
Tactical Knights!

In the midst of a brutal modern war, three soldiers find themselves unexpectedly transported into a fantastical realm by an enigmatic goddess. Confronted with the opportunity to shape their destinies anew, the trio embarks on an unforeseen adventure in this magical world, unearthing mysteries, forging alliances, and confronting formidable adversaries. As they navigate the challenges of this unfamiliar landscape, the soldiers must unravel the secrets of their deployment and discover the true purpose behind their journey. In a realm where magic and warfare intertwine, the choices they make will not only determine their fates but also reshape the destiny of the entire fantastical realm. I'm new to making a story and still practicing, this is my very first story that I made and hope you like it.

CptCreed · Fantasy
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44 Chs

An Old Nemesis

Inside the dungeon, the trio, drawing from their military experience and tactical knowledge from their old world, quickly formed a well-practiced formation. Creed, as the leader and the one who usually took the front, held his shield up, the shotgun resting on the side of the shield, ready to be aimed forward. Shiiyo positioned himself in the middle, scanning their surroundings for potential threats, while Kyru watched their back, his sniper rifle at the ready. With precise and deliberate movements, they advanced deeper into the dungeon, clearing each corner as if they were a highly trained SWAT team, prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they advanced further into the crypt, the team's anticipation grew. Inside the dungeon, the narrow stone corridor led to a heavy wooden door at the end, its ominous presence casting shadows over the three soldiers. Creed, the fearless captain, raised his hand and signaled to halt. His large, gauntleted hand gripped the handle of a Chiappa shotgun, the sleek black barrel glistening ominously in the dim torchlight.

"Shiiyo, what's the intel on this room?" Creed whispered, his eyes behind the visor of his helm scanning for any sign of trouble.

Shiiyo, the keen tactician with an MP7 SMG strapped to his back, checked his notes, his voice hushed as he spoke into their shared communication device. "My scan says it's an ancient crypt, Captain. High chances of the undead inside."

Kyru, their marksman armed with a Cheytac sniper rifle, positioned himself by the door, eyeing the intricate carvings etched into the wood. "I've got the door, Captain."

Creed nodded and reached out, cautiously turning the brass handle. The door swung open with a low creak, revealing a chamber shrouded in darkness.

"Light it up," Shiiyo whispered, holding his MP7 at the ready.

Kyru quickly produced a small flashlight and aimed it into the room, revealing a vast, ancient crypt. Stone sarcophagi lined the walls, each adorned with eerie symbols. The sound of dripping water echoed in the chamber, a stark contrast to their quiet movements.

Creed's grip tightened on his shotgun as he stepped in, his shield raised to cover their advance. "Let's go, team. Stick to the drill. Shiiyo, point. Kyru, cover our six."

The trio moved in a coordinated formation, clearing the room systematically. Shiiyo led the way, checking behind the sarcophagi for any lurking threats. Kyru positioned himself near the entrance, his sniper rifle trained on the doorway to deter any unwanted guests. Creed, with his shotgun and shield, stayed close, watching Shiiyo's back.

The crypt remained silent, save for their cautious footsteps and the occasional drip of water. Each room they cleared brought them deeper into the heart of the dungeon, and the tension in the air was palpable.

As the trio continued their exploration of the crypt, they couldn't shake the feeling that they were not alone. The eerie silence and the crypt's eerie atmosphere seemed to weigh on them, making their every step seem heavier. Despite their military training, this place had an uncanny ability to get under their skin.

Shiiyo, with his keen eye for detail, noticed some peculiar markings etched into the walls as they proceeded. "Captain, look at these symbols," he whispered, crouching down to get a closer look. "These aren't just random carvings. They seem like some sort of ancient script."

Creed knelt beside Shiiyo, his helmeted head tilting as he examined the markings. "I can't read it, but I've got a bad feeling about this."

Kyru, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings, interjected, "I agree. Whatever's written here, it's probably not a recipe for apple pie."

As they continued down the crypt's winding corridors, they reached a larger chamber. It was dimly lit by an eerie blue light emanating from a series of glowing runes etched into the floor. The center of the chamber held a raised stone dais, and on it rested an ornate sarcophagus adorned with even more enigmatic symbols.

Creed took a step back, his eyes darting around the chamber. "Something doesn't feel right about this place."

Shiiyo's voice trembled slightly as he read the symbols on the floor. "These runes... they're imbued with some kind of magic. It feels... unsettling."

Kyru's finger tightened on the trigger of his sniper rifle. "Captain, I've got a bad feeling that this is where our problems start."

Creed agreed with his thoughts. "Right, boys. Stay sharp. We didn't come this far to get caught in a crypt trap. We finish our sweep, and then we get out of here."

With cautious but determined steps, they moved forward, keeping their wits about them. The feeling of an unseen presence and the weight of the crypt's history hung heavily in the air as they ventured deeper into the unknown.

The trio's footsteps echoed through the narrow corridors of the crypt, their vigilant senses alert to the presence of their unseen follower. Kyru, always on high alert, was the first to notice. He leaned closer to Creed, his voice barely above a whisper, "Captain, we've got a tail."

Creed nodded subtly, his grip on his shotgun tightening. He had felt the unease creeping in as well. Shiiyo, their keen observer, silently acknowledged the situation.

As they reached a corner, their stalker seemingly closing in, the trio pulled off a swift, coordinated maneuver. Without a moment's hesitation, they vanished into the shadows, leaving their pursuer bewildered and frantically searching the empty passageway.

Just as the hooded figure was about to turn around, thinking they had lost their trail, a concrete wall to the side shattered, and a powerful hand grabbed the tail of his cloak, pulling him into the hidden alcove behind the wall. He found himself pinned against the cool stone, an arm choking his neck while the unmistakable barrels of Kyru's and Shiiyo's guns pointed at his head.

Creed, his eyes glaring behind his helmet's visor, his voice laced with an authoritative tone, demanded answers. "Who are you? Talk! Why are you following us?"

The hooded man nervously raised his hands, his eyes darting between the imposing figures. "Hey, hey, chill, dude. I'm not here to pick a fight." He let out a chuckle and with slightly trembling hands, he slowly pulled back his hood to reveal a scruffy, boyish face. "See? Do I look like a bad guy to you?"

Creed shot a look to Kyru and Shiiyo before deciding to ease his grip slightly, allowing the stranger some breathing room. "Why are you following us?"

The man cleared his throat, his nervous smirk still evident. "Obviously.....the same reason as you. I'm investigating this new dungeon."

Kyru, keeping his rifle steady but skeptical, couldn't hide his doubts. "I don't know about you, Cap, but I'm not trusting this one."

The hooded man, who had introduced himself as Risky Spade, decided to playfully tip his nonexistent hat. "How about this? You can call me Risky, and let's say we join forces in this adventure. Strength in numbers and all that jazz."

Creed glanced at Kyru and Shiiyo, exchanging unspoken communication. Eventually, he nodded and gave Risky a stern warning, "Alright, but make no mistake, one wrong move, and we won't hesitate."

Risky accepted the terms with a lighthearted shrug, his voice filled with amusement, "Roger that, Captain!" Creed leaned towards Kyru, whispering, "Keep an eye on him at all times." Kyru nodded, and they continued their exploration deeper into the crypt, now with an unexpected addition to their party.

The group was on edge as they ventured deeper into the dark crypt. Kyru's intense gaze remained fixated on Risky, who was beginning to feel uncomfortable. He chuckled nervously and finally decided to break the ice. "Uhm, dude, can you not stare at my soul? Hehehe."

Kyru, maintaining his laser focus, responded bluntly, "I'm keeping an eye on you just in case you decide to do something fishy. And by the way, the name is Kyru. Remember that."

Risky playfully acknowledged, "Okay, Mr. Kyru."

Continuing their exploration, the group soon encountered a chilling sight. Creed signaled for a halt, his keen eyes locking onto something in the distance. Shiiyo asked him, "Is there something wrong, Cap?"

A relentless horde of skeletons and undead were charging towards them with reckless abandon. Creed immediately issued a command, his voice unwavering. "Tangos approaching! Open fire!"

The dungeon corridor erupted in a cacophony of gunfire and echoing screams as the trio unleashed their weapons upon the approaching undead. Shiiyo, with an ice bomb in hand, managed to create a brief respite, freezing a section of the corridor and giving them time to retreat.

Shiiyo suggested a strategic withdrawal, his voice filled with urgency. "Cap! It's too many! I suggest we run!"

Creed nodded in agreement, leading the way as they dashed towards another corridor, the monsters in pursuit. At each twist and turn, they were met with more undead, leaving them feeling increasingly trapped.

Creed muttered under his breath, recognizing the dire situation they were in. "This is bad."

As the undead closed in, a colossal, grotesque monster appeared, effectively cutting off their escape. Kyru immediately recognized their predicament. "Shit! We've been pincered!"

The giant undead monstrosity swung at them, sending the team sprawling. Creed's shotgun was knocked from his grasp, and he found himself struggling against the monster's crushing grip.

Creed, determined and struggling with all his might, managed to fight back against the relentless grip of the monstrous undead. He glanced over at Shiiyo and Kyru, who were struggling to fend off the horde of smaller undead creatures. Gritting his teeth, he taunted the monster that held him. "Damn it! You stupid, rotten flesh! Let me go so I can bash your ugly face in!"

In the midst of this chaos, Risky calmly assessed the situation, his eyes on Creed's discarded shotgun. Then, without hesitation, he raised the weapon, taking aim and firing. The shotgun's blast thundered through the corridor, and the giant undead's head exploded in a gruesome burst of gore.

Creed, freed from the creature's clutches, scrambled to his feet and looked up, stunned to find Risky holding his shotgun, his smirk revealing a newfound alliance. Risky, ever the enigmatic presence, calmly addressed the group, "Looks like you boys could use a little help."