
Supernatural: Dark Rapture

Two hunters saved the world from the Apocalypse, or did they? In this gripping new view on the world of supernatural you follow Abel Winchester, a transgender baseball player, who has been specifically picked by God to team up with their strongest archangel and take on the dangerous evils of the world. A darkness has started to eat the earth from the core turning the Supernatural stronger, the world weaker and bringing the hunting world to it's knees. It's up to inexperienced hunter Abel Winchester and his partner, an archangel of love and war, to save the world from the every ominous darkness, find the secret behind a thousand year old prophecy and under an odd amulet with the power of angels grace. In this thrilling new take on Supernatural, join the hunter and be born again in a world of terror. Faceclaims/Art for these characters can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fe4z_TcsDp76HUKKCEGmWDyeev97vlrwkLIzRgJTLgM/edit?usp=sharing

JonahWinchester · TV
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62 Chs

Chapter 50: Pure Love

Mishka's eyes opened to the waking world, her head pounded as she looked up at the ceiling of her car. Warm, watery sunlight covered the grey fabric that surrounded her, the sky above a cool blue with fluffy white clouds dotting its vast depth. She struggled to sit up, her back hurt, her stomach felt nauseous from the memories of the night before. She had debated on going to Norma's but felt far too angry at her friends, parking in a rest spot for the night though her dreams were plagued with images of Eve's corpse she got some sleep.

The thought of the body caused nausea to rise from her stomach to her throat, she scrambled around a bit in the back seat as she grabbed the door handle and swung it open. The air was already warm as summer threatened to collide over spring early, she vomited to the floor with a moan. Her least favorite feeling in the world, on top of having to physically see someone getting sick and upchucking their guts.

"Fuck," She whispered, spitting a few times and glancing around her. The truck stop was mostly empty aside from a few large freight cars.

"I better not be getting sick," She hissed to herself as she stepped into the waking world. It was incredibly early in the morning but this didn't bother her, her only thoughts on Cain. She had to find him somehow, groaning inwardly she knew she'd have to go back to Norma's eventually to get help from her friends. She shoved her hands into her pocket, pulling out a vile of herbs and debating on posting about them somewhere but decided against it. If someone saw it that wasn't on their side it could make her a target.

The lionheart turned on her heels, climbing back into the front of the car with a groan. She raced through the messages on her phone but ultimately ignored everyone, pulling up her mothers contact information and hitting the call button. She placed her cell on the popsocket holder that was jammed into the vent, leaning back against the seat as another wave of nausea passed through her. She'd been feeling sickly the past few days but thought nothing of it, it wasn't uncommon for her to get a stomach bug, especially when she got stressed out.

"Mishka!" Her mom said with a warmth in her voice, "Is your boyfriend coming down?"

"No mom, I-- need to confess something to you," She sighed, knowing she had to include everything that was happening. She could no longer hide it.


Cain's eyes fluttered open to the brightness of the sun, he groaned inwardly as pain shuttered through his being. Sitting up, the rancid smell of rotting flesh nearly made him pass out. The buzzing of bugs was suddenly apparent as he looked around the large hotel room. He couldn't remember anything after Mishka had come into his room, the rest was blank.

"Mishka," He whispered, pulling himself out of the bed. He still wore his clothes from the day before, drenched in his mothers blood which caused him to gag, ripping his shirt off and tossing it to the floor. He only had one thing on his mind, he had to find his girlfriend and figure out what happened. The king rubbed his eyes, blinking against the tunnel vision that floated in his gaze, he placed a hand on his wrist to check his pulse but it wasn't rapid. He didn't feel dizzy, just a light headache, so why did he have tunnel vision?

He made for the drawers on the other side of the room, hoping there were some form of clothes. His eyes ran from the suit cases that lined the floor to the extra bed on the other side of him, he moaned as he tried to force out his memories. Grabbing one of the drawers and yanking it open, he was shocked to see someone's clothes had been placed neatly inside.

As he took a few steps back, pulling a shirt on only to freeze, bright red blood covered the floor near the bathroom. His instinct kicked in, taking a few steps towards the blood only for his eye to catch the movement of flies near a small couch that was settled in front of a large flat screen. His heart stopped as he turned to look at his mothers corpse, the flesh was starting to rot and fold in on itself. He gagged, taking a few steps away as memories of her death surged over his body.

"Fuck, I need to call Abel," He whispered, fishing into his phone to call his brother. His mind was clearer now than it had been in days, he had to call his brother he--

"What are you doing?" Cherm growled, Cain stopped just before hitting the call button. He glared at the shadow, Cherm wasn't his friend.

"Calling my brother," He spat at the creature that started to circle him, its large, thorn-like fingers raced over Cain's shoulder.

"He killed her," The shadow whispered, Cain shook his head, "I need to get it from his side, that's what Mi--" turning away from the monster only to drop his phone to the floor in shock. Sitting by the bathroom was a couple, they had been mercilessly slaughtered with blood drenched on the tiled floor. Cain glanced down at his hands, he hadn't noticed the new blood that stained the skin. He started to shake violently as panic took control,

"Mishka," He whispered as tears threatened to fall, going down to grab his phone.

"I-I nee--"

Cherm roared angrily at him, "You've made the wrong choice!" Cain didn't feel the beast enter his body but he heard a loud pop, hiss and the tunnel vision closed in on him.

Cain yelled out in fear as he was tossed into the darkness of his mind, landing with a painful groan as his back hit the floor. The cold, wetness of water soaking into his clothes caused him to scramble upwards. He panted as he glanced around him in shock, he was standing in the middle of a forest. The tree's were large, towering high with branches, vines and bramble scattered chaotically around him. He glanced down at his outfit, it was his usual doctor's coat with the heavy metal logo written over his holly green shirt.

"At least I'm not wearing that guy's shirt," He whispered, the air was cold and howled loudly. A storm growled overhead but no rain fell as lightning stabbed into the sky,

"Where am I?" He whispered out loud, one second he was in the motel room with Cherm and the next he stood in a swampy forest with water up to his ankles. The liquid seemed to touch every inch of the space around him, the lack of animal noises sent shivers into his bones as he started to slosh forward through the muddy waters below.

"Cherm?" Cain called out, he walked for what felt like days but could have only been a few hours. The forest went on forever, the water didn't dip nor change as he moved.

The doctor sat down on a tree that dipped into the water below with long, angry looking branches. Poison ivy rolled over the trunk which Cain did his best to avoid touching. His eyes burned with exhaustion, his mind raced with thought. He had never seen such a dense, messy forest in his life! Vines covered so much of the tree tops that the storm clouds above couldn't be seen through the leaves. Poison ivy rolled angrily against nearly every branch of every tree, thorny bramble bushes stuck out randomly from the water and vibrant red berries dotted the undergrowth.

His shoulders slumped as he attempted to figure out what to do. His eyes moved from his feet to the path he'd been following. The sound of a high pitch squeal caused him to jump up, water splashing onto his pants and soaking him.

"Hello?" He shouted out, his voice echoed through the forest but no noise followed. The doctor took in a few breaths before picking his way towards where he thought the sound was coming from. The closer he got the more noise he heard, something was sloshing around wildly as if in a panic. He pushed his way through the thick vines until he came to a white hare, it was sitting on the only patch of dry land that Cain had seen. A small section that stuck out of the water like a tiny hill.

The rabbit's foot was caught in a glittering, metal trap with sharp teeth studded into the animal's back leg. The rabbit twisted, turned and threw itself forward, splashing into the water as it attempted to escape.

"A...hare?" Cain whispered, at first he thought to leave it. It was trapped, bleeding, it could cause predators to find him. That is, if there were any. He hadn't seen anything but the rabbit, turning away he sighed. He wasn't hungry so the idea of killing and eating it didn't occur to him, but something stopped his feet from moving.

If Mishka was here she'd help it, no questions asked. Cain turned back to the rabbit, making his way to the small creature and grabbing it with a hand. It clawed at him, scratching his arm lightly causing the doctor to hiss in anger.

"Fine, maybe you don't want help!" He growled out, glaring at the blood that trickled down his arm. The rabbit stopped moving now, it stared at him with wide, fearful eyes. The doctor felt the need to storm off, get angry at the animal but something in him wasn't angry anymore. Something in him knew that the rabbit was probably afraid, much like he was. The man hesitated, reaching forward again with his other hand and placing it on the hare. It stiffened, he could feel its heart beating rapidly against its chest.

"It's...okay," Cain said, recalling the way Abel talked to animals whenever he saw them, "Uh, I'm...Cain," He whispered as he grabbed the hunters trap and pushed on the small button to unlatch it.

"And I'm trying to help you,"

The rabbit didn't move as the doctor removed his hand from it, grabbing both ends of the spiky trap and yanking. A few shots of pain in his palms from the sharp spikes that lined it, he knew it wasn't the correct way to open them but he had never had to open one before. Recalling a few old cartoons he'd seen with the traps for reference as it let out a whine and opened. The hare pulled its leg out, placing it tentatively on the floor only to scream out in pain again, Cain dropped the trap and stood up.

"Your free! Now go...home, I guess," He said to the animal, waving a hand at it. The rabbit kept its leg up, staring at Cain with wide eyes. Cain hesitated, looking around him in confusion as if he expected to see its family hopping to inspect their fallen comrade.

"You can go, stupid rabbit," Cain grumbled, turning on his heels now so he didn't have to look at its face and starting to slosh his way into the water. If this small spot was dry, maybe he could find a bigger dry spot and finally get some much needed rest. His thoughts faded at the sound of someone sloshing in the muck behind him, he turned to see the rabbit.

Before, the water had been at his ankles but now that he looked at the white hare he noticed the water had gone down half an inch. The hare held its leg out of the water, wobbling towards Cain with blood flowing from its open wound.

"No," Cain hissed, "I helped you out of the trap! You need to fend for yourself now,"

The rabbit stopped in front of Cain, looking up at him with wide brown eyes.

"Stupid," Cain growled, only for the anger to falter. He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, how could this rabbit possibly survive now? He didn't think of that, he had assumed the rabbit would lick its wounds or something and move on but the large cut was huge and bleeding badly. Cain sighed, leaning back down and picking the creature up and into his arms.

The rabbit didn't fight him, nuzzling into his white lab coat the doctor glanced around for something to patch the animal's leg up. He raked the area he was in for anything that could be used, large leaves, cobwebs, he'd even take trash at this point if it wasn't too dirty. The doctor held the rabbit close, using the bottom of his lab coat to put pressure on the leg, attempting to stop the bleeding as he walked forward through the water.

"If I can't stop your bleeding you're going to die and I'll have to eat you," Cain said to the animal, it blinked at him tilting its head. He gave the rabbit a small smile, it was completely relaxed in his arms like a cat.

Cain walked a short time longer, the bleeding still continued. His white coat drenched in blood, he didn't know how the rabbit was losing so much blood and still alive but he didn't want to question it. That's when he spotted yellow among the brambles, sitting on another small hill was a single Aspilia bush. He recalled Amaryllis using the leaves to patch up a small cut on his leg when they were children. It was surrounded by large, angry brambles but if he didn't get the leaves the rabbit would surely die.

With an annoyed sigh he made for the brushes, the aspilia was a little out of his reach. Stepping out of the water he leaned against the brambles hoping to grab at some of the bright green in the dark colored forest. The thorns of the bush dug into his chest causing him to pull away.

He sighed, sitting down on the floor and staring at the bush. He glanced down to the Adinkra around his neck, it's vivid golden color had turned to black.

"Great," He whispered.


"Good morning, sunshine," A voice said, "It's time to wake up and feel like shit,"

Abel groaned inwardly, the sudden voice shook him from the deep sleep he had been in. The voice was familiar but he couldn't place it, his stomach felt unnaturally empty and burned as if it were full of acid. His eyes slowly opened to the hospital around him, the soft beeping of a heart monitor, the stench of disinfectant. It was all overwhelming for a heartbeat until his eyes landed on the curly haired man in front of him.

"Booker?" Abel whispered, glancing around himself now. He was in a small room, it was incredibly early in the morning. The sun was just touching the sky line, sending ripples of brilliant light onto the floor of the white hospital.

He glanced past the other and towards the glass door, he could see Chamuel asleep in a chair that was pushed decently close to the door. The blonde had obviously not moved since coming to the hospital, his head against the wall, snoring softly. Abel's heart monitor beeped half a pace faster upon seeing the blonde before he dragged his attention back to the brunette in front of him.

"What...happened? Why are you here?" Abel asked

"I work here," Booker snorted, "What? You thought you saw the last of me?"

"I thought you worked at an office," Abel groaned, slowly pulling himself up. The doctor didn't stop him, watching with a glint in their gaze.

"I use to, I was just stoppin' by to get my tax shit when all that went down," Booker snorted, leaning against the wall beside the bed. Hands in their long lab coat as they continued talking, "I'm a student here, at least, for the doctor part. I also work part time in the pharmacy. Heard they brought that Winchester guy in for a stomach pump so I thought I'd come by and have a chat,"

"Stomach pump…" Abel murmured, his mind putting the puzzle pieces together rapidly until it all flowed over his system again.

"Fuck...my soul," He whispered, glancing down at the Adinkra around his neck, its vivid gold was dulled, old looking which caused his heart to beak.

"Yeah well, you died apparently. But by some miracle you survived," They said with a shrug, holding out the clipboard and handing it to Abel who flipped through the pages. Eyes danced over the drugs that had been pumping out of his body.

"You've been out for like two years,"

Abel glanced at the other with wide eyes, "Two Years?"

"Naw just two days, Better than big nose bob down the hallway, guys been out for at least a month!"

"Big nose Bob?"

"I know it sounds like I'm being a dick but that's literally what's written in his chart," Booker snorted, "Anyways, I gotta go to my shift. But I thought I'd try again to wake you,"


"Oh yeah, and your boy-- husband? Had been out there since he brought you in." Booker whistled at this.

"Can you...ask him to come in here?" Abel murmured, eyes moving to Chamuel and back to Booker.

"I can't, if they see him in here before they give the okay I'm dead," Booker turned on their heels, making for the glass door. They used the card attached to their lab coat to beep open the door, their voice getting louder,

"It's a good thing you're awake, Abel!" They said as the door opened, Chamuel blinked a few times as he woke.

"Hopefully no one uses my-- careless way I open doors to get inside before visiting hours," Booker wailed out dramatically, shoving the door hard causing it to fly back and smack softly into the wall. Booker walked out of the room with their hands out dramatically.

"Before the door closes," Booker snorted at the confused angel, Chamuel seemed to catch the others' drift leaping to his feet; he practically ran into the room. Abel smiled bright as the angel went to him, immediately hugging the hunter with a soft sob. Abel laughed as he wrapped his arms around the blonde, burying his face into the man's chest and breathing in deep.

"They said you died!" Chamuel sobbed, pushing his face into the other's hair. Abel nuzzled himself into the blonde's neck with a happy sigh as he relaxed himself in Chamuels arms. His heart monitor beeping rapidly as they held one another. The sticky heat that dripped through his body like warm honey sent joy surging into his system.

"I'm so sorry," Abel choked out, tears bit into his eyes, Chamuel shushed him.

"No, no I'm sorry," He whispered, "Abel we really need to talk I need to talk-- I-- I need to just tell you everything,"

Abel sniffled softly, pulling away from the other and looking at him with tired, wide eyes.

"Cham...I...don't have a soul anymore, I just doomed everyone," Abel murmured. Chamuel pulled a chair up, letting the man go and sitting down beside him. His warm blue gaze didn't hold a hint of anger,

"Abel...you don't need that Adinkra's powers to save this world," Chamuel whispered, Abel's thoughts went back to Baal.

"You got love," Chamuel whispered, slowly taking the man's hand in his own. Abel's heart monitor beat faster as the angel laced their fingers together.

"Abel, I need to say all of this," He whispered, "I should have done this ages ago, but you have to promise not to interrupt. No...jokes, no comments,"

Abel rubbed his tired, throbbing head before nodding at the man.

"I promise," He whispered,

"No interruptions?"

"Do you trust me?"


Chamuel smiled wide, letting the other's hand go and resting his arms and head on the bed. Looking up at Abel with a look the hunter couldn't get enough of. With every breath, he felt joy, with every movement of his body the hunter only felt love. It flowed through him like a river, love for the angel, for his friends, for the world. This moment Abel knew, as he listened to Chamuel's story, he could save everyone because he wasn't alone. He had never been alone or unwanted.

"When I first...met you, Abel," Chamuel started, "You walked out without a shirt, your eyes were wine red, you smelled like skunk and your hair was like a bird laid a nest on your head,"

Abel grinned at this, running his fingers through his hair subconsciously, "That second, the split second, I had fallen in love with you,"

Abel's heart stopped, Chamuel didn't break his eye contact as he whispered out the words Abel had been dying to hear.

"I...was caught off guard but I played it cool, you know...or I tried. But I don't know, you just grew on me. Maybe because I knew you'd help me change, made me want to not be afraid,"

Chamuel blinked a few times, placing a hand on the brunette's arm. Letting his thumb move over the few dark birthmarks on the other's pale skin.

"That day we almost kissed, God, I wanted to kiss you. That's all I wanted was to kiss you, in that beautiful light...but earlier, Uriel...he told me if I fell in love with you...if War did, it could mean the end. That War would...go crazy! But, that was a lie I wish I figured out sooner. Because all you do is make War calm, without your love War would go crazy." He chuckled softly, feeling his face burn up,

"I thought 'this is just a crush! I'll get over it' but it just got worse. You...were all I thought about, all I talked about, you it was all you! Before I knew it it was too late. I had to tell you, I denounced God, I planned to tell you but-- Israfil and me, we had this talk. I was worried...that this feeling was my vessels,"


Chamuel nodded at this, glancing back to the door to make sure no one had come running while he wasn't paying attention. He swallowed hard when he noticed Bailey had taken the chair he was sitting on. Giving him a thumbs up, she had talked him through it all the past two days while Abel was out. Helping him plot exactly what to say while also scolding him for not discussing everything with them.

Chamuel turned his head back to the other, "and then Christmas happened, Abel I haven't stopped thinking about that night since it happened. I'm-- so mad at myself I should have just dropped everything. Not cared. But I just couldn't let it go. The day...where you showed me how to play Baseball? That's one of the best days of my life," he whispered softly, "But even then, I...I knew I was in love with you. I knew nothing could change that! But I just couldn't stop the voice in my head. that is...until something amazing happened,"

He shook his head, feeling his face burn.

"I-- met this being," Chamuel reached into his pocket, pulling out the small vial with brilliant blue liquid inside. It shone vividly in the morning sunlight.

"What...is that?"

"A soul...Jedidiah's soul,"

Abels eyes grew wide as moons as he slowly reached forward, taking the cold glass out of the others hand. The parts of the vial without the soul were cold to the touch while the parts that held the light were warm.

"What...does this mean?"

Chamuel took in a few breaths as he tried to keep his tears from falling, Abel reached forward with a free hand and put his hand on the side of the other's head. Softly running his fingers through his blonde locks, a tear of joy rolled down the angel's cheek as he leaned into the touch.

"That...my feelings...are mine," He whispered, "I need to release it at one of Faiths Altars,"

Abel moved his gaze from Chamuel to the bottle in his hand and back up, Chamuel stood from the chair. He put his hands on Abel's cheeks,

"What'll happen to your vessel when you go back?" Abel whispered, his voice soft. Chamuel could feel the fear pumping off him, it was odd to feel the others emotions. Love's grace had been taken over, yet, he could feel the hunter's emotions again.

"I'm not going back," Chamuel whispered, Abel put a hand over the others and nuzzled into the touch, "I'm going to stay here...if this whole war ends, and we didn't die, I'll be with you till the end, hell! I'll be with you if the world does end! If we die, we die together,"

Abel felt a tear roll down his cheeks as Chamuel leaned forward and pressed his lips against the others. The heart monitor beeped wildly as they kissed, Abel wrapped his arms around the others neck and pulled him closer.

"I love you, Abel Winchester," Chamuel whispered against the other's lip.

Bailey shouted something but neither of them heard it, Abel smiled wide.

"I love you too, Chamuel," He whispered, rolling his fingers through the others golden locks as Chamuel kissed him again. The sound of the door being tossed open and a security guard raced up to the two. Abel blinked in shock as the other was yanked away from him,

"We told you about visiting hours already!" The security guard barked but Chamuel was not listening, his smile wide as he was dragged from the room. Not taking his eyes off Abel as he waved to the man, Abel chuckled to himself, his smile lighting up his face as he returned the wave. He watched Bailey argue loudly with the security officer while Baal poked his head around the corner and waved at Abel, giving him a thumbs up.

Abel laughed at this, letting his head fall back on the pillow. A few nurses came racing in to check on him, the man brushed them off with a grin,

"Just-- kissing my husband," Abel chuckled, his eyes not leaving Chamuel as they were escorted out of the hospital.

"He makes my heart do that," The hunter whispered, one of the nurses gave him a smile before they went about checking his vitals and blood pressure. Abel felt lighter than air as they started to make small talk to the hunter, making sure he was coherent.


Cain placed the rabbit down on the floor, tugging off his white lab coat and making a small nest with it before placing the bunny in the middle of the fabric. He let out a sigh, pushing himself into the brambles. Their sharp points dug into the man's skin, tearing at the slayer's shirt on his frame. He reached forward, his hands grazed the green shrubs.

"I almost...got it…" He growled, the sound of digging caused the man to freeze. He glanced down at the rabbit. It was digging a hole under the bramble thorns. He pulled himself from the bush and watched the bunny squirm under the thorns. He almost reached forward to stop him but something told him not too, the white hare popped out of the other side. It hopped towards the bush, grabbing a few of the green leaves in its mouth.

"Good girl," Cain whispered, motioning for the bunny to come back to here, "Come here Babs, come on," He murmured.

The rabbit blinked at him, twitched its nose and scrambled back to the doctor. Sliding easily under the thorns, Cain laughed as the rabbit pulled itself out and dropped the herbs. The doctor sat down beside the rabbit.

"I know normal rabbits can't do that," He whispered, "And I know they'd have bled out by now,"

He picked up the animal, laying it in his lap and getting to work using the leaves. He patched the foot of the animal up, tying it down by rolling up a few thin twigs. The bleeding stopped thanks to the herbs and pressure. He let out a sigh, racing his fingers through Bab's fur.

"I guess it's just you and me, huh Babs?" He whispered, collecting his lab coat and getting to his feet. The rabbit squirmed out of his hand and clawed her way up the coat. Sitting on him with incredible balance.

"You...better not be some crazy demon," He whispered as they continued to walk.


Chamuel didn't care that he was being dragged out of the hospital, didn't care about Bailey's ranting to the security guard, didn't care that Baal laughed the entire way! He kissed the man he dreamed about almost every night, told him how he felt which sent a high through him no amount of drugs could do.

"Pay up," Bailey said as they stepped out of the hospital, she held her hand out to Baal who dug into his jacket pocket and dropped a few hundreds in her hands. Huffing to himself,

"You were so close too!" Bailey teased in a sing-song voice.

"Yeah yeah," Baal snorted,

"Were...you two taking bets on me and Abel?" Chamuel asked, looking at the others in shock.

"Uh well, let's say we aren't the only ones in the group," Baal chuckled, Bailey shook her head at this.

The warm sun started to climb up the skies, the angel was hopeful they'd release Abel soon! He needed a warm shower, silently, he also worried about Cain. Mishka had done all but ripped their heads off for what happened,

"How could you just leave him?" She had shouted into the phone, "He's lost his mind! Now I have to find him! You guys have to help,"

"He's evil, why would I--" Bailey had started, causing Mishka to practically growl at her.

"This isn't a book! There's no good or evil! He's a man who was brought up in a weird, confusing and abusive household. He isn't evil, he just needs help,"

Bailey didn't have anything to say to this as the woman hung up on them. Sam attempted to go and find Cain but his building had been completely leveled, apparently a gas line exploded but Mishka seemed to think it was something else though Chamuel didn't question her. The guilt he felt was immense, they should have talked to Cain but it was difficult to think in such an unusual situation.

"So where's the betting ring on you two getting together?" Chamuel scoffed as he took a seat on the bench outside, Baal's face turned red but Bailey scoffed angrily.

"Uh, nowhere. That'd never happen with us," She waved a hand dismissively at this, Chamuel snorted.

"There's more love than just romance you know," Bailey pointed out, "Just cause we're friends doesn't mean anything would happen!"

Chamuel noted the dejected look on Baal's face, "Except this stuff is directly about romantic love," He replied bluntly, "Something about the Adinkra's and falling in love," He mused, "Makes them stronger,"

Bailey glared at him, "We don't know that," She whispered. He looked at her with a puzzled look on his features but didn't say anything.

"S-So anyways," Baal grumbled, "We cleaned up the bodies from the other night, so whenever Abel's free to go he'll come home to a clean house,"

Chamuel nodded at this, pulling out his phone and glancing through the messages. Since Abel's soul had been taken he noticed a lot of the hate messages had almost completely stopped. The newest comments on their posts, videos and channels had been void of any transphobic remarks. The thought made him shiver, was all this just part of some grander scheme?

The group waited outside for the release of their friend, the hours passed before Chamuel finally got a text message he had been waiting for. The blonde got to his feet, racing back into the hospital with Bailey and Baal not far behind.

"You guys! You can't run!" The security officer shouted as they made for the elevator to get to Abel's room. It whoosed open and standing in the door was Abel and another man with curly hair, his eyes glittered with humor, his long lab coat a little dirty near the bottom.

"Cham!" Abel laughed, Chamuel grinned wide as he and Abel practically collided into one another. The angel wrapped his arms around the man and spun a bit as he held him tight, Chamuel smiled down at the other. Abel laughed lightly at being spun, beaming up at the angel. Chamuel leaned in and kissed his lips, Abel wrapped his arms around the blonde's neck and yanked him closer.

"Hey! No gays in the hallway!" Booker shouted playfully, causing the two to split apart. Abel flipped the doctor off with a grin, "Oh shit!" He pulled away from Chamuel,

"Guys this is Booker," He nodded to his friend, Booker gave them a rock sign and a wink.

"They're-- gonna help us out,"

"Great," Bailey laughed, "You got yourself a boyfriend and us a doctor," She winked playfully at Abel who rolled his eyes at her. Booker rocked on their heels, hands behind their back as they looked between the group.

"I'll meetcha at the address you gave me later?" Booker asked Abel as another doctor started towards them, the older man seemed to be waiting to talk to Booker.

"You betcha, Book," Abel laughed, giving the other a thumbs up as the group turned to leave the hospital. Booker waved them away lazily before following their teacher back into the elevator.

The small group made their way towards the parking lot, chatting on and off. Chamuel felt a rush of warmth as Abel laced his fingers with the others as they moved, talking about the newest member of their team,

"Yeah, Bookers brave as fuck!" he laughed, "Beat a hellhound with a fire--" His words stopped, his phone let out a loud, angry whine.

"That's not my normal ring tone, plus my phones on vibrate," Abel murmured, feeling dread pump into his system as they entered the van. Abel noted the 'unknown number' that flashed against the screen, sharing a look with Chamuel as he answered it. Putting the phone on speaker, Bailey and Baal looking back at the two with curiosity shared between them.

"Hello?" Abel started, the sound of panting could be heard as if the person on the other end had been running a long distance.

"Abel?" He breathed,

"Bodhi?" Abel gasped as recognition rolled through him.

"I'm about to be kidnapped,"

"What? We're are you? Where's Rooster?"

"No time," Bodhi gasped out, "Don't come here. Wait at Normas,"

"How do y--"

"Shut up!" He hissed, "I need to say this fast I--"

The sound of rapid movement could be heard, soft laughter. The man seemed to shuffle the phone a bit, moving himself somewhere else as if he were hiding. The soft huff of a horse could be heard,

"I'm about to be kidnapped, send Robin to The Grotto's," he whispered, "I'm going to be there, you have to find the others like me y--"

The sound of slamming could be heard, the roar of a door being thrown open. He heard Bodhi gasping for air now in panic,

"Leave him alone!" Rooster shouted, the sound of a scuffle could be heard as Bodhi let out a sob.

"Don't please," Bodhi shouted, he dropped the phone and it clacked to the floor loudly, "I love him, please just take me! Please!"

Abel stared at his phone in shock, a chill rolled through his body as the sound of laughter was heard.

"You love him! Pathetic!" a man laughed before the line went dead.

Abel looked at his boyfriend than to his friends, "...What the fuck is 'The Grotto's'?"