull her hand away. He did not let go.

Caught like a rat in the trap, Selene knew she screwed up.

"Are you okay, sir?" The owner of the stall asked, concerned, "Should I call for the guard?"

"No need," he said, never taking his eyes off Selene as he returned his purse to his side, "I'll handle this myself."

The longer she met his gaze, the more uncomfortable she felt. If eyes were windows to the soul, his soul was ancient. Practically timeless. She never stared down an elf before, but there was no other race that could evoke such a feeling.

He also had pointed ears. That helped, too.

He dragged her off to the side, out of the way of the stall and other festival goers. Selene went along, but had no desire to follow his rhythm. She knew she needed a plan. When they reached the entrance of the alleyway, the elf pushed her against the wall. His hand, still holding hers, pushed her fist against the wall above her head.

The elf was tall, towering above her. "I've had my eyes on you for a while, thief. You're good, but you got greedy. Now, I have some questions for you. I expect you to answer. Do you understand?"

She did not respond. Fear was taking hold and her mind was working a mile a minute to get out of this.

"Don't play with me, young one. I am short on patience. Do you understand?"

Panic clutched her chest as she tried desperately to get away, but his grip was like a vice. She could not get away. She stopped resisting, her head bowed, "Okay, you win. I'll do whatever you want."

Silence. He eyed her a moment, trying to determine if she was telling the truth. He used his free hand to lift her face up by her chin.

Selene made her move. Latching her tail and free hand to the arm holding her, she lifted herself up. Using the wall for added force, she delivered a mule kick to his sternum as hard as she could. The elf released her. He fell to his knees as the wind was knocked out from him. Before he had a chance to recover, Selene grabbed the coin purse from his side and bolted down the alleyway.

I'm sorry, elf guy. You might have succeeded if you met Rieta the thief. But I'm Selene Bryseis, an adventurer, and I don't give up so easily.

The fight was not over. Footsteps quickly followed. Listening closely, she gauged his distance behind her. When he least expected it, she ducked through an adjacent alley to her right. She had to move quickly. Out of his line of sight, she leapt for the nearest cobbled wall and scampered up onto the thatched roof above. She didn't wait to see if that slowed him down. She ran to the opposite side of the building. Judging the gap between the adjacent buildings, she leapt. Landing with a dull thud on the other side, she kept running.

A moment later, she heard a thud behind her. She glanced back. The elf was closing in. Panicked, she shifted course. She leapt across another building, veering towards the main streets. No time to climb down, Selene eyeballed the height.

About a twenty foot drop, I can make that. Probably.

Selene leapt toward the crowded streets below. Luckily, she didn't hit anyone. And her last minute roll saved her from any harm. She heard a similar thud nearby, but didn't look to see the cause. Dodging and weaving past folk with practiced alacrity, Selene flowed through the oncoming crowds. It was too loud to hear if he was still following. Didn't matter. She was small, fast, and well acquainted to blending into crowds. Even if the elf was able to keep up in speed, he was far larger. The crowd would slow him eventually.

She kept this pace and repeated the tactic until certain she was no longer followed. Out of breath, she ducked into an alley to get her bearings.

I can't believe that actually worked. She laughed weakly and whispered, "Guess all those stunts on the ship paid off."

Creeping from her hiding spot, she checked and double checked that there was no more sign of the elf. There was none, but Selene decided that was enough excitement for one night. She clung to the crowd and shadows for cover as she made her way back to the docks.

The crowds thinned as she moved further from the center of town. Without the crowd to cover her movements, she kept glancing about. As far as she could tell, no one was following.

Time dragged on due to cautious movements, but she finally made it back to the ship. The guard had been sleeping, but gave a start when he heard Selene's approach. Recognizing her, he gave a nod before falling back asleep.

Safely aboard and away from any prying, Elven eyes, Selene relaxed. The night was still young, so Selene decided she would take advantage of the empty ship and mess around with her new toys.

She started with the knives, pulling one from her gauntlet. They were about half the size of her daggers, so all of them fit comfortably in hidden pockets. She bought them in bulk, and made sure there were enough to fill any remaining spots left in her gauntlets and armor. Now she always had a blade or two in a pinch. Selene gave the one a few practice tosses up in the air, letting it hit the deck with a thud. Satisfied, she put it away for the time being.

Her sword rested comfortably in its sheath on her hip. She gripped the hilt in her hand, and drew it in a sweeping fashion. It was simple in make and about as long as her arm, fitting comfortably in both hands. She gave it a few practice swings before striking a pose.

"Now I'm ready," she whispered as she returned the sword to her hip with a flourish. She had all the tools of the trade for adventuring.

Now all she needed was practice using them.

Well, no time like the present. She moved past the guard, who was now snoring audibly. Bet I can find a spot nearby to practice.

After a quick search, she found an area that seemed adequate for practice. It was an open area, probably used as a staging ground for supplies on and off boats. She found some discarded wood planks nearby, about the same shape and size as the one used to get aboard The Admare when docked. They were quite heavy, but with some effort she was able to move them up against the wall.

I don't have anything to mark for targets, but this should be good enough for knife practice. She thought to herself, counting out several paces away from her makeshift target board. With theatrical flourish, she drew a knife in each hand.

"You're going down, board!" She cried as she flung the knives from her hands. Their flight from her hand was magnificent. They spun through the air with deadly force. They hit the wall, hilt first, then fell to the earth with a dull thud. Selene frowned.

"Well, that was anticlimactic." She muttered as she went to pick them up.

"I could have sworn I threw them right." Returning to her spot, she spun around and prepared to try again.

"Maybe if I throw them one at a time?" She surmised. It fared about as well as the first. She then tried throwing them faster, to no avail.

This went on for several minutes. She tried changing the distance, her stance, the way she threw the knives. Nothing changed no matter what she tried.

After what felt to be the millionth attempt, Selene threw her hands in the air in frustration. She knew this was a difficult skill to learn. She did not expect to master it in a single day, but hitting a wall this early in practice? She did not know what to do. Finally she let out an exasperated, "Why?"

"Several reasons." A voice came from above, on the roof of a nearby building. "First, you're spinning the blade too much. Rotations should be based on distance. The farther the target, the more rotations it needs."

As Selene scanned the roof for the voice, her eyes met glowing irises. It was the elf from before.

He continued, "Second, your stance is off, there is no power to your throw."

Leaping from the building, he landed in front of her crouched, "Third, you keep letting go at the wrong time, causing the blade's trajectory to skew too far to the left or right. That's why you keep missing the target."

The elf rose to his full height, towering above her. He pulled back his hood. Silver hair, shining in the moonlight, streamed down his shoulders. His pale skin had an ethereal glow, as if his very being was born from moonlight. Her awe gave the elf time to approach. He took the knife from her hand, "These look new. Did you just steal them as well?"

Selene was speechless, struck dumb by circumstance. She stammered out, "B-but...I..."

"Lost me? You didn't. But you did come close. I was not expecting your...unorthodox technique. Regardless, let's continue our conversation. I believe you said you would do whatever I want?"

"Did I?" Suddenly she caught diarrhea of the mouth, and started rambling, "Yeah, I think I did, well, you know, I was caught up in the moment I guess. I-"

He held his hand up, "Stop."

She shut up.

"Listen." He waited until she nodded. "Where are you from?"

Her mind went blank for a second, but she managed to blather out, "I-Izan'Larai?"

His eyes registered no response, but he gave a small whistle, "You're a long way from home, young one. Why are you here?"

"I-I'm a traveler on a boat, we stopped for supplies and-"

He shook his head, "Not what I meant. Where are you going?"


Surprise flickered across his expression. "Why."

"W-well, you see, I want to be a great adventurer, and-"

He cut her off with a raised hand, "There are better places for a new adventurer to make a name for yourself. All most find in Syndramire is death. Why are you going?"

"...I have to. I...don't have a choice." She looked away, her voice shrinking to a whisper, "I have to find out why."


She refused to respond. Her eyes never wavered as he stared her down.

He was silent for a time as he sized her up. Finally, he shrugged, "Suit yourself. My purse?"

She handed it over without argument. He turned, as if to walk away. Then he stopped, fiddling with the knife in his hands as if lost in thought. The tension was palpable as the din of the festivities could be heard in the distance.

Without warning, he threw her knife without looking. She flinched, but the blade flew toward the wooden target. His aim and throw were true, the blade slid an inch deep into the wood. He turned to face her once more, "What is your name?"

"Uh....S-selene?" She squeaked. Trying again, she cleared her throat, stood up straight, and puffed out her chest, "Selene Bryseis."

He gave what sounded like a soft chuckle, "You may call me Argent. Whether by fate or fortune, it seems we walk the same path. I head for Syndramire as well." His gaze traveled upwards, at the full moon hanging in the night sky, "For that reason, I suggest we go together. If there is more to our meeting, this will be a chance to prove it."

Selene stood there, confused. The conversation had taken a turn she did not expect. She fiddled with her hat, feeling the leather on her fingers as she mulled over his offer, "I don't know..."

Argent nodded, "I understand. There is no reason to take my word, after everything that's happened, right?"

She shrugged. "I guess you could say that."

A smile touched his lips as he continued, his tone almost wistful, "You know, you made quite an impression earlier. You are quite remarkable for someone so young." His smile disappeared and his tone hardened, "Talent has gotten you far, but I fear you will not survive Syndramire as you are."

Flattered but also slightly offended, Selene objected, "But..."

He did not give her a chance to complete that thought. His words cut through the air, "No. You will not. The land is more dangerous than rumors suggest, and I have reason to believe it has only grown worse since I last came here."

Selene's heart sank, "...worse?"

He sighed, eyes now downcast, "Yes, worse. For that reason, I ask you consider joining me. I have long considered taking a student and despite yourself, you have impressed me tonight."

She frowned and began to protest, but he cut her off again, "I promise you, I will not let your talent go to waste. I will prepare you for Syndramire, as best I can."

Selene took a moment to process everything Argent said, then asked, "You mean...you'll make me into a real adventurer?"

Argent chuckled again, a smile tugging at his lips, "Yes, I will make certain you are the adventurer you always dreamed to be. What say you?"

Selene did not think. She knew her answer.

'Under an auspicious moon, the mythic warrior Argent offered Selene his services. To train under him and carry on his legacy.' I bet that's how this will be remembered, better come up with something cool to say, too! Selene thought with glee.

She met his gaze, determination filled her. Excitement overwhelming, her tail bounced happily as she squealed, "Yes! A thousand times yes!" Hearing herself, she quickly felt the heat rise to her cheeks.

She tried to regain her composure, tail still swishing about excitedly. She added more seriously, "I will join you, Argent. I will do whatever it takes to become a great adventurer."

"Good answer," Argent's expression softened, amused, "Well then, Selene, we have time now. Let's start with these knives of yours."

Argent pulled the knife from the board, then showed her the proper stance. He explained the proper methods to throw dependent on distance, and demonstrated each step in turn.

Selene stood in awe each time he threw the blades. They seemed almost an extension of himself, and flew through the air with deadly accuracy. Training was still slow, but by the time they finished for the night, Selene had successfully lodged a knife in her target.

"Good, we'll continue this later, with greater emphasis on speed and consistency." He said, pulling the knife from the board, "For now, there is someone waiting for me at The Bronze Clam."

Selene paused, "Didn't you say we had time for training tonight?"

Argent raised an eyebrow, then shrugged, "Training takes priority. Besides, I was sent to get treats from the festival. So long as we get those, all will be forgiven. And since you are partially to blame, you can help me grab whatever is still available."

Selene tried to protest, but Argent dashed off towards the stalls before she could respond. "But...I...you..." She sighed, accepting her teacher's request, "...wait for me."

Guess it's my turn to chase. Selene thought as she ran with Argent through the streets once more.


All the stalls were still open, so Selene and Argent were still able to find some treats. Selene had not eaten, so she picked a few for herself as well. She bit down on one such item, some kind of fried dough confection called a 'meat bun' by the vendor, as she kept pace with Argent. Their smell had reminded her of fried kebabs from back home. The taste was quite different thanks to the fried dough and local spices. She decided it was pretty good all the same, licking her fingers as the juice dribbled down her hand.

The tavern was a fair distance from the port, likely to avoid cruder clientele. Laughter and singing could be clearly heard above the common din of festivities.

Must be packed, she thought.

Upon entering, Selene realized the sounds were centralized in a single corner, around a rather loud and boisterous half-orc monk.

Selene's eyes widened as she recognized the familiar face. "Hamish?"

Argent followed her line of sight to Hamish as his laughter boomed throughout the establishment. His face unreadable, he simply asked, "You know him?"

"Yeah, he's on the ship as me." She then added, slightly flustered as he drained a massive keg of alcohol in one go, "He's a friend, and he's...coming with me to Syndramire."

"Ah, I see," was all he said, before motioning for her to follow.

They continued in the exact opposite direction of the noise, towards the quietest corner. At the table closest to the corner sat a human woman. She was breathtaking. Vibrant, crimson hair, olive skin, and dark brown eyes, she was like a princess pulled right out of a story book.

The woman's eyes were transfixed. Focused completely on the people on the other side of the tavern. A plate of food sat in front of her completely untouched. A smile played on her lips as she lightly tapped the table to the beat of the song Hamish's group were singing. Argent sat down wordlessly beside her, motioning Selene to do the same. She did as told and sat in the chair opposite the woman, who now seemed almost in a trance.

Argent leaned over so his face was next to hers, facing the crowd, "Enjoying the show, Ari?"

Ari jumped, returning to reality. Her expression quickly shifted from surprise to admonishment as she faced the elf beside her, "Argent! You had me worried. Where have you-"

She paused when her eyes met Selene's. Selene quickly bent forward, letting her hat cover her face. If she was royalty, Selene felt extremely underdressed.

"Who is this?"

"She is the reason I'm late, Ari." Argent said as he grabbed Selene's shoulder, "This is Selene, and she's also going to Syndramire. She will be joining us, and I will be training her."

Selene's hat kept her from seeing their faces or reactions, but she looked up when an outstretched hand came into view. She glanced up to see the woman reaching across the table, a shy smile touching her lips, "I am Arifrenya. You can call me Ari. It is good to meet you, Selene."

Selene blushed, and wordlessly took the proffered hand. She tried to say something polite back, but instead she blurted the last thought she had, "You're like a princess."

Ari's cheeks flushed briefly a crimson comparable to her hair, when Argent responded, "Believe me, she's not."

The woman frowned at Argent, who shrugged. "He's right, I'm not a princess." She then flicked his nose, "But he's no prince charming, either."

Argent's face crinkled at the touch. Selene giggled. She never expected an elf, let alone Argent, to make a face like that.

Ari glanced to Selene, giving her a knowing grin, then turned toward Argent, "So I hope your cute little distraction didn't make you forget your little errand?"

"Of course not. We just took the scenic route to learn more about each other." Argent smiled, laying a small assortment of treats ranging from sweet to savory on the table. Selene followed suit with her own.

Ari grabbed the nearest treat and took a small, polite bite, then said, "I've never seen Argent take a scenic route. What happened?"

Selene stammered, "Well...I...uhhh..."

"She took my money when I was haggling with a vendor." Argent chuckled.

Ari's eyes widened, "You managed to sneak up on him?" Selene nodded, suddenly embarrassed, "Not bad, what happened next?"

Selene retold the events in full. She gave it some theatrical flair, but avoided embellishment.

As she spoke, Ari was in the process of finding and consuming the sweetest treats Argent brought. Argent ate the savory. Once finished, a brief silence fell as the two continued to eat. Selene, not wanting to be left out, grabbed one as well. The one she grabbed looked like dried meat, but tasted like some kind of fruit salted to bring out the sweetness. It was good, but Selene preferred dried meat.

When Ari finished her last one, some kind of sticky candied fruit, she heaved a satisfied sigh. Then she asked, "So, you really are going to Syndramire as well?"

Selene swallowed before answering, "Yes. I am."

Ari nodded, "Why? Do you have family there? I hear Malenai are pretty common there."

Selene bit her lip. "Well..."

Argent swallowed the last bite of his meat bun, some juices rolling down his chin. Ari, with slight disdain, handed him a napkin. He took it and wiped his face as he said, "Best tell her, Selene. Ari's not one to let things slide."

"Ummm...well...you see..." Selene mentally grasped at straws, trying to come up with some way out of this conversation.

A familiar voice came from above her head. "Selene?"

Selene looked up, staring into auburn eyes. "Hey, Hamish."

Hamish laughed, "Haha! I thought it was you I see over here, my friend. Did not expect to see you here." He looked round the table, "Not interrupting meal, I hope?"

Selene saw the perfect chance to change subject, so she responded, "No, not at all. In fact, I was just meeting some new friends who'll be with us on the ship. They're also going to Syndramire. Why don't you join us?"

Hamish's eyes widened, "Oh, may I?" Argent shrugged and Ari gestured to the remaining chair at the table.

Hamish happily obliged, the chair groaning under his weight. He paid it no mind as he declared with a broad smile on his face, "Welcome aboard, my elf friends, I am Brother Hamish."

Elf friends? Ari isn't... Selene turned back to her new companions. Sure enough, Arifrenya had pointed ears to match Argent's. Oh. I guess she is.

"You're a monk?" Argent asked, incredulously.

"Yes. I come from far west, little island called Adovask."

Argent's eyes flashed recognition, "I've been there, but I don't recall seeing any monks like you."

Hamish laughed loudly, "Yes, I am strange sight, even back home, but I am Brackva. Or...how you say in this language?" He mulled it over, trying to come up with a proper term, finally he gave up, "No matter. I am...protector, I protect innocent where spirit leads me. Like leaf on breeze."

Argent nodded. Ari was back to watching the crowd across the tavern, who continued their song and dance without Hamish.

Selene, on the other hand, was in awe, "Wow, so you're like a knight! But without the armor."

Hamish laughed heartily, "Yes, like knight. But use fists and spirit instead of sword and armor."

"But don't monks avoid drinking and other stuff like that?" Ari chirped in, still watching the crowd.

"Oh, yes! Is very simple. As monk cannot get drunk, or...overindulge, as you say. I enjoy drink, good food and company, but always stop before I go too far. But I am big, so 'too far' is miles away." Hamish laughed heartily at his own joke.

No one else seemed to get it, so an awkward silence fell.

"So....what reason are you going to Syndramire, Hamish?" Ari asked.

"Oh. I go to Syndramire because Selene." Hamish's grin disappeared as he added, "She is very brave, but Syndramire is cursed. Stories back home say it is evil place, so I go to protect her."

Argent nodded, "I agree, I hope to prepare her as best I can before we arrive."

"Speaking of, why do you want to go to Syndramire, Selene?" Ari cut in turning the conversation back to Selene. All eyes returning to her.

Selene bit her lip and twirled her hair with her finger, her tail tapping the floor softly. She sighed, realizing that she had to spill the beans.

She leaned over, reaching for her boot. She drew the knife and placed it gingerly on the table. "I need to find out where this came from."

Argent grabbed the blade and studied it closely, "A strange blade, I do not know if I've ever seen one quite like it. Why do you have it?"

Selene looked away. She refused to talk about that night, preferring a partial truth. "...I found it. In a bad spot."

"Bad spot?" Hamish asked.

Ari gasped, "Did somebody attack you?"

Selene thought it over, careful with her words. "...Yes, but I'm fine. I got away."

"So is this revenge?" Argent asked.

"No! Maybe....I don't know." Selene sighed, frustrated. "I just need to find out...why..."

Silence fell. Selene stared at her shoes as her tail curled around her feet. She felt ashamed, and frustrated. She struggled to comprehend her own feelings. Shouldn't she want revenge? Shouldn't she want the people to hurt like they hurt Arveene? Perhaps, but...

All I know is I have to go. I have to see for myself who these people are. Selene's hands, balled into fists on her lap, clenched tightly. I need to find out why they killed her, no matter what.

Argent was the first to speak, he placed a hand on Selene's shoulder. "It's okay."

Selene looked up. Argent's voice was soft, comforting, "You don't need to explain. Whatever the reason, we'll help you any way we can."

Ari immediately jumped in, clearly upset, "I'm sorry if I upset you, Selene. I just can't help myself sometimes. I'll help however I can, too. I know a thing or two about magic, maybe I could teach you?"

Before Selene could respond, Hamish jumped in as well, "Friend, do not worry. I help as well. Whatever you need."

Selene felt a familiar warmth surround her. She smiled, "Yes. Thank you. All of you."

From there the subject returned to lighter things. The group shared a couple stories as they sat there a moment longer, but it was getting late. Finally, they called it a night, promising to meet tomorrow after a good night's sleep.

Selene, however, could not sleep. So much had changed. A few days ago she was alone, facing the prospect of exploring Syndramire on her own. Now, she had companions. Her mind replayed the events of the day over in her head, relishing the warmth that filled her chest even now. Finally, she closed her eyes, with one thought on her mind.

She was no longer alone.


Time flew by once the ship embarked. Each day was spent preparing for Syndramire. Argent taught her combat above and below deck, whenever room was available.

Training was extensive, intensive, and exhaustive.

There were lighter and heavier days dependent on weather and space available, but every day followed a similar regime. First, Argent would demonstrate something for her to practice using any of the weapons in her arsenal. Then she would go about practicing until Argent was satisfied, then there would be a sparring match.

Sparring came in multiple forms. Sometimes they used daggers, other times swords, and still others gave her free reign to use everything at her disposal. Argent reasoned she needed proficiency in all her weapons, but that combat itself would require all she knew.

"Don't let your guard down, especially when on the offensive." Argent said for the umpteenth time, tapping her side with his sword sheath as she passed him after a failed charge.

Argent never struck with intent to harm, only teach. He believed failure taught better than bruises. Selene turned round, taking a defensive stance. Her short sword gleamed in the sunlight as she tightened her grip. There was no time for her to waste practicing with sticks. She needed to use all her arsenal as if they were extensions of herself.

"Speed is your strength, Selene, but you will fight enemies faster than you and stronger than you. You need to learn how to fight both with and against your advantages. For now, focus on countering my speed." Argent lectured, as he often did when she made a mistake.

Selene sighed, but nodded. The failures hurt, but she swallowed her pride. She accepted his offer to train, and she would take everything he gave her.

After practice, she would often spend time freshening up with Ari. Ari quickly realized she was a terrible teacher, incapable of explaining even the most basic form of magic.

The only explanation she could ever give was, "I guess I'm a...savant, let's say. I picked all this magic up naturally over time."

This did not mean Ari had given up on teaching, only that she asked for more time to prepare. In the meanwhile, they often spent time before supper relaxing off to the side, people watching. Selene came to learn this was Ari's favorite pastime. Selene would try to add commentary or make up conversations people were having as they watched, usually eliciting a fit of giggles from Ari.

After people watching, Hamish tried to teach her some techniques as well. Selene's excitement quickly faded when he clarified they would not be combat techniques. "Techniques for body and mind. Keep both sharp and clear."

These sessions involved stances and movements Hamish said helped balance the body's humors. These stances often involved things like palms pressed together, while standing on one leg. Then keep your weight centered over your stomach as you slowly lift your leg behind you and lean forward. Thanks to her tail and natural balance, Selene did not find these particularly hard. She often felt refreshed afterwards, relaxing tired bones before a meal.

Nights were spent together as a group, eating and drinking. Generally little of consequence was shared. They took this time to relax, to learn what the others liked and disliked. This journey would likely be long, and group cohesion was necessary to survival. Selene cherished everything she learned from these interactions.

She learned that Argent wrote poetry, simple pieces depicting moments in life. He was reluctant to share them, but after mild prodding they got to hear a few. They were bad, but quite sincere. Ari suppressed several giggles hearing some, remembering what it referenced. Ari and Argent had apparently spent a good part of their lives together, far longer than Selene had even been alive. Both seemed to enjoy her stories, though Argent had the bad habit of correcting what he called historical inaccuracies.

Hamish also started sharing stories, though his were often short and ended comically. His stories were always sure to get peels of laughter all around, even from Argent.

After supper and evening chats, Ari and Selene often left the others alone and went off to clean up before bed. Not much could be done on the ship, so Ari often just left it at hair maintenance. The two chatted all the while. Selene noticed that during these times, Ari seemed a little more forthright about things, especially when it came to Argent.

"He tries to act serious all the time, Selene, but don't let that facade fool you," She said one night as she combed out Selene's hair, "He's brave, kind, and he cares a lot about making sure you're happy, even if it's only little things...especially the little things."

Selene was not born yesterday. While she had never fallen in love, she knew enough stories to know that Ari was nursing something similar.

In the times when Argent was not the subject of conversation, Ari would often take opportunities for silly antics. Nothing major, but enough that they were usually giggling by the end.

These nights shared reminded Selene of days better spent with friends and family. They warmed her soul as the air grew cold.

As fall fell to winter, and Syndramire awaits.