
Sweet Desire Saves Us

Aria lost her parents in a tragic accident and was forced to raise her sister who depends on her. Blake is a wealthy millionaire who runs the largest acting agency in the world. One night their worlds collide when Blake finds Aria beaten and alone he can't ignore her but will she open let her walls fall down or let him in?

ScarletHope · 若者
3 Chs

I Want To Be Free

*Arias POV*

The mouth watering scent of pancakes wafted into the room as I gradually start waking up, pain radiating through my body but it's better than I thought it would be. Coal grey sheets hold me in a warm cocoon, as light filters in through the open curtains. Soft grey carpets surrounding the bed, a door leading to a bathroom stands next to a wardrobe.

"Morning princess," Blake smirks from the doorway in a tailored suit "I have to say you look amazing in my clothes." A blush creeps across my face like a raging fire "No need to be embarrassed I had to put some cream on your bruises and I didn't think you'd want to sleep in those clothes, throw a shoe at me if you like. But before you do there's some new clothes on the end of the bed I threw the others away."

"Just get out so I can change."

"Kicked out my own room, princess you wound me," a hearty laugh escapes him as he leaves the room "there's a plate of pancakes in the kitchen."

"Whats a millionaire like you doing picking up random girls off the street? It a hobby of yours?" I decide to ask slipping into the slim emerald dress which cuts low across chest a little too low for my liking but covers the bruises on my arms, tights hug my legs as I slip into a matching pair of shoes. Slipping into the bathroom I brush my teeth and hair getting ready for work.

"You're not some random girl off the street Aria Hart," he declares as I walk into the room grabbing my phone before settling down to eat "so how are they?"

"They're really really good," I smile as the taste fills my mouth taking another bite as I send a text to Jess. A genuine smile crosses my lips as he leans against the pure white marble counter top sipping a hot cup of coffee my eyes track the movement of his well defined muscles. "Tell me why are you helping me?" I question hazel eyes gleaming.

"I'll only tell you when you tell me you're ready," he explains coming around to stand next to me brushing a stray strand of hair from my face causing my hot fiery blush to return "that you're ready to be free. Until then I'm going to show you why, maybe you'll figure it out."

"You make it sound so easy but I can't just leave him," I can feel the heat of his body as he leans in closer.

"Why can't you?" Blake's voice carries a rough undertone as his looks into my "Do you love him?"

"No," my voice trembles and I hate it, he's close enough to kiss, his rose lips just inches away. "I hate him but I can't leave him." Tears well at the edges of my eyes as I push him away he wouldn't understand, walking across the marble floor to the door grabbing I grab my coat on the way.

"He's threatening your sister isn't he," those simple words cut like ice freezing me in my track "from your reaction I'm taking it I guessed right, you've always done anything for her. I've always loved that about you."

"You know nothing about me or what I've done for her," I yell wheeling on him tears stinging my eyes "she has no one else I protected her when no one else would so if protecting her means getting beaten by that man then so be it because I would rather that then let him lay a finger on her."

"Does she know what you're doing for her? Did she ask you to sacrifice everything for her?" Blake's voice holds danger I should be scared but he would never hurt me.

"She didn't have to and she will never know because it would break her to know any of this. So just stay out of it this has nothing to do with you." With that I turn on my heels slamming the door behind me, it's a long walk to work but I need to clear my head.

"Aria, you had me worried sick!" Leah yelled giving me a tight hug "Your bags under the table and Quin got to school okay but are you okay? and where did you get that dress?"

"Leah's brother Blake found me last night after Liam kicked me out, I stayed at his he gave me the dress." I explain but leave out the part where Liam beat me and that I yelled at Blake Evans CEO of the largest acting agency in the world. The rest of the day goes by in a blur I can hardly remember picking Quin up let alone getting home, I just know that Liam hasn't texted but I won't be this lucky for much longer, I'll be free for a week at most.

"Aria! Aria! This came for you." She beamed putting a package on my legs unwrapping it I was welcomed by the site It Ends With Us and a note 'Hey princess I know I overstepped this morning so this is my way of saying sorry but I mean it I can get you your freedom and Quin won't be hurt I promise. -Blake.'

"Who's it from?" Quin beamed a mischievous grin on her face watching as I slip the note into the book.

"A friend," I smiled walking through the hall to are small kitchen where the fall sun dances across the wooden counters I pull out what we need for dinner and start putting it together. Slipping my heels off I slip back down the hall leaving the food to kick, coming up behind her i wrap my arms around Quins waste spinning her in the air a surprised giggle escapes her lips as she kicks at the air I cover her face with kisses. "Hehe Aria let go let go." She shrieked in glee as I set her down on the sofa.

"Go set the table little one I'll get dinner,"

"Okay deal," she beamed running to get us some drinks. Soon we sat around the table laughing it's later than I thought by the time we're done and Quins had her bath its straight to bed. "But I don't want to," she wines climbing in under the covers, gently I give her a kiss on the forehead as I tuck her in. Fluffy pink duvet stopping just before her chin, looking around her room walls covered in butterflies, toys covering the floor I make a mental note to tidy it tomorrow before doing the washing.

"Go to sleep tomorrow you're going on a field trip you'll love it but you won't if you sleep the whole way through." With that I walk out the door stopping o say good night knowing she'll be asleep soon I walk into my simple room the top half decorated with grey wallpaper where birds fly and sit next to cages the bottom painted a soft pink, charcoal carpets covering my feet. Walking over to my wardrobe I slowly undress throwing my clothes in the wash basket before sipping into a thin red night gown and climbing into my king sized bed the burgundy sheets engulfing me as I settle down and begin to read.

Time seems to freeze around me as I flip through the pages only to begin again when my phone lights up beside me it's Liam.

Blake: You up princess?

Me: Yeah.

Blake: It's late you should be asleep, do you miss me so much it's keeping you awake?

Me: You wish, I'm reading, also if it's so late shouldn't you be asleep?

Blake: How could I even dream of sleeping when you're still awake princess? I'm glad you like the book. So I was wondering you busy Friday?

Me: I have a meeting at Quins school I won't be back until 4:30 at the earliest.

Blake: Perfect you'll have enough time to get ready.

Me: Ready for what?

Blake: Dinner. That's if you want to and I promise I won't mention that scumbag just say you'll go please.


Blake: I can't wait princess now get some sleep.

Me: Ok.

Putting my book to the side and my phone on charge I snuggle under the covers letting sleep consume me.