
Sword Bound

"Are you going to pick up the sword?" A man wearing all black asked the man kneeling in front of him. Infront of them there was a lady and a young boy being forced to kneel by two men wearing masks, and behind them a crowd of a 4 thousand plus people watching, they all had swords in hand. "Haha I have already used the sword enough, I have also repaid what your family has done for mine... Just let us go Mr Komi" "Kill his wife" the man ordered the two men holding the woman and a kid. The man holding the woman beheaded the beautiful woman, the kid watched as tears rolled down his cheeks. The kid didn't make a noise as he so his mothers head on the ground. God slayer watched as his wife's head was cut off, he was about to rage but he calmed down and kept kneeling. "You child is the only thing left, pick up the sword or he dies" Mr Komi said. "Sir, you just killed my wife. Please let my son be, we have already repaid your family" god slayer begged. "Pathetic" Mr Komi picked up the katana and stubbed god slayer. The katana turned into a purple 2 meters single edged sword. The sword went through god slayers chest to the ground. "Then I'll abuse your son on your behalf" Mr Komi said. Mark stared at his dad who had been stubbed, he wasn't making any noises. "My son, do whatever you want... You don't owe them anything" god slayer died, as he kept bleeding. Some of the people watching wanted to stop this but they just couldn't, some of them didn't were happy god slayer was killed, he was too powerful for his own good. "If only you had the say" Mr Komi walked to mark and drugged him along. "I don't owe you anything. you can try whatever you want on me, if am strong enough I'll avenge my parents and kill everyone who watched you kill them" mark made a promise to himself as he was being drugged along like a bag of heavy rice or cement. . . . .

Giyan_Nj · ファンタジー
42 Chs

Chapter 37: Talks

 "Are you ready, Miss Emily?" a woman in a crisp white shirt and black skirt asked, her voice professional.

 Emily stood up, her grey hair cropped short, and nodded nervously. She wore a tight fitting white tank top and black trousers that accentuated her slender figure:

"Yes," she replied, her voice firm despite her evident apprehension.

 With a deep breath, Emily walked into the adjacent room, where she stepped onto a podium. Before her sat a sea of people, all clad in the same uniform, their eyes fixated on her with anticipation.

 "Greetings, everyone. I'm honored to be briefing you today on our successful return from the Sword Grounds, it might have been a few months too late for this but some of you wish to know."

 A murmur rippled through the crowd, followed by a voice ringing out:

 "Hell yeah! Welcome back, Fighting beauty!"

 She smiled, and said :

"Thank you, It's good to be back."

 Another voice piped up:

 "Why are you the one briefing us? Where's the principal?"

 Emily's expression remained humble, her tone respectful:

"Principal Jackson is... indisposed. He entrusted me with this briefing, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share our findings with you all."

 The room buzzed with whispers, some nodding in approval, others looking skeptical. Emily continued, undeterred

 "Now you can access the ancient knowledge and secrets of the Sword Grounds," she began, but was abruptly cut off by a shout from the crowd.

 "We heard the beasts are back!" a young man exclaimed. "Yeah, you're our age, what can you tell us? The Son of God Slayer is dead, does that mean we'll all die too?"

 The room erupted into a chorus of worried murmurs and frantic questions, as Emily's attempt to share her findings was hijacked by the urgent concerns of her peers.

 "Why is Mark the only one dead?" the young man accused, his voice laced with venom:

"You guys must have gotten him killed, scared of his potential, because he's the son of God Slayer!"

 Emily's eyes flashed with anger, and she slammed her hand on the table:

"Shut up!" she commanded, her voice firm but trembling with emotion

"How dare you! Who told you that Mark was dead. And if he is dead its only because he chose to, for All we know Remon killed the chained titan Agren!"

 The room fell silent, as the crowd was taken aback by Emily's outburst. The young man who had spoken sat back down, looking sheepish, as Emily's words hung in the air like a challenge.

 "None of you are even lifting a finger to help kill the beasts that are terrorizing the world!" Emily's voice rose in indignation:

"You're only here for the school's protection, so shut up! I tried to be polite, but you pushed me too far. Seventy percent of you are new students, seeking the school's protection, but you have no idea what we went through during our training in the Sword Grounds. You didn't see the blood, sweat, and tears we shed. You didn't face the same dangers, the same fears. So, don't dare question our actions or our losses!" 

 Emily's words were laced with anger and frustration, her gaze sweeping the room, challenging anyone to disagree. The crowd was taken aback by her outburst, but her passion and conviction were undeniable. 

 A single person got up and said:

"Don't threaten us, Mark caused the clan wars that ended 3 months ago, but they caused some of us to lose our protection, if our clans were not taken down by the big clans we'd still have protection" He said as he withstood Emily's oppressive Aura.

 As Emily's anger intensified, she felt a fierce protectiveness surge through her. Mark had become an integral part of her life, and any attack on him was an attack on her:

"I'm not just a student here, I'm also a member of the Beast Force. I have the authority to eliminate any potential threats, anyone who might be controlled by a higher-level beast. And you..." She glared at the accuser, her eyes blazing with intensity,

"...you're acting like a puppet, spewing lies and accusations without a clue what's really going on!"


 "You got me, but you're wrong about one thing," the accuser sneered, his eyes gleaming with a sinister light as he rose to his feet:

"I am the Beast, not a puppet."

 As he began walking towards Emily, his movements eerily calm, the atmosphere around him seemed to darken. The onlookers' faces paled, their eyes wide with fear and shock. Whispers and gasps spread through the crowd like wildfire, and some took a step back, as if trying to escape the revelation.

 Emily herself seemed frozen in place, her eyes fixated on the accuser with a mix of horror and disbelief. The air was heavy with tension, a beast that could turn into human was too strong for a level three knight and she had just become a level two knight a month ago, the beast abilities were so strong that a knight would be killed in mere seconds. 

 Just as the tension was reaching a boiling point, a figure burst through the roof, landing gracefully in front of the accused student. The newcomer stood at 6'0 with a lean, athletic build, his hair short. He wore a crisp white shirt, black leather trousers, and black leather shoes, exuding an air of confident elegance. But it was his menacing smile and the two gleaming daggers in his hands that commanded attention. The room's aura intensified, as if the very atmosphere had grown heavier and more charged.

 "Why don't we take this somewhere else?" he suggested, his voice low and smooth, but laced with a hint of danger. The implied threat hung in the air, leaving no doubt that this mysterious newcomer was not to be underestimated.

 'Remon,' Emily thought to herself. A smile creeping on her face.

 Remon and the Beast jumped out of the room, leaving behind a trail of shock and terror. The sudden departure was so abrupt that it left the onlookers stunned, their mouths agape and their eyes wide with fear. .