
Tactical Knights!

In the midst of a brutal modern war, three soldiers find themselves unexpectedly transported into a fantastical realm by an enigmatic goddess. Confronted with the opportunity to shape their destinies anew, the trio embarks on an unforeseen adventure in this magical world, unearthing mysteries, forging alliances, and confronting formidable adversaries. As they navigate the challenges of this unfamiliar landscape, the soldiers must unravel the secrets of their deployment and discover the true purpose behind their journey. In a realm where magic and warfare intertwine, the choices they make will not only determine their fates but also reshape the destiny of the entire fantastical realm. I'm new to making a story and still practicing, this is my very first story that I made and hope you like it.

CptCreed · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Old Nemesis Part 2

As Creed regained his footing and shook off the remnants of the chaotic battle, Risky extended a hand to help him rise, a gesture of camaraderie in their newfound alliance. He returned Creed's shotgun, an act of trust in this dire situation.

"Here, I'm sure you're gonna need this," Risky said.

Creed took back his shotgun but noticed that Risky was unarmed. He offered his sword to Risky, saying, "Here, you're gonna need a weapon."

Risky, however, declined with a confident smirk and pulled out a sword of his own. "No thanks, I've got one."

With their weapons at the ready, Creed and Risky stood shoulder to shoulder, ready to charge the oncoming horde of enemies. Shiiyo and Kyru, too, plowed through the undead attackers that had surrounded them.

Shiiyo couldn't help but express his surprise, "Since when did those two become friends?"

Kyru, while fending off the encroaching enemies, replied, "I don't know, man, but as long as we're getting through this, I'm good with it."

The four of them fought together as a team, successfully defeating most of their foes. However, as they saw another wave of enemies approaching, Shiiyo suggested, "We... might need to fall back this time."

Kyru agreed, "Yeah, that would be a great idea."

As they retreated to what appeared to be a safe location to catch their breath, Kyru offered a compliment to Risky, "Hey... you're not half bad."

Risky chuckled, "Heh, same to you."

The respite was short-lived. As they prepared to move forward again, Creed approached Risky, leveling his shotgun at him. Shiiyo and Kyru were taken aback by their captain's sudden aggression.

Shiiyo exclaimed in surprise, "Hey, Cap, what's going on?"

Risky, with his hands up and a nervous laugh, asked, "Yeah, Captain, what's gotten into you?"

Creed, with a stern and determined expression, demanded answers, his voice filled with anger, "I won't ask twice. Who... really... are you?"

Risky tried to explain, "I told you... I came here to-"

Before he could finish, Creed fired his shotgun, the blast causing the wall near Risky's face to explode in a shower of debris. His cheek grazed by the shot, Risky's nerves were finally getting the better of him. He looked at Creed, who was now seething with anger, and his expression shifted from playful to serious.

Creed issued a final ultimatum, his voice like thunder, "Last chance! There is no way someone like you, let alone the people in this world, knows how to use a modern weapon! What's more surprising is how you didn't flinch from that shot... seems like you've been in this kind of situation. So, for one last time... who...the hell... are you?"

With a sigh, Risky complied, removing his cloak and revealing his attire. The trio's eyes widened as they took in his appearance. Risky, it turned out, was clad in a modern tactical gear like theirs, albeit with some medieval armor mixed in.

Kyru was the first to express his disbelief, "Your...?"

Shiiyo joined in, "So, you're being summoned to this world as well?"

Risky confirmed, "Yep... seems like it, hehe."

Kyru chimed in, "So, we're not the only ones who got sent to this world, huh."

Once more, Risky responded, "Yep, looks like it."

Creed, noticed a familiar patch symbol on Risky's shoulder. It ignited a seething anger within him as he remembered the same symbol from the attack that killed his men back in their old world. He angrily approached Risky "You!" he said in a growling voice and started accusing him, "You killed my men!" Creed then launches a powerful punch to Risky.

Risky narrowly dodged the punch, his back against the wall, and nervously exclaimed, "Woah! Watch out where you're attacking, man. Can't we just get along?"

Creed's anger remained unabated as he glared at Risky, his voice harsh, "Get along? With someone like you?" he removed his fist from the destroyed wall and started walking towards him.

Kyru positioned himself between Creed and Risky, attempting to defuse the situation. "Woah, hey, Cap, chill out. Remember, we're still in the dungeon."

Shiiyo chimed in, emphasizing the need for cooperation, "Kyru's right, Cap. He might be our enemy in our old world, but here we need to set aside our differences and work together."

Creed managed to calm down slightly, but he remained stern. He pointed at Risky, his orders clear, "If you're going to stick around, you better follow my orders, got it."

Risky responded with a playful salute, "Aye, aye, Captain."

The four adventurers continued their journey into the dungeon, the circumstances having drastically changed, and the atmosphere charged with newfound tension and curiosity about their enigmatic companion, Risky.

As they continued to venture deeper into the dungeon, the team adopted a diamond formation, a tactical layout to ensure they covered all angles. Creed, with his shield in the center, had Risky on his left, Shiiyo on his right, and Kyru watching their backs. They moved swiftly, scanning every room and corridor with precision and caution.

Risky, with his playful nature, couldn't resist breaking the silence. He directed his comment toward Creed, asking, "So, Captain, you still mad at me, man?"

Creed, focused on their mission, replied sternly, "Focus and close that mouth of yours."

Risky glanced at Shiiyo with a worried smile and remarked, "He's grumpy."

Shiiyo sighed in agreement, "Huh, you tell me."

Creed, taking charge, gave orders, "Shiiyo, scan the area to see if there are traps ahead."

Shiiyo acknowledged the command, saying, "Roger that." He activated his glasses, which displayed an interface for scanning traps in the dungeon. After his assessment, he reported, "Cap, we've got multiple traps dead ahead. I suggest we take a detour. I've located another passage ahead."

Creed confirmed the decision, saying, "Copy. Everyone, on my mark." The trio responded in unison, "Roger!"

As they continued deeper into the dungeon, they reached a massive steel door. Kyru, with a mix of nerves and playfulness, shared his observation, "You know, what I've learned from every Souls game is that a large door means an empty room and an empty room means big danger."

Risky joined in, adding, "Yeah... the only downside is that we don't see a huge stash of supplies or loot before entering a boss room. Every game has that!"

With a determined expression, Creed exerted all his strength to push open the giant steel double doors. His team was taken aback, and some concerns started to brew.

Kyru expressed his worry, "Uh... Captain? I don't think we're ready for this, man."

Shiiyo sighed and cocked his gun, saying, "Well, looks like we're doing this, then."

Risky nervously chuckled, "Hehe... do or die, then?"

They entered the vast, empty room, and an eerie silence filled the space. Kyru, in hushed tones, mumbled, "It's quiet... a little too quiet."

Risky remained on high alert and couldn't resist a quip, "We're supposed to get a cutscene here."

Shiiyo, scanning their surroundings, noticed something on his glasses' sensor – a giant red dot being scanned. But despite looking everywhere, he couldn't seem to find the source. Suddenly, he looked up and issued a warning, "Watch out!" The group immediately rolled out of the way as a massive demon fell from the ceiling, wielding a giant war hammer.

Kyru, jokingly, noted, "Well... this is the cutscene we were looking for!"

The giant demon prepared to smash them with its hammer, and Creed swiftly warned them, "Brace for impact!" The demon's blow shattered the ground beneath them, causing them to plummet through a hole and slide into an unknown cave. Their last memory was the echoing roar of the demon as they descended into the cave's water.