
Take Me With YOU

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Yasaran · Fantasy
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22 Chs


"I swear, Gil? Even when you're sleepy, you can kill me as many as 1,234 like before. If you're not sleepy anyway, huh?"

"Hahaha ... it's just you who suck at everything, Vin!"

"But I'm good at fighting in the real world, you know, Vin! Don't get me wrong!"

"Yes, yes! It's up to you, Vin." Gil ended their argument. He's just lazy if he argues with Vin, who always doesn't want to budge.

Vin drank Gil's ration too. Now he seemed to be deep in thought.

"Hmm ... this is a difficult case in my opinion, Gil," said Vin while massaging his chin, in a deep thought pose.

"Then what is the solution, Vin?" Gil asked. He beckoned to his friend. Gil desperately hopes that Vin will accompany him tonight and uncover whoever has been terrorizing Gil for the past few days. Is it a ghost or just a pervert? Gil wants to catch the intruder.

Vin then nodded. He got up and patted his friend's shoulder.

"Okay, tonight I will stay at your house. So, I now help my father and uncle first, okay?"

"Promise me, Vin!" Gil held out his little finger.

Vin smiled and linked his little finger to Gil's pinky too. Since childhood, they really like to make pinky finger promises like this. The difference is, when they were little they used their thumbs to tie promises. His name is also a child.

"Yeah, I promise, Gil!" Vin then flicked Gil's forehead viciously. "And what's with that look of yours, huh? You're like a sad chick at the loss of its mother, you idiot!"

"Yes, after all, you are unfaithful, my friend, Vin. I wanted to be accompanied, but you left."

"My father and uncle really need me right now, Gil. So I'll say goodbye, okay?" Vin walked towards the exit of Gil's spacious house.

"Vin! If you come here later, don't stay at night, okay?!" Gil called back, before Vin reached the door.

Vin just put his thumbs up above his head, without turning to look at Gil.


That night, as promised Vin will stay at Gil's house.

Vin has arrived in front of Gil's house at this time. Vin walks to Gil's house, as usual. However, sometimes Vin also rides a bicycle.

Previously, Vib had also said goodbye to his father, Alsiel. Vin asks permission to stay at Gil's house after returning from the cafe.

His father of course allowed. Gil is Vinn's best friend since childhood. So, Vin's father wouldn't be too worried.

"Gil! I've arrived at your house!" Vin shouted as he ran in the large courtyard of Ludwig's residence.

From the direction of the main door, Gil appeared from there. It seems, Gil has been waiting for Vin's arrival since a long time ago. As previously. Nothing Gil had done before. So, Gil spent time waiting for Vin in the living room since this afternoon.

Vin ran towards the main door. Vin directly hit Gil's body. They hugged each other with one hand, their backs against each other.

"Yo~ Gilbert Ludwig! I ran all the way to your house from the cafe. Isn't there anything you want to give me, um?" Vin gives Gil a code to prepare something for Vin, just like Gil did earlier. Of course in Vin's mind only food and snacks.

"Calm down, Vin! I have prepared offerings for you. I have prepared all kinds of food for you as offerings. Come on in!" Gil put his arm around his best friend's shoulder, who was still short.

"Damn it! An offering? You think I'm a demit who has to be offered an offering to come, huh?!"

"Eh, I thought you were some kind of demit you know, Vin!"

"No, Stupid Gil! I do have some demon royal blood." Vin started babbling and Gil responded with just a nod.

If Gil refutes Vin's words, it will be a long business later. Vin doesn't really like it when his words are rebutted.

Gil thinks all of Vin's rants are a joke. In fact, Vin spoke the truth. Vin did have a quarter of the blood of the demon noble race. However, Gil would never believe in such superstition.