
Tale of the boy who does better

Viktor_Bojovic · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter Twenty Two ~~~ Blade//Promise

A beautiful sunset, moon was beginning to appear, a small breeze howling in the distance and for a normal human eye two guys facing of, small sounds of swords clashing and some sparks here and there. Even though normal human eye can't see it, a battle to the death was happening. Yuma versus the light dragon, struggling to keep up, The Crimson Dragon was brought to his limits. As the fight continued the light dragon stroke Yuma with multiple series of attacks. Yuma somewhat kept up with his attacks but it was all in vain. Our hero blocked the majority of the attacks but those that hit him left him with devastating wounds thathis healing can only ease the pain slightly, but Yuma didn't even think about stoping. He went all out, he was truly smiling. Only those who fought beside him know that Yuma has a certain trait. He is addicted to physical pain and adrenaline. The dragon saw in Yuma's eyes that he enjoys this fight. Admiring, scary, yet foolish. The dragon said. In the end all is in vain. The nails on his hand became longer and sharper as he punched a hole in Yuma's chest. No one reliased that someone was watching the fight from a distance. His face was covered with a boar mask, his hair long and pink. His clothes noble yet for battle. A strange smirk under the mask of the man who is known by history of pyro as the sword of seven kingdoms. The strongest mortal that ever lived. Vintage, beyond valuation, beyond forgery or imitation. Arashi Jagaimo Sensō. Yuma was on the ground in the brink of deaths door. The dragon charged the final attack to end the young hero's life once and for all. But Yuma somehow got up. Left hand numb and injured, blood everywhere. I have no regrets. Yuma

whispered to himself. I will die smiling like i always wanted. He chuckled. Yuma closed his eyes prepared for what follows. But when he opened them he was a few meters behind and someone was blocking the attack effortlessly with his arm. Even though no one knew who it was Yuma saw his father in front of him, the energy and the aura were very similar to his fathers. But it was Arashi. The dragon started to tremble with fear when he reliased who it was that was standing in front of him. Now, go away. Arashi said with a straight face as if it was a bee instead of a dragon. It is not my place to defeat you but Yuma's, soo get moving. The dragon left to his hideout leaving Yuma and Arashi. Yuma's healing started to kick in but he fainted do to stress and the pain he was enduring for half a day. Arashi took him to his house at he mountain near the border of pyro. When Yuma waked up. He immediately started to ask questions about who he is and why he helped him. I am Arashi Jagaimo Sensō, formaly known as the blade of the seven kingdoms. He said. I saved you because i have a life long dept to repay to my master. Yuma asked him what is the dept and who is this so called master of his. Arashi got anoyed amd smacked Yuma in the head saying. You fucking teenegers really need to stop asking so many damn questions, you will learn with time. From today onward you are my apprentice, and i am your teacher. But before all that there is some business i need to take care of but before i come back i want you to find me a kong gorilla and make it obey you as you are its master. If you don't I'll kill you...

Yuma didn't know what to do. When he was getting closer to the cave where the beast resides he was hearing all kinds of noises. When he approached the cave he saw it a giant gorilla, just a bit smaller than king kong. Yuma was fascinated by it. When he approached it to talk to it i bashed him with it's hands. He seemed to hate other species. Yuma's bones broken. He promised not to use his magic. Arashi was watching all of it from a distance.

- I wonder what kind of guy you really are, brat...

Arashi thought to himself. He finally remembered a way to see what kind of man is Yuma. He teleported behind the gorilla and he pushed her young babies from a cliff. Yuma jumped off without thinking even once. He got a hold of the two babies Arashi pushed off with one hand and he grabbed the side of the cliff with the other one despite his wounds. He threw the babies to safety and he fell, but the big gorilla caught him before he could hit the ground. It lifted him up. When the gorilla put him down he smiled and he extended his hand for a fist bump.

- I'm Yuma... It's really nice to meet you!

The gorilla extended her hand also and the most epic fist bump in history happened. Arashi teleported down and he congratulated Yuma on his achievement. They continued training for a month and a familiar face showed up on Arashi's door...