
Supernatural: Dark Rapture

Two hunters saved the world from the Apocalypse, or did they? In this gripping new view on the world of supernatural you follow Abel Winchester, a transgender baseball player, who has been specifically picked by God to team up with their strongest archangel and take on the dangerous evils of the world. A darkness has started to eat the earth from the core turning the Supernatural stronger, the world weaker and bringing the hunting world to it's knees. It's up to inexperienced hunter Abel Winchester and his partner, an archangel of love and war, to save the world from the every ominous darkness, find the secret behind a thousand year old prophecy and under an odd amulet with the power of angels grace. In this thrilling new take on Supernatural, join the hunter and be born again in a world of terror. Faceclaims/Art for these characters can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fe4z_TcsDp76HUKKCEGmWDyeev97vlrwkLIzRgJTLgM/edit?usp=sharing

JonahWinchester · テレビ
62 Chs

Chapter 49: Robin the rich

Chamuel flew through the air at a rapid speed, he didn't care that he was being smacked in the face by bugs, it didn't matter to him how tired he felt. The man in his arms was fighting for his life, he knew he was. The hunter twitched, letting out painful gasped, bright red blood that was dotting his forehead and rolling down his cheeks. Chamuel felt such a deep rage towards Arphaxat he almost couldn't contain it, the urge to hunt the demon down and slaughter him was strong but love kept War in check. He had to get Abel to the hospital, then he'd find the demon.

The City of New York opened around him, his wings flashing light against the large buildings that kissed the skyline. Blue hues moved from one side of the city to the other as he attempted to locate a hospital, he spotted one not far off. Without a care if the innocent saw him he dove, landed hard on the concrete outside of the large white building, lights illuminated the front entrance like a pathway to Heaven. The ground under his feet blasting downward from the impact, the blonde turned and raced for the front doors that slid open with a soft hiss. The strong smell of sanitizer flashed over his being as the pure white room opened before him. Sitting behind bulletproof glass against a wall was a nurse with bright red lipstick that shone against her oak colored skin.

"I need help!" Chamuel shouted towards her, blinking away War's gaze. His wings folding up behind his back, a nurse looked up at him in shock, blinking a few times as she assessed the situation at hand.

"Y-You're--" She breathed as she eyed his wings.

"I know, but I need help! Please!" Chamuel wailed at her, she took one look at Abel and a spark of understanding flashed over his eyes. She slammed her hand on a large button, talking rapidly into it before collecting paperwork.

"They're on the way!" She gasped out, Chamuel stood in the middle of the clean hospital room with tears in his eyes as people started racing out from the back. It all ran by in a blur, they'd taken Abel from him and set him onto a bed that was wheeled out from the otherside of the room. They spoke to one another but Chamuel couldn't understand what they were saying as he watched them quickly hooking his King up to multiple different machines.

Someone was talking to him but he didn't hear, it was as if he were underwater as they wheeled the brunette into the other room. Chamuel felt as if the world was moving in slow motion until the thin metal doors shut and all the angel could see through the circular window was the back of the doctor's heads.


Chamuel blinked a few times as reality swayed back into him, suddenly it all seemed far too loud. The ringing of a phone, the bright red seats that lined the walls, the vivid lights above him that buzzed so loudly in his ear he felt nauseous.

"Y-Yes?" Chamuel uttered, glancing down at the nurse, tears were falling but he made no motion to brush them off his face. His arms suddenly felt too weak,

"I need his insurance information, are you related to him? Or?" She held out a clipboard with a few papers stapled together neatly.

"Yeah, uh, I'm his husband,"

Saying it was something that sent a shot of joy and pain through his chest. It was his fault Abel was even here, his fault that he got his soul stolen. Tears started to run harder, the nurse put a hand on his shoulder. She gently pushed him down into a chair before sitting on the floor in front of him. Crossing her legs under her, red hair bouncing as she shushed him lightly.

"It's going to be okay, we need you to fill these out. Do you know what happened?" She spoke in a calm, warm manner. Something about her was familiar but the blonde was far too preoccupied with his own fears and anxieties to place where he'd seen her before.

Chamuel nodded numbly, taking the paperwork and flipping through it for a few seconds with shaking hands. At one point Sam had made the pair fake ID's to match some random insurance company,

"Are we brothers? We got the same last name?" Abel had asked,

"Look, we need insurance and it's easier if you two are well-- you know--" Sam ran his fingers through his hair, "Married,"

Chamuel had turned red at this, the memory was bitter sweet as he started to dig into his jacket pocket for the fake ID's and the insurance information.

"H-He went to a bar," Chamuel started, "With a friend of his and the friend drugged him," The angel whispered. Starting to jot down their information onto the paper, trying to see through the tears that fell onto the sheet in his hand.

"Do you know what his friend gave him?" She asked, glancing at what he was writing on the board, "Mr. Bert Jacobson," She said with a smile. He nodded at this before handing her the rest of the papers.

"No," He replied flatly. She nodded, taking the clipboard from him and racing after the doctors. Her heels clicked loudly on the floors below.

Chamuel pushed his face into his hands and let himself cry, he sobbed softly to himself till his head hammered painfully. The sound of the doors swishing open caught Chamuel's attention. Bailey stepped into the brightly lit room, twirling the car keys in her hand. Sam followed close behind, he looked as if he were about to have a full blown panic attack as the pair spotted him.

Chamuel looked down at the floor as the duo exchanged a few soft spoken words before walking over and sat on either side of him. Bailey put a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it softly.

"Cham, this isn't your fault," Sam whispered softly.

"If I didn't...do what I did...he'd be okay right now," Chamuel murmured, rubbing his hands together in an attempt at self soothing.

"No way, that shit head would have done anything to get his soul. For all we know he's the one who gave you the boner," Bailey said with a small smile, Chamuel scoffed at this and shook his head.

"I can't imagine...what that shit head did to him…" Sam whispered more to himself than anyone else, pulling a bottle of pills from his jacket pocket.

"Yeah," Bailey murmured, "we only saw...the one slap, who knows what it was like behind closed doors," She mused, "Sammy, give me one of those"

"This is my prescription,"

"Sharing is caring, Sammy,"

The older hunter rolled his eyes, snapping a pill in half and handing her one. She shoved the half pill into Chamuel's hand. The angel looked down at the white pill with blank eyes.

Chamuel's stomach went more into knots the more he thought about what happened, he hadn't considered what Arphaxat could have told Abel to get his soul.

"What do you think the deal was?" Chamuel murmured, Bailey and Sam both shared a look.

"Maybe we shouldn't worry ab--"

Chamuel cut Bailey's words off, "what was it?" War flashed in the angel's voice as he turned to look at her. His eyes red from crying but the anger inside them caused Bailey to flinch.

"Oh uh, yeah, we uh, you know it's not that big a deal? M-maybe it'll be an easy thing to get his soul back. Right Sam?"

Sam gawked at her before looking at Chamuel and back to her, not answering.

Bailey waved a hand in the air, "right right and hey! We are in a hospital, the best place for him! They have those little jello's an--"

"What was it." His eyes flickered white as she stumbled over her words before Sam shoved his phone into Chamuel's face. Chamuel blinked at it a few times, taking it from the other and looking at the picture with horror.

It was a picture of someone's severed manhood, the black blood that drained from it sent a cold chill through the angel. He nearly dropped the phone when understanding what it was.

"He...he must have asked to be cis," Sam whispered, sucking in air "I should have been more specific about demon deals, they can't...do things like that," he whispered the last part more to himself. Guilt flooded his gaze as he leaned against the angel.

The wish Abel had made caused the angel's heart to shatter, before Arphaxat the blonde only recalled one time the hunter had shown any form of dysphoria but the demon must have done something to make his King have such hatred for the body he was in. Chamuel handed the phone back to Sam.

"Take the pill," Bailey murmured, getting to her feet and kissing the top of the angel's head softly. Pressing her forehead to the angels in a form of comfort.

"It's going to taste awful, but it'll help calm War down." she brushed some of the tears on his cheeks away and gave him a reassuring smile.

With that she turned on her heels and made for the front desk where the nurse had returned only a few seconds ago.

"Hi! I'm here to ask about Ernie Jake--"

"Jacobson!" Chamuel called after her,

"Ernie Jacobson,"


Robin fiddled with the arrow Donnie had given him earlier in the day.

"It's just a prototype!" The wolf had said after dragging the man into his messy room. The wolf took the archer to a cork board that had been recently tacked onto the wall. It was covered in comic book pages that were torn out of a handful of the bright books, their carcasses thrown to the floor.

"Hawkeye?" Robin whispered, racing his fingers over the purple arrows that lined the pages of the comic book.

"Yep! It was the only badass archer comic's Bailey had. Her son was deaf and loved 'em so she had a lot," Donnie mused, "Besides, it's perfect for a jumping off point! I just need the basic understanding of how his arrows work and I can take it from there,"

"Did...she tell you to rip them apart?" Robin inquired, leaning down to pick up one of the covers. His eyes raked over the blonde man on the front, his large frame made the archer frown. He wasn't like this man at all, this man looked like a hero. Looking down at his oversized yellow hoodie, itching subconsciously where the track marks lined his skin.

"Well-- what she doesn't know wont kill her," He laughed, "I made you only three for now! See if they work. I have a few more made but they're still in early testing stages! Made their tips yellow like your hoodie, it'll be easier to find them too if you shoot and they don't explode."

Robin didn't question the wolf, but he couldn't help but wonder if they'd actually work. After all, exploding arrows sounded like something out of a science fiction magazine!

"Where are they?" Danjal huffed, Robin glanced up at his friend who was pacing back and forth in front of the television.

"We've seen a spike in paranormal activity, we're not sure what's going on but here's Saint Bernard on what we can do to stay safe," A report said on the screen, the channel changed suddenly to a cooking channel with a blonde chef screaming loudly at a group of men.

Robin blinked and glanced back to Norma who was leaning against the counter of the kitchen with remote in hand, the strong smell of food filled the room as she cooked. They'd been waiting an hour now for the group to return but so far no one had returned causing the archer to feel a few shots of anxiety.

His Adinkra let out a loud, angry whine suddenly catching him off guard. He leapt to his feet, Danjal turned his head to his friend.

"What's wrong with it?" Danjal asked, tilting his head.

A sudden gut wrenching feeling flooded over the demon, he bit his lip with a shake of his head.

"I-I don't know," He murmured, "I'm...not exactly well versed in these."

"Are you boys hungry?" Norma called out, "I'm making some dinner for when everyone gets back from picking up Abel,"

"No," Danjal replied flatly, Norma nodded and went back to what she was doing as the Adinkra glowed brighter and brighter for what felt like hours but could have only been a good ten minutes, its golden light filling the room before it died. Falling still, the noise hushed.

"What...was that?" Robin whispered, feeling dread surge into his system.

"Not sure," Danjal huffed, he cracked his knuckles a few times as if getting ready to fight.

"Maybe we should go find out,"

Robin remained silent, sitting back down and staring down at his feet. His leg bounced at the idea of running off into the night to fight an unknown enemy, Danjal hesitated as he started to pace again. They remained silent for another half hour, watching the chef on the screen, fiddling with his new arrows. The bow was wrapped around him in case they had to run. A soft ping from the kitchen caught their attention, Norma giggled as she withdrew her phone from its place on the counter.

"We have guests!" She chimed "Good thing I got that new door up so quickly!", Danjal made his way over to her. Glancing down at her phone with a scoff,

"Mammon," The demon grinned widely into the camera that was attached to the door, causing Robin to hop to his feet.

"Danjal, don't! He just wants a fight!"

"Yeah, and I'm going to give him one!" The man snorted, "I want all his fucking teeth!"

Robin stumbled to attempt to stop the demon but the bigger man didn't slow his pace as he stormed away from the kitchen with the archer at his heels. Robin grabbed his arm, squeezing it.

"Please stop! Think, this is probably a trap!"

"Mammon? A trap? Hah! The guy's like a cartoon villain. He probably laid a few leaves over a hole in the ground,"


"Robin I'm supposed to be protecting you," Danjal snarled, causing Robin to drop his arm and take a few steps back. He felt a panic flash in his mind at the sudden change in his friend's voice. The larger demon stopped for a heartbeat before turning back towards the front door.

He could see out of the window on the door, and could see Mammon waving at him with a grin. Long shaggy hair tied back, his boyish smile bright.

"How are you protecting me right now?" Robin whispered, "He hasn't done anything to me yet, this is just revenge,"

Danjal paused, "Go back in the other room," He said to Robin, turning to look at the other. His eyes black as the night,

"Don't you come out till I come back, protect Norma,"

Robin knew there was no fighting with Danjal now, the man had his mind set and it would be as if he were arguing with a brick wall. Silently Robin wished Baal was here, the man knew how to stop Danjal's intense need to fight everyone he disagreed with but Robin was never seemingly good at it. The archer turned away from his friend, feeling tears of frustration in his eyes as he made for the tv room. Sitting down on the couch, fiddling with the arrow again.

"Are your friends going to stay for dinner?" Norma asked,

"Why are you making dinner? Isn't it...almost midnight?"

Norma stopped, seeming to ponder this but her smile didn't fall, "That didn't answer my question, Mr! Are they staying for supper?"

"I...hope not," He whispered.


"Where is he?" Robin whispered, getting to his feet. He had watched a full episode of this show with Norma only for Danjal not to return, fear flooded his system as he eyed the other room. He knew the demon would have taken Mammon outside so he could use the Earth as a weapon but he hadn't heard any sounds of the Earth being shifted. No booming, no shouting, nothing. Did they...just talk? It wasn't like Danjal to just talk, the man was like a bull. The second rage entered his system he had a hard time thinking,

"Norma, I'm going to go check on Dan. Are….you going to be okay?" Robin asked her, she was sitting beside him on the couch. Taking a break from cooking whatever it was she was making, her apron covered in flour. She nodded at him with a smile, hands folded neatly in her lap.

"Oh yes! My husband wouldn't have left me alone if he didn't think I couldn't handle myself," She sang out, grinning wide at him. She gave the demon shivers, something about her felt off but the group never seemed to have anything bad to say about her so he trusted them.

"G-Good," He whispered, maybe she was stronger than she let on but to him she seemed like a doting housewife with little to no care in the world except to take care of whoever happened to be in the home.

The archer got to his feet, making sure his arrow bag was secured to his waist as he glanced down to the arrows. The three bright yellow arrows stuck out among the black tipped ones, he hoped that he wouldn't need to use them but had a bad feeling deep in his gut. He entered the front room, no one was at the door anymore.

"Dan?" Robin called out, making his way to the front and grabbing the handle. His body trembled heavily as he attempted to push back the panic in his skull, his friend could be hurt or worse. Shutting his eyes tight he threw the door open, stepping outside into the darkness. No sound came to him, no crickets, no rush of animals in the undergrowth but this didn't surprise the man. Robin noticed the lack of animals almost immediately around the home and couldn't seem to place a finger on why it was being avoided.

"Dan?" He called again, glancing around a few times with wide eyes only for a few voices to come from around the back of the home. freezing he stumbled his way to the side of the house, making sure he was covered in shadows as he trembled against the cold stone on his back.

"His Lionheart is down,"

Mammon's voice came out louder as the sound of footsteps on gravel could be heard, he was making his way towards the front of the home again with a few others.


Robin didn't recognize this voice but it held a cold darkness to it that sent a wave of nausea through his system. Did they do something to Danjal?

"Now, slaughter the king. Once Ancitif is dead and back in hell his soul will be melted down. His Adinkra will become useless,"

"And then I will get it, right?" Mammon asked the man, they stopped only a few heartbeats from where Robin was hiding. He could see them now, a few larger looking men stood with Mammon as well as a sharply dressed human with no hair and a cartoon mouse on his tie.

"That's what we're hoping for, we're still trying to figure it out." The man said,

"Who knew that shit head was a king! I'd have killed him ages ago," Mammon laughed out, rubbing his hands together as if he could already feel the Adinkras powers in his veins.

"With the Winchester's soul gone we'll start picking the kings off one right after another. The more you kill, the more I'll pay you. The more powerful you'll get."

Mammon's eyes shone in the pale light of the silver moon above, "Sounds good to me, Bernie!"

"Bernard, and I'm leaving this in your capable hands," The man known as Bernard turned on his heels now making his way down the path of the home and towards a car that was settled in front of the gates with a sharp faced male in the driver's seat.

"Bring Danjal inside," Mammon ordered his lackeys, "I want Ancitif to see me slaughter him, see the only person who cares about him to die because of him,"

Robin thought he'd feel fear, regret, maybe he'd run. But instead, a hot anger rose through his veins in a way he never felt before. He didn't understand why Mammon hated him so much, why the demon was insistent on tormenting him even before he ripped out his tooth. Mammon's constant presence in his life was starting to piss the archer off, not only did he beat on the small king from day one of his creation but now he was going after Danjal. Robin narrowed his eyes, turning on his heels and starting to hoist himself up the side of the building. His mind went blank as instinct powered through him, he didn't know what he was doing, but he knew he wasn't going to let them kill his friend.

The stony wall was easy to climb, he could hear Mammon and the others shuffling below before entering the home. Shouting something but he didn't care to listen, Norma was at the back of his mind as the archer climbed up the side of the house. Pulling out an arrow and stabbing it into the side of the wall beside the closed window of one of the bedrooms, putting some of his weight on the arrow as he pulled the window open. Slipping inside soundlessly, he was in Donnies room. Glancing around a few times until his eyes settled on the other arrows the wolf had been making before they ran out, the demon slunk his way quiet as a mouse towards them. He didn't know what they did but if they could hurt the demon's he'd take them.

The tips of the arrows are all different, bright blues and yellows of different shades. Collecting them quickly in his bag as he made for the door. Pausing, his eyes danced over a few of the papers on the wall before looking down at a pair of boots, swallowing hard. All of these things he was grabbing were experimental but the sounds of Mammon calling his name and pushing in bedroom doors caused his brain not to settle on this. With a few quick movements he tossed his shoes to the floor, pulling on the boots. They were a little large on him, the top of the shoes had a large buckle that hummed and snapped closed around Robin's leg. Holding it tight into position to prevent the boot from falling. The bottom's made of bright metal, large circular holes on the underside and a couple wires reached to the back of the shoe, connecting to a metal cylinder hooked into the back.

"Oh Ancitif, your boyfriend is about to get his head chopped off. Don't you want to see?" Mammon sang out, only a few doors away. He heard the door beside the room being blown in by someone, pulling one of the arrows out and loading it. He took in a few deep breaths as he held the arrow up, ready to shoot. Ready to fight. The tip of the arrow was a vivid blue purple, with the words 'poison' written on the side. He didn't know what it would do, but something deep in his core told him to use it.

The light from under the door was blocked as Mammon stood in front of it, the wood was kicked open by a massive man. Robin had never seen someone so big, dotted fur flashed over the man's face. Werewolf.

Mammon smiled as he spotted Robin only for the smile to die as the archer shot! The arrow would have hit the demon dead in the face if the werewolf hadn't been quick. Putting a pawed hand in front of Mammon's face, the arrow lodged itself into the wolf's thick paw pad.

"Nice shot," Mammon scoffed, the arrow beeped once before gas flowed from it. The werewolf yelped in shock, grabbing the arrow and trying to yank it out. Mammon coughed as bright purple fog came billowing out of the arrows head,

"Get rid of it!" Mammon shouted

"I can't!!" The wolf yelped, "It's stuck!" he tugged at it hard, only for the end to snap off in his hand.

Robin took this change to run, the metal on the bottom of the boots clanked with every step. Mammon gasped as Robin ducked past him and leapt from the second floor, landing hard beside Danjal who had his face beaten in, his arms tied back with blessed ropes, looking hardly awake. Blood oozed from a large mark on his head, his eyes black and blue.

"Robin! Run!" Danjal coughed out, Robin held up the arrow as Mammon's group looked at him in shock. He'd landed directly in the middle of them, his boots let out a soft whine and click with every move.

"Get him!" Mammon shouted out, spitting as he spoke and racing his way away from the coughing werewolf who had collapsed to the floor from breathing in the fumes. The Adinkra around Robin's neck glowed softly as the demons surrounded him.

He sniffled softly, blood rolled down his nose as he held up the arrow and shot. The demons parted as the arrow whizzed past their heads but Robin didn't stop, he leapt on Danjal and shot again and again. The sudden rain of arrows split apart the creatures who all screamed to one another in panic as they got shot and hit with the sharp weapons. Mammon raced towards them with anger in his gaze.

"Enough!" He shouted, shooting a blast of pitch black lightning from his fingertips. Pain exploded through Robin as he was tossed to the floor from the hit. Groaning painfully as his body twitched from the electricity that surged through his bones, Mammon seemed out of breath as he made his way slowly now to the fallen king. He stood over him, grinning wickedly. His frizzy hair messily gracing his shoulders, his animal-like movements sent a wave of anxiety through Robin.

"I can't wait to kill you," He laughed, turning attention to his lackeys with a grin. "Pull the arrows out of your stupid bodies and let's kill Danjal," He ordered.

Robin twitched a few more times, Norma stuck her head out from the kitchen.

"Do you boys need anything?" She called, Mammon glanced at his friends and at Norma with a confused look in his eyes.

"Uh, martini?" He said with a laugh, she smiled wide and nodded, vanishing back into the kitchen.

"Man, I know why you came here! This place is great!" Mammon laughed, slamming his steel toed shoe into Robin's stomach making the king yowl in pain, spitting blood as he did so.

"Did you really think you were worthy to be king?" Mammon snorted out, getting down close to the other so he could speak into his ear, "You get a nice hair cut and suddenly you're no longer some drugged out, pathetic excuse for a demon?"

"Fuck you!" Danjal snarled out, causing Mammon to turn to him. Another large werewolf slammed a claws hand into the others back, bright red blood flowed causing Danjal to grunt in agony.

"And you, you had it good! And you had to come here and be reformed," Mammon tisked the other, sitting down on the hardwood floor in front of the large demon.

"Even when you were reformed, you were kind of a bad ass. Then he came along," The demon spat this at Robin, "suddenly you're soft? What happened to that old Danjal, the one who beat you if you cried, the one who helped me in dog fights, don't tell me you changed to be with some scum of hell like Ancitif,"

Danjal didn't answer, looking away from Mammon. Robin could see regret flash over the others face but he wasn't sure if it was regret he left behind his old life with Mammon or regret that he'd done such horrible things. Robin felt his limbs starting to move again, his mind worked overtime as Mammon spoke.

"Don't tell me," Mammon laughed, causing his friends to laugh too. Norma trotted from the kitchen a few seconds later, handing Mammon a large martini causing the demon to smile and thank her with a wink. She giggled before making her way back in the kitchen,

"You're his Lion heart, and since Faith picked you-- let me guess, you're in love with Robin"

The word came off mocking, causing Danjal to flinch

"Fuck off, I aint in love with nobody," Danjal snarled out

Robin looked at Mammon in horror, his heart skipped a few beats but he said nothing, he shut his eyes tight. He had to think of something he--

"You're just angry he'd rather be with me than with you," Robin spat out, Mammon's eye twitched. Rage caused the demon's hair to prickle, turning his head incredibly slowly to face Robin. Eyes vibrant red as he looked down at the archer, his lips pulled back into a snarl.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Mammon spat out, getting to his feet and placing the drink on the coffee table. He stood over Robin now,

"Torture him," Mammon hissed to his friends, nodding at Robin. One of the men grabbed him and Robin reacted, it was the perfect opportunity.

The boot let out a hum as the archer smashed it into the creature's face, the large vampire let out a yowl of agony as he stumbled backwards. Blood poured down his broken nose, his chin slightly eschew.

"Fucking get him!" Mammon barked, Robin rolled to his feet. Pulling out an arrow as a few more creatures came down upon him, he shot downwards. It lodged itself into the floor. The arrow beeped loudly, small wings flashed from Robin's back as he took into the air before anyone could say anything. The pitch black wings shimmered as the arrow exploded, causing the creatures to roar in agony.

Mammon shot a few bolts of black lightning at Robin who flew through the air easily avoiding them, he shot an arrow at Mammon who let out a loud painful roar as the tip met his shoulder.

"Oh I'm going to rip you apart," Mammon snarled out, ripping the arrow from his shoulder. Blood sprayed from him as his hands sparked bright, shooting more electricity at the smaller demon. Robin flew through the air and out of the room, into the tv room where Norma sat on the couch, watching her show with a drink in hand. Her legs crossed over one another in a relaxed pose. Robin ignored her as Mammon raced after him, shooting bolts of electricity at the man.

"Stop fucking moving! You worthless piece of shit!" Mammon shouted out in rage as Robin exploded out of the back door and started to glide around the home. Mammon ran after him, shooting electricity from his fingertips as he went.

"Get back here!" He spat, wings ripped from the man's denim jacket. They were large, the feathers a deep purple that looked almost black as he took into the air after the archer. Robin yelped in pain as the man collided with him, grabbing him and throwing him to the ground. agony rolled through Robin's system as he hit the floor, leaving a large intent.

Mammon landed beside him, grabbing him by the collar of his yellow hoodie and hoisting him up. He landed a hard punch to the other's face before tossing him hard into a large oak tree. Robin fell to the ground, shakily reaching for another arrow just to have the demon step on his head and shove it into the dirt.

"You'll never be anything!" Mammon spat, "You'll never be a king! You'll never be with Danjal, you'll never save anyone like that pathetic excuse for an angel wants you too. Faith was an idiot and a coward!"

Pain flooded over him as the other pressed weight down on Robin's skull, tears running down the archer's face. Mammon pulled his foot off, grabbing Robin again and smashing him into the tree so hard it shook. His hands around Robin's throat, squeezing tight causing the archer to gag for air. Hot pain flooded his throat, his lungs screaming for a breath as he struggled.

"I'm going to watch the life drain from your eyes, then I'm going to take that Adinkra and use it's powers properly," He hissed, Robin forced his mind to fall blank, chasing away the panic of dying as he glaring through the tears,

"You forgot something," Robin gasped out,

"What's that?" Mammon asked with a glitter of laughter in his gaze.

"When you're at the lowest points in your life that's when you learn the most," He whispered, without giving Mammon a chance to reply he pressed one of the boots to the other's waist with the last few breaths in his system.


The boot let out a whine before the bottom exploded, sending Mammon yowling backwards. The boots exploded a few more times, hot fire flowed from under them sending Robin into the air. He gasped as his lungs drank in oxygen, landing on the floor and racing towards the house. His mind is only on one thing, save Danjal.

Mammon shouted after him, clawing his way to his feet. Robin didn't listen as he tore his way through the door, Mammon's friends were slowly picking themselves up. He noticed a few were missing but silently wondered if they had retreated. Before any of them could react he pulled an arrow out, shooting. A silver arrow slammed into the werewolves chest causing him to howl out as blood pooled from his mouth and he collapsed, flinching at the others death he turned on the vampire.

The large vampire hissed at him, leaping forward with large, sharp, shark-like teeth extended. Robin was fully focused as he shot, the arrow entered the beast's mouth and flew out, smacking into the wall. Blood covered the arrow as the vampire stared at him in horror, collapsing to the ground. He could see through the small hole in the back of the man's head. Danjal let out a cheer, Robin gasped as someone grabbed him from the back.

"Fucking hell!" Mammon spat as he entered the home, "I've never seen you fucking fight," The demon laughed,

"Boom!" Robin shouted, pushing his feet to the other behind him. The explosion caused the large man to yelp out in agony, shooting the archer forward towards another large built demon. Her eyes flooded with shock as Robin smashed into her at full force, the pair slammed into the wall. Knocking the wind out of her as she fell to the floor. Robin turned quickly, panting as he didnt so. Now it was just him and Mammon, the man looked horrified for a heart beat before getting into position.

His hands sparked with electricity, causing his long hair to stick up on his head. But he didn't shoot at Robin, instead, the electricity slammed into Danjal who screamed out in pure agony. Robin gasped as he watched the demon attempting to kill his Lionheart.

The Adinka let out an angry hum, Robin shut his eyes tight and when he opened them the blue had turned to a vivid gold.

"Don't you fucking touch him!" Robin roared, pulling an arrow out holding it up. Wind kicked under his feet, a few of his black feathers fell to the floor. The tips had been painted a soft gold.

Mammon stopped and smiled up at Robin only to freeze, hot fear flooded his gaze as the archer shot one of Donnie's arrows. The tip of the arrow turned to bright, vivid golden light that showered the floor in glitter, the power of the arrow zipping through the air blasted the drink off the table as the tip slammed into Mammon's chest. The demon shouted in pure agony, grace entered his system, he looked at his chest in horror. The arrow stuck out of his pecks, right beside his heart.

Black blood rolled down his dirty white tank top, dripping to the floor as Mammon took in panicked breaths, the man's veins popped out of his face and turned to gold causing him to scream once more in agony before the arrow beeped a few times and exploded. Robin flinched as blood splashed over his face and onto the floor, Mammon went to his knees before colliding to the floor in a heap. A large hole in his chest, golden light covered the wound. Robin hesitated before walking over to the other and looking down at him.

He leaned down as Mammon fought to stay alive, but the ability to heal had been suppressed due to the darkness's side effects.

"I don't understand why you hate me," Robin whispered, "But you don't deserve to suffer,"

With that, the archer stood up and pulled out an arrow. He held it out and shot, the arrow went through the man's skull causing him to shutter, gasp and die. His head fell to the side and he was gone. The remaining creatures that still lived rapidly scrambled from the home, but Robin made no movement to go after them as he stared down at Mammon's body. The archer stooped down, reaching into the man's back pocket and pulling out his wallet. He flipped open the brown leather to a large stack of money, grinning to himself.

"Robin," Danjal whispered, Robin blinked away his thoughts before looking towards his friend. He quickly rushed to the man, using the tip of one of his arrows to break the blessed ropes that had been used to keep the other from moving. He paused, silently wondering how he had even been able to grab the ropes but he shoved this from his thoughts.

"That...was amazing," Danjal murmured as he rolled to sit up. Rubbing his wrists, large rope burns covered his arms. Robin let out a soft sob, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I-I killed...a few of them,"

Danjal put a hand on his shoulder before tugging him into his arms, hugging him tight.

"But you saved my life, here...I thought I'd be saving you," He let the smaller man go, Robin rubbed his eyes and glanced around him at the destruction

"I...should have listened to you about it being a trap," Danjal admitted, rubbing his sore head as he did so. "They caught me off guard," He chuckled.

Robin nodded numbly to him, getting to his feet and rubbing the tears from his eyes.

"What happened to the other ones?" Danjal asked, getting to his feet shakily.

"Other ones?" Robin asked,

"Yeah, they followed you and Mammon outside. Did you beat them too?"

"No, I...didn't see anyone else outside,"

"Boys!" Norma sang as she hopped back in, "I am going to head to bed, Dinner's ready! Help yourselves," she walked over a few of the corpses on her floor, the bottom of her apron falling into the blood of the dead. Humming to herself as she went before making way up the stairs and into one of the rooms that Mammon had broken into. Closing the door behind her without another word.

Robin and Danjal glanced at one another before laughing, it was laughter that Robin needed as he and Danjal made for the kitchen

"Let's get cleaned up, I--"

"What the hell?"

Both men stopped and glanced towards Baal who had just entered the home, he was missing one of his brass knuckles and the other was covered in black blood.

"You have a party without me, Danny?" Baal asked with disbelief on his features, making his way past the bodies on the floor.

"Something like that," Danjal laughed, "Robin saved my ass,"

Robin looked down at his feet at the praise, feeling his face heat up.

"Oh yeah?" Baal placed a hand on Robin's shoulder with a smile, "Can really kick ass for your size, can'tcha?"

Robin smiled up at the other, "Where's...Abel?" He whispered, Baal's smile fell.

"I was able to get Arphaxat's connection with Abel broken, unfortunately, I couldn't save his soul."