
Synergy: My System is Possessed

Dan's life has been on autopilot since a traumatic event, until he reunites with his old friend Melisa, who seems to have undergone a drastic transformation in a short time. However, Melisa is hiding a heavy secret that could change the world forever. Suddenly, Dan gains magical powers of a warrior, but he soon realizes that he is being haunted by the person who possessed those powers before him. As he struggles to make sense of it all, he finds himself trapped in a power struggle that could put his family and loved ones in danger. Dan's grip on reality begins to slip as his powers change him in ways he never imagined. But he is not alone in his fight. With the help of his companions, Dan must defeat god-like beings who are conducting simulations using different worlds, including their own. The truth behind these beings and their simulations is bigger than anything Dan could have ever imagined. As he slowly embraces his powers, he must also save himself and his family from the unknown dangers lurking around every corner. Join Dan on his journey as he fights to protect his world and loved ones against all odds. Will he be able to defeat the god-like beings and uncover the truth behind their simulations? p.s: mc will start out weak and timid. It will take him some time to change for the better. Also, he will not have issues with killing people, but he won't go out of his way to do that. A.N: This is my first story on this site. Please help me get better by leaving suggestions. Extra tags: #smartmc #averagelookingmc #weaktostrong

Karthik_Kumar_5864 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

The Start of the Apocalypse

An arrow sliced through the air with a sharp swish as it was released from her bow. Her target was a lone guard, separated from the rest of the group. The guard, donned in strange armor from head to toe, remained oblivious to the imminent danger. The arrow found its mark, striking his back with precision. However, instead of penetrating his body, it transformed into multiple bright threads, as if woven from pure light.

It happened so quickly that the guard had no time to react, instantly finding himself ensnared and immobilized by the radiant bonds. Desperately, he struggled and tried to turn around, hoping to alert his comrades, but something caught his attention.

It was then that he finally noticed a figure silently descending beside him, moving with uncanny grace. Before he could make a sound or fight back, the guard felt a gentle touch upon his head. The last image he saw was of a beautiful woman before he felt his mind slip into deep unconsciousness.

"Stay here for a while." Melisa gently caught the guard with one hand, ensuring his body didn't collide with the ground. She carefully laid him down, her other hand still gripping the bow that radiated the same brilliant glow as the binding ropes. An empty scabbard rested upon her back, devoid of any visible sword or weapon and she didn't seem to be carrying any arrow quiver as well.

Moving with utmost stealth, Melisa approached the wall of the building, her eyes scanning the rooftop for any signs of additional guards. Satisfied that the coast was clear, she leaped effortlessly, landing without a single sound on the other side. Surrounding her were numerous patrolling guards, their presence a constant reminder of the danger she faced. Seeking cover, she positioned herself and focused her attention on three guards situated nearby.

Their close-knit formation posed a challenge, making it impossible to eliminate them one by one without alerting the entire compound. After carefully observing their movements, Melisa realized there was no viable way to lure them away without raising suspicion. Taking a deep breath, she tightened her grip on the bow, her hands poised for action. As she stretched the bowstring, arrows seemingly materialized from thin air, each one as radiant as the last.

With precise aim, she released the arrows, propelling them through the air with astonishing silence, aimed directly at their intended targets. However, she immediately panicked as she witnessed one arrow narrowly miss its mark due to an unexpected move by the guard. His grip on his weapon tightened as he quickly realized the danger after seeing his friends get incapacitated. Just as he turned to alert others, Melisa swiftly closed the distance, positioning herself next to him, ready to neutralize the threat.

He sensed her presence and quickly adjusted his approach, confidently swinging his weapon in her direction, convinced that she only had a bow on her. The battle axe sliced through the air with menacing speed, poised to cleave her in two. However, to his surprise, she stood her ground, seemingly oblivious to the imminent danger. He felt disappointed, facing what he considered a weak enemy. But in the next instant, he felt no resistance against his weapon, no sensation of flesh being cut. Perplexed, he realized she had evaded his attack, its swiftness rendering it nearly imperceptible to the naked eye. To his astonishment, she now stood mere inches away from him, her features strikingly visible.

Where once he viewed her people as insignificant nuisances, he couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty. However, his focus was abruptly shattered by a searing pain in his chest. Glancing down, he discovered her hand wielding a glowing blade, piercing his armor with ease. Astonishment filled him as he grappled with the realization that this seemingly fragile human had managed to damage the armor forged by the godkins. With a twist of her hand, she withdrew the blade, its radiance undiminished by even a trace of blood. As his gaze faded, he witnessed the blade transform into the very bow she had carried, before his eyelids grew heavy and he succumbed to death.

Melisa swiftly took down the remaining two guards, ensuring she made quick work of them to avoid attracting more attention but she was too late. As soon as the guard breathed his last, a loud siren started blaring throughout the place. She looked around frantically, trying to pinpoint the source of the sound, but it seemed to emanate from all around, without a clear origin. Resigning herself to a direct confrontation, she gripped the bow tightly and pointed it toward the sky.

"Find the hostages." She said in a low voice and released an arrow that shone brighter than any before it. As the arrow traveled a short distance, it erupted into a dazzling display of light, akin to powerful fireworks illuminating the entire area before splitting into multiple wisps and scattering in all directions.

The ground trembled under the weight of hundreds of thunderous footsteps as the enemy force converged upon Melisa. Towering over her by at least three feet, each soldier donned formidable armor and wielded heavy weapons with ease. It was clear they meant business. Amidst the tension, a commanding voice issued commands in an unknown language, prompting a group to step forward, while another group positioned themselves strategically, guarded by heavily armed companions on all sides.

Melisa knew better than to underestimate their coordinated tactics. She braced herself, assuming a focused stance, ready for the imminent clash. However, to her surprise, the enemy ranks remained still, an eerie calm settling over the battlefield. Unease crept over her, a premonition of impending danger.

Suddenly, her senses heightened as a series of intricate symbols materialized above her, accompanied by an overwhelming surge of energy that began to converge around her. Reacting swiftly, she instinctively raised her bow above her head, as lighting and fire rained down on her the next moment. The sheer intensity of the attack consumed everything in its path.

As the world around them glowed with blinding luminosity, the enemy ranks stood motionless, watching with anticipation. For a brief but intense moment, the onslaught raged on, until, just as suddenly as it had begun, the symbols above Melisa faded away, taking with them the devastating attacks.

The commanding figure couldn't believe his eyes as Melisa stood unscathed, surrounded by a radiant armor of light. The bow she had held earlier had disappeared, but it materialized once more as the luminous energy condensed into its familiar shape. Without wasting a moment, he shouted orders to his group, urging them to charge forward. They had stopped quite a distance away from her to not get affected by the initial magic attack, so they had some ground to cover.

Melisa gripped the bow firmly, her gaze fixed on the approaching onslaught, and pulled back the bowstring with remarkable strength. The bow expanded in size, resonating with her power, and summoned an extremely thin arrow. She took aim and murmured under her breath before releasing it, repeating the process multiple times.

The charging enemies stood in disbelief as the arrows passed harmlessly through their shields, but soon realized the true purpose of Melisa's attacks as screams erupted from their rear. Screams echoed through the air as the mages, previously shielded by powerful magic, fell one by one. Momentarily thrown off balance, the remaining enemies hesitated, unsure of their next move. Yet their commander's resounding voice spurred them on, and they pressed forward, driven by fury and a desire to avenge their fallen comrades.

After she was satisfied with the result, Melisa stopped firing and held the bow in front of her again. It transformed seamlessly into a sword, radiating an ominous blue light that emitted intense heat. Stepping forward, she confronted the first enemy, effortlessly cleaving through his defenses as if they were mere illusions. Witnessing this display, the remaining enemies, consumed by a mixture of rage and fear, attacked her simultaneously. However, to their dismay, all of them were also cut down just like the first one. Only the people behind them saw what had happened. Multiple illusory copies of her had materialized every time she swung her sword and sliced through them just like the original. Despite their growing numbers, it became increasingly apparent that their efforts were futile—a futile attempt to challenge a force far beyond their comprehension.

Normally, the mages would heal them of any injuries giving them more time to fight but they had already been cut down. And even if they were alive, they wouldn't be any help as they were being slaughtered mercilessly in half in just one hit. No amount of healing could bring a person back from such a death.

Melisa twirled and leaped, her body a blur of motion as she danced amidst the enemy ranks. With each swing, enemies fell, unable to defend against her lightning-fast attacks. The blades of light left trails of brilliance, illuminating the chaos of battle as Melisa executed a deadly whirlwind of strikes, cutting down her foes with mesmerizing elegance.

The battle raged on, hope dwindling in the hearts of the enemy when a loud sound interrupted the battle and their commander shouted out new orders. Melisa was surprised to see the enemies retreating as she knew that they never accepted defeat that easily. But her eyes widened in shock as they fell on a new arrival. The commander had dragged a child with him and held him with a weapon to his neck. Melisa's fury ignited, and she paused her assault, her body coiled, ready to pounce. But before she could reach the commander, she encountered a barrier of adversaries, blocking her path. She instinctively readied her sword, eager to slash through the obstacles. However, the commander shouted something in a language she didn't understand. She knew, though, what they wanted her to do.

A whirlwind of thoughts raced through Melisa's mind. Time suspended briefly as she weighed her options, exploring each potential scenario. Finally, she slowly lowered her outstretched arm, releasing her grip on the sword. The weapon transformed into shimmering particles that danced through the air, converging into a sheathed sword on her back.

Observing her choice, the enemy ranks tightened, encircling her but still wary of the damage she could cause. Melisa also started moving slowly towards the commander trying to get as close to the child as possible. As she closed the distance, the sword materialized in her hand once more, ready to strike. She lunged at the commander, her sole focus on freeing the child. She expected a fight, obstacles thrown her way to protect the commander. But to her surprise, none came. The commander, taken aback by her actions, let go of the child, retreating instead. Melisa's suspicion lingered, but for now, her priority was to get the child to safety.

With a firm grip on the child, Melisa positioned herself as a shield, determined to protect him from the approaching enemies. When they didn't make a move even then, she looked back at the commander again, only to find him increasing his pace. More enemies started surrounding her which set off alarm bells in her mind. She shifted her attention to the child nestled in her arms and noticed his continued writhing in pain. His chest emitted a radiant glow, catching her attention. Carefully, she inspected it, her heart sinking as she recognized the telltale signs of an impending explosion spell. It was their plan all along.

A deafening blast shattered the air, an eruption of blinding light and thunderous sound consuming everything within the enemy encirclement, swallowing Melisa, the child, and everyone around them. The sky ignited as if the sun had inexplicably descended upon the battlefield. A massive cloud of dust and debris started raining down after it had been flung up in the air, propelled by the tremendous force.

Minutes ticked by, the chaos gradually subsiding, allowing visibility to return. The devastation left in the explosion's wake was catastrophic. Not a single enemy body remained intact, reduced to a grisly mixture of shredded flesh and rubble. The landscape bore the scars of destruction, and where the child had once stood, only a small crater remained. Yet, amidst the wreckage and carnage, Melisa was unharmed.

Her body was enveloped in a shimmering light that repelled even the tiniest speck of dust. Her gaze remained fixed on her empty hand, which held the child mere moments before, devastated at what she had witnessed.

"Looks like you failed." Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by Celeste's voice, cutting through her trance. She looked up to find the figure of the angelic being standing before her. The surroundings dissolved into particles of light, transforming into the same place where Celeste spent her time.

In a barely audible voice, Melisa murmured, "I'm sorry. I couldn't save him."

Celeste shook her head gently. "You failed because you didn't protect yourself. You should have never stopped attacking."

Melisa's voice rose, her frustration evident. "But... they were threatening to kill the child! How could I ignore that?"

"That child was just one life, a stranger's life. If..." Celeste began to reason, only to be interrupted by Melisa.

"Do you expect me to sacrifice someone simply because they're a stranger?! That child could have been someone's son, someone's brother!" Melisa's voice trailed off, the image of her own sibling overlapping with that of the child.

Celeste's focus shifted, drawn to Melisa's last words. "So, what would you do if it were your own in that situation? Would you not consider trading one life for the sake of many?" Celeste questioned her as she intently waited for her answer.

"No! Never!" Melisa vehemently denied it, her determination unwavering. "I will find a way to save everyone."

"It might not always be possible."

"Why not?" Melisa's voice was tinged with anger. "As long as I am connected to the sanctuary, nothing can hurt me and I can use my powers without limits."

When Celeste remained silent at her words, she added.

"I just need to train more, you said I still have three more months so I will get better."

Celeste's face remained expressionless for a while before her understanding and caring smile returned.

"Of course, Melisa. You can keep training until you get it right. I will always provide you with my light no matter where you are."

Melisa's tension eased at Celeste's words. She let go of her weapon, walking towards the display where similar artifacts were kept. With careful precision, she placed the scabbard back in its rightful spot, the sword of light still nestled inside.

"Why can't I still understand their language?" She turned to Celeste, her frustration evident. "Is there no way you can help with any kind of translation?"

Celeste smiled again in response. "Even I have my limits, Melisa. But you don't need to understand those monsters. Your focus should be on putting an end to them."

Melisa felt a flicker of uncertainty at Celeste's casual reference to the enemies as monsters. However, she trusted her completely so she put the thought out of her mind.

"Why don't you just rest here for today?" Celeste proposed as Melisa began to make her way out of the sanctuary.

She didn't like spending more time than necessary but Celeste's persuasion convinced her to skip going back to her dorm until the morning. Instead, she decided to sleep in one of the many extravagant rooms in the place. The weight of stress had taken its toll on her mind, leaving her feeling exhausted as she quickly drifted off to sleep.

Sometime later, Melisa was abruptly jolted awake by the blaring ringtone of her phone. She blinked her eyes open, only to find herself back in her own dorm room. It was strange since Celeste never sent her back without her own permission. She glanced at her phone and realized she was already two hours late for class. Confusion filled her mind as she distinctly remembered asking Celeste to wake her up on time. Something wasn't right.

Noticing a series of missed calls from Brad and her father, Melisa decided to disregard her father's attempts for now and dialed Brad's number. The voice on the other end greeted her with a mix of tension and urgency. "Melisa! Where are you right now?!" Brad's breathless words conveyed a sense of urgency.

"Huh? I'm in my room. Why? What's going on?" Melisa asked, surprised by the intensity in Brad's voice.

"Good, stay there! Don't come out, no matter what. Everything's gone crazy out here. It's dangerous. We'll come get you as soon as we can..." Brad's voice trailed off abruptly as the call ended.

"Brad?! What do you mean? What's happening?" Melisa desperately dialed his number again, only to be met with a frustrating lack of connection. In fact, her phone struggled to find any signal at all, leaving her with a sinking feeling of unease.

Melisa lowered the phone, her attention drawn to the escalating noise outside. An unsettling feeling gripped her heart as she braced herself for the worst. Still, she clung to Celeste's reassurance that there was time left. With a deep breath, she made her way to the door, hoping against hope that the chaos was just a figment of her imagination.

As she swung the door open, her breath caught in her throat. The scene that unfolded before her eyes was nothing short of a nightmare. The once orderly hallway had transformed into a gruesome tableau of destruction. Blood splatters marred the walls, stark red against the faded paint. Unsettlingly, she witnessed people viciously kicking a body, devoid of any signs of life. Everywhere she looked, evidence of violence and turmoil assaulted her senses. It was as if a riot had erupted mere moments ago, leaving destruction in its wake. The neighboring room stood in shambles, its contents strewn across the floor, and a motionless figure lay amidst the wreckage. It was a haunting scene, reminiscent of a nightmare brought to life.

Yet, the horrors didn't end there. From beyond her immediate surroundings, cries of anguish and desperation filled the air. The constant screams of those pleading for help seemed to echo endlessly, as though Melisa had unwittingly stepped into the heart of a harrowing horror movie.

She didn't want to believe it at first but she couldn't deny it any longer, the apocalypse had arrived.

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