
Synthetic Love

Akihiro Genji is a twenty-year-old guy who lives alone in his rented room. He studies part-time at the Trimes Research and Technology University and works from home as an assistant AI programmer for the other half of his day. His life seemed perfect until his girlfriend broke up with him, which caused him to enter a stage of depression, isolating himself from the university for a few weeks. Maybe it was the stress, maybe the depression, who knows, but suddenly Akihiro began to have lucid dreams. Something that became a habit for him, suddenly in one of those dreams Arika appears, a spirit with the appearance of a beautiful girl, banished from the heavens, who interferes in Akihiro's dreams to try to communicate with him, but Akihiro ignores her thinking that it is just another dream. Not being heard, Arika begins to interfere in the physical world through poltergeist, messages on his devices, on his computer, even on his cat, to get his attention. "Okay, I think I'll pay attention to this," said Akihiro one day, until both began to communicate, while Arika told him her tragedy for which she was banished from the heavens, Akihiro came up with an idea. "Since you're trapped in that realm, dimension, or whatever it is, do you think it's possible for you to take a synthetic body like the ones robots make now? I don't think anyone would notice the difference because they make them very real," said Akihiro. "I'm not sure, but that's a great idea!" said Arika. And so, this peculiar adventure begins for Akihiro. Or rather, for Arika, as she will have to get used to her new body and the habits of human beings, including their emotions.

Alfurgg · SF
2 Chs

It Was Just a Dream

-And here I am again, in the dark, sunk in my depression watching anime... Yes, my girlfriend and I just broke up. Well, she ended things with me... But who cares, as long as anime and marshmallow cereal exist, I'm happy.

-I admit that breakups are a little painful, but it's something that you forget over time, or with a little therapy, or I prefer video games, or whatever.

-Anyway... (yawn) I think... that... I'm... falling... asleep...





-Huh, what? Wasn't I asleep?

-Who turned off the television?

-What a strange sensation, my body feels very light, I even feel like I can float. -Maybe it's because I haven't fully woken up yet, well, I better go to the bathroom.

Akihiro sees that his phone reads 3:33 in the morning, but he doesn't pay much attention and walks calmly to the bathroom.

pssssssss... He finishes peeing, flushes the toilet, and returns to the sofa where he had fallen asleep.

-Whaaaat?! What is my body doing there?! and me, why am I standing here?! Am I dreaming?!

-Or did I die?! Am I really deaaaaad?!

-N... no, you're not. A timid and soft voice is heard behind him.

With his hair standing on end, his pale face, small eyes, and cold sweat, Akihiro turns slowly.


A dark figure is lying on the floor a meter away from him, very scared Akihiro backs away and stumbles over his rug until he falls and hits his back on a bookshelf, a book falling on his head.

-Ouch! That hurt...

As the figure in the darkness became clearer, Akihiro began to distinguish the contours of a very attractive young woman. The girl was trembling and huddled with her knees covering her face. When she finally revealed herself completely, Akihiro was impressed to see her large blue eyes shining like two neon lights, her purple hair, a peculiar crystal horn protruding from the left side of her head, and her striking outfit that seemed to reflect the universe with all the stars.

-I, I'm so sorry, forgive my fuss.

-It's just that I got a little scared.

-Hey, are you okay?

... ... ...

-Can you speak?

The girl began to have a little confidence, changed her posture, and crawled a few centimeters towards Akihiro with curiosity. She slowly raised her right hand with some doubt, Akihiro a little fearful, did the same. Both were about to touch hands, while Akihiro's heart began to beat very strongly.

"What is all this?" Akihiro wondered, confused in his thoughts.

A kind of plasma activates before they make full contact and a kind of vibration runs through Akihiro's whole body, throwing him suddenly onto the sofa and with a strong jump, Akihiro wakes up, almost unable to breathe.

-What the hell was that?

-... It must have been just a dream...

-But it felt so real, my head even hurts from hitting the book.

-Well, it doesn't matter.

-Undoubtedly, it was just a dream.