
Sweet Desire Saves Us

Aria lost her parents in a tragic accident and was forced to raise her sister who depends on her. Blake is a wealthy millionaire who runs the largest acting agency in the world. One night their worlds collide when Blake finds Aria beaten and alone he can't ignore her but will she open let her walls fall down or let him in?

ScarletHope · Teen
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3 Chs

All For Her

*Blake's POV*

It's pouring it down yet still people are driving through the storm to get to work and drop their kids at school. I wonder if Aria got caught in it when she dropped off Quin, she'd be freezing by the time she got home the weathers unforgiving today and it's just going to get worse.

"S-sir I have the documents you asked for," Nora stumbles over the words, she always seems so scared when she comes in here so I simply hold out my hand for her to lay them down. Why is she just standing there? But after a single glance from me shes scurrying out the door how she survives in New York with such a timid personality I have no idea.

"Keep that up and you'll scare her off," Jess chastises as she makes herself at home.

"Isn't there someone else you can annoy?" I retort looking up briefly from the documents "I'm sure they'd love your company."

"You wound me," considering we're twins we are nothing alike "I just thought you'd want to know that I booked you a table for three at La Isabella at six o'clock."

"Jessica were you ease dropping again? and why a table for three?"

"I wasn't ease dropping as you weren't talking I just saw your texts when I dropped of that book you wanted to read and its a table for three because Quin will end up joining you unless you're planning on cancelling oh and bring them both flowers, girls like flowers...at least most girls do."

"Why are you helping?" I ask eyebrows rising she wants something I just don't know what.

"Because you're happy with her and when you're happy everything runs a little bit smoother. I'll be off then."

"I don't need your help getting girls they love me," I call after her.

"Keep telling yourself that," her stilettos echo down the hallway as she walks passed open views of the rainy city.

What a pain, I swear her sole purpose in life is to annoy me. The day fly's by and before I know it I'm standing outside her front door a burning red coat draped over my arm and two bouquets one of beautiful lilacs and one of red carnations. I don't think I've ever been so nervous and it's not even technically a date, mustering up the courage I wrap my knuckles against the door which soon flies open but it is not the lady I expect who stands before me.

"Hi there," I smile down at the little girl who I can instantly tell is Quin I've seen enough photos of her and Aria to recognise her. She's in a beautiful ballgown like dress which is a pale pink decorated with colourful butterflies.

"Quin Anastasia Hart what have I told you about opening the door to strangers?" Aria bellows from the top of the stairs as she comes running down trying to put in a pair of hoop earrings. I gape at her beauty as she descends the stairs in a gorgeous red dress which flows around her like a waterfall, a split inning from her knee down. The old dress looking brand new as the corset top hugs her top with a flowery pattern running down her arms, hair turned in a beautiful bun, stray strands framing her gorgeous face.

"Me a stranger? How harsh." I tease grinning at her as her eyes roam my frame cloaked by my ebony suit a tie wrapped around my neck.

Before she can even answer Quin cuts in "Those flowers are pretty."

"I'm glad you think so," I muse kneeling down to meet her eyes "because these are for you." Her hazel eyes glisten with joy as I pass her the lilacs. Jumping with excitement she prolly shows her sister before running to put them in a vase

"That was sweet of you," she smiles leaning against the railing "please come in its cold out there." I gladly do as I'm told shutting the door behind me as I bashfully pass her the carnations. "There incredible Blake." Her smile could light up the night sky as she holds the flowers to her chest I could just kiss her.

"You ready to go?" I smile fighting back the urge to pull her slender frame to mine.

"Almost, I just need to go and grab my shoes." With that she disappeared upstairs again just as her sister came running out the kitchen.

"Are you and my sister dating?"

"No sunshine but want to no a secret?" her nod was so enthusiastic I thought her head was gng to come flying off "I want too"

"I think she wants to date you too,"

"Oh really? Whys that?" I ask intrigued

"Because she let you meet me, she never wanted Liam to meet me and doesn't normally let men meet me but you she's different around she seems happy."

"And I want to make her even happier sunshine."

"What are you two whispering about?" Aria asks as she descends the stairs and walking to the coat wrack grabbing her sisters coat and helping her into it.

"Nothing," Quin laughs as Aria wraps her coat around her.

"Now your turn," I smirk as she stands helping her slide into her coat. "Ready to go princess?"

"Ready when you are," she beams grabbing her purse and scooping up her little sister. Following me out the door and locking it behind us I help her get Quin into the limbo following close behind. "I'm guessing you figured Quin was coming huh?"

"Jess said it was probably going to happen and I don't mind your sisters sweet."

"Thank you Blake I owe you one,"

"I'd settle for a kiss but as I don't think you're a kiss on the first date kind of girl I'll just have to hold you to that." Her laugh is enchanting as she playfully smacks my chest, it's nice to see her like this so free from any worries, right now she's just her.