
Tale of the boy who does better

Viktor_Bojovic · ファンタジー
28 Chs

Chapter Twenty Three ~~~ Reckoning

The familiar face was Emperor Carr. He informed Yuma that now there is a council of the seven deities that rule Pyro and all other kindoms on the continent. Yuma couldn't care less, his strength increased greatly in the time he was training woth Arashi.

- I am really sorry for what had happened to your mother Yuma... I have no exuse for my actions. I need you to kill me right no-

Before he could finish his sentence Yuma stopped him.

- Who do you think you are? Asking me to do something i would never do. I would be just as bad as Damien if I stood so low as to take lives.

Yuma continued to explain to Carr that killing never sovled a thing in this world. The cursed world they lived in was not fair and it will never be, but that is not ehat the should focus on, they should focus on themselves and do better.

- I forgive you Carr... For everything...

Yuma's kind voice brought tears to the cold hearted emperor.

- But how can you forgive such a bad person. I am the reason your mother was killed. I do not deserve such kindness.

As Care said that Yuma's serious eyes became the kind. It was like his soul opened up to take all the grief Carr had.

- Forgiveness is not for you, forgiveness is for myself. That's what people don't get. When you forgive someone, you are doing yourself a favor. Besides it was not your fault. You were manipulated and your soul was poisoned. All of us lose ourselves when someone we hold precious gets taken from us. I can see that you are an honorable man with much pride, so i do forgive you...

Yuma said as he fist bumped Carr. The emperor was brought to tears. After that Carr got to meet Arashi and they got along pretty well. Both of them were swallowed by their pride and inferiority complex. They clicked with each other because of that.

- Oh i almost forgot why i was here.

Carr said.

- The girl Kira will get executed for treason. Nikka and I tried to save her but it was all in vain. Nikka did exactly what you yold him and he poured the potion in the drinks of your other companions so they returned home and forgot about everything that happened. Only Nikka, Edgar and Theo are left. Theo is training with his tribe and Edgar is spying pn the 7 deities.

When Carr said those things Yuma just asked when. His face expression changed to a mpre serious and mad one.

- In two days. If we go now i think we can make it.

Yuma didn't even let him finish his sentence he charged out with incredible speed. His wings sprouted and he went of into the direction of the capital. Carr and even Arashi were impressed with his speed. Arashi told Carr to go after him and he will go and take care of something important. For the two days he traveled Yuma did not stop even once to rest. When he got to the capital Nikka was at the bottom of the platform where Kira was chained up. When He saw Nikka was fighting the guards but he was overwhelmed. Suddenly a giant that was about a 100 meters tall stepped out with and massive axe. It was said that the giant was an ancient being only in service of the 7 deities. His axe was 20 meters in diameter and weights about 5 tons. Kira was alone, all hope left her, but deep down she wanted someone to come. She was not ready to die. On the outside she was calm and collected. The axe lit on fire and and the giant stroke and just as the axe was about to hit her she thought of one boy who was the only one that understood her pain and despair. In that moment Yuma came between her and the blocking it woth his arms. She could not belive her eyes.

- You foolish idiot, why do you have to die in order to save me? What did i do that was so beneficial to your life, huh? What is it that you love soo much about me that you would destroy yourself over?

Kira shouted on the top of her lungs. She didn't understand what is it about her that drives Yuma to such limits.

- Would you kindly shut your mouth and let me save you?

Yuma said while struggling to repel the axe. His bones were breaking, his skind bursting, his eyes popping blood, but he didn't back down.

- No matter how much you hate yourself, i will love you more and more, you asked me what do i love about you, i love all of you, all your scars and laughs. I'll be dammed if i let you die here.

Yuma said to Kira with rage and hope in his eyes. His body was about to give up, but he felt as someone was pushing him upwards. It was like the spirits pf his mother and father were right there behind him telling him that they believe in him and that he can do it. Suddenly his wings sprouted larger than ever. He repelled the axe and he punched the giant in his big nose and the giant fell, for the first time a thousand years. Everyone looked in shock as the giant fell. Yuma's magic faded away all of it. The healing part of it faded healing him from his devastating wounds and the other part was extinguished when he gathered all the strength he had left in him to punch the giant. He fell on the ground, his body seemed lifeless, everyone that was here tought that he was dead, but from the rubble he arose, as he conquered the giant. He lit a cigarette, took a smoke, and just left. Not talking to anyone. Nikka and Kira tried to call for him but he didn't replied, he just left. The looked for him day and night, but to no avail. He was at the border of Pyro in the city of Barq. Dressed in all black, hoping that he will get strong enough to able to finish all the trials befpre a disaster happens...