
Tale Of The Prince: A Traveling Star

My web-novel "the tale of the prince: a traveling star" is about a teenager, his name is Liang. he is the prince to a large kingdom, Guilin. this story is Chinese-based (historical/fantasy/magic) when he was born hell broke loose the demons attacked the day of the princes birth. the king got defeated and captured, which means he had to be raised by a single parent. the kings husband songli. the single husband took their child and they lived in the mortal realm to a busy and huge city where the prince would grow up and live as a mortal even if he had to be bullied for his white hair and two colored eye.. when the prince turns 17, he had an accident happen to him and his father. the accident made him leave his home and adventure to find out who he was, where he belonged and what happened to him and his family... along his journey he meets others like him.. immortals. and he meets a man which he deeply admires and loves. will you be one to follow his story?

Childe_is_hot_ · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter One: The End To A New Beginning

The night was cool, the wind was calm and the war had began, clashing of swords and the yelling of men, the roars of demons took away the calm night and burning it like it never existed. It was the night of the princes birth and a war had started with Guilin and the Demons..

They would forever be enemies till the end. the alliance of demons and the immortals was around thousands of years ago, but the demons ruined it and started chaos in the mortal world, massacring people and burning their land. the immortals hated the demons and kicked them out of the alliance once they found out, and anyone that was working with the demons from that day on were exiled from the sect entirely or killed depending on what they did. The reason they exile or kill spies is the fear of war and leaking anything about the royal families that could get them killed,

"Leave this place!" He shed tears as he watched his lover go through to a portal,

"It is way too dangerous for you to be here!" He swung his sword at the lord pushing him away to give him enough time to talk to his lover,

"Protect our child..I love you!" The portal began to shut,

Fear laced his face as his lover was trapped in a battle with a demon lord. The demon lord was a fierce man that hated the

immortal realm, he wanted everyone to suffer.

"I made a promise to you.. I won't be able to keep it anymore.. I'm sorry my love" the king spoke choking up on his tears as he was dragged away from his family because of the portal,

"No no no no! I am willing to fight alongside you!" He banged on the closing wall where the portal brought him and his child, a small newborn. A prince to be exact, his name was Hua Liang the future heir to the water sect, Guilin. Guilin was one of the most famous sects of the time and was prized for its beauty, beautiful people.

The baby began to cry and wail in his father's arms, Liang could tell something is wrong just by looking at his father.

"shh shh Liang" he cooed, rocking his son in his arms. Tears streamed down the father's face. He wanted to scream, cry and bang on the wall but he had to suck it up, but his emotions and worry for his lover took over.

Songli casted a shield spell around the baby so he wouldn't be so scared and cry more. He let the baby hover in the air next to him as he broke down in tears,

"Comeback!!!" He banged on the wall yelling his lovers name over and over again,

"long wei!!! Your son needs you!"

The weather slowly began to change from a cool breezy night sky to the miserable pouring rain. The baby hovering in the air, began to sleep peacefully as he was warm and dry feeling completely safe in his little bubble shield. Songli dropped to his knees, he watched as their child slept. Keeping the barrier around the little prince he brought the baby over to him and looked at the peaceful innocent face,

"I will have to raise you from now on.. okay?" the last of his tears rolled down his cheeks. With his eyes still puffy he put his hands around the baby. The shield popped and he got up and holding his son, the future emperor, to his chest in his clothes to keep him from getting rained on too much.

"let's leave the kingdom, we can go to the mortal world until you're old enough to go back to the kingdom.. you don't need to start your life living so arrogant and spoiled.." he wiped his tears as he looked at the prince. The father noticed something strange appear on the child's forehead, it was a blue lotus. The lotus was small but very visible. The lotus in their sect meant that he had royal blood but the color.. the color wasn't right, their clans color was a darker blue, but his was different it was a lighter blue but still was dark enough you could tell he was Royalty. He believed that it might have something to do with the fact that his eyes were different and also from the way he was born.

From that moment on he knew that his future would be different and unexpected for him. full of twist and turns that the poor child would never expect... He concealed the marking on his forehead with a spell as the baby slept. No one needed to know he was royalty until the day he needs it the most,

The separated family traveled outside the kingdom to the mortal world where they would live for a few years.. meeting new people and finding an amazing medium sized mansion to live in for a while.

As the days went on, they turned to weeks, the little prince was growing well and happy sometimes Liang would grab toys and when his father would try and take it to clean it or put away he had an incredibly strong grip which shocked his father after being only a few months old he was already showing signs of immense power.

His father had decided that he would tell the Dowager that the prince had been lost and he acted so well that she believed it and cried, Her first and eldest son had been missing along with his son. The whole kingdom grieved and mourned the disappearance of the king and his son with the Dowager.

"Who is going to inherit the throne?" the dowager sighed heavily and held her hand in her palms tearing up,

"My dearest condolences to the dowager" he didn't really know what else to do, he bowed to the dowager,

The oldest sibling under the king stepped up and bowed to the dowager, His mother.

"My son is gone.. With my grandson" she felt so sad and lost, everyone felt sad. The king was the best king the whole kingdom had ever met and served under, he always treated everyone fairly no matter the price.

"I only saw the prince once" she grieved. the sadness the dowager was feeling made everyone uneasy and dare not to speak.

"Dowager may I make a suggestion" a voice was heard from the from of the Dowager, songli decided to clear the silence.

"Yes my dear?" she said as she waved for him to raise his head. She wiped away her tears, ready to hear anything at this point.

"We don't know for certain that the king and son are truly gone.. Right" he was not trying to make the dowager too angry with his suggestion,

"What if we wait until the day of the new students that come to Guilin to see whether the son and father return? it is one of the most important months of Guilin for the mortal teens and other immortals to come here and gain knowledge and learn skills from us"

"What are you trying to say?" she grew curious,

"you may say whatever is on your mind you will not be punished, I'm willing to hear"

"The month is the most important event and we could have anyone

test to see if they are of our royal blood or not" he suggested and rubbed his chin,

"If the prince comes to the event everyone would know" a smirked laced his smile,

"They would practically look the same.. If I'm not wrong"

"This could work.." the eunuch of the dowager agreed,

"While we wait what if we let a group of soldiers periodically look for the king and prince"

They continued to discuss the missing prince until late in the evening. They decided to secretly search the entire kingdom without causing too many concerns from the citizens.

after the discussion with the dowager and her officials they were told to not say a single word to the citizens about the disappearance of the king and the newborn prince.

To avoid suspicion from the royals songli casted another spell on the baby. A shield that kept the baby silent and was invisible and couldn't be sensed at all. He was powerful but didn't want to continue doing this because eventually the prince would have to go back, it worried him but it was the rightful place for the growing prince

As the Dowager and her second oldest son watched Songli leave they felt suspicious about the kings husband, but she couldn't do much about her suspicions, she knew the king would be furious with her if anything would happen to his husband while he was gone,

"mother?" he sighed,

"what is it dear?" she looked at the second prince,

"He isn't dead yet.." he paused and stared back at his mother

"I can still feel his energy but its weak" a smirk covered his face,

"guess I'm not taking the thrown just yet" He chuckled then glared at his mother the darkness that resided in his heart could be felt which startled the Dowager, she shivered and stood there stuck as he walked away

The journey back to the mortal world began when they left the kingdom where they stayed hidden from the kingdom for many years until the prince was 17.

The years getting to his age were rough and rather interesting. He went to school but was constantly bullied for the blue half of his eye. Some people thought it was cool.. Others thought it was weird and said he wasn't a human. The same kids also bullied him for his hair, Liang's eyes were pretty the same blue as his fathers, the king.

Liang would come home from his classes tears staining his cheeks as he ran to his father,

"Liang what's wrong?" His expression was full of concern and worry over the prince.

"They keep bullying me over my eyes, and hair" the tears that were in his eyes finally stopped and fell down,

"I don't want to be bullied anymore, father this isn't fair!" He sighed heavily as he hugged his father for comfort,

"I know you're having a hard time, I cannot explain it to you now.. but you have to wait a little longer okay?" He held his son to his chest trying to calm him down,

Liang shook his head and calmed down a little,

"I almost forgot I have a gift for you, this if from your father he left it with me the night-" he paused and didn't continue for a few seconds,

"he left it with me when he vanished"

"my other father.. what did he look like?" he asked curiously,

"Let's go inside so we can talk privately"

Liang smiled and walked with his father to his study. They sat down and were served tea by the maids,

"You want to learn about your father?" Song li took a sip of his tea,

Liang being curious eagerly shook his head yes with a smile,

"What did my father look like? What was he like?" His eyes sparkled as he grew more and more curious,

"Well your father was loved and supported by many people because he helped them and respected them, he was powerful, and kind.." he paused for a moment to drink his tea before it started to get cold,

"what he looked like.. well you look just like him, his white hair was beautiful silky and shiny, the best looking hair out of his siblings in my opinion.." he smirked, "his eyes were blue a beautiful sapphire blue, they were absolutely enchanting…" his eyes felt heavy like he wanted to cry.. he got choked up a little,

He mumbled, "he should have let me fight with him" he sighed deeply

"Father.." he hugged him tightly embracing him in his arms,

"Don't cry… we will find him at some point… I will find dad and bring him back" he said encouragingly to try and cheer his father up,

"Okay" he said in a slight whisper as he hugged his son,

One of the female servants knocked on the door and called into the study,

"Young master's dinner is ready, would you like to eat?"

Liang answered back to the servant,

"I'm eating! I'll eat in my courtyard" he spoke like he was starving, he immediately got up and left the study, heading towards his room to go change before he ate,

Liang changed into his light pink robe; it was one of his favorites when he was at home. It made him feel comfortable plus he liked the color pink but it wasn't his favorite color, his favorite color is blue because of the information that Songli told him about his dad.

The night went on as normal. Liang would practice his spear techniques with his father who would correct his posture and make sure his swings were powerful. the prince had only started to learn how to use as of recently, within the last month or so and he was in love with it.

"Make sure you stand straight and firm" he tapped his elbow and held his arm,

"Yes father!" he said proud of himself his skills with swords but now he was learning how to master spears. it was one of the weapons he preferred to use out of the two.

"It hasn't even been very long since you first started using a spear"

"you are doing very well Liang" he exclaimed proudly with a smirk

"At this rate you will master it by next month keep practicing"