
Take my hand!!

Midoriya izuku kidnapped at a young age and forced into villainy at the hands of the LOV. Taken advantage of for the quirk he had gotten. Trapped in darkness in hopes someone will reach out a hand and bring him to the light. Bakugo Katsuki has been a hero for a year and has been barreling through life full force since the disappearance of his childhood friend.

Rory_Belladonna · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

7 years

It's been 7 year 5 months 22 days since Izuku was taken. And during that time he has had to find his own light while darkness tried to consume him. Numbness seeping through the cracks. Almost like he'd entered into a deep hibernation. Izuku knew he had lost something that he had once held dear had been stolen from him. His heart is heavy with a gaping hole from thoughts of the people he was ripped away from. The dream of escaping became exactly that.. a dream.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It burns!! Stoppp!" The scream wrenching izuku from his thoughts. Before he could turn his head the smell of burnt flesh hits him full force almost drawing out a gag.

"I told you, if you tell me what we want to know, I'll make your death painless. All you're doing is drawing out the inevitable." Dabi drawls out.

"S-screw you bastards. Why would I tell you villains anything?" The man forces out through clenched teeth.

Izuku finally turned toward the horrid scene laid before him. The air shimmered with embers just ten feet ahead, the broken figure of a hero chained up in an orange spandex suit. The man let out a snarl that echoed through the room. Izuku exhaled and closed his eyes tightly wishing he didn't have to be here to witness such torture. When he opened them, the man's eyes bored into izuku making him feel like he was inches from his face. He looked up and tried to hold in his shriek everything inside wanted to scream and cry for the man chained up. No human being deserves this good or bad.

The hero looked like a doll that had gotten too close to fire. Face burned to char. Melting like a candle. One eye bulged, exposed. The other eye had slid down his face, his cheek sagging. His lips drooped as he pushed himself to speak.

His twisted lips parted. "You disgusting people even recruited children?" his gaze never leaves izuku. "Boy are you being forced to be here? Run away and get help!"

Izuku wished he could get help for the man. But ultimately he couldn't do that without his little boy's life being endangered. Kota is only six years old and he promised to always protect him until they got out of here. So he did the only thing he could and turned his head away. Letting the hero's words fall on deaf ears.

"HAHAHAHAHA… oh my gosh I can't believe he thought our precious zu would help him!" Toga laughed out bending as her laughter continued.

"Shut the hell up Toga! Let's just finish this." Dabi says calmly.

"Fine, fine just let me make him bleed a little." She screeches excitedly.

As their arguing continues the man's eyes still look to Izuku for a sliver of hope. So he shakes his head no and mouths sorry.

"Don't you dare apologize to me you shitty villain!" the horrible, garbled voice snarled, each word hitting Izuku's heart. "Do you know how long I've been trapped here? Being tortured by children. They should have disposed of you disgusting people. Society is better off than letting such evil run rampant."

The Hero tried to pull himself up, hands clutching the chains, melted fingers, bone peeking through. Izuku wanted to run and barrel through the doors and disappear.

"Listen to me, you selfish brats. You are all going to regret doing this the others will come for me and take you to prison where you belong —"

A large needle plunges into his stomach. Halting the man's speech. Toga's face twisted with ecstasy as she collected his blood. As it's done filling she rips it out of his stomach and turns to dabi.

"Dabs I'm bored, let zu finish up and come play with me." She says with a pleading face.

Blue eyes look towards the green haired boy "you good with that kid?"

He gives him a slight nod.

"Ok kid you know what you gotta do. Or shiggys gonna get pissed again and vent his anger on you. Let's go toga."

And with that the two left the room. Leaving izuku with the dying hero. Izuku turns to the man and feels his body fill with a familiar warmth as his quirk starts to activate.

"Answer all the questions you were asked!" His smooth voice commanded

"My hero's name is Flashforward. I can speed my body up to 3x the normal speed of a human. Whether it's running, jumping, swimming, even thinking and eyesight all become enhanced. I have my wife Felicity and my daughter Janine and our two cats. I was transferred specially to be a part of the mission with finding the missing heroes. As of right now the only lead we have is that Lov is responsible for the disappearances and deaths of large scale of heroes.more specifically there's a total of 7 of us involved in this case." The anger that's wafting off the man is suffocating.

"What are the names of those involved?"

This time he clenches his jaw in an attempt to stop himself from spilling everything out.

"It's useless to do that, you know. My quirk is called God's tongue. Anything I do will happen Whether it be speaking , singing or thinking." Izuku spoke calmly but his thoughts were all over the place.

"What are the names of those involved?" He asked again.

The man before him struggles hard to stop it but fails.

"Gahhhhh" He shouts with frustration. " Uravity, Eraserhead, Mind hack, Hawks, All Might, and a hero called Ground Zero."

Izuku feels his body freeze at the mention of ground zero but shoves those feeling down deep.

"Is that all they asked you?"

"Yes! Yes! Fuck can't you just let me go please? I just— I just want to see my family." Sobs escape him as his body starts to visibly tremble.

"I'm sorry. I can't do that. I wish I could. But I will do two things for you." Izuku says quietly. When there's no answer he continues

" I won't mention your family to the others. And the last thing is I'll give you a quick painless death. It's honestly better than the others killing you."

He jerks his head up and stares at Izuku puzzled. Tears still fell down his face as he resigned to his own death.

"Why would you do that for me? Aren't you one of them?"

"No, I'm not one of them. I– I actually love heroes. I always wanted to be one but instead I'm trapped here like you trying my best to protect my precious people." Izuku looked at Flashforward and he could see the pain and contemplation written all over the man. He knows pain; he's been trapped here for so long that he's forgotten his own mother's face.

"Ok.. Ok let's do it your way." Flashforwards " and kid.. I sincerely hope you're able to escape from here."

"Sleep." Izuku's command came out softly like a silent wish.

The man before him closes his eyes and slumps in the chair sleeping. Small puffs escape his mouth.

"I'm so sorry really I am." Tears welled up in Izuku's green eyes " Stop Breathing."

Flashforward breathing stops and his body begins to struggle for air. Izuku begins his prayer for the dead.

"Grant them eternal rest. Let light perpetual shine upon them. May his soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of the Gods, rest in peace."

As he finishes his prayer the man's struggle for life has ceased. And Izuku feels another piece of himself Crack. So he turns and walks out the door to let the others know the information he gathered from the interrogation.


Blood maiden had finally accomplished something that didn't involve hurting innocent people. She wants them to be saved and she is prepared for the consequences. Even if it means giving up on her own life. At least her life finally meant something.

She barrels into the bar and goes into the back where all the rooms are located. Heading straight for Kotas and izukus room.

Luckily no one paid her any mind. She knocks twice and walks in, locking it behind her.

"Izu pack yours and Kotas things, I'm getting you both out-of here." She declares."oh yeah and Himi too."

Two sets of eyes look at her then to each other and burst out laughing. The small boy holding izuku's elbow to steady himself.

"Haha B you almost had me for a second." Kota wheezes out. Izuku's laughs still falling out as he tries to contain himself.

"I'm not joking." She says "I even met heroes and asked for help."

The greenettes' laughs stop, eyes fixed on blood maiden. Kotas body went rigid and his face twisted in anger.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Kota yells. His voice cracking as he's welled up with emotion "They have never tried to help us before. How can we trust them after all this time?"

"Shhh shhhh it's all right kota bear." Izuku tries to console the child, wrapping him in a tight hug and rubs his back. Green eyes look to blood maiden for confirmation. She nods her head.

" I know it's hard to believe but this was the best that I could do to get you guys free. You deserve to live a normal life not trapped here at the mercy of some deranged baby man who thinks reducing everything to dust is the answer."

Kotas sobs stopped and his breathing evened out showing he had fallen asleep.

"Ok. I understand. So when do I need to have him ready?" Izuku asks.

"No, not just kota you to izu. You'll go to work as normal and I'll get kota out of here and you'll leave the club. I'll go there once he's somewhere safe."

"What about you?" Izuku asks.

"What about me? I've been a villain my whole life and haven't gotten anything out of it. This is the one thing I can do and it's all because of you. You gave me the strength I needed to do the right thing. After you're both safely out of here I'll help the heroes to get rid of Shiggy so you can live peacefully. Don't worry about me ok izu i'll be just fine it's time you worry about yourself and kota. You're pretty much his father." Izuku's whole face turns bright red. She can't help but let out a laugh.

"I– imnot his dad. I mean I guess kinda like his dad but omgdoyouthinkheseesmeashisdad?" His word vomit comes out full force.

Laughter fills the room.

"Just trust me ok izu?" Blood maiden pats his curls and gets up and goes to leave the room her hand barely touches the door knob when she hears "Thanks B, I really appreciate all that you have done for me and kota. You've always been a good older sister, someone I've counted on and care for."

She doesn't need to turn to know the kids bawling his eyes out like the cry baby he is. But he will never know that at this moment she was also crying.

"I feel the same way kid." And with that she leaves.


As Kota takes his nap Izuku starts getting things together. You see in the past he had packed for vacation many times with the bakugos and his mother but, in comparison, this was agonizing. For every item he put in, he had to consider how badly they needed it, how much room and weight it would add, and whether he'd be better off picking it up on the road.

The brush was out, and the comb was in. Deodorant, definitely in. His iPod and kotas tablet might not be essential for daily life, but they were small enough to keep. Soap, a toothbrush, and toothpaste would need to be bought later because he couldn't afford to have anyone notice them missing from the bathroom now.

Next came clothing. It was still cool, especially at night. Layering would be the key for kota. Izuku didn't want to chance him catching a cold. He packed the way his mother had taught him when they'd spent a week at aunties and uncles beach house. Izuku picked out a sweatshirt, long-sleeved pullover, and T-shirt with jeans for kota to wear. In the bag, he'd add two T-shirts each, another pullover, another pair of pants. Three pairs of socks and underwear. And the pictures of Kota off the walls and all of his notebooks. Now everything was ready.

Izuku reaches over to Kota and gently wakes him so he can explain everything that's going on.

Tomura was pissed to say the least. His pet won't come out of his room claiming the tiny npc is sick. What kind of shit is this? Kittens should know better than to not follow orders. Pounding his fist on the door again and waiting for an answer.

"Come on kitten, get your ass in gear. I don't care if the little brat is sick. You have five minutes to be ready to go to the club or I'll turn everything to dust including your little Kota.." He spat viciously.

Izuku Midoriya, sensei's biological son was brought here for Tomura at just 14 years old. The kid was nothing but a toy for him to play with. When sensei had told him that they would be training Izuku to aid in anything he wanted. He never thought it would be so hard to break a child. The young boy showed such disobedience, always seeing the good in everyone, especially heros. At first it was so annoying that Tomura wanted to wrap his hands around that little throat and watch him decay slowly into nothing.

Then things started to change and everything the boy did became endearing. Even his hateful stare towards Tomura lit a fire under his skin. As Izuku got older his childish cuteness shifted to stunning beauty with his silky emerald curls bouncing with each step he took. Viridian doe eyes sparkling, above a constellation of freckles that adorned his face and plush pink lips. His body takes an almost hourglass shape with his curves forming.

Tomura put Izuku through excruciating training that would cause anyone agonizing pain. Sensei had forced a regeneration quirk on Izuku at the age of 16 and gave his protégé permission to push his son to the brink of death. He wants someone strong by his side while Tomura takes the world in his hands and turns it to ash.

"Tonight's performance should be good too. I have some pretty interesting foreign company coming to strike a deal. Too bad for them they will soon know who the real player is. If not, I say we dust them. Dabi makes sure no one touches my kitten or everyone pays, got it." Tomura said with a malicious grin spreading across his face.

"Whatever princess, don't get your crusty panties in a twist if they don't bow down in your presence. Not like anyone would want to touch anything that belongs to you anyways. No doubt that kitten of yours doesn't think he belongs to you.." Dabi sarcastically said from the other end of the room they were in. He was lounging on the couch, with one foot up over the arm of the couch, the other dangling off the edge and laying with one hand under his head, while the other was having his blue flames dance across his palm.

"What was that, you leather faced beef jerky? Got something else to say? Hmmm?? I'm all ears. I've been itching for an excuse to go all Thanos on your ass." Tomura screeched.

Dabi started cackling at the decay user, not the least bit scared.

"As if I'd let you anywhere near me. You might have the brats afraid of you but I'm not. And I don't really want to deal with you throwing a bitch fit. " Dabi said before looking at Izuku's door and yelling out " Come on Zuzu! Before he comes at your door like it's hiding an infinity stone."

He eyed Tomura with a bored expression but Dabi's body gave himself away by tensing and a hint of unease in his eyes. At least he didn't underestimate him like all the others did.

Tomura was brought out of his thoughts when the door opened and the 5'4 greenette stepped out. Looking utterly delectable. Wearing black booty shorts with red suspenders and white thigh highs. A black tight shirt with a skull on it and his red combat boots. To top off the look on his silky green curls was a pair of red rabbit ears.


"Zuku, it's ok if you have to go just remember to.. Come back ok?" Kota said as he fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. Izuku can see the young boy's uneasiness about his leaving. Kota's black hair matted with sweat and his face a light shade of pink due to his fever.

"Kota.. I know you're trying your best to be strong for me. But please don't push yourself to grow up for my sake. I want you to tell me when you need something or someone. It's ok to lean on me. You will never burden me with anything. You are my most precious person. Alright my kota bear?" Izuku said, giving his biggest smile he could. Wrapping his arms around the boy.

The youngest boy's eyes filled with tears, his shoulders shaking trying to stop himself from crying " I just don't want him to hurt you anymore zuku. I want us to be away from here together. I don't know why I have to go without you." Finally letting loose his sobs.

" Oh. Bear don't worry your little head over such things. I have faith that the heros are gonna get us both out of here. I'm just helping them first so you get away safely. As soon as you're safe I'm gonna get out of here and the first thing I'll do is find you. It's just a little time apart. So be a big boy and take this medicine and I'll sing you to sleep and when you wake up you'll be free from this place.."

Izuku poured the medicine onto the spoon, giving it to Kota quickly and handing him his water to drink the taste away.

Laying back and snuggling under the blanket, Izuku smiled at the boy.

"Ok kota bear ready?" The boy nodded a quick yes.

I'm not afraid

Of anything in this world

There's nothing you can throw at me

That I haven't already heard

I'm just trying to find

A decent melody

A song that I can sing

In my own company

As the song progressed the room filled with streams of vibrant color. Like the northern lights projecting images of the outside world. Dragons danced through with huge splashes of color like the painting on a canvas. Izuku's whole body glowing with warm light, putting the small boy's heart at ease.

I never thought you were a fool

But darling look at you

You gotta stand up straight

And carry your own weight

These tears are going nowhere, babe

You've got to get yourself together

You've got stuck in a moment

Now you can't get out of it

Oh love, look at you now

You've got yourself stuck in a moment

Now you can't get out of it

Kota visibly relaxed as the song progressed, enjoying the images displayed like a story just for him as he hummed along.

I will not forsake

The colors that you bring

The nights you filled with fireworks

They left you with nothing

I am still enchanted

By the light you brought to me

I listen through your ears

And through your eyes I can see

And you are such a fool

To worry like you do, oh

I know it's tough

And you can never get enough

Of what you don't really need now

My, oh my

Kota smiles brightly and sings along with izuku.

You've got to get yourself together

You've got stuck in a moment

Now you can't get out of it

Oh love, look at you now

You've got yourself stuck in a moment

And you can't get out of it

I was unconscious, half asleep

The water is warm 'til you discover how deep

I wasn't jumping, for me it was a fall

It's a long way down to nothing at all

You've got to get yourself together

You've got stuck in a moment

And you can't get out of it

Don't say that later will be better

Now you're stuck in a moment

And you can't get out of it –

The sudden banging on the door caused both of them to jump.

"Come on kitten, get your ass in gear. I don't care if the little brat is sick. You have five minutes to be ready to go to the club or I'll turn everything to dust including your little Kota.." Tomura said viciously.

Izuku rolled his eyes but knew to take his threats seriously. He smiled down at the boy and smiled ruffling his hair. "Love you kota bear get some rest i'll see you soon ok just stay strong until i get there ok?" Izuku said with a wobbly voice trying to hold back his tears, kissing his forehead as he walked out of the bedroom door.

"Seriously Tomura can't you act like a freaking adult for once instead of a man child? Seriously, I have a sick kid in there and I don't want him here alone." Izuku sassed bluntly, hands on his hips and head cocked to the side.

Izuku hates this place and wishes that he could be reunited with his mother but that will never happen. All for one and his goons had his mother killed for not giving up her search for Izuku. The pain of losing his mother has left a whole in his heart he wanted to give up and wither away into nothing. But that changed the moment he saw kota. He knew he needed to protect that child with everything he had. Kota was brought to Izuku 4 years ago after the man who goes by Muscular killed his parents and aunt. Bringing Kota to Tomura as a gift for almost being caught by heros. In turn this was another way for Izuku's cage to be shut longer, trapping him like a canary. The ultimatum that was presented to the greenette was take care of the boy or tomura kills him. What else could the pure hearted boy do but protect kota at all costs.

But now that he can get kota out so he can have a real childhood and a real family. Even if it means losing his life he would do anything to help kota smile and be happy.

The Devil's Protege and his childish ways didn't want his precious toy taken. And what better way to control the greenette than using someone else's life against him. Whatever Tomura wants. He always gets it. Sensei and his organization did whatever they could to satiate Tomura's hunger for power and his obsession of ridding the world of heroes. He was like a child trapped in a man's body. Always displaying frequent tantrums and outbursts.

"Kurogiri to the club now." Tomura barked out.

"Yes Tomura Shigaraki." he replied while opening the portal.