
Fighting a monster

Hadrian - Riverlands – Midnight

The young man groaned as he shifted on the bedroll he laid on, body aching still though no longer covered in damp clothing anymore, having been changed into some oversized commoner clothes. He'd quickly realize it was night as he'd gaze up at the starry sky between the gaps of the looming tree branches. Nearby, he'd hear the crackle of a burning campfire and the scrapping of metal on wood, making him glance off to the right.

He'd see the Northerner, Marcus, sitting back against the side of his wagon while he carved away at a piece of weirwood, the shape of the carving seeming to be a man. Resting besides Marcus was Garm, the big half-wolf gnawing on a bone. The Northerner glanced up from his work to look at Hadrian as he'd shift to sit up and stretch his sore body.

"Doing alright lad? When I tried to wake you up I feared you passed on." The man remarked with a chuckle.

"Ugh…guess I was that exhausted," Hadrian muttered as he'd look around the rest of the camp. He'd see his clothes hanged upon a simple rank to dry off by the campfire, which also had a split with a large skinned rabbit cooking on it. "Where are we exactly?"

"About halfway to Raventree Hall. We'll get there by mid-day tomorrow if the roads are clear and weather in our favour." He'd carve at the piece of wood a bit more. "You didn't tell me where you ran from earlier. Judging from where I found you, you must have come from the south."

Hadrian nodded. "My group was close to High Heart, a landmark that was at the centre of all the disappearances within the area."

"High Heart huh? Nothing there but weir tree stumps and superstition."

"Yes…but maybe there is something unnatural lurking there…"

Marcus paused, his gaze drifting about the dark woods surrounding them. Even Garm seemed to pause in his gnawing, ears perked up as if hearing something. "I'll admit, something has been off since we picked you up."

"How so?"

"Been around these woods for years, know them quite well. Yet today everything feels…quiet. Listen."

Hadrian paused as he quickly noted that the normal sounds of the woods seemed silent. Raventree Hall was set in a lush valley, so he knew well the sounds of the nighttime wildlife. Yet everything seemed muted, no animals making their cries or shifting about in the distance…just silence.

"It's odd."

"The forest is scared," Marcus muttered. "Only a few times this has happened in my experience. Means something big and dangerous is about."

"You seem to know a lot about survival and wildlife."

"Sort of expected if you plan to live in the North." Marcus chuckled. "Yet I guess you can say I've taken the time to master the skill. Had to support ma until her passing…hunting and guiding for supplies and coppers."

"No father?"

Marcus shook his head, a bitter look hinting his eyes. "Disappeared when I was only a few years young. Nothing more to say about him."

"Ah…I'm…sorry to bring it up."

"No worries lad. It's the past after all." Setting the carving down, Marcus moved to check on the cooking rabbit. He'd nod his head before carefully taking it off the split and onto a wooden plate set aside before he began to strip away the meat with another knife on hand.

"You mentioned last time you fought in the Rebellion."

"Aye. Ma had passed by then and when the call of war came…well I was just one year away from becoming eighteen. Like many young men, I was eager for the glory of battle and was quick to obey the call to war."

"What Lord did you serve?"

There be a small pause as Marcus finished carving up the meat, then splitting it up for both him and the boy. "House Bolton." He simply answered back after handing the plate over.

Hadrian recognized the name, mainly because of the House's long and dark history. "I heard of them. Said to be as old as the Starks and had challenged them a few times historically." He'd eat a few pieces of the meat, which while plain tasting was at least filling. "So…is it true they do the whole…umm…flying thing?"

Marcus didn't answer as he'd move back to his spot, handing a few pieces of meat to Garm who quickly gobbled it up. "Maybe…" He muttered with a shrug, avoiding a straight answer. "Didn't join the fight for them, I did it for the North."

"So, what did you do exactly?"

"Scouting and the like. Didn't get into any major battles until the Trident."

"Father mentioned that battle a few times. He joined the Tullys when they sided with King Robert."

"I remember that battle well. Seemed like something out of an epic, the two armies across all that river and marshland. King Robert's commanding voice could be heard across the whole field. Never fought harder in my whole damn life…" He'd chuckle a bit, a faint smile on his face. "Yet so many died among all those rivers. Bet if you went up to there you'd find a corpse still stuck in the riverbed or aged weapons lost in the brush."

"It was that fierce of a battle?"

Marcus nodded. "I lost count of how much dead there were. Rivers were red with all the blood that for sure." The man grimly muttered. "Don't know how many I killed…dozen to my crossbow…dozen others to my axe?" He'd shrug. "Bah…sorry lad, getting caught up in old thoughts."

"It is fine. I've always wanted to know more about such a battle from someone, not a noble-born."

Marcus had a hint of respect shown at the boy's remark. "People always focus on the battle between the King and Rhaegar, never the harshness the soldiers faced." He'd eat a bit more of his plate of meat before sighing. "Just how all wars go. The Lords and rulers get all the fame, while the footmen become nothing more but a number in some Maester's tome."

Hadrian was silent on that matter, understanding that sad reality. How many families on both sides had lost fathers and sons, all because of the Mad King's cruel nature? It was a bit sickening to think about it.

"So, what did you do after the war though?"

"Eh? Not so fast lad! Not telling you my whole life story just yet, not until you share a bit about your own."

"Me?" Hadrian brushed his hair a bit, seeming shy on the matter. "Well…I'm a bastard of Tytos Blackwood and my mother Keira Parsin who was a maid at Raventree Hall. Was born three years after the Rebellion. Father…wanted to marry her but couldn't because of the backlash he'd receive since the other lordships desired alliances through marriage. At the least he let her stay at the Hall and let her side of the family move into one of the nearby towns."

"A fair outcome than most common-born families," Marcus commented.

Hadrian nodded. "Mother died though when I was six. Scarlet fever, a serious case. Father had his Maester do everything he could but…"

"No need to continue on that lad. Lost my ma to sickness too, so I understand."

"After that, I had started studying up medicine and first aid. Father didn't mind and always had the Maester tutor me, though he sent me to my aunt and uncle in the nearby town. Yet…there was a grayscale outbreak. The biggest one that the region had seen in decades."

"Grayscale? Quite the rare sickness…horrible one at that."

The boy nodded. "I was lucky to have avoided it. Was put under quarantine when the father was forced to close the village off. My aunt and uncle got it…knew what it'd do to them…begged me to give them a quick death instead of letting them be carted off to be Stone Men."

"Mercy killing…I'd ask the same."

"Was just thirteen when that happened. In the end, the village was purged, either killed off or sent for Essos to fully turn. Again…I was lucky."

"Unfair to lose family like that."

"Father tried to care for me yet…I avoided it. I felt guilty that I survived…and just ran off one night because of it."

"What did you do?"

"I just packed my bags and rode off. Was young after all, confused and emotional…well…maybe still emotional." He'd just about himself. "Rode to the Ruby Fork was conflicted on what to do before finding someone down in the muck. An old man in some red robes."

"Red robes?"

"Claimed he was an alchemist from the Guild in King's Landing. Sort of left to do his research around Westeros yet had a run-in with criminals which he just escaped yet was injured."

"What exactly happened?"

"Just…helped him up and got back to his camp close by. Spent all night just treating his injuries, though he guided me most of the way." There was an odd look in Marcus's eyes as the boy talked about the man, making the Hadrian pause for a moment. "Umm…something wrong?"

"Oh? Ummm nothing. Just…what was the man's name."

"Uh, he never told me." The boy chuckled. "He was secretive about it so just had me call him Red Cap…you know because he wore one. Anyway, I stayed with him for a while to help him recover, was taught to cook up strange potions that healed him so quickly. Half a week later and he was fit once more."

"Must have been grateful."

"Heh, he was quite grouchy at times. He'd never outright praise me, always pointing out at how I could have done better on one step or another. Still, he claimed I had quite the talent for someone so young and offered to further my knowledge, even teach me alchemy."

"Quite the unique offer considering. What about your father, surely he was looking for you."

"He was…but I did send a message, told him I was safe and what I was doing. Kept writing over a year as I studied at one of the alchemist's labs hidden away in the Tumblestone mountains." He'd give a small smile, seeming to have fond memories. "He was a tough teacher, but I knew he cared about me mastering what I learned and ensuring I did things right."

"How long you stay?"

"About a year. I…left for personal reasons…disagreements on my mentor's ideals."

"What kind of ideals?' Hadrian was silent, glancing up to look at Marcus with a quite serious look. The man knew it was a touchy matter, so he'd give a sigh and nod. "Guess it's my turn to apologize for prodding too much.

Hadrian's expression softened at the kind words. "It's fine. Seems we both have things about our past that are too important to share."

"Heh, true enough."

Hadrian glanced at the figurine that Marcus was still holding. "So, who is that for?"

The man glanced at the wood carving, having nearly forgotten about it. "Ah, my daughter. She just turned six today, so it's one of the many presents I have for her and my wife. The two manage the inn whenever I'm off resupplying."

"Sounds like you've settled down well after all your hardship."

A small yet warm smile crossed Marcus's face. "Aye…wouldn't trade it for all the gold in the world."

Suddenly, Garm tensed up beside Marcus before a freakish snarling sound echoed out through the woods. The half-wolf barked and snarled back, yet Hadrian could tell the beast was on edge. "What in the Seven was that!?"

"Trouble," Marcus muttered as he'd reach back to take out a crossbow he had hidden behind him. Hadrian had seen crossbows before, though the innkeeper's weapon was unlike any he had seen. For one it was quite larger with the metal and wooden arms being of a recurved design. There was a pull latch at the very end, an odd design that the boy remembered seeing in a few Maester drawings in one book. "I was right. Something has been following us."

"Following us?" Again, there was snarling which seemingly a mix of human and beast from what the boy could tell.

"Be calm boy," Marcus warned as he'd slowly stand up, keeping his back against his wagon to protect his flank. "When you see anything move…you rush for the wagon and get under it. Understood."

The man's calm orders made Hadrian nod, trusting the experienced hunter. Right now, the boy was tense, eyes rapidly glancing about the dark woods as the terrifying noises got closer. His heart was racing as he was ready to spring forward. Suddenly the primal sounds stopped, leaving the forest silent except for the boy's nervous breathing.

Then there was a roar as a large humanoid figure leapt out from the darkness, going right for Hadrian. The boy had only a split second to see the creature, a fleshy thing that seemed patched together with different body parts. It had a human-like face with sharp crooked teeth-baring out and rough clawed hands fit for tearing flesh.

The monster howled out as Marcus fired his crossbow, the powerful bolt slamming right into its chest to interrupt it's leaping attack. "GET IT GARM! HADRIAN MOVE!" The half-wolf growled out as it rushed at the stunning creature which shifted onto all fours, seemingly shrugging off the crossbow bolt deep in its chest. Garm bit down on one of the creature's arms as it swung out at the half-wolf, drawing a pained growl from the monster as it's limb was yanked about forcefully.

Hadrian snapped out of his fearful state as he'd rush for the wagon, moving into a slide to get under it. He'd watch as Marcus tugged at the latch to draw the crossbow string back and click it into place before loading a new bolt. Garm tugged the flailing creature about, using his size and hold on its arm to keep it unbalanced along with having its side exposed for Marcus's next shot. Again, the monster roared as another bolt slammed deeply into it's fleshy, only to fight back more fiercely. There be a sickening snap of bone and rip of flesh in Garm's jaws, the canine tearing the forearm off.

"Look out!" The warning was timely for the half-wolf which tumbled aside as the creature swiped with it's working arm, fighting still even as it's started to bleed from its severed limb. Marcus cursed out as the creature set its angry gaze onto him while he hurried to load the next bolt. The monster despite the pain it felt rushed at him fast, forcing Marcus duck and sidestep at that clawing attack. Dropping his crossbow, Marcus drew out a hand axe and hunting knife, lunging in to strike fierce blows across the monster's neck and shoulder.

"Bloody freak!" He growled as the monster shrugged the strikes before giving a backhand blow to knock Marcus off his feet and onto his back. The monster pounced at him, jaws going for his throat, yet he was faster as he shoved the shaft of his axe to keep that toothy maw at bay. With his knife, he'd stab at the neck and skull even, tough bone stopped the knife from piercing into the brain. Just as the creature seemed ready to bite down at the man's throat, it was yanked back as Garm came to his master's aid, having grabbed at one of the monster's legs to pull it off, Marcus.

With the creature distracted, Marcus took the chance to scramble up before noticing Hadrian was standing up, the crossbow in hand. Tossing it over to the man, he fluidly aimed at the creature's head as it snarled at him in defiance before the bolt pierced into its right eye and deep into the skull. The bolt tip even pierced the very back, showing just how lethal the weapon was. The monster, at last, was still, Garm letting go of the leg though he paced around the creature, growling and sniffing at it.

"By all the gods…" Marcus muttered, panting deeply as he'd reload his crossbow again, wanting it ready for any more lurking dangers or if the monster was seemingly playing dead. Moving closer, he'd kick the thing onto it's back, the fleshy creature remaining still. "What the hells is this? Looks like man and beast…"

Hadrian moved closer as the older man to get a closer look of the monster. Indeed, it looked like a man, expect the limbs were warped to take on a more animal-like poise with bone and muscle bulging in painful ways. Already the thing reminded him of the hags that had attacked his group, making him shiver from the horrible memory. But when he'd look at its face, his eyes widened, and he'd feel bile coming up his throat. Staggering away, he had one hand cover his mouth to keep himself from throwing up.

"Hadrian! What's wrong?!" Marcus had a firm hand on the boy's shoulder, who was gasping and sobbing out. "It's gruesome I know. Never seen anything like this in all my life-"

"It faces…" Hadrian muttered between breaths, gaze drifting back to the dead monster. "It has Ser Cordin's face…" He'd clench one hand tightly, teeth clenched as anger now burned inside of him. "Not only did they kill him they…use his body to make this…thing!"

Marcus was baffled at the boy's reaction before starting back at the monster he could see that the face did have a warped yet human look to it. "Never been one to believe myths or magic…but no denying there is something foul going on." Picking up his knife again, he'd kneel beside the corpse. "Either way, your father will need to see this."

"Wait you plan to…" Hadrian paused as Marcus glanced back with a sombre look.

"The head will do. I…I understand if you want to look away."

The boy paused before shaking his head. "No…do it."

The man hesitated yet nodded as he'd drive his knife into the dead monster's neck, beginning to carve through flesh and bone to begin severing the head.