
Swordmaster that was actually a Mage

Swordmaster Kuta 'Spellblade' Sabre A member of the prestigious Sabre family that for generations either produced the strongest swordmasters of their era or those that were considered top tier. For if they were not peerless in their prime then they were nearly that as in almost every case. Kuta Sabre was a unique case even within her own family where producing at least top tier users of some kind of blade was commonplace. Growing up she was a sword prodigy that master the blade at a young age. Mastery to the point where she became the youngest swordmaster to ever exist not just within the Sabre family but period. The thing she was able to do with her swords were unmatched even with her preferred style being dual wielding swords. However little did she know just how fitting the title of Spellblade that she was given (as an inside joke for the Sabre family and weapon users in general) would be proven to explain so much about herself and who she would eventually become starting on the day she officially becomes a pre-teen

Kamon772 · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 03

It had been around a week since Kuta woke up to find that her arms and swords had become the same. As she sat in her bed as she looked at what had become of her them. It had taken awhile but she was at least about to move her new arms about as easily as when they were in their original none fused forms. Though this was taxing to a degree as she was constantly acting as if she was wielding them after all. This was a constant drain on her stamina which made it so that she could actually do much else at the moment. Forget combat as she could not even train properly in her current state.

Kuta could not explain but when she tried holding the wooden versions of her dual swords meant for training purposes only. It held as if she was attempting to wield four swords at the same time and that everything she was doing took four times the effort it normally did. Causing her to get exhausted at an alarming rate which shocked everyone in the Sabre household.

'Why did this happen to me' Kuta thought

There were no answers and she was not allowed to leave her room for the time being. The reasoning was that they did not want news of what had happened to her to spread before they had all the details they could beforehand. Kuta just accepted this as she did not want weird stories about her getting out either given her current standing along with the family name. Many did not like Kuta because of various reasons regarding the age she became a swordmaster at and other things. Then there was the fact that the Sabre family was not liked by everyone as they might be respected and even admired as well. However, it is possible to have both for anyone that does not mean you have to like them at all.

Though Kuta could not train her normal way, she was still able to do so if merely did so without holding anything at all. Just swing her arms not as if she was holding a sword but as the swords themselves gave her the same feeling she would get before the incident happened. However, she would quickly learn that her ability to train had been somehow cut in half when doing this. As she would get tired twice as fast then she would have normally and not realize it until she woke up lying in her bed with arms lying at her sides.

She passed out from exhaustion and once she lost consciousness, her arms would fall off as she was not able to use them anymore. She had to be conscious for her arms to stay on. It is something the servants found interesting as if she was not conscious then it would not matter how hard they tried as they could not get her arms to stick to her shoulder at all. Placing them there and picking her up would just result in them falling off. However, trying to walk off with them was also not possible as there seemed to be a range in which they fall to the ground and become too heavy to move. Only become bearable again once Kuta was within range of her metallic arms.

Another week passed...

"What do you mean that you can not find anything wrong with her," her father asked

"Just that as there is nothing seemingly with Lady Kuta at all. All the tests come up showing her as normal...at least what has been passing as normal for her" the expert said.

Kuta's case was always unique given the number of things she could do that no swordmaster before as been capable of in the past. Thus many experts study her over the years to ensure that everything was fine with her. They wanted to be sure that there was nothing too abnormal going on within her body given what she was putting through at her age after all.

"Sir, If I may suggest if there is nothing that can be determined by a weapon user's experts such as myself and others. There might be another way to figure out what is going on with your daughter" the expert suggested.

"What could you possibly suggest that we have not already tried as I even look through the family archive not once not twice but thrice to see if there were any cases like my daughter's in even the slightest throughout our family's long history," her father said.

Sighing a bit before the expert then tried voicing their opinion

"Your daughter's title as a swordmaster is Spellblade, correct," they asked

"Of course since what she does seems like magic so much so that it has been jokingly called blade magic at times. Thus the reasoning behind her title" her father stated

"Here me out for a second what if that was the case," the expert said

"Huh!?" her father said

"What if she is using mana in a manner that closer to magic but somehow she is replicate the skills of a sword user instead of traditional magic thus she has actually created blade magic....for real" the expert explained.

"Since the original Sabre, this family has never once produced any mages capable of using magic in all the years of its existence," her father said "I will humor you since its best to nit this nonsense in the bud now," her father said.

And so a mage expert was called in to look over Kuta to disprove this nonsense about her being a mage. Thus one was called and they had their tools and such all ready to go yet...

They however took one look and Kuta then turned to her father looking him dead in the eyes.

"She is a mage," they told him