
Synthetic Love

Akihiro Genji is a twenty-year-old guy who lives alone in his rented room. He studies part-time at the Trimes Research and Technology University and works from home as an assistant AI programmer for the other half of his day. His life seemed perfect until his girlfriend broke up with him, which caused him to enter a stage of depression, isolating himself from the university for a few weeks. Maybe it was the stress, maybe the depression, who knows, but suddenly Akihiro began to have lucid dreams. Something that became a habit for him, suddenly in one of those dreams Arika appears, a spirit with the appearance of a beautiful girl, banished from the heavens, who interferes in Akihiro's dreams to try to communicate with him, but Akihiro ignores her thinking that it is just another dream. Not being heard, Arika begins to interfere in the physical world through poltergeist, messages on his devices, on his computer, even on his cat, to get his attention. "Okay, I think I'll pay attention to this," said Akihiro one day, until both began to communicate, while Arika told him her tragedy for which she was banished from the heavens, Akihiro came up with an idea. "Since you're trapped in that realm, dimension, or whatever it is, do you think it's possible for you to take a synthetic body like the ones robots make now? I don't think anyone would notice the difference because they make them very real," said Akihiro. "I'm not sure, but that's a great idea!" said Arika. And so, this peculiar adventure begins for Akihiro. Or rather, for Arika, as she will have to get used to her new body and the habits of human beings, including their emotions.

Alfurgg · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

My name is Arika

-Good morning, Akihiro, it's time to get up. The sweet voice of SIA Mizuno, the most popular and used artificial intelligence in people's homes, sounds.

-(Yawning) Good morning, SIA. Can you tell me how the weather is today?

-This morning it will be 21 degrees Celsius and remain cloudy for the rest of the day. Do you want me to turn on the coffee maker?

-No, it's okay. I'll prepare myself some cereal with milk.

-Okay, Akihiro. Let me know if you need anything.

"I feel like I've been hit by a train." (Yawning)"

"I think a shower would be good."

Akihiro checks his phone for messages or email as usual, and sees that the clock reads six-six in the morning, but he doesn't pay attention to it.

As he exits the shower, he notices something strange: the cereal box is on the floor, open with cereal spilled all over.

-Oreoooo, how many times have I told you not to eat my cereal?


-So there you are. You're a little troublemaker, you know that. Akihiro tells his cat Oreo. But Oreo doesn't care and simply turns his gaze and goes out the window.

-Huh? Surprised, Akihiro sees that one of his books is also on the floor. He immediately remembered the events of the previous night.

As he picks up the book, he hears a noise of interference from a distorted voice coming from SIA's device.




-And now what's wrong with this thing?

-SIA, restart your system.


-Restarting system.

... ... ...

-Beep. System restarted. Good morning, Akihiro. How can I help you?

-It's nothing. I think you malfunctioned.

-I have not detected any signs of damage in my system.

-"How strange. What could that have been?" Akihiro wondered.

-"Well, it doesn't matter. I have to work."

Akihiro turns on his computer to start working, but he is in for a big surprise. The screen shows a sudden distortion and a blue window with text.

Ω >> Hellooo! Do you receive my message?

-I've been hackeeed!" Akihiro cries out with a pale face and tears in his eyes.

-It must be from watching anime on pirate websites!

-Nooo, what do I dooo?

-This must be some kind of extortion or prank!

-Maybe I should call the police... (Sigh) No, no, I'll calm down.

-"This must be a prank from Yuuna" (Yuuna is a friend of Akihiro's from University)

Φ >> Hello?

Ω >> You answereeeed T.T

Ω >> Please don't cut the connection

Ω >> It took me a lot of effort to connect with you

Φ >> Who are you?

Ω >> This is difficult to explain.

Ω >> My name is Arika.

Ω >> I am in a different dimension from yours and I need your help.

Φ >> What do you mean by "different dimension"?

Ω >> Do you remember last night's dream?

Ω >> You hit your head very hard with that book

-"How is this possible?" Akihiro wondered.

Φ >> Are you that girl?

Ω >> Yes!

Ω >> I've been trying to communicate with you through many means. I tried your cereal box, I intervened in your dreams, and also in your home A.I., but she prevented me

Ω >>My last attempt was through your computer network

Φ >>I am surprised but still finding it hard to believe you

Φ >>But if you're telling the truth, how can I help you?

Ω >>I know you don't believe me

Ω >>I'll prove it to you tonight

Ω >>I'll enter your dream, but try to concentrate and don't be afraid

Ω >>I have to go now

Φ >>Wait, where are you going?

Ω >>Offline net...

-"Aaaah! but what a strange thing, maybe Am I going crazy from spending too much time indoors?"

... ... ...

-"By the way, it's been several weeks since I stopped going to university."

-"Maybe it's time to go back..."

Later that day, Akihiro made the decision to return to university. In a way, he already missed his friends.

-SIA, I will go to the university, take care of the apartment, and stay informed of any strange movements.

-Alright, Akihiro, have a safe trip. Don't forget to bring your umbrella.

The truth of why Akihiro had stopped going to the university was that his ex-girlfriend Rifka also studied there.

-"Alright, I'm back again, and I know everything will be fine."

Tap, tap, tap, tap (running footsteps)

-Akihiroooo! You're backkkk! Yuuna runs towards Akihiro, embracing him happily from behind.

-Tell me, how are you?

-What have you been up to?

-I'll catch you up on everything new at the university. You have a lot of studying to do to catch up, especially in quantum physics.

-I hate that subject...

-Blah, blah, blah...

That's Yuuna, a 19-year-old girl who is very hyperactive and talkative. With Akihiro, she is very special and affectionate, considering him her best friend since childhood and even acting like his younger sister. She is always very attentive to him and tries to keep his spirits up all the time. She doesn't care much about dressing up, usually wearing loose T-shirts, shorts, sandals, and her backpack. She loves video games and anime, just like Akihiro.

-Hey, Akihiro... Before we go to our first class, I want to tell you something.

-Please don't feel bad.

-You see, in the past few weeks, there have been several transfers of students in different subjects...

-There are new students, mostly girls...

-One of them is...


-It's Rifka...

-Uh... I understand...

-Don't worry, Yuuna, I'll be fine.

-Do you promise?

-Of course! Let's go!

-This time I'm going to focus on...my...it's...your...god."

Upon entering the classroom, Akihiro is completely stunned and blank-minded. In front of him, a beautiful girl he had never seen before. Her beauty was so dazzling that it completely overshadowed Rifka, even though she was sitting almost in front of him. (He saw Rifka as a stain on a car windshield-blurry)

Yui, a 19-year-old girl who was about to turn 20, had just transferred to the class. Her huge green eyes, long brown hair, delicate angelic face, and shining smile were what left Akihiro completely speechless, even ignoring everything Yuuna was saying to him.

Their gazes met, and at that moment, Akihiro completely forgot everything that had been happening.

-Knock knock. Space to lord, this is Yuuna from Earth

-Do you have a mental lag?

-Ah. Sorry, Yuuna.

-It's fine, you just got a little distracted.

-A little? Hmm, well, I saw you completely bug out. Mmm, mmm, I think you've got your eye on Yui, don't you?

-What?! No, who's Yui?

-Oh, don't play dumb. My mega intuition tells me everything, and it never fails.

-Plus, I could see that exchange of glances. Teehee.

-Ugh, embarrassing. (blushing how tomatoe)

-Relax, although I'm surprised at how quickly guys forget about other MAT-TERS.

-Hey, Akihiro! Long time no see

-How's your hikikomori life? says Kenji, the second friend Akihiro made when he entered university.

-I already told you, I'm not a hikikomori -.-

-Haha, yes you are. Being locked up in your room for two weeks or more counts as being a hikikomori

-Oh, Yuuna, have you introduced Akihiro to Yui yet?

-She's our new guild friend, and you've missed out on a lot of game updates since you stopped logging on.

-I told him the same thing. He needs to catch up. I think this is a good time to introduce them. Come on! says Yuuna, taking his hand and pulling him.

-Yui Yuiiii, I want to introduce you to my best friend! This is Akihiro Genji, who I've told you about before

-Uh, um, h.. hi Akihiro, it's nice to meet you in person. Yuuna has talked a lot about you.

-Uhm, ni... nice to meet you too, Yui. (both blush a little)

At that moment, a strong vibe of malice and darkness began to emanate from Yui's side.

-Well, well, well, so you've come back, Akihiro. It's been a long time since I've seen you

-How have you been?

Yes, is Rifka, luckily for Akihiro, she was transferred to almost all of his classes.

-I've been good... Akihiro responded with a disgusted expression.

-Pff, pff, pff (spray noise)

-What are you doing, Yuuna? Akihiro asked.

-I'm spraying perfume to ward off bad vibes

(The teacher arrives) -Alright, students, it's time to start

-Mmm, I think this will be a very interesting semester... murmurs Rifka with a malicious look.