
Synergy: My System is Possessed

Dan's life has been on autopilot since a traumatic event, until he reunites with his old friend Melisa, who seems to have undergone a drastic transformation in a short time. However, Melisa is hiding a heavy secret that could change the world forever. Suddenly, Dan gains magical powers of a warrior, but he soon realizes that he is being haunted by the person who possessed those powers before him. As he struggles to make sense of it all, he finds himself trapped in a power struggle that could put his family and loved ones in danger. Dan's grip on reality begins to slip as his powers change him in ways he never imagined. But he is not alone in his fight. With the help of his companions, Dan must defeat god-like beings who are conducting simulations using different worlds, including their own. The truth behind these beings and their simulations is bigger than anything Dan could have ever imagined. As he slowly embraces his powers, he must also save himself and his family from the unknown dangers lurking around every corner. Join Dan on his journey as he fights to protect his world and loved ones against all odds. Will he be able to defeat the god-like beings and uncover the truth behind their simulations? p.s: mc will start out weak and timid. It will take him some time to change for the better. Also, he will not have issues with killing people, but he won't go out of his way to do that. A.N: This is my first story on this site. Please help me get better by leaving suggestions. Extra tags: #smartmc #averagelookingmc #weaktostrong

Karthik_Kumar_5864 · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Need for a weapon?

Dan's body abruptly halted, unable to endure the extreme exertion any longer. He greedily gasped for air, his breaths rapid and desperate, while sweat drops formed on his forehead. Drenched from head to toe, his whole body screamed in pain, his legs burning like fire. He shuffled to the side, seeking respite and ensuring he didn't obstruct others. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a surprised look from a passing jogger who effortlessly overtook him.

A small smile tugged at Dan's lips, recognizing the curiosity that his exhaustion must have sparked. To others, it might have seemed strange that he was completely spent after just twenty seconds of running, covering a mere fifteen meters. But Dan knew better. In the realms of his own time dilation, those fleeting seconds stretched into what felt like nearly ten minutes of sheer physical exertion.

The park's track spanned just over four hundred meters, and this time, he hadn't taken any breaks along the way, unlike the previous instance when ran for such a long time. Dan wasn't sure about any world records, but he was confident he had shattered them effortlessly—six times over. And that man who just went past him? Dan had overtaken him, of course, and he had become Dan's point of comparison, a fixed reference to measure his own progress. The rest of the runners seemed to move in slow motion, almost as if they were standing still in comparison.

But after having enough practice with it, he realized its drawbacks. While running, he couldn't make out any fine details around him. Everything blurred together, and only contrasting colors stood out, leaving him unable to rely on it for combat. The inability to discern subtle nuances ruled out any practical application in that regard. Plus, he realized that his Reflexes stat was a complex amalgamation of different things. Just because he could react faster didn't mean his conscious actions would be just as quick. He could dodge slow bullets like that from a small handgun easily enough and even automated fire could be avoided in limit break, but these incredible speeds couldn't be replicated while running.

Puzzling over the situation, he considered whether covering shorter distances was the key or perhaps the two abilities were completely separate from each other. For now, he had to work with what he knew, and he was definitely making progress. He closed his eyes, hoping to find solace in his updated stats, only to be met with disappointment once again. Despite his rigorous training, his stats remained unchanged. Regardless, at least he still had his powers, which provided him with a significant advantage over others.

'You shouldn't get too satisfied with yourself,' the stranger warned, standing by Dan's side. 'The system claimed your stats were too low.'

Dan shot back, a hint of defiance in his voice. "But she also mentioned that my abilities were something no one else could pull off. With time dilation alone, I can make up for any weaknesses."

The stranger remained skeptical, refusing to budge. 'You shouldn't put all your faith in what the system tells you.'

Frustration etched itself onto Dan's face. He was growing tired of the stranger's constant doubt, knowing full well that something extraordinary had happened to him. However, his biased perspective could hinder them in the present moment.

"Come on, aren't you just picking and choosing now?" Dan retorted, taking a seat on a nearby bench. "Either you believe everything she said or none of it. You can't pick and choose."

For a moment, it seemed like his words had an impact as the stranger fell silent. But a quick glance at his pensive expression revealed he was lost in his own thoughts, deep in contemplation.

'I've been thinking,' the stranger began, breaking the silence. 'Doesn't it all sound a bit too far-fetched, being able to slow down time?'

Dan wanted to interject, eager to recount all the mind-boggling things he had witnessed, But the stranger pressed on, not giving him a chance.

'Have you ever really thought about what happens when you use that power?' the stranger asked, genuine curiosity in his voice.

Confused, Dan replied, "What do you mean?"

The stranger continued, his voice laced with intrigue. 'If time slows down for everyone else, does it affect only a small area, like a few miles radius, or does it encompass the entire world?'

Dan fell into a contemplative silence, his mind racing with the implications of the question. He realized that most of the time, he was caught up in life-or-death situations when he relied on his powers, leaving him no room to observe and analyze the details. Besides, the intense strain it put on his body prevented him from remaining in a dilated state for too long.

After a moment of deep reflection, Dan found himself unable to provide a definite answer. With a shrug, he tossed the question back to the stranger. "Well, what do you think? Any ideas?"

'Hmm, maybe at this level, quantum mechanics come into play,' the stranger mused, still lost in thought. 'Perhaps it only affects the observer, while everything else carries on as usual. Or maybe it's only affecting you and not the entire world.'

Dan questioned, "But how is that any different?"

The stranger elaborated. 'It was easy to counter it with faster reflexes or could be blocked off entirely. So, using it against observers more powerful than you might prove more challenging.'

Dan let out a frustrated sigh, starting to grasp the stranger's point. "So, what should I do in a situation like that?"

After pondering for a moment, the stranger responded. 'You could push the power to its maximum potential and try to minimize the activation time as much as possible—down to a fraction of a second.'

Dan reluctantly nodded, realizing that the level of concentration required might make it difficult. "It does require a lot of focus... but I guess I don't really have any other choice."

The stranger seemed to have another idea brewing. 'Hmm, there might be another solution,' he said, drawing Dan's attention. 'You could use a weapon to compensate for the limitations.

Dan contemplated for a moment. "So, like a sword or a spear?"

The stranger shook his head. 'No, those rely too much on your physical strength. You need something different. Projectile weapons.'

"Like a bow and arrow?" Dan said, unsure of how it could help him.

The stranger dismissed the idea. 'That would still require force generated by you. I'm thinking more along the lines of a gun.'

A grin spread across Dan's face. "But if I can dodge bullets, why wouldn't others be able to?"

The stranger quickly countered, his voice filled with conviction. 'Because they won't possess what you have—an ability to foresee and predict. And who's to say you can't modify a gun to harm people with powers?'

Excitement surged through Dan as he considered the possibilities and considered how to get his hands on a gun to test this theory.

'But there's one catch,' the stranger added, his expression thoughtful. 'Even if we find such a weapon, there's an inherent drawback attached to it—the ammunition. In any extended fight, you'll eventually run out.'

Dan noticed that the stranger was still deep in thought as if formulating a plan. Unable to contain his curiosity any longer, he spoke up.

"You say it like you have done this before," Dan said, his voice filled with curiosity.

The stranger turned toward him, 'Hmm, maybe I have,' he replied cryptically.

Dan couldn't help but press further. "But you don't remember?"

After receiving a shake of the head in confirmation, Dan asked what would always come to his mind every time he looked at his interface.

"If these powers belong to you, does that mean there are supposed to be more abilities to fill these blank spaces?" Dan asked, hoping for some answers.

The stranger's response was uncertain. 'Maybe, I'm not entirely sure.'

"How do I acquire them? Do you have to get stronger for me to 'unlock' them?" The stranger just shrugged in response.

Dan's frustration grew, feeling defeated once again. It seemed like he was not going to get the answers he sought. Changing the topic, he decided to focus on a more pressing matter.

"Are you sure they won't find any evidence of me being there?" Dan asked, speaking cautiously and lowering his voice.

The stranger reassured him, 'As I mentioned before, the fire will take care of most of the evidence, and it's unlikely that they would attribute such destruction to just one person.'

Despite the stranger's assurances, Dan couldn't completely shake off his lingering doubts. However, he had seen news reports that indicated recent incidents being brushed off as gang-related killings, which provided him with a temporary sense of safety.

As an extra precaution, Dan had accompanied Audrey earlier that day, seeing her off at the airport until her flight took off.

Of course, she wasn't safe just because she moved to a different state but it wasn't like he could explain his situation to her; especially how he was planning on bringing their mother back or that he was speaking to a copy of her. He wondered how she would react if she could see their mother again if it was even possible.

His mind drifted back to the words his mother had shared about the existence of more powerful beings. The mention of the "Savior" stirred a mix of curiosity and concern within him. Wanting to gain a better understanding, he turned to the stranger beside him.

"How strong do you think this 'Savior' is? Dan asked, his voice laced with a hint of unease. "And how do we even search for them?"

The stranger paused for a moment, contemplating the questions. 'If what the system said is true, then you probably won't be able to put a scratch on them.' He responded, his tone conveying a sense of seriousness. 'But dwelling on that won't get us anywhere. For now, focus on honing your skills as much as possible. As for finding the 'Savior,' they might actually stand out due to their unique powers.'

Dan's fists tightened as he absorbed the stranger's words. The thought of encountering this unknown and immensely powerful "Savior" filled him with a mix of determination and fear. Though he didn't know the individual's true nature or abilities, he was willing to do whatever it took, even if it meant taking their life, to protect himself and those he cared about.