

A soul drifting thought the void when it suddenly gets awoken by a Being calling it's GOD. The Soul is then given wishes and he is immediately transported tho hell......yeah ik, funny huh? He is then met with a Fallen Devil called herself Alisa, where she is his new boss and gives him missions to accomplish, Anddddd those missions takes place in other galaxies, realities and spiritual planes and such. So may our Protagonist stay safe and fuck as many girls as he can........:) And please, there might be some racist lines in there or bad stuff like N#zi type shit. This is only for jokes and entertainment, please don't take it seriously pleaseeeeeee!!!!! And maybe let me know what u think about it, Is it good or is it bad. Instagram: joyboy_2023 Snap: Joyboythesun

Joyboy2023 · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Chapter 2

"System are you there?" Satoru asked out loud.


"Hello!!??" Satoru shouted angrily.

"Nokia motherfucker are you listening to me!!???"

He took a deep sigh and said, "Status?"


"Hello my retarded host" the system said cheerfully.

"Bitch!!!" Satoru almost had a stroke cause of this incompetent system he wished for.

Satoru rolled his eyes, already frustrated with the system's lack of response. "Finally, you decide to show up. Took you long enough."

The system chimed in cheerfully, seemingly unfazed by Satoru's anger. "Hello, my retarted host! How can I assist you today?"

Satoru clenched his fists, trying to maintain his composure. "First of all, don't call me 'host.' It sounds like I'm hosting a damn party. And secondly, can you please give me a status update? I need to know what I'm dealing with here."

The system let out a playful ding sound. "Well, my dear Satoru, you are currently standing in the dark, mysterious forest of Taimanin Asagi. Your adventure has just begun, and you have a long way to go."

Satoru groaned, rubbing his temples.

"Great, just what I needed. A long and treacherous journey in a world where there is just constant fucking and rape everywhere and a bullshit storyline like it's a fucking Jackie Chan movie. This is gonna be fun."

The system chuckled, its voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, absolutely! It's going to be a blast, Satoru. Just remember, danger and temptation lurk around every corner. Stay focused, stay strong, and don't let your guard down."

Satoru let out a frustrated sigh. "Yeah, yeah, I got it. Danger, temptation, blah blah blah. Can we just get on with it already?"

The system's cheerful tone remained unchanged. "Of course, Satoru! Your adventure awaits. Just remember, I'll be here to assist you every step of the way. Now, go forth and conquer!"

Satoru muttered under his breath, "Conquer, my ass.

"Alright, first let's try out my abilities. Let's first try the string string fruit." Satoru said as he tried to figure out how to use it.

Satoru furrowed his brows, trying to concentrate on activating his newfound abilities. "Alright, let's give this a shot. String String Fruit, activate!"

To his surprise, nothing happened. Satoru looked around, expecting some kind of magical transformation or a burst of power, but all he got was silence.

"Um, hello? String String Fruit? Are you there?" Satoru called out, his voice filled with frustration.

The system chimed in, unable to contain its amusement. "Oh, dear Satoru, it seems like your fruit is having a little trouble waking up. Maybe it's not a morning person?"

Satoru clenched his fists, his patience wearing thin. "This is not the time for jokes, you useless system! I need to figure out how to use this power!"

The system let out a playful giggle. "Alright, alright, no need to get your panties in a twist. Let's try a different approach. Maybe you need to visualize the strings in your mind and will them into existence."

Satoru closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He imagined thin, invisible strings extending from his fingertips, ready to be manipulated at his command. Slowly, he opened his eyes, hoping to see some progress.

To his surprise, a single, tiny string appeared in front of him, barely visible to the naked eye. Satoru stared at it in disbelief. "Is this a joke? I can barely see it!"

The system chuckled. "Well, Satoru, it seems like your string game needs a little work. But hey, at least it's a start! Keep practicing, and soon you'll be weaving webs like a pro!"

Satoru sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and amusement. "Great, I'm a superhero with invisible strings. This is gonna be one hell of an adventure."

The system chimed in cheerfully. "Oh, don't worry, Satoru! You'll get the hang of it. Just remember, practice makes perfect!"

Satoru muttered under his breath, "Yeah, perfect for tying my own shoelaces."

"How about we try your time controlling ability?" The system suggested cheerfully.

"Mmmmmm you're right" Satoru said as he picked up a tiny rock and threw it in the air.

"Freeze!!" He shouted.

"..." As the rock fell and hit his head.

"Pfft...What are you, the cops?" The system trying to hold in it's laughter.

"Okay let's try something else" Once again he threw it in the air and said "Zoom!"

As soon as he said that everything around him turned red as time froze.

Satoru blinked in surprise as he looked around at the frozen scene before him. "Whoa, this is incredible!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe.

Satoru grinned, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through him. "Alright, let's see what else I can do!" he said eagerly, his eyes scanning the frozen world around him.

He reached out and touched a nearby tree, marveling as the bark turned to dust beneath his fingertips. "Disintegrate!" he declared, watching in amazement as the tree crumbled into nothingness.

The system clapped its metaphorical hands in delight. "Impressive! You're getting the hang of this," it praised.

Satoru's confidence grew as he continued to experiment with his newfound abilities. He pointed at a nearby bird and commanded, "Reverse!" Instantly, the bird flew backward in mid-air, its wings flapping in reverse motion.

Laughing with delight, Satoru turned to the system. "This is incredible!" he exclaimed.

"Wait what's that?" He asked as he pointed at the 30 digit timer on the left of his eye.

"That's your timer on how long you can freeze time" the system answered.

Satoru's eyes widened in surprise as he glanced at the timer. "So, I have a limited time to freeze everything?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

The system nodded. "Yes, exactly. Your time control ability has its limits. Once the timer runs out, time will resume its normal flow," it explained.

"But if the timer runs out how do I get it back up to 30 or even upgrade the timer?"

Satoru furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "Hmm, how do I recharge the timer or upgrade it?" he pondered aloud.

The system paused for a moment, processing the question. "Well, Satoru, the timer will gradually recharge on its own over time. However, if you want to upgrade it, you'll need to find special time crystals," it explained.

"Time crystals?" Satoru repeated, his curiosity piqued. "Where can I find those?"

The system smiled, its voice filled with anticipation. "Time crystals are scattered throughout the world, hidden in various locations. They hold immense power and can enhance your time control abilities. You'll need to embark on a quest to find them or you can maybe visit merchants to see if they have but they'll probably have the lower class." it revealed.

Satoru's eyes lit up with excitement. "I see, well there's a lot to do."

The system nodded approvingly. "Excellent! Remember, Satoru, with great power comes great responsibility.

Use your abilities wisely and always consider the consequences," it cautioned.

Satoru nodded," Yes Uncle Ben!" He said sarcastically.

"Status!" Satoru said as a white holographic screen popped up in his face showing his stats.


[Name: Gojo Satoru]



[Level: 0/800]

[Exp: 0/100]

[Strength: 5] (-E) (normal humans is 8)

[Intelligence: 5] (-E)

[Agility: 5] (-E)

[Stamina: 5] (-E)

[Charisma: 5] (-E)

[Endurance: 5] (-E)

[Perception: 5] (-E)

[Luck: 1] ( idk :)

[Magic: 5] (-F)

[Time control: 0s/30s]

[String string fruit: 1inch string (hahaha stumpy)]

[Summoning Gacha: 0]

[Points: 0]

*Sniff * "why am I so pathetic?" Satoru said as he was crying.

"System please explain how I can upgrade my stats and abilities!"

Satoru wiped away his tears and looked at the system with determination in his eyes. "System, please explain how I can upgrade my stats and abilities!" he pleaded.

The system responded with a reassuring tone. "Don't worry, Satoru. Upgrading your stats and abilities is possible. You can do so by gaining experience points through various activities and challenges. As you accumulate more experience, your level will increase, allowing you to allocate points to different attributes."

Satoru nodded, eager to learn more. "How can I gain experience points?" he asked.

The system explained, "Experience points can be earned by completing quests, defeating enemies, and overcoming obstacles. The more challenging the task, the more experience points you will receive."

Satoru's eyes sparkled with excitement. "So, the more I explore and face challenges, the stronger I'll become?"

The system confirmed his statement. "Exactly! By pushing your limits and taking on new challenges, you'll not only gain experience points but also unlock new abilities and skills."

Satoru's mind raced with possibilities. "What about my time control ability? Can I upgrade that too?"

The system nodded. "Yes, you can enhance your time control ability by finding and using time crystals. These crystals will not only extend the duration of your time freezing ability but also grant you new time manipulation powers."

"Okay, do I come with a gift pack or something?"he asked.

"Mmmmmmm...there isn't anything like that but I can give you a free summoning?" The system responded hesitantly.

"Ahh well, anything but nothing. Okay so how do I summon?" He asked.

"It's kind of a lottery so you will get a random summoning." The system responded.

"Damn I thought I could choose who I wanted to summon!! Oh my sweet Chun LI." Satoru exclaimed sadly.

Satoru sighed, disappointment evident in his voice. "Well, I guess I'll just have to make do with whatever I get. So, how do I start the summoning?"

The system explained, "Simply concentrate your energy and focus on the summoning command. Visualize the summoning portal opening before you, and then speak the command aloud."

Satoru closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to center himself. He imagined a swirling vortex of energy forming in front of him, ready to bring forth his random summoning. "Summon!" he declared, his voice filled with determination.

As he opened his eyes, a bright light engulfed the area, and a figure materialized before him. It was a small, mischievous-looking creature with pointy ears and a mischievous grin.

"Hey there, buddy! I'm your lucky summoning for today!" the creature exclaimed, bouncing up and down with excitement.

Satoru blinked in surprise, not expecting such a lively and energetic summoning. "Uh, hello there. What's your name?" he asked, trying to hide his disappointment.

The creature chuckled. "You can call me Gizmo! I'm here to assist you on your journey and provide you with valuable information and guidance."

Satoru couldn't help but smile at Gizmo's infectious enthusiasm. "Well, Gizmo, it's nice to meet you. So you can get me information about anything?"

Gizmo nodded eagerly. "Absolutely! But it comes with a price, money exactly!"

" Mmm I see, okay I don't really need you right now so where will you go? Will you come with me or..?" Satoru asked.

"Oh no no no, I have to explore and gt information of course! How would I do that if I'm always with you." Gizmo said giggling.

Satoru nodded, understanding Gizmo's need to explore. "Alright, Gizmo. I'll let you do your thing and gather information for me. Just make sure to come back with some valuable insights," he said with a smile.

Gizmo saluted playfully. "You got it, boss! I'll be back before you know it, armed with all the knowledge you need."

As Gizmo bounded away, Satoru turned his attention back to the system. "Alisa said I must find a dangerous artifact right? Do you have any idea what this could be? And how the hell would I find that in The Taimanin Asagi world?"

Satoru's question hung in the air, causing the system to pause for a moment. "Hmm, finding a dangerous artifact in The Taimanin Asagi hentai story might be a bit tricky," it admitted. "But fear not, Satoru! I have a few ideas that might help."

Satoru leaned in, his curiosity piqued. "Tell me, what do you have in mind?"

The system grinned mischievously. "Well, in order to find this artifact, we'll need to immerse ourselves in the world of Taimanin Asagi. We'll have to interact with the characters, explore the storylines, and uncover hidden secrets."

Satoru's eyes widened with excitement. "So, you're saying we have to become part of the story?"

The system nodded. "Exactly! By becoming active participants in the world, we'll have a better chance of discovering the dangerous artifact Alisa mentioned."

Satoru rubbed his chin, deep in thought. "Alright, let's do it! How do we get started?"

The system brought up a holographic map, displaying various locations within the Taimanin Asagi universe. "First, we'll need to choose a starting point. We can begin by visiting the Taimanin headquarters, where we can gather information from the skilled ninjas there."

Satoru started thinking. "I don't think we should just go up to them and demand information, and besides we should stay low-key."