
The Chase II

"Guys... What is that?" Sean pointed somewhere far and everyone turned.

As soon as Jay and Salem recognized what it was. They felt the same fear from that night coming back to them.

It was the moving statue approaching them forming a battalion line.

"W-what is that!!?" Taki exclaimed as he hid behind Jake.

"That's them... The moving statues..." Salem whispered.

"We should go! We gotta go!!!" Sean started panicking as he started pulling them one by one.

Half of them stood frozen. They couldn't believe that the statues were really moving.

"W-wait! What about Hunter and the others!?" Jamie exclaimed but he was already being dragged by Jake.

They ran away from the moving statues and went to the cage. They hid in there and tried not to make any sound until the statues passed them.

"Guys... Doesn't it seem very quiet to you?..." Neil whisper-asked.

"Of course it's quiet... We are hiding!" Sean replied.