
Take Me With YOU

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Yasaran · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Talk to Friend

"Ugh, dammit! I've died 1,234. times, Gil. You're really good at playing that game."

"You're the one who sucks at everything, Vin."

"Damn it! But, I always win when you fight against real criminals or thugs, Gil. Don't forget that!"

"But, you always end up bleeding right, Vin? Even if you win? Then, you'll end up being punished by Uncle Alsiel, who doesn't like it when you fight."

"Ahahaha, you're right, Gil. But... at least I was able to fight those thugs. I don't care about dad's ban. He's just jealous because he can't fight as cool as I do." Vin boasted while patting his chest.

"Yes ... yes! It's up to you, Vin!" Gil looked at the clock on the wall. It's 2 in the afternoon. "Vin, what time are you going to help out at your uncle's cafe?" Gil asked.

Vin then patted his forehead and exclaimed, "Oh yeah! I almost forgot, Gil. Now my uncle must be waiting for me at the cafe." Vin got up to go home. "See you tomorrow at school, Gil!"

"Wait, Vin! Don't go home yet!" Gil shrieked. He is still sitting on the sofa. His gaze turned shady, looking at Vin.

"Vin, tonight you stay at home, okay?! Just this once, Vin. Do you want it?" Gil asked, clasping his hands together in front of his chest.

"I really want to, but I still have to help out at the cafe right now, Gil. Our cafe is very quiet lately. So, we can't pay employees. That's why I help out at the cafe every after school and holidays like this. " Vin reveals his family's economic problems.

"It's okay, Vin. Now, you go first, but tonight you come back here to stay at my house, okay?"

Gil is still pleading. He kept his hands cupped in front of his chest. Although this looks embarrassing to him, but Gil really feels scared every night. Gil feels that there is a stalker in this house.

Vin, who saw the strangeness in his best friend, now frowned.

"You're really weird, Gil. You don't usually act like this. What's the matter, huh?" Vin revealed his analysis.

The reason is, Gil never invited Vin to stay at Gil's house like it is now. Gil more often begged Gil to let him stay at Vi's house, usually.

"Anyway, I'm asking you to help me sleep tonight, okay, Vin?"

"Wahahaha, your words are so ambiguous, Gil!" Vin grumbled. He looked at Gil with disdain.

Vin doesn't know why, but he feels that Gil's behavior seems to show that Gil is Vin's loyal servant. And now the servant was begging his master.

In fact, in any case, Vin is more suitable to be a servant, because he comes from a poor family. Meanwhile, Gil is the youngest son of the Ludwig family, a businessman of German descent, who has lived in Indonesia for a long time.

"You look oddly unusual, Gil."

"It's not like that, Vin." Gil spoke, hesitating. He scratched the back of his neck, feeling nervous about telling everything. He was afraid that Vin would laugh at him.

"Then why are you being weird, huh?" Vin repeated his question.

"Ugh... how's it going, huh?" Gil muttered while scratching his cheek with his index finger.

"Why, huh?"

"Ugh... I'm actually embarrassed to say this, Vin. I was afraid you'd think I was crazy."

"Just tell me, mate!" Vin said while patting his friend's shoulder. He looked at Gil with a serious look.

"You promise you won't laugh at me you know, Vin!"

"Yes, I promise!" Vin replied while holding up his index and middle fingers.

"It seems ... in my house there is a ghost, Vin." Gil answered, quietly.

"Eh? Are you serious about what you say, Gil?!" Vin shouted, sounded so loud. Vin is now back sitting and eating Gil's burger ration. Vin refuses to go home immediately. He seemed more interested in what his friend would tell him.

"I'm serious, Vin!"

"How come?"

"Here's the story, Vin."

Gil raised one leg. He took a seat in front of his best friend, who was eating a burger, Gil's share too.

"For the past few days something strange has happened at my house, Vun. At first, I only heard strange noises, like my window was knocked from outside, then I heard footsteps. sometimes I see flashes of black shadows."

Gil paused his sentence to take a deep breath, and exhaled slowly.

"Then what else, Gil?" interrupted Vin.

"Then ... suddenly there was long hair in the sink. The worst was last night, Vin. There was something under my bed, like a figure with a pair of red eyes. I couldn't sleep since last night, Vin. so sleepy," Gil laments. He was wiping his red face and eyes.

"I swear, Gil? Even when you're sleepy, you can kill me as many as 1,234 like before. If you're not sleepy anyway, huh?"

"Hahaha ... it's just you who suck at everything, Vin!"

"But I'm good at fighting in the real world, you know, Vin! Don't get me wrong!"

"Yes, yes! It's up to you, Vin." Gil ended their argument. He's just lazy if he argues with Vin, who always doesn't want to budge.

Vin drank Gil's ration too. Now he seemed to be deep in thought.

"Hmm ... this is a difficult case in my opinion, Gil," said Vin while massaging his chin, in a deep thought pose.

"Then what is the solution, Vin?" Gil asked. He beckoned to his friend. Gil desperately hopes that Vin will accompany him tonight and uncover whoever has been terrorizing Gil for the past few days. Is it a ghost or just a pervert? Gil wants to catch the intruder.

Vin then nodded. He got up and patted his friend's shoulder.

"Okay, tonight I will stay at your house. So, I now help my father and uncle first, okay?"

"Promise me, Vin!" Gil held out his little finger.

Vin smiled and linked his little finger to Gil's pinky too. Since childhood, they really like to make pinky finger promises like this. The difference is, when they were little they used their thumbs to tie promises. His name is also a child.

"Yeah, I promise, Gil!" Vin then flicked Gil's forehead viciously. "And what's with that look of yours, huh? You're like a sad chick at the loss of its mother, you idiot!"

"Yes, after all, you are unfaithful, my friend, Vin. I wanted to be accompanied, but you left."

"My father and uncle really need me right now, Gil. So I'll say goodbye, okay?" Vin walked towards the exit of Gil's spacious house.

"Vin! If you come here later, don't stay at night, okay?!" Gil called back, before Vin reached the door.

Vin just put his thumbs up above his head, without turning to look at Gil.