
Swordmaster that was actually a Mage

Swordmaster Kuta 'Spellblade' Sabre A member of the prestigious Sabre family that for generations either produced the strongest swordmasters of their era or those that were considered top tier. For if they were not peerless in their prime then they were nearly that as in almost every case. Kuta Sabre was a unique case even within her own family where producing at least top tier users of some kind of blade was commonplace. Growing up she was a sword prodigy that master the blade at a young age. Mastery to the point where she became the youngest swordmaster to ever exist not just within the Sabre family but period. The thing she was able to do with her swords were unmatched even with her preferred style being dual wielding swords. However little did she know just how fitting the title of Spellblade that she was given (as an inside joke for the Sabre family and weapon users in general) would be proven to explain so much about herself and who she would eventually become starting on the day she officially becomes a pre-teen

Kamon772 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 02

Kuta was considered a powerful swordmaster that was considered one of the best despite her age. She was not considered the strongest in fact she was probably one of the weakest when it came to just raw power. That was not just because of her age either as she was weaker when came to just raw power than most kids her age. Those that she once considered her rivals could still beat her in a matter of just raw strength, thus they were stronger. However, power is more than just strength alone. What she lacked in strength she made up with her skill, stamina, and blade work. Another reason she was given the nickname Spellblade as her skills were jokingly referred to as magic since she could not explain how she did what she did.

However, there was one area of her family where she took a family motto to the extreme, that being to treat one's blade as if it were an extension of themselves. To attempt becoming one with the blade so that the movement felt as if you were moving whatever you were using to wield it. Blades were not something the Sabre family wielded with just their arms alone as there were members that used other parts of the body like their feet or their legs. Those were unique cases but still cases that existed in this family that was now for being masters of the blade for centuries after all.

Kuta often claim that her dual swords were like a part of her and that is why she was able to control them as finely and effortlessly as she could. When it came to treating them as an extension of herself, that where she took them anywhere and everywhere she was allowed to. Being a member of the Sabre family and later on, an acknowledged swordmaster allowed her to take them almost anywhere and everywhere. Even if she was not using them the entire time they were on her person or directly next to her.

Anyway that attempted to take even one of her swords away while she was seemingly distracted or not directly around them would get immediately stared down by her unleashing her fighting intent as if they wanted to steal what was basically a part of herself then they would have to deal with her first. It was not just the other kids her age that attempt this but people of all ages. When they got spooked by her giving off her fighting intent did not matter that she was just a kid as unleashing one's fighting intent had nothing to do with their age but just their intent to fight for whatever reason they were being provoked or choosing to do so

While Kuta could do this and did whenever someone touched one of her swords without asking. She did it in a manner that affect everyone in the area not just her intended target thus people would quickly learn to never touch her swords without her knowledge first. It was also this that further reasoning for why she was given the title of Spellblade since she always know when someone was trying to touch her swords without her knowledge first.

Kuta awoke on the birthday when she was officially becoming a pre-teen to stretch her arms as she usually did when she awoke from her slumber for the previous night.

"That's strange why do not I feel anything," Kuta said to herself out loud

She was stretching her arms but for some reason, she did not feel them at all. She knew was thinking about doing this but felt nothing as happened as her mind was giving her arms orders to move yet they were not carrying them out for some reason. Then she went about going to try and touch her face only to find that that was not happening either.

Looking downard she noticed that her swords were also gone just like her arms. However, while she was unable to feel her arms this was never the case for her swords as she felt them in the same place that they always were when she slept. They were lying on top on her and as she got up they would fall into her lap as she would stretch her arms.

What was lying in her lap at the moment was not her beloved and treasured dual swords but instead something that weighed the same as them seemingly but slightly heavier though. It was not enough weight that it was uncomfortable though but enough to notice a change from what she was used to. The things in her lap were a

pair of metallic arms that were the same color, texture, and even seemingly make up as the blades of her swords.

'Why are my arms in my lap' Kuta thought to herself but then gasped in shock

Why and how was she referring to what was lying in her lap as her arms as they did look like them but she did not have metal arms though. She had a pair of normal arms and her dual swords instead.

Though any attempt to think about her arms or her swords just led her to think about the pair of metallic arms that were lying in her lap as she did not know why this was the case. It was very confusing to her when she heard one of the servants that worked for the family enter her room as they heard her earlier claim.

"What is the.....what happened to your arms," the servant said

"They are right here in my lap for some reason" Kuta answered not really fully understanding the complete context of the question.

"No there is not as look here," the servant said in a shocked voice as they then held up a mirror for Kuta to see herself with.

Upon doing she promptly fainted as she fell face first onto her what her mind was insisting were her 'arms' yet not fully piecing to together why she could not feel them though. The reasoning for that finally dawned on her as she got a good look at herself that clear up her mind from the still feeling the effect of having just woken up for the day, It was not firing on all cylinders until that moment where the confusion was gone and everything clicked into place.

Somehow merged her arms and swords together. To the point where her swords were her arms and her arms were her swords. Her now metallic arms were lying on her lap. Thus she was now a girl that had no arms at least one that was connected to her body directly anymore. She could give orders to her arms to move yet the reason they were not moving was because she now had wield them. To use her arms even normally anymore she had to act as if she was wielding her dual swords at all times. The idea of the blade being an extension of herself was no longer as merely just a family saying that Kuta was taking to the extreme. Her swords both literally and figuratively were an extension of herself now.

they had literally fused together as she somehow merged her arms and swords together. To the point where her swords were her arms and her arms were her swords. were lying on her chest when she awoke that day and she was utterly shocked to discover that she was now a girl that had no arms at least one that was connected to her body directly anymore. She could no longer use her arms as she had wielded them instead as again her swords had become her arms and her arms had become her swords. To use her arms even normally anymore she had to act as if she was wielding her dual swords at all times.