
Chapter 2

Some officials didn't know what to do it had been years since they last saw the king and the Newborn prince, no one had seen them both since the battle, some officials started to think that the husband of the king had something to do with the disappearance of the prince and king, others said that he had nothing to do with the missing king and prince. The officials start talking to the dowager about the king and prince being missing for so long,

"Greetings to the dowager, we hope you live a long and successful life" they all drop to their knees and bow,

"You all may rise" she gestured for them all to rise and Takes a seat in the throne,

"I know all of you are concerned about the whereabouts and confusion that that come from the two royals missing, so if anyone has any ideas on what we should do you may say whatever you like" she gave the suggestion to her loyal officials,

One of the officials stepped forward and bowed, then gave his idea to the dowager,

"We have searched all of the immortal world but what if we search the mortal world?.. don't get me wrong but he could have been taken there or we can search the immortal world again"

One of the older officials spoke up and moved next to the other official that gave his idea, "I agree, but we shouldn't rush too much because we could scare off the students coming here to learn and be disciples.. plus the people are already concerned they haven't seen their king in a long time"

The dowager stood up and held her hand out for a maid to help her walk,

"what you two have said makes sense and if anyone can make a solid solution to how we can keep the people unaware while we kind my son and grandchild will be given 1,00 tails.. " she said as she walked off with her maids,

"This meeting is dismissed for today.."

As the dowager walked away the officials bowed to the dowager and wished for her health to be well,

Back in the mortal world Liang was practicing using his sword and making sure his moves were sharp and fierce, as he moved the pendant that was tied to his clothing, moved through the air and swung in sync with his movements. After a few minutes the pendant string broke and it sent the pendant flying towards his father, he caught before it hit the table. The oblivious prince didn't notice that the pendant went flying and was caught off guard when his father caught his attention.

"Liang" he shouted grabbing liangs attention from him practicing his swordsmanship skills,

"Yes father?" He asked curiously, then jogged his way over to his father to see what was wrong. His father raised his hand not turning around, in his hand was the green and white pendant. Liang started to panic as he searched his clothing for the pendant it was supposed to be tied to his belt on his clothing,

"I'm sorry father, it was supposed to be tied to be, but it flew towards you… nothing broke did.. right? No one hurt?" He started to stutter as his face blushed bright pink,

"Nothing happened.. if I wasn't here someone or something's could have been broken" he said before turning around to face Liang,

"Just be careful? Okay.. I won't punish you this time in the future don't make the same mistake again" he hummed, then patted his son on the head. Liangs smile bright and full of kindness,

"yes father!" He bowed then giggled. Liang took a ribbon from his hair and made a necklace with the pendant. When he went to turn around and leave the other sitting with his father mentioned that they were gonna go on a a trip for a few days,

"Song li, how about you accompany us on a trip, we are going to go hunt.." he suggested to him,

"It will only be for 3 days up in the mountains" he grinned then drank his tea

"I'll have to think about it I don't want Liang getting hur-" he turned to liang that stood there with pleading eyes begging to go with,

"Hurt.." he sighed then shook his head. The other men chuckled and looked at liang,

"Do you want to go Liang?" One of the older men spoke to Liang,

"Yes! I want to go out of this city" a grin covered his face as he grew more excited

"I want to go with father!!"

"Well songli?" One of the men near his fathers age asked him, they all wanted Liang to come with to see how well he could hunt and just get to know the unique kid,

He sighed in defeat, and agreed to let Liang come with them,

"Fine Liang can come with but, he needs to be watched and make sure he doesn't get lost"

They all nodded their heads and promised that they would watch over the prince. Liang didn't know that they all were guards and lieutenants that worked in the castle. Now they were helping his father, songli, protect the prince.

The prince hugged his father tightly and went to the middle of the courtyard and plucked a flower, he held his hand over the flower and turned it into a crystal. He made about 6 more handing one to each of his fathers 'friends' and thanking the men for persuading them. The last flower that liang was holding he threw it up in the air and it transformed into a crystal bogie of flowers, he handed it to his father,

"This is for you father it's a new trick I made.. they turn completely white when someone is kind, and they turn dark and muddy when someone has bad intentions or is evil" he grinned as he explained,

"That could be really useful to you in the future make sure you remember that" he smiled as he examined the flowers, that everyone was holding around him,

"It's getting late now father I'm gonna go finish my work, it was a pleasure meeting you all today" he bowed to his father and then bowed to all the men before leaving to his room for the night,

When Liang was gone far enough away one of the disguised men spoke up,

"The prince is very kind and wonderful" he smiled,

"Much kinder than the spoiled, arrogant brats in the palace"

The other men started to agree. Most people that grew up in the palace were very spoiled and annoying even songli could agree they were horrible to be around, always abusing their power and it was getting old. The only people that didn't abuse their power or people was the former king, his mother, the dowager, his father, retired king that divorced the dowager after not getting along since the king was born. And the kings sister, she was beautiful and merciful. His brothers on the other hand.. the biggest arrogant brats anyone had ever seen come into the palace. They were beautiful but annoying to be around is what songli remembers from being in the palace.

"When will it be time for the prince to go back to the kingdom?" One of them men asked,

"During the hunting trip I want to stage my disappearance from the prince so he can move forward and head to the palace"

"You!" The middle aged soldier grew angry,

"He maybe your son.. but he is also the kings son as well!.. if his majes-"

"If his majesty what?! I'm his husband and I should know him better than all of you.." his eyebrow twitched,

"All of you leave now.. I'm doing this for the sake of our son, and the future of Guilin! If you are against it you can leave and never comeback" he glared at the men they all hesitated before bowing and giving their promises,

"Y-y-yes sir!" They all left at once,

As the night came to an end songli went to liangs room to check on him, and help him pack up for the trip,

Songli knocked on the door as he stepped in.

"Liang?" He looked around the room until he heard shuffling and stuff being moved,

"Y-yes father?" He spoke awkwardly as he picked up a heavy chest placing it on his bed to sort through it. He was looking for a specific outfit to wear when they leave for the trip.

"Are you packing? Make sure you have everything you will need" he said as he sat next to the chest on the bed,

"..Don't lose the pendant while we are out" he cracked a small smile as his eyes watched liang grab his bag and putting a few outfits in it and getting his outfit ready for when they leave for the trip,

"Don't worry father I won't lose it" he grinned,

"Since you are here father can you help me you are much taller" he gritted his teeth a little he wanted to grow taller like his father but his height was staying the same after so long, -

"Don't be so upset you will grow soon enough" he stood up and walked over to Liang and asked what he needed and grabbed it for him since he couldn't reach as high.

songli handed the item to Liang then left

"get some sleep we'll be leaving at noon tomorrow, so make sure your ready"

"goodnight father"

Next chapter