
Surviving Survival Korean Series With My Achievement App!

A strange app called Achievement Hero. Wielding this app, the Hero Of Achievement is born. From All Of Us Are Dead to Sweet Home... He would survive them all! #Zombies#Monsters

Ishya_Chan · 映画
14 Chs


Happy New Year!


Chapter 5 — Study

The next morning.

[Traveler's Shop is refreshed!]


Kim Do-Hyun was surprised after seeing the shop being refreshed when the 24 hours timer ended.

The shop still sold daily necessities, but he spotted new items.

Some items were replaced by new products related to cooking, exercising and cleaning.

Kim Do-Hyun thought they were pointless as he could just buy those products from the supermarket.

"I can't needlessly waste my points. I'll wait for a nice product to appear in the shop."

The items being replaced every 24 hours gave him a sliver of hope.

Kim Do-Hyun went to eat the leftover chicken soup for breakfast. He then accomplished his workout session before returning home after jogging to shower.

Afterwards, he went to the butcher shop and nearby market to buy meat and other ingredients for his lunch.

"Oh, it's time for my cooking class."

Kim Do-Hyun saw his phone notifying him about his new schedule.

The culinary academy was located near the salon shop. It felt like every best establishment was located in this particular location.

After introducing himself, Kim Do-Hyun was received well by the aunties and mothers attending the academy – he was the only young male student amongst the female population, so he garnered a lot of interest.

However, it wasn't good for the ladies to underestimate him just because he was a male.

Kim Do-Hyun showed them through action that he was devoted to improving his cooking skills while not being hesitant to learn new things.

As a result, his sincere actions toward cooking touched the hearts of many aunties and single mothers. 

When Kim Do-Hyun was stuck or confused about something, they would offer to help him get over it.

"It's good I joined the academy to learn how to cook."

The academy offered the best kitchen environment that contained every kitchen tool and cooking ingredient needed. It also systematically taught trom the most basic skills and gave practical experiences before delving into professional stuff.

This particularly saved a lot of time because he didn't need to research that much.

Kim Do-Hyun was steadily able to learn more about the culinary field.

From roasting, baking, braising, stewing, breading, frying, knife skill — All of those unfamiliar cooking skills were being taught to him.





















"I've finally enrolled at Hyosan High School!!'

Kim Do-Hyun grinned joyfully after managing to complete the exhausting task of his enrollment in the school.

All of his documents and registrations have been finalized.

"I'll attend school next week, so I still have ample time to prepare for it."

These past few days, Kim Do-Hyun spent most of his time learning at the culinary academy. 

As a result of his continuous effort to improve his cooking skills and research about essential nutrients, he was able to form a food program that suited his body the most.

Once he obtained enough data from beginning his food program, he would be able to make further adjustments to make it much better.

And similar to his food diet, Kim Do-Hyun also started to create a proper fitness plan for his workout session. He worked on it by researching deeply about fitness and health.

There were four major types of exercises; endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility.

Among these four types, the majority of normal people usually prioritize training one type rather than all types.

However, Kim Do-Hyun wanted to keep a balanced development for his body. He aimed to create a weekly training program to target those four major types.

In his new workout program, Kim Do-Hyun still prioritized cardiovascular exercise such as running to build up his endurance. He added more variations and proper breathings to it.

He also added calisthenics; a type of compound exercises that used multiple muscle groups at once. It didn't require expensive fitness equipment, but only his own weight and gravity to create natural resistance.

Kim Do-Hyun realized he preferred compound exercises such as push-ups and pull-ups as it was enough to condition his strength, mobility, and entire body coordination all at once.

As for balance training, he incorporated the movements of Tai Chi and other balancing exercises to improve his Static Stance, Weight Shifting, and Dynamic Stance – All to train his overall balance and stabilization ability.

Although balance sounds insignificant, Kim Do-Hyun treated it highly as it was used for everything from standing to moving, making it essential to harness it by effectively using the shift of the body weight. 

Those with perfect core balance are able to walk on tightropes while finely stabilizing their bodyweight.


A set of steady hands were also necessary for doctors, so this balance and stabilization exercises may help him in the near future.

The process of weight shifting was even a core aspect of calisthenics — This was the main core of his workout program; every part of the program was seamlessly connected to each other in order to develop his entire body.

As a way to improve his flexibility to avoid having early joint issues, Kim Do-Hyun used yoga movements to steadily loosen his tissues to grow flexible. Since he was still young and had been cleansed internally, his progress was gonna be much easier.

Maybe even as good as female yoga teachers who were flexible as hell.

But there was a problem.

Kim Do-Hyun knew it was impossible to accomplish them in a single day, so he decided to try splitting them into respective days.

Although he split his workout into days while having one rest day, Kim Do-Hyun still plans to have jogging sessions everyday.

After trying out his new workout program, he was surprised to eventually see every fitness related achievements fusing together to form a new repeatable achievement.


[Hall Of Achievement]

 [Fitness Routine (Repeatable)]

-Grants All-Round Training Improvement.

(Remarks: Training Activities improves the overall capabilities of the body.)


Kim Do-Hyun was excited to see this achievement as it would make his troublesome workout program much easier.

"Not only that, it can also complete my unrealistic workout program!"

Yes, it was shocking to see the achievements having the potential to fuse, but he was more joyful to see it complementing the idea he worked hard to create.
















Since the start of school was next week for him, Kim Do-Hyun went to buy his school uniform and stationary items required for school.

As for the required textbooks, they were unfortunately out of stock.

After all, he transferred school at the worst unexpected time.

After buying all of the things he needed for school, Kim Do-Hyun thought it was now time to study for school.

He decided to learn from scratch by studying elementary school level study materials.

It was to make sure he possessed a robust academic foundation over the systematic knowledge created by the Department Of Education.

Since there were basic lessons that repeated in higher school levels, Kim Do-Hyun was confident enough to study until high school level for one week.

Along with his Good Learner and Excellent Memory Characteristics, as well as memories from two lives, it was gonna be a smooth ride to make sure he didn't miss any valuable knowledge and lessons.

A firm academic foundation was really necessary because math only made sense when you know everything about it.

Kim Do-Hyun decided to study at the Honsho Public Library.

He chose this place because its books were orderly categorized and arranged neatly while hailing from credible and trustworthy sources.

Moreover, he planned to answer final exams from the previous years to check his level of proficiency and understanding of applications before leveling up.

And when Kim Do-Hyun went to visit the library—

["Hero has came to seek the Library Of Ancient Wisdom to learn."]

["+Uncommon Achievement, +20 AP"]

Kim Do-Hyun curiously checked his phone.


[Hall Of Achievement]

[Seeker Of Books! (Uncommon)]

-Grants affinity with books.

(Remark: Right Books will always come for you. As such, you are able to easily understand and remember the books you've read.)


"Although it only applies to books, It's still useful when studying."

After all, every knowledge was recorded within books.

Whether physical or digital.

But does this achievement also apply to digital books?

A question left unanswered for now.

Even Kim Do-Hyun couldn't exactly understand what the remarks meant by the right books always coming to find him.

Shaking his head, he went inside the library and found the academic section that was extremely vast. It encompassed various levels from elementary school to college level.

Kim Do-Hyun searched for the best textbooks that contained every elementary school lessonl.

And strangely…

He was able to easily find the right books as if they were finding him on their own instead of him finding them.


Kim Do-Hyun widened his eyes.

"Is this the effect of the new achievement?"

It was convenient.

Very convenient.

Kim Do-Hyun carried the thick bundles of textbooks towards an empty study place.

And the surprise wasn't still the end.

When he started to study…

["Hero has embarked on a journey of self- enlightenment"]

["+Repeatable Achievement, +5 AP"]

"What's this?"

It was similar to his previous fitness related achievements.


[Hall Of Achievement]

[Study Novice (Repeatable]

—Grants Study Efficiency Boost.

(Remark: Your study efficiency will get temporarily boosted when studying. )


"Since it is related to studying… I guess I learn better when studying?"

That seems so.

After studying for a while, Kim Do-Hyun realized the subtle improvements from the study boost.

From his comprehension speed, his memorization ability, his creativity, his thought process — all of them received a subtle boost!

"This…! The effects of the achievements related to my brain…!"

They were synchronizing and working together!

Kim Do-Hyun felt his brain working faster and actively to absorb the knowledge from the book. He was more focused, more creative, and faster when thinking as clear clarity washed over him.

And he was slowly finding ways to study more efficiently.

Fillers that were redundant and useless were left unread — only the core ideas and supporting ideas were embedded and processed within his brain before linking to other knowledge like new neurons being birthed.

A spider network of knowledge was being built inside his mind, slowly being arranged neatly and systematically — built from understanding and experience he obtained from the present and past of both of his two lives.

At this moment, Kim Do-Hyun ignored the achievements and everything else — being completely immersed within the joy of easily absorbing new knowledge similar to a dried sponge greedily absorbing moisture.

A new schedule was already set for his daily life.

He wake up early at 5 AM and sleep late at 1 AM.

Although this might sound bad for his physical growth, it wasn't really unhealthy since his need for sleep had lessen compared to the past.

As his biological functions were cleansed and improved, he was able to recover much faster and efficiently in his sleep state.

This was helpful as a student.

And once a week passed, Kim Do-Hyun managed to successfully study until the curriculum of second year high school students.

This was also the day when his school life would finally begin.