
Tale of the boy who does better

Viktor_Bojovic · ファンタジー
28 Chs

Chapter Twenty One ~~~ Rising of the Emperor

Yuma was walking down the forest he noticed someone following him. He seemed to be very bad at it and Yuma knew who it was.

- Go home, this is my fight..

Yuma said with fury in his eyes.

The guy fell from the tree saying:

- Your fight is also my fight. I came on behalf of everyone.

It was Nikka. He seemed to be confident in Yuma's abilities but he knew something no one else knew.

- I sensed it a long time ago. Overusing your magic is really bad for you, doing it too much will kill you. So i am here to make sure you don't die.

Yuma just laughed and they moved on. When Nikka asked him why doesn't he fly there, he told him that flying wastes his stamina. Yuma needed to be on his top game in order to win. They traveled for about fifteen days. After a suspiciously safe traveling the arrived at the capital. When the two young men entered the gate there were many citizens, they could bearly go through. Suddenly someone shouted " It's him... The demon" and everyone started screaming and running to take shelter. When the crown cleared there he was. Carr was standing in the middle of the street prepared to fight. The deal they made for a location didn't matter anymore. They both powered up. Carr gravity versus Yuma's fire. The most epic battle yet, in all of his battles he never have faced such a opponent. Nikka was about to power up but Yuma stopped him in his efforts.

- This is my battle, and my alone. Do not interfere, or I will kick your ass!

He said witha serious face. He was never this much serious, and it creeped Nikka out. The people gathered to watch the grand fight between two demons. Carr brought the gravity one hundred times nore intense for Yuma, but he was not affected in the slightest. Carr was confused, and Yuma had an ominous smile on his face.

- I developed sort of spell to counter your gravity shit.

Yuma said as Carr noticed that Yuma's eyes looked different. They had sort of red line of sparks shining from them. Yuma had developed a mana state, he could burn every and all magic and mana particles around him. Yuma charged at the yoing emperor he punched him with his fist charged with his magic. Carr flew back and it appeared that Yuma broke his hand with his punch.

- If that punch hit my face i would have died.

He tought to himself. Suddenly he remembered his childhood. Reminiscing of the past where he was just as honorable and kind to everyone. He declined that version of him. In his eyes Yuma was him before he went down the path of darkness and loneliness. His childhood was hard. He didn't have a mother nor a father, he grew up all alone in the orphanage and he started fighting in the tournaments when he was about ten years old, that was as soon as he discovered that he can control gravity. He was aproached by a strange man.

- Well hello... My name is Damien, and who are you, young warrior.

Damien said with a kind voice. Young Carr felt kind of at ease when he was talking to the man.

- I am Carr, it's nice to meet you mister.

From that day foward the two became master and student. Damien secretly poisoned Carr's mind with his manipulation skills. He was a verynice and prideful kid, so he couldn't do it. He finally found a way when Carr was in his peak strength. He killed every child and every caretaker in the orphanage and he burned it to the ground. He was seen by the light dragon. Standing next to him the dragon complimented him on his malice. Damien desired the throne of Pyro more than anything and Carr was his ticket to it. When Carr found out about the orphanage Damien told him that the current Emperor of Pyro, Yuma's grandfather Layan, killed them because he tought they were heretics and traitors to the crown. Full of rage, Carr went to the castle and he killed everyone Infront of him, feeling nothing but rage he struck the king in heart with a dagger. His skills amd power came from years of experience fighting in the arena. All of that happened a year before Yuma found out about his magic. After that it was easy for Damien to manipulate Carr into doing anything he desired. Yuma and Carr continued to fight for another hour or two. Both of them were tired and almost unconscious. Suddenly above them apeared the light dragon.

- How amusing, two prodigies fighting for the throne.

The dragon said.

- I am the chosen king of these people. I will not let some kid whose family killed everyone i loved defeat me.

As Carr said that Yuma was starting to get confused. He knew that no one of his blood could to something like that. Ryan was with him until he died and Layan was the type that didn't like fighting at all, he didn't even train to hone his magic. The dragon started to laugh uncontrollably. His laugher echoed through the city.

- You still haven't found out. It was Damien that killed those pathetic brats and those caretakers. I was right beside him. Both Yuma and Carr looked in horror and shock. Carr was filled with rage. Despite his injuries and exhaustion he jumped high up in the air to attack the dragon but he stroke him down with little effort. Carr didn't back down not even a little. Yuma charged at the dragon also, the combined power of those two was enough to push back the dragon a little. He was annoyed, he shot a little light beam at the little girl that was watching the fight. Nikka was still under the influence of the gravity spell and Yuma couldn't reach her in time. Just as the arrow was about to pierce the girl Carr stood in fort of the beam. It pierced him right through the chest. He fell to the ground. The girl started to cry, apologizing to Carr and crying even more.

- Do... Not... Let yourself cry over the assholes like myself. Go now run to your mom and dad.

As Carr said that he feinted. Yuma was overwhelmed with rage and hatred.


Yuma yelled calling for his friend.

- Take Carr to the tavern away from here. When he wakes up wait for me there. And if I don't come back tell Carr that it isn't his fault, and tell Kira i love her.

Nikka was confused as to why is Yuma telling him that he might not come back.

- Stop thinking about it, AND JUST DO IT ALREADY!As Yuma said that Nikka nodded and he picked up Carr and he went of running.

-Do you fools really think i will let you escap-

Before the dragon could finish his sentence Yuma grabbed him by the face and flew over at the open field of grass away from the city.

- Now i can fight freely.

Yuma said with a face of a pure demon that even spooked the "almighty" light dragon.