
Ciri again

Ciri - Somewhere in the Red Wastes – Dawn

Ciri stared out to the east as the low light of the sun began to rise over the distant mountains, casting a low orange light across the red sands of the wasteland. While this place was barren, the natural beauty of the landscape was unlike anything she had seen even throughout her travels between worlds. Her gaze shifted to the rest of the Dothraki camp, which was silent as the tired nomads were still asleep. Ciri's simple tent was set farther away from the rest of the Dothraki, though remained close to Dany's and Jorah's.

After dealing with the last member of the raiding party, she had returned to Daenerys' group who were quite shocked over what happened. Not only had she defeated a Bloodrider in a duel but had seemingly teleported in flashes of light. The Dothraki were on edge after what they had seen, being between mix amazement and nervous fear. Despite this, Daenerys and Jorah had remained quite calm after what they had witnessed, with the Khaleesi inviting her to stay with her group still.

During the long ride, she had taken the time to question both Jorah and Daenerys about the world she was in. Jorah, while a simple man, knew much about both his home country of Westeros and the exotic lands of Essos. Her interest was mainly with Westeros, mainly Jorah's tales of the North and the harsh icy wasteland that lied beyond The Wall. With a bit of questioning, he shared a bit about the myths of the land, mainly that of the Long Night and the mysterious White Walkers. While it was just guessing, she had a feeling the creature she fought was one of them, maybe even their leader considering it's 'royal' appearance. Beyond that, she wasn't certain if the horned Walker was the source of the Frost or just an unknown aspect. Whatever the case, she had underestimated it and now had lost the element of surprise. She doubted she'd face the creature with its guard down, though she was unsure if killing it would even solve anything.

"More questions than answers." She'd muttered to herself before shifting to stand up, the sun now peeking up from behind the mountains. "Wish I had someone from home to help…figure out some meaning to all of this." However, she'd stop speaking to herself when she heard footsteps nearing her, making her glance back to see it as one of Dany's bloodriders, Rakharo who had kept a close watch on her.

"Lady of Ash…Ciri..." He muttered, tone firm yet respectful manner. "The Khaleesi wishes for your company to discuss the next course of action."

"An odd title to give me. Is that what the rest of the Dothraki are calling me?" She asked curiously as she'd follow the tribal warrior towards Daenerys tent.

Rakharo nodded. "It is because of your hair and the way you…disappear. Like a cloud of ash flowing around you."

She had to admit that was a fitting description of how her teleporting powers appeared to others. It wasn't like other magic like the short distance teleporting or portals other magic users cast back home, so it made sense for her abilities to look unique. She just hoped the use of her powers didn't scare the Dothraki too much, since she'd rather not turn their superstition into outright fear.

"Are your people that nervous about me?" She calmly asked, her gaze looking into the young warrior's eyes, wanting a truthful response.

The Bloodrider was silent for a long moment, yet he'd nod. "Your abilities are…strange yet powerful."

"But do you trust me despite them?"

"For now, yes. If the Khaleesi trusts you then I will as well." However, his gaze became stern before he continued to speak. "However if you betray or try to harm her, I swear by the Great Stallion we'll hunt you to the ends of the earth."

It was a blunt warning, one that Ciri deeply understood. She had met loyal individuals in the past, the Dothraki's look of conviction showing how deeply he supported Daenerys. The Dothraki no doubt knew the chances of beating her were nearly impossible, but that sense of duty and fearlessness earned her a new sense of respect towards him.

"Then I'm glad the Khaleesi has someone like you guarding her if he is willing to go that far."

The compliment seemed to catch the Dothraki by surprise which quickly to hideaway. His stern gaze did relax though as Ciri's simple response meant a lot to him. The two soon reached Daenerys' tent, finding her and Jorah sitting down with a square piece of wood laid down between them to be a 'table' for some food and a medium-sized map that detailed the Essos continent. Jorah has shown her the map before during the ride, giving her the basic rundown on their current position in the Red Wastes. Standing close by were the other two Bloodriders who were standing guard by their Khaleesi while Rakharo remained by the tent flap leading out.

"Ciri, I take your rested well?" Daenerys greeted, giving a soft smile as the ashen haired woman moved to sit across from her.

"I'm used to camping and while the warm climate is different, it's more welcoming than the colder conditions I've endured recently." Her gaze drifted over the map, seeing a red stone which guessed was their current position. "So, I take your debating on our next course of action?"

"Indeed. After yesterday's encounter with the raiders, we know that heading northward is too risky since the Khals are actively looking for us. That leaves us only the south for us to travel…which leaves us few choices." He'd glance over the map, one finger pointing to a city marked to the southwest corner of the map, set on a peninsula that made up a strait to the uncharted Jade Sea. "The closest known city is Qarth, one of the wealthiest trade cities in the known world and self-proclaimed birthplace of all western civilization."

"'The greatest city that ever was or will be', I remember how Drogo talked about it with his fellow Khals. Many desired to raid it, though he knew better considering the city's history of repelling attacks." Daenerys commented. "The main problem is getting there. We have hundreds of miles of wasteland and plains to cross, which even with our extra supplies will be difficult."

Jorah had a grim look hint his face as he nodded. "Even with the extra water, we are still short of food. Our Bloodriders and gatherers can ease that, but it will slow us down." Pausing, he'd glance a bit away from the map. "We'll most likely take some losses if we press on southward."

"How many?" Dany asked calmly.

"A third of our numbers…mainly the children, elderly and weak," Jorah answered after a tense pause.

Ciri felt a sinking feeling over this fact and she had to agree. While the Dothraki were better suited for travelling in harsh conditions, she knew the simpler members had their limits. Looking at Daenerys, she could see a hard look in the young woman's eyes.

"So, what are you suggesting?"

Jorah didn't answer at first yet looking to the Bloodriders, it hinted that he had privately discussed the topic with them. Ciri knew the three warriors better understood travelling and surviving in this harsh region. "We may have to abandon some people such as the elderly, badly injured and sick, a fourth of our group."

Ciri could see how Daenerys gripped the worn skirt of her tribal garb, a hint of her frustration after hearing such advice from Jorah. "That is not a choice I am willing to make." She answered back in a tense if calm manner.

"Then more will die in the end Khaleesi. I don't like this plan any more then you do, but our focus is your survival and the majority of the Khalasar. Unless you have another way to ensure their protection, then these are our choices."

At that point, Ciri spoke up. "Perhaps there is a way." Her remark drew curious looks from both Daenerys and Jorah. "The Thirteen of Qarth could get the supplies and mounts needed to get your people across the Red Wastes. All we'd need is a messenger to reach the city and plead for aid. If the Targaryen name has any power to it, they will surely understand the value of helping you." She'd pause, before looking right at Daenerys. "Surely, they won't decline with you baring three dragons, the first in centuries."

The doubtful look on Jorah's face faded slightly seeming to find the logic behind Ciri's words. He didn't speak up though as he'd glance to Daenerys, since he knew she had the final say in this matter.

"I agree. From what I know of these Thirteen, they will not be able to resist the curiosity of seeing my 'children'." However, Dany looked to the map once more. "But to send a messenger so far would have risks along with plenty of uncertainties. If anything went wrong, all my people could die."

"You forget who you are talking to." Ciri said with a small grin.

"That is kind of you to offer Ciri, though I feel you shouldn't be too hasty." Jorah quickly remarked. "No one here can doubt your abilities are impressive, however, we don't fully understand them. Perhaps now would be an appropriate time to explain them and what your limitations are."

Ciri could understand Jorah's reasoning, though even she was unsure of what her powers were capable. It had taken years just to fully control her teleporting and phasing technique, simple use of her untapped power. She remembered the moment Vesemir had been killed before her eyes and how she had just…snapped. The memory had become clearer over time, how she gave an ethereal scream that had nearly wiped out the whole Wild Hunt, nearly destroyed Kaer Morhen even.

"It is complicated. The issue is I don't know the limits of what I am capable of." Ciri admitted. "What I did yesterday was the simplest show off my abilities, little more than reflex that took years to master. Things like the attack I unleashed on the three riders and the chasing the last raider requires more focus which has become easy enough for me to use."

"So, what about…that portal that you came out of?" Jorah questioned.

"That was more of an instinctive move, a flight or fight reaction. It's happened in the past and I often have little control over it. At times it has even put me in dire situations, almost like what would've happened if you hadn't found me."

"Sounds like a curse considering," Dany muttered.

"It's controllable…well…in theory from what I've been told. I can travel hundreds if not thousands of miles so long as I know the destination I'm going for or have detailed coordinates." She excluded how arcane aid such as scrying or Avallac'h helping to direct her power. It was hard to enough to simplify how her Elder Blood worked, which she in turn barely understood.

"So, while sending you to Qarth would be a quick approach, there are possible risks." Jorah paused in though, brushing one hand over his scruffy chin. "For one, you could easily get lost if your…well…teleporting can be inaccurate, even more since you are still recovering. Also, there is the fact that you don't fully understand the customs and history of Essos as well. If you went representing the Khaleesi and a mishap happened, it could easily cause trouble for us. Even one of the Bloodriders are more versed in dealing with the Free Cities then you are currently."

Ciri felt a bit annoyed, though Jorah did have a point. While she wanted nothing more than to get Dany and her people to Qarth, rushing could easily cause more trouble for everyone. She'd think for a long moment, staring at the map closely. "Surely there must be someplace we can have the group encamp down. From what I understand, the Red Wastes have more of grassland in the southern half. There must be someplace safe and fertile enough for the Khalasar to settle for a time before we send a messenger to Qarth."

Jorah was silent, seeming to have no answers, while Daenerys had her gaze locked with the map while her hands gripped tightly together in frustration. However, someone did speak up though it was from the Bloodriders, the individual being Rakharo.

"Khaleesi. There may be one place we can seek refuge farther south." The Bloodrider calmly stated, drawing everyone's attention to him. "The veteran riders spoke of a ruined city in the southern plains, a place they visited whenever they scouted the farmlands of Qarth before they strengthened their watch."

"Any known history about these ruins?" Dany questioned.

"Could have been a possible city-state Qarth tried to establish to gain an inland trade route. It no doubt was abandoned because of lacking resources and the Dothraki threatening to raid it." Jorah commented. "It is no doubt centuries-old and reclaimed by nature."

"Ruin or not, this could be the answer to our problems." Ciri quickly added. "Even if the city has fallen into ruin there will be no doubt strong foundations remaining for shelter, sources of water and natural food. Maybe we'll even have a bit of a road leading the rest of the way to Qarth."

"That is all possible. We shouldn't be so quick for such a hopeful outcome." Jorah looked to Daenerys, the young woman having a pondering look.

"Are you certain you know where this ruined city is?" She questioned her loyal Bloodrider.

Rakharo's gaze was unfaltering as he'd nodded. "On my honour and life Khaleesi. I will not lie though that it will be a hard trek for the others and our supplies will be put to the limit. We will endure for sure."

Daenerys stared at him for a long moment, a soft thankful smile crossing her lips. "Then I put my faith in you…in all of you." Her gaze looked about the tent, genuine respect to close advisors and protectors showing in her eyes. "I wish everyone except Ciri to have the Khalasar prepare to leave. It is best we leave early in the day while the sun is low."

"As you wish Khaleesi." Jorah bowed his head before standing up to leave, while the three Bloodriders followed, though seeming hesitant leaving their queen alone. Still, they obeyed her order as they too left the tent.

Now alone, Daenerys gave a tired sigh before standing up, moving to the back of the tent where three large wicker cages were set. When she neared them Ciri could hear the familiar murmuring and soft shriek sounds of the dragons, no doubt being woken up by their 'mother'. "Only a few days old and they can already move about so quickly." She chuckled as he let the three dragons crawl up onto her shoulders or be carried in her arms before she returned to where Ciri sat. "Mother of Dragons. A fitting title my people have already begun to call me."

"Indeed. It is a miracle." Ciri commented as she'd shift closer, still amazed and curious of the small draconids.

She had studied much about dragons and sub-species that were related to them while training at Kaer Morhen, though they were different from the ones from her world. The biggest difference was that these dragons were only four-limbed with their wings on the forearms, unlike her world's dragons which had their wings at their backs or shoulders.

"You're allowed to touch them. Just be careful of Drogon, he can be snappy towards others." Dany warned, glancing at the larger black scaled dragon that was on her shoulder."

Ciri moved one hand out, Drogon sniffing it curiously as he gave a murmuring growl. Soon though her fingers brushed along his smooth scales and the sharper spines that lined along his back. She could feel an odd tingling in her nerves the longer she touched the dragon, who seemed to nuzzle against her very fondly. Dragons were magically innate creatures, being powerful Sources as well, making it logical for the growing energy she felt flowing though. Perhaps in turn her Elder Power shared the same sensation to Drogon which would explain his positive reaction.

"Heh, either he's in a good mood or you have quite the natural affinity." Daenerys giggled as Drogon suddenly shifted to crawl onto ciri's shoulder, leaning in to give what was best described as an affectionate hiss. "I'll admit, I know little about dragons besides the tales others have told me. Some I'm unsure what is fact or myth."

Judging by the look the young Targaryen was giving, Ciri had an idea of what she was hinting at. "And you think I'd be best to educate you? I would be happy to share what I know but…you know they aren't the same."

"I know, but even some knowledge even from a differing world may decide if my children will survive or not." Gently he stroked the other two dragons, the creatures resting peacefully against her. "They haven't eaten much. They ate raw meat for a while, only now they nibble what is offered. At this rate, they may even starve…"

Ciri now understood why Dany was seeking her aid on this matter. Already she'd think back over her studies about dragon growth cycles and habits. "Have you tried cooked meat?"


"Dragons, even young ones don't digest meat like other predators. Their bodies can properly break down cooked meat much like us, gaining more nutrition and thus grow more quickly."

The detailed explanation had Daenerys blink in surprise before chuckling, shaking her head. "Heh…how could I be so foolish. It makes perfect sense for creatures of fire to do so." Glancing about, she'd gesture to one of the packs before holding her arms out to Drogom who returned to her.

Ciri got up to hurry to the pack, shifting through to find dried meat wrapped up among other rations. Returning to Dany, she'd hold out the pieces which drew the three young dragons attention before all of them struggled to reach their necks out to get the first pieces. Drogon was the fastest and strongest as he'd give a warning snap to his brothers before gobbling up the biggest piece. Daenerys took a few more offered pieces to make sure all three were well fed.

"Seems they like the dried meat for now, though they'll no doubt crave fresher meals as they grow," Ciri remarked. "Beyond that, they need plenty of space and exercise, so try not to keep them too cooped up in those cages."

"Of course." For a moment Daenerys was silent as she'd set fed the last pieces of meat to her dragons before letting them crawl about around her, exploring the tent. "I know this is a bit early to discuss, but we do have to prepare for your…well…cover story. I assume you don't plan to reveal your powers or share the truth about yourself to everyone of importance."

"Wouldn't be the first time I've had to deceive. Despite my honesty with your group, I can be quite the proficient actress if needed." The ashen haired woman's tone having a mischievous side to it. "When you found me, everyone mistook me for a Valyrian. Perhaps we can use that to our advantage when we arrive at Qarth."

"I think I already have an idea of what you have in mind." Dany stood up and would round up her dragons, the creatures following or letting the young woman pick them up to be put back inside the wicker cages. "Who is to say that my father had a secret daughter with noblewoman or servant, someone who was secreted away suddenly. Considering the many rumors, such a tale would seem tame."

"So…I play the part of a bastard daughter of your late father, Aerys Targaryen. Raised in the erotic and harsh lands of Essos, a skilled sellsword who has revealed herself in her younger sister's time of need." Her words having a dramatic flair to it. "I'm sure I'll create a deeper history of my 'story' as I learn more about Essos and your family history."

"I'll do my best to teach you as much about my family's history, while Jorah does his part in sharing more about Essos. By the time we reach Qarth, you'll be quite convincing to the Thirteen."

Nodding, Ciri shifted for the flap out of the tent, feeling there was nothing else left to discuss and that she too should prepare to leave. "Hopefully. Let's focus on getting to this ruined city first before thinking that far ahead."

"Right…" Dany seemed slightly concerned being reminded that the journey ahead was going to be quite difficult. Despite Ciri being supportive of protecting the Dothraki, even she knew there was going to be loss and hardship ahead.

Leaving the tent, Ciri made her way back to her campsite though noticed a group of Dothraki men and women heading for Dany's tent. She guessed Jorah had sent them to help pack the Khaleesi's shelter and her few belongings. As they passed by, they gave short nods or bows to her, muttering with their native tongue a respectful greeting, at least from what she guessed by their calm tones. Reaching her camp, she'd work on packing away her bedroll and other supplies, though paused when she felt a strange chill go through her.

For most of her life, she had been on the run. From her own father's agents, Vilgefortz cruel minions and then the Wild Hunt. Over that time, she had gotten a natural reaction of being spied on, even by magical means. Still, she glanced about on a reflex to see no one spying her, considering the barren surroundings lacked any suitable places for someone to hide from her. Right now, she wished she had Vizimir's medallion to help sense for magical use, so for now, she had only her gut instinct. After the conflict with the Wild Hunt, she planned to never run or hide from any threat again…not with the great power she wielded.


She sensed us.

Does it matter?

No. She is new to this world. Blind to its truths. She knows nothing of us

She is powerful. Raw energy. Greater than anything we have ever seen.

Her and the dragons. It is not a coincidence. They are connected.

Yes. The Red Comet. It has awakened the world at long last.

The Mother of Dragons and the Daughter of Fate

They bring the new age forward. They will be key to our rise.

We must prepare…

Next chapter