
Supernatural crime (Lout of the Counts Family)

Cale wakes up In a city Which is a fantasy cosmopolitan city filled with all kinds of races. However poverty and crime rate are very high. Gang wars and supervillains rule the streets. Our Crimson head simply wants to find a way back to his home without getting involved in crazy sheningans. However is that even possible?

Revinsane · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Where am I?

Ch 1

Cale opened his eyes,a bright shining light fell upon his face making him close his eyes. He opened his eyes again and saw an old fashioned car drive past him.

' A Car?'

Cale's eye widened,

When he tried to move he heard something falling with 'thump'. He looked around and saw that he had tipped over what seemed like a grey and dirty garbage can, the filth inside had scattered everywhere.

Cale wrinkled his nose, he pushed the garbage bags which were lying on top of him and stood up dusting away his clothes with both his hands.

Cale took a long look at his surroundings, he was standing in the corner of a street, it was night time and the streets seemed empty except for an occasional passing car. He was currently standing in some suburb.

Cale walked out of the filthy garbage dump corner into the light of a nearby street lamp, he could see skyscrapers surrounding him with various colours of light from inside shining through thousand of tiny and distant windows.

Someone spoke behind him in an unfriendly tone

", Well, Well what do we have here. What's a rich boy like you doing here so late in the night. Come out the enjoy the city's night life eh,?

Cale turned around to see three men, they were wearing working class clothing and were dressed in shrivled brown pants and and white shirt with an overall.

Cale looked down at his clothing and indeed he was wearing expensive clothing, his clothing was made of fine material and lined with sophisticated embroidery. No wonder theses three men thought he was a rich boy.

Cale noticed a turtle emblem on breast pocket

' The Heintuse Duchy symbol! '

' I am still wearing the clothes I was wearing before I went to sleep in Harris Village'

A pale man with smug grin appeared in front of him and waved his hands in front of his eyes.

"What you're thinking rich boy. No yet sober after drinking?"

One of the other men said

"Stop wasting time Lucias, let's rob him clean quickly!"

"Hey, Hey now there is no hurr—!"

Cale swished his arm forward and a gust of wind slapped the pale man on the face. He was blown of his feet crashing onto his nearby companion.

'My Ancient powers are still working here?'

The fallen men had gotten up and were humming.

"Your one those Mutant ability users

Huh! Well you should just surrender because now you've pissed off the wrong people!"

The pale man's eyes slowly became Red and and his canine become longer. His sling became even paler and claws grew longer.

"Don't ever make a vampire angry Crrrrrr"

The fallen men had gotten up and were growling

"Your one those Mutant ability users

Huh! Well you should have just surrendered because now you've pissed off the wrong people!"

The pale man's slowly become Red and and his canine become longer. His sling became even paler and claws grew longer.

"Don't ever make a vampire angry Crrrrrr"

The vampire lunged at Cale.

The moment his claws were about scratch Cale's neck he saw flash of Rose golden lightning.

Firey lightning bolt had flashed from Cale's hands and pierced the vampire's shoulder and burning it

The vampire screamed

"Ahhhhhhh, sssshhhhh ahhhhh"

He fell to the ground groaning.

The other two men became alert one of them transformed into a dog and other took out a what seemed like a wand.

Cale activated his dominating power.

The dog froze with his tail in between his legs and the man with wand stood still sweat rolling down his temples.

The man with wand shouted at the dog

"We'll attack em together 1, 2 , 3——!"

At the third count the dog beastman who had tucked his tails in between his legs ran away from the group, running into on of the narrow alley ways.

"Wait! Marty— Arrrrrh!"

The man felt his arm being twisted and pressure forcing him to his knees.

Cale was behind the man twisting his hands.

"I suppose your a mage, that dog who ran away was a beast man and one whose shoulder I burnt was a vampire. It's a statement no need to answer this question"

Cale increased the pressure of dominating Aura to 18%.

"Now if you want to leave without getting burnt answer the questions I ask you properly."

Where am I right now?"

The mage looked at him like he mad but answered nonetheless

"Gririch city in the southern suburb"

"What's the name of the country?"

"Republic of Ambrosia!"

Cale frowned he did'n t recognise any of those names.

He needed to gather more information in order to understand his current situation better.

He let go the mage

"Now Get Lost!"


The mage ran to the groaning vampire, used a quick lightness spell and carried the vampire on his shoulder like a rag doll ran away as fast as he could.

Cale simply stared at them before they disappeared in the misty fog of the street

Cale began contemplating his next move when he suddenly felt his vision become hazy. His head was feeling dizzy and he began to stumble of his feet.

'I am feeling the backlash from using my Ancient Powers now!'

His Heart was beating rapidly, his mouth began to taste like Iron and he slowly backed into a wall.

He spat crimson liquid out of his mouth


He supported himself using the wall and slowly walked along the empty street.

Cars which passed did not stop to help him and simply drove past him

He soon heard a car screeching to halt behind him

A voice called out to him in a worried tone

"Hello Mister? you seem to be from a well to family, are you injured?"

Cale slowly turned the cars headlights blaring into his eyes.

He felt his legs give in and collapsed on the ground.

"If all is well I'll be one my way. Watch out—!"

A person rushed towards he could not get a glimpse of their face because of glare of car headlights. Cale did not if the person was man or woman or whatever else.

The person was cursing themselves for their habit of trying to help strangers.

Cale closed his eyes and entered a blissful sleep.

End of ch 1