

A soul drifting thought the void when it suddenly gets awoken by a Being calling it's GOD. The Soul is then given wishes and he is immediately transported tho hell......yeah ik, funny huh? He is then met with a Fallen Devil called herself Alisa, where she is his new boss and gives him missions to accomplish, Anddddd those missions takes place in other galaxies, realities and spiritual planes and such. So may our Protagonist stay safe and fuck as many girls as he can........:) And please, there might be some racist lines in there or bad stuff like N#zi type shit. This is only for jokes and entertainment, please don't take it seriously pleaseeeeeee!!!!! And maybe let me know what u think about it, Is it good or is it bad. Instagram: joyboy_2023 Snap: Joyboythesun

Joyboy2023 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 1

A soul was drifting through the void, lost and alone in the emptiness. It had no purpose, no direction, no destination. It was just a faint glimmer in the infinite darkness, waiting for something to give it meaning. And then, suddenly, it was awoken by a voice.

"Hello there, my child," the voice said, and the soul recognized it as the voice of God. "I have been watching you for some time now, and I have decided to give you a gift. I will transport you to a random world in place of another soul who has passed away, and I will give you five wishes to help you on your journey. Choose wisely."

The soul was shocked, to say the least. It had never believed in God or anything like that, but now here it was, being offered a chance to start a new life with unlimited potential. It hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do.

But then it spoke up. "My first wish is to have a system like the protagonists in fanfiction novels. A lottery system that grants me random abilities from all over the galaxies as well as a summoning system that allows me to bring fictional characters to life."

God nodded. "Very well. Your second wish?"

"My second wish is to have the ability to stop time. I want to be able to freeze the world around me so I can think and act without any distractions or interference."

"An interesting choice," God mused. "And your third wish?"

"My third wish is to look exactly like Gojo Satoru," the soul said, referring to the popular anime character known for his striking appearance and formidable powers.

"Ah, I see," God said, smiling slightly. "And your fourth wish?"

"My fourth wish is to have the ability of the string string fruit from One Piece," the soul said, referencing another anime. "I want to be able to manipulate strings like they are my own limbs, and use them to bind, cut, or control anything I want."

God raised an eyebrow. "That's quite a specific power. But I will make some adjustments so that you aren't completely overpowered."

"Thank you," the soul said, feeling a surge of excitement and anticipation. "And for my final wish... I want to be transported to a world where I can use all of my powers to their fullest potential. A world full of challenges, dangers, and adventures. A world where I can truly be alive."

God smiled warmly. "Granted. I wish you luck on your journey, my child. May you find everything you seek, and more."

And with that, the soul was whisked away into the unknown, ready to face whatever lay ahead with its newfound powers and resolve.

It suddenly found itself transported to a dark and ominous realm. Confused and disorientated, it tried to get its bearings and assess its surroundings.

It wasn't long before the Soul found itself standing in front of a large, imposing desk. Behind the desk sat a stunningly beautiful woman, with luscious curves that left nothing to the imagination.

The woman was the very embodiment of temptation and sin, with a sultry look that sent shivers down the human's spine.

"Welcome to Hell," the woman said in a voice that was equal parts honey and poison. "My name is Alisa. I'm a fallen devil and your new boss."

The human didn't know how to react. Was this really happening? Was it really trapped in Hell, with this gorgeous devil as its boss?

"I'm sorry, The Fuck?" the human stammered.

"I said, I'm your new boss," Alisa repeated, a wicked glint in her eye. "You're here to work for us now. And believe me, it won't be easy. But if you do a good job, maybe we'll go easy on you."

The human's heart sank. It had heard tales of Hell and the horrors that awaited those who ended up there. And now, it seemed that those tales were all too real.

"But I don't understand," the human said. "Why am I here? What did I do to end up in Hell?"

"That's not for me to say," Alisa said dismissively. "All I know is that you're here now, and you're going to do what you're told. Understand?"

"Fuck fuck fuck!! This isn't what I meant by adventure!!" The soul thought as he was thinking while changing faces every now and then, while Alisa was looking at him as he was a retard

The human's mind raced as it tried to come to terms with its new reality. It couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration, confusion, and a tinge of amusement at the absurdity of the situation. It took a deep breath and decided to confront Alisa, the fallen devil, head-on.

"Look, Alisa," the human began, trying to maintain a calm demeanor. "I appreciate the warm welcome and all, but I think there's been a bit of a mix-up. I was supposed to be transported to a world full of challenges and adventures, not... Hell."

Alisa chuckled, her voice dripping with mischief. "Oh, sweetie, you think you have a say in where you end up? That's cute. But trust me, Hell can be quite an adventure if you know how to embrace it."

The human raised an eyebrow, skepticism evident in its eyes. "Embrace Hell? Are you serious? I mean, no offense, but it's not exactly the dream destination for most souls."

Alisa leaned back in her chair, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Well, my dear, that's where you're wrong. Hell is full of surprises, and I have a feeling you're going to fit right in.

The human couldn't help but feel a glimmer of curiosity amidst the dread. Maybe, just maybe, there was more to Hell than met the eye. It took a moment to gather its thoughts before responding.

"Alright, Alisa," the human said, a determined look in its eyes. "If I'm stuck here, then I might as well make the most of it. But let's make a deal."

Alisa raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh? And what might that be?"

"If I complete whatever this assignment is then you will do whatever I say" the human stated firmly with a evil grin. "And I mean anything."

Alisa smirked, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Well, well, aren't you a feisty one? Alright, I'll make you a deal. If you prove yourself worthy and complete the tasks I assign you, I'll do whatever you want me to do, Deal?"

"Deal, but one question can you firsts tell me about hell like what's going on or what's the problem?" The human asked hesitantly.

"Well, my dear," Alisa began, leaning forward with a sly smile. "Hell is a realm of punishment and temptation. It's where souls who have committed sins in their mortal lives are sent to atone for their wrongdoings. Here, we embrace the darkness and revel in the pleasures that were forbidden to us in the mortal realm."

The human's eyes widened as it took in Alisa's words. It had heard stories of Hell, but never imagined it to be a place of such indulgence and wickedness.

"But what about the tasks you mentioned?" the human asked, curiosity piqued. "What do I have to do?"

Alisa chuckled, her voice dripping with amusement. "Oh, my dear, you'll soon find out. Each task will test your limits, both physically and mentally. You'll be faced with challenges that will push you to your very edge. But fear not, for if you succeed, you'll be rewarded handsomely."

The human's mind raced with a mix of apprehension and excitement. It had always craved adventure and now it seemed that Hell was offering just that, albeit in a twisted and unconventional way.

"Alright, Alisa," the human said, determination shining in its eyes. "I accept your challenge. I will prove myself worthy and complete whatever tasks you assign me."

Alisa smirked, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Very well. Your first task is well you might really enjoy this, is to infiltrate the Taimanin Asagi hentai world and retrieve a powerful artifact that has fallen into the wrong hands. This artifact has the potential to wreak havoc if it falls into the wrong hands, so it's imperative that you retrieve it before it's too late."

The human's eyebrows shot up in surprise. It had heard of Taimanin Asagi, a popular hentai series known for its dark and erotic themes. It never expected to be thrust into that world, but it was ready to face the challenge head-on.

"Consider it done," the human said confidently. "I will retrieve the artifact and ensure it doesn't cause any harm."

Alisa grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I knew you'd be up for the task. Remember, the world of Taimanin Asagi is filled with danger and temptation. Stay focused and don't let yourself be swayed by the seductive allure of that world, and if you do inted to do intimate actions please don't get them pregnant knowing you won't stay there forever, that's a really a dick move." She said sighing.

The human nodded, determination etched on its face. "I won't let you down, Alisa. I'll complete this task and prove that I can handle whatever Hell throws at me."

Alisa's smile widened, a glimmer of pride in her eyes. "I have no doubt that you will, my dear. Now, go forth and embrace the darkness. Your journey begins now."



"So is there like a door I must go through or something?" The human asked with a dumb look.

Alisa chuckled, shaking her head at the human's cluelessness. "Oh, my dear, you really have no idea what you're getting yourself into, do you? There's no door to walk through, no grand entrance. The world of Taimanin Asagi is not that simple."

The human scratched their head, a perplexed expression on their face. "So, how do I even get there then? Do I need some kind of magical portal or a secret incantation?"

Alisa smirked mischievously. "Well, it's not that complicated either. You just need to close your eyes, spin around three times, and say 'I wish to enter the world of Taimanin Asagi' in a really dramatic voice."

The human's eyes widened in disbelief. "Are you serious? That sounds like some kind of cheesy movie magic!"

Alisa burst into laughter, her voice echoing through the mountains. "Oh, my dear, you have no idea how right you are! But trust me, it works. Just give it a try."

With a skeptical look, the human closed their eyes, spun around awkwardly, and muttered the words as instructed. Suddenly, a blinding light engulfed them, and when it faded, they found themselves standing in a dark, mysterious forest.

"Whoa! It actually worked!" the human exclaimed, looking around in awe.

Alisa smirked, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Told you so. Now, my dear, your adventure awaits. Just remember, don't get too distracted by the temptations of this world, and for goodness sake, don't get anyone pregnant!"

The human nodded, a determined expression on their face. "I'll do my best, Alisa. I won't let you down."

Alisa's smile softened, a hint of pride in her eyes. "I believe in you. Now, go forth and conquer this crazy world human!"

"I have a name you know!" The human shouted.

"Oh my dear, and what would that be?" Alisa asked seductively.

"Well since I look exactly like Gojo Satoru I should probably use his name.... because I can hehehe." The human thought.

"Satoru....Gojo Satoru." Satoru said with pride and arrogance.

Alisa raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Gojo Satoru, huh? Well, I must say, you certainly have good taste in choosing a name. But remember, in this world, you'll have to prove yourself worthy of that name. It won't be easy, my dear."

Satoru smirked confidently, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Oh, I'm well aware of the challenges that lie ahead, Alisa. But I assure you, I am more than capable of handling whatever this crazy world throws at me. After all, I am Gojo Satoru!"

Alisa chuckled, her laughter echoing through the mountains once more."Well, Gojo Satoru, it seems you have the confidence to match your chosen name. But let's see if you can back it up with your actions. Remember, this world is filled with danger and temptation. Stay focused, stay strong, and don't let your guard down."

Satoru nodded, his expression serious. "I won't disappoint you, Alisa. I'll show you just how capable I am. Now, let's get this adventure started!"

"Well, off you go Satoru and good luck on your journey." Alisa said with a grin while fading away in the dark.