
Supreme Gods Memories within a Cultivation World

An avid reader of manga and light novels suddenly gets reincarnated in another world after his death. He will use his smarts and cunning to act around his new family, act like a prince trying to better his kingdom and use his knowledge of light novels and his cheats to prevent cliche's happening and rule the world living out his desirers. While also using his cheats of heavens database and an internal world to his fullest advantage. ====================================== Note: The mc will fake act around his family, though they may grow on him into real feelings. He will do everything for the betterment of himself or what ever he feels like. There will be a large harem. Here is why: 1. In a cultivation world where one gains power in order to fulfil their goals, have a large harem is more common and uncommon. It is also one of his goals as I feel that 80% of people if given the chance would take advantage of the world and setting and just live how u wanna live, and in the MC's case that's to have lots of girls. 2. The MC's background. His background is as a loner who has no friends and wants doesn't want to be alone anymore. Hence why he wants a large harem. Its a way of him getting a large amount of people who he can trust within the cultivation world and love and care for him. The mc will be cruel as well, like if slaughtering an entire village of innocents will be more beneficial to him that not then he will have no scruples doing so. After all this is a dog eats dog world, morals have no place until your strong. He will enslave a lot of the girls for his harem, though lots will be for his maids harem. He will make tiers due to wanting to have thousands. Spoilers - His powers are Heavens Database - kind of like library of heavens path but different. An internal world - he can put stuff, things and people in there, including himself. And finally memories of multiple supreme gods - giving him knowledge of almost everything. Finally. This is only my second novel, i personally hate MC's who are illogical and dont take advantage of their status, power and knowledge. So expect a semi OP MC. but I will be making him less OP by making it slow for him to cultivate and put restrictions on his powers, these will be logical restrictions though, not random annoying ones for the sake of making mc not OP. He will be OP, just a logical way that makes sense kidna. Its Op, hard to make sense of it.

Doublenile · 東方
80 Chs

Inner Worlds Spirit Manager

Fen Chang had enough of the hug after a while and tried to get her off him but when she felt movement, she stared at him directly in the eyes begging to stay like that a little longer.

"Sigh, Fine. You have 10 more minutes after that I will show you your new home. There is a chance you might get a real body depending on how it goes and also how you perform. I will tell you the details after the hug when we are ready to go."

She nodded her head cutely before nuzzling herself back into his embrace. Seeing as he had another 10 minutes to wait Fen Chang starts to think about his next steps.

'Once I am done dealing with this girl and have sent her to the inner world, I should then continue with some hunting. I woke up really early and have been in here around 4-5 hours so by the time I leave it will be coming up to lunch.

I will eat then I shall spend the rest of the day hunting. Although my talent has improved a lot, I will still hold off with eating pills because even if I now get the full 100% percent efficiency of the pills. I would rather gradually increase my cultivation through hard work and only use pills when I am near breakthrough, so I can make a solid foundation.

Right now, I am at the peak of level 3 and very close to level 4 but I can still feel there is still a distance before I am actually at the barrier. I will continue fighting and constantly using my Qi to get to the barrier before using a bunch of my pills to make the breakthrough.

I should maybe also think about martial techniques. I haven't got any yet as I am purposefully holding off. I want to first create my own fighting style without martial techniques before then introducing the techniques. This is the best way to do it as if I started with martial techniques at the beginning then my fighting style would be reliant on the techniques.

Throughout my cultivation adventure I will change martial techniques constantly as I find better ones so for my fighting style to be reliant on old techniques would be disadvantageous for me.

I also think it's a better foundation for my fighting if my techniques are reliant on my natural fighting style and do more assist work or individual attacks rather than being its own style.

I should organise my time while within the forest. I plan to stay here for 2 months minimum but might try to stretch to 3, but father and mother said my siblings will be back at the end of winter which is around 4 months away as winter starts early here. I should spend the first month using the scythe and bow while also honing my senses and survival skills. The second month I should use the sword and learn some martial techniques while also maybe checking around the area for hidden secrets. Now let's think about the details of times and targets I should be aiming for…'

Fen Chang sits patiently with Su Da while thinking about his schedule for training. After exactly 10 minutes Su Da opens her eyes and gets off him. Her previously depressed aura around her is now replaced with a sad but understanding aura.

She understands that she must get over her grief and live for her parents. There is not a trace of anger in her aura, as if she forgives the people that chased her and doesn't want revenge.

Seeing that there was no anger made Chang pretty confused as anyone would have some thoughts of anger towards the people who caused you so much pain. "Do you not want revenge or something? I'm sure I can make you strong enough by the time we meet them in the upper realm to defeat them, you could take revenge."

She looks straight into his eyes and says with a sad but happy tone. "No. My parents sacrificed everything they had so I can live my life, not so I can take revenge. Besides I find it hard to be angry at them when it was myself that caused the problems to begin with. Greed is a part of human nature, and I was the one that caused the greed of humans to target us. Besides I do not know of the others positions, they could have been forced or maybe they had their own circumstances with their own family on the line. I cannot bring myself to blame them."

"What about the people who aren't counted in those circumstances. What if it was just to satiate their greed for power maybe even lust and revenge against your father. What about the people that chased you and probably killed hundreds of other cultivators and thousands of innocents? Are you still going to forgive them?"

A complicated light shined through her eye when she thought of this. Seeing as how she didn't even think of these people Fen Chang could do nothing but sigh and pat her head while giving some advice.

"You are a kind and naive person which is a good personality should the world be all sunshine and roses but alas the world is never what we want it to be. Your parents wanted you to live your life. YOUR LIFE, not theirs not someone else's, YOURS. That means should you want revenge that is apart of your life grief and anger are common emotions that are easy to lose yourself in.

The fact you don't have any anger towards these people is stunning but that doesn't mean you aren't allowed to have some anger towards them. You are a human, and emotions like anger are apart of life and to supress them or force them away isn't living life. If you want revenge then by all means I will support you, they owe me some treasures as well. If you want to forgive them then you can live a peaceful life secluded from the real world. Its your life, so you can decide."

Her thoughts are thrown into confusion and hesitation. Fen Chang plans to give her time to decide but first he introduces her to his inner world.

Seeing her surroundings suddenly change from the shabby cave to being surrounded by building breaking the cloud line above instantly brought her out of her thoughts as she gasps in amazement and wonder.

While watching her he is thinking about the sudden piece of information that was transmitted to his head. It's like his inner world has unlocked a new ability and is transferring the information to Fen Changs head.

It's the ability to designate spirits to control the world for him. Like a manager of the world that has the second highest authority over controlling the world. In fact, spirits can do more than Fen Chang because they are actually connected with the world meaning they can move mountains, control people, and other things Fen Chang cant.

The more powerful the spirits power the more they can move. Seeing this new information makes Fen Chang look towards Su Da as she is excitedly floats around looking at the buildings and the people around the area.

'I wonder if I should make her a manager of this palace. Currently I can only have 1 manager and if I want another, I need to go up another stage. She has a powerful soul and has the heavenly artifact, there is a chance it could evolve the world but at the same time I don't want to waste the slot on her since she isn't exactly the best for the job. Lets ask and see if she is willing to do it and put in the effort to learn how to do the job correctly, it also says that the spirit gains a real body, though only effective within the inner worlds laws.'

"Su Da come here I have something important to discuss."

Hearing the seriousness, she comes down and stares directly into Fen Changs eyes with a ready expression.

"First: This place is my world; it is a world I own and created. The world will evolve based on my will and follows me everywhere. This is a completely safe place so if you wish to live a peaceful life away from troubles then you can stay here.

"Secondly: I just so happen to need a manager of sorts to manage this world for me. A manager has to be a spirit and have a strong soul. You fit both criteria but you don't have any experience in this sort of work so it up to you if you want to take the opportunity. If you don't then its fine, I can find other things for you to do. If you do decide to take it, I expect you to work extremely hard as it's an important job.

The job entails, watching over the inhabitants of this place and keeping the non-loyal ones in check like beasts. Providing support for farms and buildings, such as using your powers to automatically plant and harvest low level crops, provide resources to builders by having them float to the required location and making sure every thing is working peak efficiency.

It will be a tough job and require lots of focus and attention, most importantly knowledge and experience of which unfortunately you lack both. As such you will have to learn lots of things fast and be quick with understand how things work.

There are benefits though. Managers get a real body created by the laws of this world. The body is only valid here but it would mean you would be fully alive again and be able to experience things like a normal human. Its up to you if you want to accept the job."

Without hesitation she says "Yes. I want to do the job. My parents want me to live my life but I wouldn't have a life if not for you, as such following you is my life. I will work hard and be the best manager ever."

After stating this her face starts to get red as she looks to the floor and says in a soft and embarred voice. "umm what should I be calling you? My father gave me to you so should I be calling you, umm husband?"

The second sentence was barely hearable as her face got even redder.

Fen Chang chuckled and have her another head pat. "You can call me hubby if you want since you are mine, but if that's to early for you, then Fen Chang or just Chang will do. You could also say darling, master god saviour or anything so long as its relevant."

Fen Chang smirks at her shyness before getting in close and whispering in her ear another suggestion "or you could go with D A D D Y."

He then backs off as her mind starts to melt at the suggestion. His warm breath entering her ear, the seductive tone, the word itself. It blew her innocent mind as her thoughts start to become lewd making her shriek in embarrassment.

Fen Chang not bothering to continue waiting announced her as a manager. When this happened, a strange occurrence happened to her body. The light from before appeared again but this time instead of white light with strands of colour it was rapidly changing to a blood red colour all over.

Expanding before shrinking like last time the blood red light started creating a real body for Su Da. Within only a few minutes she opens her eyes and she started touching all over her body. She started exclaiming about how she could feel her skin and her body breathing.

Leaving her alone to settle in to her new home and body, Fen Chang left the schedule he made for her and also notifying Yan Yin about her becoming Su Da's chaperone, before he left to continue his hunt.

so how are people with the pacing. i spent 2 chapters just on Su Da but i feel its right as i would like to add the detail but i can see that it might be a bit slow. for now im going to contue at a pace like this but if lots are saying it too slow with valid reasons i can thinking about ajustments.

Fen Chang also now got a spirit manager to manage the world for him. Kinda basied this off the farm spirit from the farming in another world cultivation novel. Just added conditions, can have mutliple and is a limit to its control baised of soul power.

Next few chapters will be Fen Chang hunting. Do people want to see some fo the details of the fights or just kinda skip through them. im leaning for detailing some fights and maybe show a few fights with the bow.

Thx for reading, your all awesome. pls point out mistakes

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