A normal young student living with his parents dies. After meeting God, he goes to the world of One Piece to live the life of adventure and freedom he has always desired. This is translated into English by Google translation. I write this fan fiction to improve my writing for my first novel. So if you see any mistakes or have any advice tell me. Good reading.
Please read the author's note.
Ryu's body slowly falls into a hot puddle of his own blood. Seth puts Ryu's body on his back and closes his eyes.
"May you find peace in death, old man. I will see you in the city of silver when you are cleansed of your sins." Seth said softly, putting Ryu's hands on his chest. He uses his magic to cleanse Ryu's body and puts him in a coffin before teleporting him six feet underground under Mary Geoise. Despite being an enemy, Ryu has the honor and earned Seth's respect just as Seth earned Ryu's respect.
Seth looks at his shattered spear, his armor ripped, his chest with a hole, and sighs.
'limiting myself to have an interesting fight is both bad and good. It had been a long time since I had had so much adrenaline during a fight. But I don't think about doing it again. It gets awkward when I can't do what I want. '
The pieces of Seth's spear are drawn to the spear's body and come together to reform the spear. Seth also heals the hole in his chest and does the same with his armor.
Seth picks up his spear.
'Roar' The spear vibrated loudly with a low sound as Seth took it in his hands.
Seth runs his hand over the spear gently.
"Hush, Hush. I'm sorry I put you through this, but you know I had to limit you too. Otherwise, it is no use limiting myself. If I hadn't limited you, the fight wouldn't even have lasted more than a few exchanges. His blade would have shattered, and he would have died without a good fight. "
'Roarr' The spear vibrates a bit like responding to Seth.
"Yes, we will limit ourselves no longer. No one can destroy you," Seth reassured his brother-in-arms.
After calming his spear, Seth continued to the top floor of the castle. He climbs the stairs and arrives at the top floor of [Chateau de la Pangea].
The top floor of the castle is made up of a flower garden, a very luxurious bedroom ... But the largest room on the first floor is the throne room, where there is an extraordinary seat. The throne is a replica of the empty throne except for one detail. The detail is the color. The red of the empty throne is replaced by white and the gold by black.
The empty throne is occupied. IM sits on the throne, watching Seth enter my throne room. The room is dark, making it hard to see IM's appearance. The only thing Seth can see well are those red eyes in a circle.
Seth walks up to the throne and stops in front of the huge stairs leading up to it.
Seth and IM look at each other, analyze each other. Seth can see that IM is a woman who doesn't look old. On the contrary, she looks to be in her twenties. IM has black hair, almost sickly porcelain white skin. The combination of her skin, hair, and eyes gives her a ghostly side. Her eyes stand out, enormously with her white skin. Arguably IM is a horror movie character that Seth would believe.
She does not look ugly. On the contrary, she is sublime, but she has a disturbing aura, cold and morbid. If ordinary people meet her, they will think she is dead.
They looked at each other for a few minutes, thinking about several things at the same time.
"Tell me, Seth, what's your plan. You destroyed Mary Geoise, killed the elders. What do you plan to do if by some miracle you manage to kill me." asks IM.
"I have no reason to answer you, but in the last favor, I can grant it to you," Seth answers, nodding. He can see IM smile at his words.
They both think they're going to live and kill the other, so they're pretty relaxed.
"So after destroying the GM, I'm going…" Seth talks about his plan to IM for a few minutes, and IM sits on his throne listening intently to the plan of the man who threatened him the most in his long life. . IM smiles and nods at some of Seth's ideas.
At the end of Seth's monologue, he can be seen sitting on a seat. He looks at IM and waits for her comments. IM always has a smile on his face.
"Your ideas are good, some even excellent, but I have been wondering for a while. Why?" IM said.
Seth tilts his head to the side to show his incomprehension.
"Why what ?"
"Why do all this, why not enjoy life, leave GM in peace, and let life take its course? Why try to fight inequalities, the world is ruled by the strong? Life is unfair. It is in the scheme of things; it is inevitable. So why go against it? " says IM.
Seth understands IM's words.
"Simple, I prefer my family to live in a world with a righteous ruler than a hypocritical ruler. The world will remain a world where the strong have the right to life and death of the weak. But if the strong are righteous and wise, the world is more livable. "
IM shakes his head, "I can't understand you, why everything you say doesn't make sense."
Seth shrugs. "It is only a difference of opinions brought about by our experiences, education, emotions ... Look at the world, people are killing many other people because they do not have the same skin color or because they have one more limb. If a person is different in any way, humanity is going to want to kill them. I don't want my child to be persecuted for being different, so I strive to change this world."
IM does not respond to Seth but rises from his throne.
"Your words have a meaning, but we will never have the same. Let's avoid wasting our time and finish what you started."
IM begins to descend the steps leading to his throne. She walks gracefully and with a light step. When IM put her foot on the step in the middle of the stairs, she disappeared.
Seth steps aside, dodging an IM strike above him. Where Seth was, there was now a gash several feet away. The notch is so deep that it cut the floor, leaving a space to see the lower floor.
Seth takes advantage of IM's limited mobility to attack him in the air.
The lance spins at high speed towards IM's chest. The air bends as the lance passes. The speed of this movement creates gusts of wind. The spear is blocked 30 centimeters from IM's heart. The lance blocked by a black area force to pierce through and hit IM. The friction of the spear on the black surface causes trident sounds, and violent sparks fly around.
Seth takes another sidestep to dodge another IM shot. Seth distances himself from IM. He watches his spear growls at his inability to pass IM's defense.
'This is not normal. My lance is the Holy Lance. It can pierce all things of creation. She should have passed IM's defense and killed her. What power she used to block it. ' Seth ponders the power to show by IM for the Holy Lance.
While Seth is thinking, he continues to fight IM. We can see that Seth is faster than IM, which annoys IM a lot.
IM uses his sword to block Seth's spear. IM strikes back again. She uses her high speed to cut Seth off his right arm. And there, Seth cannot dodge IM's attack. The latter passing through Seth's armor but failing to cut his skin.
Baffled, Seth teleports away from IM. He looks at his armor, which has a cut on his right arm.
'How she did that, she's faster than when we started our fight. I must discover the power she possesses. He must be mighty if the Yugi recommended me to become Lucifer to have a 100% chance of defeating her. Let's try and see how she reacts.
Seth opens his arms and black and white energy in the shape of ball forms in his hands. The balls get bigger and bigger. IM sensing the amount of energy prepared by Seth, knows she has to stop her attack. She runs towards Seth so fast that it seems like she disappears and reappears in other places.
Seth smiled when he saw IM running towards him.
"You think I'm going to let you approach me." Black and white magic circles appear in the air. Circles, black or white rays are drawn towards IM. Explosions occur when the rays hit the ground, walls, objects or when they collide with the sword or the unknown tusk of IM. IM, although slowed down by the rays and the explosions, continues his race towards Seth.
The energy balls stop growing. Seth then brings the bottom of his palms together, merging the two black and white balls.
IM grits her teeth and redoubles her efforts to get there in time to stop Seth. The energy balls merge completely, leaving a black and white ball in Seth's palms. Seth looks ahead to see IM smile. He sees the tip of his sword a few millimeters from his head.
IM arrives in Seth's direction. She decides to ignore the rays and relies on her power to block them. She raises her sword to cut Seth vertically. She lowers it when she comes within reach. She sees the two balls finished to merge to give only one. She sees Seth looking at her, but she smiles at him. Her sword is a few millimeters from Seth's head. He will not have time to launch her attack since he will already be dead.
Seth's sword cuts through Seth, making IM's smile widen. But something is bothering IM. That thing is blood. Seth doesn't bleed, doesn't show any pain like he's never been cut. Suddenly Seth's figure blurs and disappears. So IM hears.
A ray of white and black energy shoots out from below IM. The energy beam destroys everything in its path. It reaches the ceiling that it disintegrates. The powerful beam continues on its way and goes through the sky, passing the stratosphere and navigating through space. He may encounter another planet that he destroys before dissipating.
On the castle's penultimate floor, we can see Seth in the air turning towards the ceiling. Finally, what's left of the upstairs ceiling because of what Seth sees in the sky. Its beam made a huge hole in the ground of the top floor and even destroyed the castle's roof.
Seth makes his wings appear and flaps them to soar into the sky. Even though it can fly without it, it flies better with its wings, which are members of its body. It is more natural for him than using ki or magic to fly. Seth, now in the sky above the castle, looks at IM, who is seriously injured. But these wounds heal visibly and eventually no longer be there. Seth can sense that IM has become more powerful, and he smiles at it.
"So that's your power then. You ate the Kyūshū Kyūshū no mi, which gives you the power to absorb everything. This is how you can block the Holy Spear, which is blessed and can pierce everything. But it cannot pierce what does not exist. Each time I attack you, you absorb the space in front of my spear. Therefore space no longer exists, leaving only a black zone, a non-existent zone. You get stronger as you fight because you absorb the power of your opponent. You really have a powerful and dangerous power. " Seth says with a smile.
Annoyed by the injuries inflicted on her by Seth's attack, IM tries to calm herself down. Now that Seth knows her power, he's going to be careful.
"But your power has a weakness. You have to meet certain conditions to use it. You have to be in contact with the thing you want to absorb. If your enemy has a certain strength, you cannot absorb it directly. You have to weaken it first. That's why you're slowly absorbing my strength. "
IM looks at Seth with his wings outstretched.
"The fact that you understood my power does not give you victory. You will still lose this fight and die. The longer the fight lasts and the more powerful I become, if you want to win this fight, you have to defeat me quickly, but I can absorb it all. Fighting is stupid, let me absorb you, and I promise your women will die quickly and painlessly. "
"You are wrong about one thing," Seth said.
"I'm all ears. You can tell me what I'm wrong with."
"You can't absorb it all. The proof is that my Final Flash hurt you. While you can absorb it all, you have a limit to how much you can take in all at once. I just didn't to overload yourself so that you get hurt and I kill you. " Seth answers with a smirk.
IM does not agree with or deny Seth's statement. IM pounces on Seth, the fight for the future of the world resumes.
Seth sees IM approaching him. He teleports around her and attacks her. Each time his blow is absorbed by IM, he teleports and assaults IM again. This phase continues for a while, but IM realizes that it is not getting stronger. On the contrary, it is getting weaker and weaker. As she absorbs one of Seth's attacks, she absorbs the space around her to form a black area that protects her from any attacks.
Seeing that IM has gone into defensive mode, Seth stops his attack.
IM realizes that the attacks she absorbed from Seth made him weaker.
'But that can't be, I can't get weaker as I absorb his attack. It does not mean anything. Nothing ... That's it, nothing. Seth doesn't attack me with anything or rather with negative power. A power that makes that if someone absorbs it, that person becomes weaker. '
IM finding the reason for her debilitation looks at Seth with a dead expression. The latter only keeps his smirk, which widens when he sees that I have understood his little game.
"I don't know about you, but I think this fight has gone on long enough. Now that your power has become one of your weaknesses, you have no more chance of winning. After all, you don't know if I will. Attack with negative power or not. Do you want to take the risk of absorbing the attacks I give you? " IM keep silent.
"And since I'm faster and stronger than you, the outcome of this fight is already obvious."
After speaking, Seth begins to glow. His body's left side glows a dark color while his right side glows a pure white color. (AN: I know black doesn't shine, but imagine a black light.)
With this phenomenon, immense amounts of energy are produced and erupt from Seth. The energy is divided into two, the left side is black, and the right side is white. The energy is so focused and powerful that it is visible all over the world. It separates the world in two. For a few moments, the world loses its colors, leaving only a world of black and white.
IM is completely paralyzed, seeing the phenomenon that Seth is producing. She doesn't even try to absorb the energy that Seth gives off because she knows that she cannot absorb all the white energy and that the dark energy will only make her weaker.
IM acknowledges that she is completely overwhelmed by the power of Seth. Even if she is unreasonable, selfish, hypocritical, she knows nothing can be done in front of absolute power. She believed that she had absolute power and that she could do whatever she wanted in this world. But it looks like she was wrong. She hasn't had absolute power since Seth was born.
She, therefore, accepts her fate. She is going to die in this black and white world.
Seth looks at IM.
"You perish today, IM. You will not exist anymore. You will be nothing but a relic of the past, showing future generations how humanity can be corrupted and become even worse than the Devil."
Seth slowly lifts his arms towards IM. Its wings also fold in the direction of the latter.
"You will have no chance of redemption. You have sinned too much for that, as Lord of the Underworld and as Bearer of Light and First Son of God, I condemn you to the very erasure of your existence." with a deep voice that resonates around the world, Seth proclaims his judgment.
With arms and wings fully raised towards IM, two powerful waves of energies are propelled towards her. The black and white waves mingling to form one is the same energy—a wave of holy and demonic energy that aims to erase all things.
IM lets the waves approach her, and they connect with her. She didn't utter a cry. Nothing came out of his mouth. The wave sweeping IM continues on its way and traverses the sky of this world before disappearing into Seth's wings. Seth extends his senses all over Mary Geoise to watch the results of the fights.
As expected from his wives, all of the elders died with varying degrees of pain. Kuzan managed to kill Kong, not without injuries. He lost his left arm during the fight, but an ice arm can rectify this. The fight between Sengoku, Garp, and the admirals is special because the Navy's heroes only blocked the admirals. And understanding this fact and the bigger picture, the admirals played along. Finally, Fujitora and Ryokugyu didn't push the heroes. On the other hand, Kizaru really tried to kill Garp and Sengoku and help the GM. This led to his death. Fujitora, Ryokugyu do not have serious injuries, unlike Garp and Sengoku, who have to stay in the hospital.
The Celestial Dragons were all found dead in a bunker with most of the Cipher Pol agents. Fortunately, the participating leaders suffered no damage.
Seth seeing that the situation is going well constricts his senses. From his height, he can see the world and on the horizon.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
The Battle of Marineford, as future generations know it, ended shortly after IM's death. Seth has destroyed the World Government. Everything that comes near or far has been disintegrated. Mary Geoise no longer exists in place of elite camps to train Marines. Due to the height of the RedLine, lack of oxygen and space, this location is perfect for training future peacekeepers.
After GM's disappearance, a huge wind of panic spread among the population because even if the GM was corrupt, hypocritical, it allowed certain security in the world. He was preventing powerful pirates from ruling the world. Although his role has diminished enormously in the past two years, his presence is still strong. So the disappearance of GM overnight leads to a second golden age of piracy ... which lasted only two days. Seth, Dragon, and the Marines were prepared for the consequences of their actions.
That is why three days after the fall of GM and one day after the end of the second golden age of piracy, Seth undertakes a conference on the world's workings broadcast on all the inhabited islands of the world.
In the skies with his wings outstretched, Seth holds a snail phone in his hand and watches a screen he uses for video feedback of what the people are seeing.
"Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen, and the children too. Let me introduce myself, Seth Eveningstar, one of the Pirate Emperor known as the [Devil of the Seven Seas] or [The Eternal Angel]. Today marks a turning point, in history, GM is destroyed, and a new government must take its place so that the world does not fall into chaos, the Court of the Seas."
"The Court of the Seas will be a government headed by a council made up of the kings and queens of this world. This council will head the Government and make the decisions. But to avoid corruption, there will be an authority above it, that will watch the world and the council's decisions. Suppose that authority decides that the council's decisions are not for the good of the world and will take action without the council being able to prevent them. This authority is the council of the Sages, which will be composed of seven people, Sages. "
"The Sages will be both powerful and intelligent people. But not just anyone can become a Sage. There will be a Sage who will be a former marine, a former council member, a Sage who is part of the guild of adventurers, a Sage of the guild of trade, a Sage who is a giant, a Sage who is minks, and a Sage who a Fishman. "
"Then, the Court of the Seas will have to manage the legislative power. The Navy will be the military power and will have to maintain order. And to punish the criminals, a new branch will be the Government and the Marines merger, call the Ferrymen. "
Seth continues to explain the new government's workings, the Guild of Adventurers, Merchants, for a few hours.
"Well, now that you know how the government works, invite all kings and queens to come to Shangri-la, the seat of the to begin the first meeting of this new government. Finally, I will announce the members of the temporary sages, until the government starts to function. "
"As a Sage of the Marines, Sengoku."
"As a Sage of the council, Riku III."
"As a Sage of the adventurers, Edward Newgate."
"As a Sage of the merchants, Morgan."
"As a Sage of the Minks, Hitsugisukan."
"As a Sage of the Giants, Mimir."
"As a Sage of the Fishmen, Otohime."
"Thank you all for listening to this very long speech. I want to tell you that my forces will be allied with the Marines and the Court of the Seas to protect you. Here it is, it is time for me to retire and lead a quiet life. I wish you all a good life. "
It's been five years since the Court of the Seas or CS was created, the world has been doing better since then. The citizens reacted a lot after Seth's speech. They were happy to be taken into account by the leaders, to know how the world will work… But you can say that they were unhappy with one thing that Seth had not foreseen. The citizens wanted him to be one of the sages, but Seth didn't want to, but he ended up giving in to the massive demand from the citizens, the other sages, the Navy. He then becomes the council's sage, taking the place of Riku III, who gave it to him with pleasure.
The world has become more peaceful. Although pirates are still present, this is no longer the golden age of piracy. The CS has opened several schools to educate the next generations. One thing that has shocked some is the transparency of the government. He does not hide the history, the discoveries ...
In keeping with the welfare of the world, Seth is doing well too. He became the father of three wonderful children four years ago.
Mael, the son he had with Robin. He has his mother's black hair and blue eyes. His child inherited most of his powers because he inherited his two black and white wings. He can use holy and demonic energy like his father. Mael is a calm, introverted child who enjoys reading. Although he enjoys spending time with his rare friends, he also enjoys being alone.
Her first daughter is Marah, who looks a lot like her mother, Kaori. To Seth's great soul, Marah took not only her mother's cuteness but also her mischievous and playful, pouting, and teasing personality. Marah can also be gentle. Maybe it has come from her holy energy, which makes her an angel when she spreads her beautiful white wings.
Finally, the little girl of Shyarly is the opposite of her mother, gentle, caring, polite, much too kind for this world. Little Melody has black wings like her father, which is at odds with her personality, but she also has the same large fin as Shyarly. Obviously, its fin corresponds to its size, which is normal for humans and man-fish.
Seth is playing with his children in the garden of his house. Children chase after their fathers trying to beat the bad guy [Devil of the Seven Seas] while their mothers watch them having fun drinking tea, eating cookies ...
It can be said that the Eveningstar family are enjoying the peaceful life they deserve.
Thank you all for reading my story, even with its terrible grammar and spelling. I hope you liked it and it entertained you. I never asked for it, but I would like you to note my story, whether positive or negative, as long as it remains constructive and you do not spam the same letters to reach the required characters.