
Met Again

"What do we do!? There's too many of them! We won't make it if we keep running like this!" Jake yelled in panic pointing his arrow at the hounds thirsting to eat them.

"Whatever happens! We will survive tonight!" Kylo said and they started attacking the hounds.

Even though Jamie was injured, he made sure he won't be a burden to his friends.

"F**k!!!" Nicholas screams when one of the hounds bit his leg.

Niki offered him help but he knows soon enough he'll run out of bullets.

Jamie, Sean and Salem got knocked out in the middle of the fight. Salem, Jay and Nicholas were badly injured as well.

The remaining seven who were still able to fight surrounded them from the hounds.

Hunter and Kylo had no arrows left. The only thing that's standing between them is Hanbin's sword.

They can no longer protect themselves for long without proper weapons.