
Survivors Guide: To an Alien Invasion

Walking back home from another day of school. Mark and his best friend George are walking down the road, when all of a sudden a pick up truck pops out of nowhere rushing towards them! The reason? The driver wants to eat our brains! Hey! I'm _RealityEscapee_ a new and handsome author on the platform. Hope you give the story a shot. This is also my first time writing ever. So, if there are grammatical errors please tell me so I can fix them! (If cover image owner wants me to take it down please message me!) I have decided to work on another novel besides this one. This will be the first time I will do this, so expect for chapters to be delayed. New Novel: Returning to the Time Before The Apocalypse

he_who_scribbles · ファンタジー
29 Chs

Chapter 28 - Tactical Retreat

Hearing the sound of the tail slamming into the invisible barrier. We all felt that it was impossible. Impossible for humanity to win against creatures that shouldn't possibly exist.

"Let's go" Josh, our temporary leader commanded

We rushed our way up, no longer paying much heed to staying hidden from the possible bugs inside.

Reaching the top floor. We saw 3 teams resting and rejuvenating themselves by eating and drinking their rations.

We were the last team there. Probably because we gawked too much when we saw the alligator tail.

The captain and his three lieutenants we're nowhere in sight. They were most likely using the satellite phone inside an isolated room.

I sat down in a corner, eating my rations. George and Jason soon joined me. No one talked while we waited for the captain.

I tried calming my nerves. I felt my hands tremble when I remembered that huge tail. My usual calm, and level headed demeanor now gone during these past two months. But now, only remembering the size of it, I could only imagine the possibility of death if we were to go against it

The captain stepped out of a room while I was stuck pondering whether I'll survive this. I snapped out of it after hearing his voice.

"I have called H.Q. And they told me that they will be sending air carriers, we are retreating."

"What will happen to the city?" One of the soldiers asked

"It will be abandoned."

We stared at the captain in disbelief. The city that we were supposed to be protecting is now going to be abandoned.

"We'll be departing this place immediately, pack your things and let's go."

We soon made our way out of he station in one group. Our departure was slower than our entry but it was safer.

After going down, the captain ordered us to go back to the blockade. It was being used as a strong hold by the Colonel.

We had to shoot our way to the blockade. Even though the army of bugs still haven't reached where we are yet. There were still a lot of stragglers.

After 5 hours, as the night sky showered us in its cold. We finally made it to the blockade. After confirming our identity, they let us in.

The captain left Jake and Miss Flinger in charge while he went to speak to the Colonel.

I ate the boring bland food we always get. After eating, I hung out with George and Jason until we had to go to sleep.


"After everything they told me to do, in the end we are just supposed to run with our tails behind our legs?" The Colonel asked in a calm voice

The captains inside stayed silent as they watched the Colonel vent his frustration.

"Where are we supposed to go to wait for them!?" The Colonel asked captain Briggs.

"I was told to wait for them at the tallest building in the city, Memorable Sky Tower." The captain answered

"..." The Colonel stayed quiet as he thought of what to do.

"How many men do we have in each squad?" He asked

"25" Captain of squad 6 answered

"30" Captain of squad 7 answered

"27" Captain of squad 5 answered

Adding his own they have 132 men with them. The other soldiers are most likely in hiding or dead.

"We will move out in small teams of five. We will split up and move in different directions but we will all meet up by the base of Memorable Sky Tower. There we will wait for the air carriers, and hopefully escape this doomed city."


After deciding on what to do the next day, they dispersed.

The morning after, everyone lined up and were put in their respective teams. I was paired along with two soldiers of my squad, with George and Jason.

We made our way to Memorable Sky Tower. I remember seeing this tower on images in the internet. Never thought I'd get to see it in person.

Our captain told us to save as much ammunition as possible. As we'll be waiting inside the tower for two days and we don't know how many aliens will chase after us.

Running while taking cover in alleys or left behind vehicles, we made our way to the tower.

It's been over 12 hours and the alligator is still slamming its tail on the invisible barrier.

I was surprised by how durable it was, even without us supplying it with energy.


A truck that was embedded inside a building flew out, landing on the other side of the street with a crash.


A blue beetle with aquatic features walked out from where the truck previously was, and after noticing us started running towards us.

We started shooting it while we circled it, but it didn't react, it's natural armor deflected our attempts in harming it

We spent 20 minutes fighting it, but no matter what, the beetle wouldn't die. Good thing is while the beetle is fast, we're faster, as we empowered our limbs with internal energy.

George grew tired of circling the beetle. So he took out the combat knife inside his pocket and lunged toward it.

While we were distracting it George managed to sneak up on it and stabbed the beetles neck between the armors opening.

The beetle freaked out after experiencing the foreign pain, it started screeching while clawing its neck desperately trying to take out the knife. It finally stopped moving after it lost too much blood. Collapsing on top of the concrete.

"That was... difficult." My mutter sounding louder than it was supposed to.

"Let's change from our guns to knifes, it'll save ammo and be more efficient in killing these things." The leader of our team said.

All of us agreed, so after strapping our guns to our backs, we switched to our combat knifes.

Our journey back was slower, but now we could save more ammo and gain more battle experience.


We heard the sound of glass shattering. We looked around but other than the glass on the floor from the broken windows. There was nothing that could've shattered just now.


We felt the earth tremble, a rumbling sound.

We looked up to see that between this city's large buildings and sky scrapers. Standing on it's hind legs and using a skyscraper for support, an alligator was staring down on the entire city.


It proclaimed its presence, almost as if stating it's new rule and domination on all feeble peasants.